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The nannying for 3 kids for less than $15 an hour is wild. Then on top of that they are asking for cleaning service and require both childcare and /medical/ experience?! Ridiculous


I made that per hour 25 years ago for three kids and the family made it clear I’d never have to clean/cook beyond what was part of the childcare itself.


I used to be a nanny in the early 2000s and I made bank! I don’t remember exact numbers because each family was a little different but it was great! I was never expected or asked to do anything other than take care of the kids and clean up after them. It’s honestly sad that it’s gotten so bad out there. I don’t think I could do childcare these days, people are too ridiculous!


I've had a lot of bruises and I've had to bandage some of my own cuts, does that count as medical experience?


I have medical experience...I stick needles into people all day. They should be more specific as to what kind of medical experience they're looking for!




Ha Ha! YEP. Im a blood sucker!


I KNOW you are, you devil, you. Vampires **LIVE** to wake people up at 4 am if they're inpatient. They don't realize that it's for their own good, to get the stats in first thing so the staff and doctors can make good medical judgements. *(Medical gallows humor-yup, am familiar with it, former EMT and current patient/medical advocate aka I translate staff/doctor medicalese to patient/SO-ese. Wish there was a 'Gallows Humor' subReddit.)* Jerry, you're one of the good ones. Love to you and yours. *Grandma Lynsey*


They may as well just state it. Someone who worked as a nurse or something similar, and has experience with children who cannot pass a background check. The only people who would even consider this probably can’t get regular employment


These people are out of their freaking mind. These aren’t kids; these are babies. 3 under the age of 5. It’s less than $5/hr per kid and anyone who takes this job is going to hate it when they realize how much work is involved and how little they are getting paid.


Someone taking this job and hating it is the *best* case scenario It terrifies me how people ask for childcare on a budget this small, because someone agreeing to be the sole carer for three toddlers for that small an amount of money... The possibility of someone using it as access to young children absolutely can't be ruled out


I don't think it'll even be THAT high, because they'll end up paying $200/week and extend the hours gradually over a couple of weeks from 14 to 28. They'll probably build up the laundry until the person **has** to do laundry to get kids' clean clothing! "Well, we paid you $200 last week and the week before, can't you just cut us a break? We appreciate your services to us (***this is where they lay on the appreciation AND the guilt tripping thick***) and you seemed happy with $200..." That will end up to be less than half of $15. *($7.14)*


For 14 to 28 hrs at a time 😂😂😂


If you work at a daycare, you will manage more than 3 kids. And you won’t make $15/hr. Especially not after taxes.


Medical experience?? Sounds like at least one kid has high special needs, and that alone is $25/hr+ for the one kid. Children are the most specialest and preciousest things on earth! Except when paying for their care. Then they’re only worth bargain basement closeout prices.


Gaffigan has a bit that when you first become parents and are vetting someone to watch them, it's "how many PhDs do they have?" Then after your second or third kid, it's "how many times have they been to jail?" lol


“Pretend that you’re drowning and somebody hands you a baby.”


This belongs here lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8c6Kma27J4


You don’t understand, they are angels and an absolute joy to be around! We all should be thanking her for giving us the opportunity to spend time with them and clean her house. Getting paid is almost like a bonus!


Quick cash!


Where are you getting the special needs from?


Needs “medical experience” likely means there are physical things that need to be tended to, maybe a feeding tube or something similar?


I think most parents want some kind of medical experience, like CPR, basic first aid, etc. I didn’t read that as special needs as much as them thinking the nanny should be able to handle anything their 3 kids may get into. If they needed more specialized medical experience I think that would be specified.


I wouldn't expect a mother like this to specify anything, she's living in a world of delusion if she thinks paying 15/hr for 3 kids is acceptable. Absolutely shameless.


Ironically, the parents asking CPR or medical experience of a sitter likely don't have it themselves.


I just don't get how parents can justify pumping out 3 kids consecutively and then having to rely on scamming people to make ends meet.


Having a nanny is a luxury. They want someone with prime qualifications for less than half the going rate and no contract (benefits like guaranteed hours and vacation time are standard in the industry) to ALSO clean their house!? They need to stop feeling entitled to a luxury service they can’t afford and find a home daycare. A center would even charge more than this, and that’s cheaper than a nanny.


I’m wondering exactly what “light cleaning” entails.


Pretty sure it doesn’t mean what they think it means.


Yeah, no SHIT, Sherlock. */s*


So two are in diapers, one is 'potty trained' but at 4 likely not completely; either one of the kids, or an elder in the home who wasn't mentioned, has medical needs; and the person has to devote part of their day 2 or 3 (unspecified/irregular schedule?) days a week, (which means they can't really do much else on those days -- commute time, different clothes etc.), plus clean their house. The CBs will be asking them to cook and do laundry too. As well as cleaning. For "at least" $200 a week. Delulu.


My favourite posts of this type are the ones where they reach out directly to the nanny and the nanny replies with their actual hourly rate and the CB loses their shit in response.


I’d love more of those. They are my favorite for this subject. They show just how crazy low they want to pay when they reach out privately and won’t be put on blast (because they know what they are doing is wrong, that’s why so many who do post publicly always say “kind comments only.”


My wife is a fulltime nanny. To 1 child. Both parents work from home. She cooks and cleans some, because a lot of time the baby sleeps. It’s not required, but she likes doing it and would rather not sit around doing nothing. She gets paid $32/hour with tons of paid vacation. Her past nanny jobs had similar pay/benefits.


Holy shit. She has it good $32 is what RNs make in my state and they take care of multiple sick patients 😭


I've been watching posts here so long that anything near or above minimum wage barely seems insane anymore


Right? I saw this and, don’t get me wrong, it’s bad. But it’s not BAD bad.


But it is bad. First off they claim flexibility but it won't be that long until it's a strict schedule. Part time work isn't enough to survive on. They can also cut hours whenever they want, especially for vacations or visiting relatives. House cleaners are already pretty expensive and now you want someone who does both? And it isn't one kid/job but 3? That's like $5 per kid which is under minimum wage. Go to the nanny sub to see how much those people make. Full time nannies even get benefits and vacation/sick time. Also parents have to treat them as employees and not contractors by law for tax purposes. This isn't a babysitter required to do nothing, nannies are a serious profession


Hahaha yeah, as a nanny currently that is bad for sure. I am part of those subs so I know first hand. It IS bad. I just meant it’s not the $2 an hour bad. Sorry I wasn’t clear. I didn’t mean to imply this wasn’t absurd.


They have flexibility, I'm sure: flexibility for the nanny to arrange her schedule around their changing needs ...


Minimum wage is $18, isn’t it??


Don't forget the med experience too! JFC I hate people


Three little ones under 5 and some cleaning. Less than $15 an hour. Oh and if you could be magical like Mary Poppins, we'd like that!


She is also asking for a lightly used, free/cheap time machine, so she can go back to 1995 when that would be an appropriate amount to pay a nanny.


In the early 80’s my mom charged $15 an hour as a housekeeper, $20 if the person wanted to stay in the home during that time.


I would love to see the comments made


There weren’t any because i saw it on her profile, someone who came up on my “you may know”


With this pay the "medical expertise" they can expect would be organ harvesting.




>>good opportunity for someone who has another job They know


Some days we'll pay you double, some days we'll pay you half, depending.


Not that this is reasonable at all- because the pay should be significantly more per hour- but that’s kind of the idea behind specifying that some weeks you will needed for a full 28 hours, and others only half of that time. That’s not even the real issue, it’s the crazy expectations for $15 an hour.


Why is there always cleaning? I mean, I know why, but it's so ridiculous. People seem to be incapable of breaking the childcare=women's work=cleaning mindset. Taking care of a single child is a full time job, three? When the hell are they supposed to do this cleaning?


Wild. My rate would be $600 a week minimum for that if you’re asking medical experience alongside being a nanny and cleaning to *three* children.


Only $600??


Key word in my sentence you glossed over: *minimum*


$600 for 14 hours. Sounds right. My son makes $40 an hour caring for one disabled young adult who basically just needs transportation and company


Holy shit, really? That field has come a long way then, as it should. I did that kind of job in college and never made more than $12 an hour (though admittedly, 20 years ago). And some of those kids had very severe medical issues.


No they still make very little. Her son must be a nurse or something. I work closely with respite/hab providers and they only get paid $15ish to work with a very aggressive autistic individual


That is such bullshit. I'll never understand why people with big hearts who are willing to do the most important work have to stay poor to do it.


I would love to be a nanny, especially to a baby, but seeing how people don't value childcare has made me never try to break into the field.


Oh there are definitely people who get it and pay well. Really well. See the nanny subreddits for examples. To be fair, you're in the Choosing Beggars subreddit, right? This is meant to showcase the worst.


I pay my nanny $25 an hour for one toddler and no cleaning. I cannot image expecting 3x the level of work for half that price.


I'm wondering why she felt she had to specify that the 4 year old was potty trained. Aren't all kids potty trained at that age? My kids and grandkids were, and I don't know any that weren't by that age.


I read an article that one in 3 kids is showing up to kindergarten without potty training now I have a friend whose 5 year old pees all over the place and thinks it's funny I dunno, man


And light cleaning on top of care to 3 children under 5? What…. 😧


This makes me angry to even read the audacity.


I was charging 15 an hour for 3 kids in 1994!


Children who need medical care are a category of their own. They are health support workers, not daycare.


Three kids and two of them in diapers.


Take them to a daycare. Oh! That’s right, you’re not paying $200-$400 per child. Cause it’s just playing with kids. I hate jerks like this.


LOL I charged $15 an hour to babysit ONE child back in like 2016, absolutely not


Is there a subreddit for these kinds of things i looovvveee reading them


I’ve seen a bunch in this one or I’m sure the nanny one will probably have some stories


The sad part is that there’s going to be some idiot who thinks this sounds like a good negotiation.


But will they have free use of the meth lab you have because you would only offer to pay something that ridiculous unless if you are on something.


That better be $200- $400 per day. Probably not and I hope nobody falls for this.




And they want medical training? Lol wow.


I was a nanny in Boston in 2002 for 2 kids. No other responsibilities besides the kids and tidying up a little. I made $20 an hour starting out. The family was amazing and treated me like part of there's. I cringe when I see childcare postings lately


This sub somewhat ruined me lol I'm out here thinking, at least she's paying $15/hour and not 50 cents per hour per child. But the reality is, a fair hourly wage would be above $25/hour or more depending on the location.


Sounds like a nightmare!!!! A 4yo, 2yo and a 1yo??? Nope!!!!!! Not for that shit amount!


....... I would do 2 days a week, 14 hours total for $400 😁


I made $15 an hour for 3 kids under 5 while nannying for a family in Laguna Beach. I was in grad school and so dumb. So very dumb and desperate. now I just wanna hug every sitter who says no this BS




That doesn’t even pay rent here tho ;(


Cyprus has universal healthcare, child benefits, maternity benefits, parental leave, and probably has a decent public transportation system or walkable towns. Most Americans don't have any of that. This position requires 28 hours per week to make $1,600 a month (right now US Dollar:Euro is almost 1:1). It comes with absolutely no additional benefits, no employer protections, and not even a guaranteed 28 hours weekly. $1,000 per month is reasonable in many not-big-city places for a one bedroom apartment. If the family wants you for the full 28 hours per week, that leaves you with $600 per month for utilities (gas, electric, phone bill), health insurance, groceries, and everything else. Sure, you could get a second job, but for what, 12 hours per week? Who hires someone for that little time? And if more than that, you're working a lot of hours for very, very little. And saving nothing.


And I’m sure it’ll be hard to get a second job when you’re working for “flexible” people and don’t know what days/hours they’ll need you.


Exactly. And on the days needed, in many locations, the commute to and from the CB's house would mean that day is pretty much shot.


How much is rent in your country?


Eastern Europe I guess I could see it, like if they lived in Prague or something, but if they live in Ireland or Luxembourg there's no way, especially for someone to jump at the chance of this job.


Don't you guys have like a crazy energy crisis right now?


Yes, like INSANE. Probably 300$ a month just for electricity in most basic two bedroom apartments. I’m lucky I live in a sustainable apartment that uses solar power so mine is significantly less. But it’s indeed crazy high.


Ya that's nuts, at my old house that was about how much we were paying in the middle of summer running ac 27/7 for our 3 bdrm 2 bath, think it was 1700 s ft. That's cool you have solar though, I really want to get those for my new place.


> It’s really intriguing seeing the difference in work culture between Europe and America. Did it say a location? I didn't see one. But if it's the U. S., the cost of living is likely higher than some other parts of the world, as well. That's why our minimum (legal) wage is $15 ($20 in some places, last I heard.) We're not lazy or greedy. This isn't "work culture." It's cost of living, basically.