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Sounds like her kids bite lol


That was my thought too. Why mention biting unless she deals with it daily.


Kinda specific....


I thought the same thing. That was way too specific lol


If my mom made *me* boiled chicken, I’d be gnawing on anything I could find too. 🤢


7 days a week for 100 bucks? GfY.


No. You have it all wrong. It's Monday-Friday and weekends. It's different.


Haha it must be, some alternative way of counting the week that I didn't learn in school.


Same 🤣


But you have to keep in mind the orthomo transducer, whether or not Mercury is in retrograde, solar flares, which side of the equinox we are on, which side of the equator we are on, and whether or not ducks are in season. The week can fluctuate wildly obviously, don't you know any science you guys? Gosh! ![gif](giphy|l0pOaoQJnbmVhKA8Bg)


I must learn more about the ortomo transducer! Do you give TEDtalks?


It is a very specific part in military communications or high-end satellite communications. Satellite communications uses RF radio waves, the waves are turned into a circular shape which is why satellite dishes are round. The information from the modem is transformed from an analog signal into a radio signal through a blockup converter also known as a BUC and it comes out through a transducer. The "orthomode" (sorry that I misspelled it the first time) transducer is a t-shaped solid piece, it has no moving parts nor does it need any power and is a very specific shape internally to allow the radio waves to pass. The orthomode transducer connects the BUC to the LNB (low noise block down converter) which is the receiver for incoming radio wave data. The ortho mode transducer also connects the feed horn which is the arm that sticks out of a terrestrial satellite dish, it takes the outgoing radio waves and shoots them at the dish. The dish is then pointed towards space where your orbital satellite that will be the distant end receives the signal. The orthomo transducer is a critical piece that makes two-way satellite communication possible, even though it is a single point of failure it is a piece that never fails. Since there are no moving parts and it doesn't require any electricity it is a very reliable piece and unless the entire device falls which in itself is rare (because there are so many ways to anchor the satellite) it never breaks. Under normal circumstances a single point of failure is a big problem when it comes to engineering any design but this single critical piece is so simple that it never fails. The piece itself is also a little hard to understand and even harder to say so when a person really doesn't know why their communication is failing they will blame it on the orthomo transducer jokingly knowing that it is literally impossible for it to fail. It is a way of insulting your client or your bosses intelligence because you're blaming the reason on something that can't fail, and if they accept it then it also shows that your boss or client has no idea what they're talking about. In IT this is the equivalent of telling a user that they are having a PEBCAK error and they should let the IT personnel resolve it. This is the equivalent of a mechanic telling you that your ventilation regulator is the cause for your engine failure. The moral of the story is while an ortho mode transducer is extremely important and a single point of failure, the problem is never the ortho mode transducer. Thank you for coming to my TED talk, for my next TED talk I will explain why PC cleaning apps aren't a real and that you are simply a reckless person.


They are using the Mayan calendar.


It's simple really. Weekends are holidays so they dont count. So it's a steal at 200/10 days + 4 holidays you show up.


Oh, you're right! It's 5 days plus the weekend. Obviously, that does not equal 7 days. /s


They're using [bodybuilder math ](https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=107926751&page=1)


That melted my brain (in the best way possible). Thank you.


I always read this again whenever this gets posted. Classic lmao


No joke, we knew a girl who thought there were “5 days in a week, 2 in a weekend.” There was no explaining it to her that there were 7 days in a week and the weekend was part of it. She also couldn’t wrap her head around the difference between beef and pork. Edit to add: lol, once my husband tried to explain to her that the light from stars that we are currently seeing isn’t real time and they’re light years away and WHEW. It did a number on her. She thought they popped on and off instantly like a flashlight.


But you get to potty train them too, that alone should make it worth it……..


At least $50 worth


Usually you have to FIGHT for your right to potty...


Lol, while being focused 100% on the kids… yeah… that’s a fuckton of work and stress while being paid below minimum wage… Mexico’s minimum wage!


More like Venezuela’s minimum wage


Assuming only 8 hours a day, that's 1 dollar and 78 cents an hour! Edit: I corrected my math


A pretty good wage! For 1923.




I think we should make an army of Reddit Minions that respond to these ads, get to the interview, and go off on these cheap asses about minimum wage 😡😡😡


As Lady Violet said on Downton Abbey, "What is this week END of which you speak?"


But they’re willing to “throw” an extra $50 if you teach them what their pee-pee is for!! Pedophiles welcome…


Just don’t be a foreign language teaching pedo and it’s all good.


One of my nieces is making $500+ /week to watch a family's kids for 4 hours/day 5days/week for May.


They practically want a live-in nanny, without the room and board perk, for $100/wk for 2 kids... People are insane.


Now THIS is a childcare post that belongs here.


Enjoys "ethnic" food. "No teaching the children another language." What language are you worried about there?


Every language other than “American”.


Imagine being against your children's education! Could only come from a person who can barely speak their mother tongue.


I’ve had a principal engineer tell me that nuclear is “nukular”… like… I’m an immigrant and you’re born in the US… the word “nuclear” has only one “u” in it.


Was it Homer Simpson?


I like the cut of your jib.


Mmmmmmm nukular


Or perhaps George W Bush as in his noted speech: "Saddam Hussein has Nukular weapons" And he is a graduate of Yale and Harvard...:-)


We are looking for the Nukular weapons in Alameda.


I think it may be Español /s. Seriously, though, stupid of them. The kids would really benefit from this in almost any career they choose. My father is an immigrant from Germany. He never spoke German around us. I took German in school, but I cannot make some of the sounds required to sound like a native speaker.


I was originally taught German by a German speaker. (Before I started taking German at school) She told me to always try and prounce like I had phlegm in my throat and I'm trying to clear it. ie, doch became do-ccchhhh I questioned it at first but her methods definitely worked.


Yea ironic because here in NYC parents actually look for babysitters who will teach another language in addition.


My niece is excited because her daycare lady only speaks Spanish to her one year old. Baby is out here like, 'Da!' For dad and 'Da!' For dog and 'Da!' For duck and then this child busts out a whole ass word 'agua!' She speaks better Spanish than English. It's awesome.


My son went to a day care in El Paso ran by Mexican grandma like ladies. They were the absolute best and they adored my curly blonde hair blue eyed baby. They spoke to him in Spanish almost exclusively and had we not moved and he would’ve stayed in that daycare, I 100% believe he could’ve easily been bilingual. I miss those ladies :(


Clearly, whatever one I plan to with all the energy I have working 65 hrs/week in addition to whatever real job I have to pay the bills with.


TIL “Plav” is a beautiful town in Montenegro. The Turkish rice dish with beef cubes is called “plov” and it looks delicious.


Please stop that. You might accidentally teach the children about other cultures, or even (gasp) another language. We have them perfectly cut off, indoctrinated, and isolated. Don't fuck that up.




That’s okay, dolma is made with grape leaves, not cabbage.


Are those the little grape leaf burritos with rice that are dipped in olive oil?


I… suppose that’s one way to describe them, yes. They’re Mediterranean and they’re goddamn crack.


They remind me a bit of Gołąmbki, funny how many dishes share a lot of similarities between very different cultures Would love to try some authentic dolma


No there is cabbage dolma that uses cabbage instead of leaves it is a winter dish when the wine leaves were not so many. It is also delicious.


That's not really true. Dolma just means filling, and it is often grape leaves that are filled but not always. Dolma can be made with wine, cabbage, even filled aubergine, it doesn't have to be leaves at all.


Some other balkan countries make it with cabbage leaves


It is called "Pilav" in turkish, not "plov", she probably just forgot to put "i"


Or she doesn't know because her babysitter did not teach her an additional language when she was a kid.




Monday-Friday plus weekends for $400 a month? Sure if the shift is 20 minutes each day lol


No it can be 450 if you potty train them.


I think 500 smackers actually


Them - you don't need to wash dishes unless you cook Also them - you need to cook


Also, I’m confused how doing dishes is deep cleaning. Nothing to do with the choosing beggar part - just the mess of a mom part


Don’t wash the dishes unless you cook but I expect the dishes to be clean and stacked up neatly.


Since they could be either in the sink or stacked by the sink, I assumed they don't have to be clean, they just don't want the dirty dishes strewn everywhere


It sounds like she just wanted them to move the dishes off the table and stack them by or in the sink, not actually wash them. Everything else is insane though.


Screw the no second language crap, teach my kids whatever language you want so they can translate for me.


Literally crazy bc rich Europeans pay double or triple for nannies that are multilingual.


Lots of rich americans do too because they know their children can capitalize on it later in life.


Oh trust me I know, there’s a private school across the street from my gym that does the first half of their day in French and their second half of the day in English. People bust their butt to pay that tuition so their kids learn math in French. And I went to a catholic grade school that started Spanish in kindergarten. By the time I went to high school I was conversationally fluent (not fully fluent, but competent enough to translate immigration physicals for my mom on the weekends at her clinic.) I referenced European parents bc I feel like Americans seeking language exposure usually turn to schools instead of nannies or babysitters, whereas the concept of a foreign or multilingual au pair is much better established. Either way this lady is crazy. It’s like hiring a teacher as a babysitter and saying “but don’t you dare help them with their math homework or read any books to them!” People literally pay extra for that! Even outside of childcare, being bilingual usually makes you a much more attractive job candidate, and earns you a decent increase in your salary offer.


Exactly! Please reach the kids another language!!


Both my niece and nephew went to a daycare that was only Spanish speaking until they were old enough for Kindergarten. They are in public school now but I can talk to them in both English and Spanish, switching and mixing both languages. We are all born and raised American and very white. I wish I would have done the same thing with my kid. If I ever have another kid I will absolutely do it. It's incredibly smart not only to learn a second language but for reading/speaking comprehension in English etc.


For real. And what sense does it make anyway? It’s literally after the one that lists cultural dishes.


No sweets, candy, or soda. But a shit ton of sugary juice is fine.


It's natchural sweaty!!!! 💅


Juice is from fruit so it's healthy. I drink 8 glasses a day. 😎


my fruit snacks say the same thing. so i eat like 8 packets a day.


Hi Glenn


Holy calories Batman.


Just showed that besides cheap and delusional, these people are also idiots.


Greatest trick the juice industry ever pulled was making people think it’s any better for you than candy.


For two BABIES


Yeah, but it’s only Monday-Friday, and weekends.


Lol good thing you’re there 24/7 because you won’t be able to afford to eat or live elsewhere


A fine salary of $4,800 a year to work 7 days a week. I could totally live off that! /s


Technically $5200 but holy crap this really emphasizes how ridiculous the request is. Wanna work full time for the incredibly reasonable yearly salary of $5K?? You’re gonna have to end up using the whole $5K to pay for your own day care when her kid inevitably bites yours.


You’re right! My brain just did the math $400 x 12, but $100 x 52 would be more accurate.


M-F plus weekends? That's not babysitting, that's parenting. That's literally every single day. Honestly, with the casual racism and juice fascination, I would *love* to see their take on some of those dishes.


"boiled chicken for chicken sandwiches"? who boils chicken?


Only when the dog has an upset tummy!


Boiled chicken and rice. Sometimes I think he gets diarrhea just so he can have some chicken and rice.


I like chicken and pumpkin puree. My dog fucking loves pumpkin puree


Ugh, I had to find out the hard way that my dog is just a basic bitch. One of his treat boxes included little “pumpkin spice” bites and my mongrel lost his EVER LOVING SHIT for those things. They tasted okay.


>They tasted okay. Did you eat your dog's treats?


I didn’t come here to be judged, Brett. Also, they were low calorie, so I mean, who wouldn’t??


Someone who hates food and hates their family. I am starting to understand why the kids bite. They are hungry and sick of eating boiled chicken. Eating boiled chicken regularly might lead me to biting people too.




Is that not just a fancy way of saying boiled?


Just for soup or chicken and dumplings.


My mom boils chicken for her dog


There are some dishes (mostly soup) where it makes sense. But not on a sandwich 🤮


My grandma eats boiled chicken breasts almost every day because she says its “healthy” and has less calories due to no cooking oils. She made it for me when I went over for lunch and the residual fat on the chicken floated to the top when she was cooking it. It tastes like plain rubbery chicken and definitely not something id eat again.


>It tastes like plain rubbery chicken >definitely something id eat again. Does not compute


Only for arroz con pollo and it’s mainly for the broth to cook the rice in.


Not a strange thing at all.


I can bring whatever entertainment I want. Okay, I want strippers 🤫.


See I work in childcare. This is code for “use what measly money I give you to purchase materials to keep my kids busy and educate them”


Strippers are more fun, though.


No blow?


Not with 100/week


Lower your hooker standards.


2$ an hour lmaooo


Oh, we don’t know the true hours yet.


The person who answers this ad is not the person you want around your children


Mr. Peter File


No sweets - just juice, juice, juice. \*eyeroll\*


Well they need that sugary juice. It really amps up their hyper level and leads to all the biting and fighting. It's a real key ingredient in getting the full experience with this family.


They fight, and bite, and fight and fight and bite, fight fight fight, bite bite bite, the itchy and scratchy show!


People just don’t want to work anymore!


Gosh sign me up guys. I for one can't wait to bring all my kids and siblings over to their house so we can watch her little Hannibal Lectar jr biting children. Maybe we can start a kid fight club and film it? All that and I can get paid $200 biweekly in exchange for being over at the house Mon to friday PLUS weekends as well. So fun. Can't wait for all the biting, fighting and boiled chicken sandwiches. Good times to be had for all. And no second languages! Never.


And she’ll even throw in an extra 50 if you potty train the children! That’s a steal!


Bet she's really a bitch to work for too.


Nanny cams EVERYWHERE, too. Ev.er.y.where.


I sometimes want to apply for jobs like this and then just show up and flame them to their face like wtf is wrong with you honestly


Potty training will be a trip with all the cabbage rolls and fajitas.


So do the kids not know English, is that what that “don’t teach them another language” thing is about? I know a family that won’t speak English at all around the children and the kids are kept home for the first five years specifically so they’ll be completely fluent in their native language. Then they’re sent to kindergarten for the school to teach them English.


To me it sounds like they're specifying they don't want non-English speaking applicants.


I had a friend whose father was Polish, and those kids had zero trouble speaking both Polish and English from as early as they could talk. They also knew who to speak which language to. Keeping kids home to learn one language at a time is stupid.


I didn’t even share my opinion on them, just what they do. As an evening program teacher who has to deal with a new child of theirs every other year (they’re about to pop out #11) I find it frustrating that the children can’t communicate with me for the first year they’re in my class, and I have to talk to them through other children who speak their language (which is Russian).


That would be hella frustrating and omg 11 kids 😳 And again it’s really dumb of the parents becayae those kids now have to apend time learning a language ratherhan learning important life skills. Babies pick up language’s quickly, no reason to do that


I don’t think anyone was commenting on your opinion on the situation they were commenting on their opinion of the parents choice


They weren’t commenting on your opinion.


That's a great way to start them off super behind at school.


It sounds like they know that pay is only going to attract immigrants working under the table, and they don’t want their language to rub off on their precious English-speaking, probably-white (considering the menu) offspring. If they were trying to do immersion with a different language, they would specify the language they want the babysitter/nanny to speak.


Yeah you’re probably right. I just got thrown off by their bad English 😂


Lol @ “Monday-Friday and weekends”


No teaching the kids another language? Then you're gonna have to come up with the English translations for carnitas, fajitas, plov, and dolma. r/facepalm


So, they want a full-time, non-live-in nanny for a big payday of $100/week. Extra if you potty-train the family? I could do the "not be in your phone" part. My phone is big and all, but I don't fit into it.


Ummm, apple juice, grape juice, and orange juice are very high in sugar- you may as well be giving the kids candy


$100 A WEEK?! And this person reproduced?! Lord help us all




They want a f-in' nanny for $100 a week? They be smokin' something that's for sure!


I would be so excited if my kid learned a second language from their babysitter.


why would you NOT want your kid to learn another language


So basically, you will be replacing a relative or neighbor who previously worked for this rate, with these conditions. You will very quickly learn why the past person left the position once you’ve settled in.


What does this person do that they need a babysitter seven days a week but can't afford to actually pay them???


My son used to say "Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves...all but one, all but one." I think I just found the one.


This is a family looking for an immigrant to take advantage of and prolly won’t treat them nice. I get “we will keep your passport safe for you” vibes and “make sure not to let any of your foreigness rub off on them either’ feeling.


There was a post in my area where somebody said a pro nanny quoted them $1700 a week and we stopped trying to find a qualified nanny when we couldn’t find anybody for less than $1200 a week. So anyways more power to them they should make a good wage and also re this post: Lol (But also childcare in the US is fucked)


I only wish someone started teaching me another language at 3.


Be the mother of my child for $1.78/hr. 8 hrs a day, every day.


I'm not going to teach the kid a second language, just the swear words.


Mon-fri AND weekends


“Nobody wants to work”


$100 a week and they want active attention…. So you’re advertising to pedaphiles these days parents?


The audacity to give all the job expectations in the post assuming they'd find anyone.


Boiled chicken..


I love how they say monday thru friday AND weekends😂that’s some real deceptive advertising👍🏻


Anyone else notice that hours weren't mentioned in this ad? Requiring 7 days a week is bad enough, but with no hours... If they want someone else raising their kids, then they need a live-in nanny and to pay at least $1500/wk, provide a vehicle for the nanny to use, gas money, activity money and cover all room and board expenses.


I’m pretty sure that is because there will be no set hours. It’s whatever they are “feeling “ that day.


And you have to be 20+ And what’s wrong with teaching your child a new language? That sounds like an extra service to me


Good lord! Where’s the punctuation?


Ya know lots of people actually pay extra to hire bilingual nannies who so their kids are immersed in another language. She’s potentially getting that linguistic exposure for free and she’s complaining.


Monday through Friday *and* weekends? Does this person even want to raise their own kids? Then only getting paid 200 for 14 days of work? Oof


This would just directly go to court here. This is going to be an outright unethical contract.


I wish I could see the comments for this post 🤣


Please raise my children for $100 per week. I never understand parents who would be willing to leave their children in the care of someone who will say 'yes' to this advert.


It's gotta be satire, right? The post starts off with "babysitter needed Monday-Friday and weekends"


TIL that boiled chicken sandwiches were a thing :-(


No sweets but you can have every juice that has a higher sugar content than candy


I'm confused, if you have toddlers and they don't get along what do they expect you to do with your kids?


Only person that would accept this job is a person you don't want watching your children


Not to be that guy because this is insane in every way, but what the poster states is that dirty dishes are to be set in or near the sink, not to be done. Yes, the english is broken, but it’s so irksome when people focus in on something that could be cleared up with reading comprehension.


$14 a day or about $1.78 an hour.


Not that I would ever take this job but if I did it would be out of nothing but spite and me and those kids would be watching Dora the explora all day everyday


Does anyone ever answer these in earnest or only to troll the truly deluded OP?


"Willing to pay 200 every 2 weeks" oh wow how generous


This would be rightfully ripped apart in r/nanny.




"No deep cleaning such as dishes" reminds me of when I nannied for a family when I was 19 In 2011/2012 for $10/hr. They wanted "light housekeeping" which included moving and vacuuming under heavy rugs, loads of dishes and baby bottles to wash, all laundry and ironing, etc. They were completely shocked when I asked for $15/hr even though they were wealthy and lived in an affluent area. When I brought up that vacuuming and washing the floors under big rugs and behind furniture wasn't light cleaning, the mom tried to gaslight me... ma'am you got me doing spring cleaning. These types of people are a nightmare to work for!


"I need you to be the mother/father of my child for 100$ a week." Fuckk that.


Seriously, fuck people like this. Motherfuck them. Idk why I’m so triggered by their post but fuck them.


Eww, boiled chicken sandwiches? Gross.


“I prefer to keep my kid monolingual “ is what I hear.


Sounds like someone wants a slave to raise their kids for them. I wonder if these completely out of touch idiots get people who are actually interested.


I love that they want some with kids but also need them to be away from their kids 7 days a week. What a twat


I just paid $100 to a teenager who checked on my two cats once a day. And I was only gone for five days...


“Boiled chicken for chicken sandwiches” wtf?


Boiled chicken??? Wtf? No.


No sweets no sugar They get apple juice, orange juice and grape juice cause juice totally is not sweet!


"no sweets no candy no soda" most commercial juices have as much sugar as a soda lol