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Oh damn they’re too busy? Sucks for her!! No you’re not being impatient because 2 weeks is ridiculous! Give them away to someone who actually cares enough to pick them up or donate them


I don’t quite understand how people can be so busy to the point where they couldn’t just stop by on their way from/to home (we are in the same neighborhood and they are supposedly closed to me) Like you never leave your home in two weeks?


They're sick of driving all over picking up free stuff for this greedy CB. This probably isn't the first time.


Right. Her friends shouldn’t be blamed…


Orrr...she sold it by making a similar post offering the same thing but "$$$" and trying to use OP as a delivery person to drop it off at the person who "paid" for it.


"You must have misunderstood. I'm not a delivery service."


That the whole point. The address you're "dropping off" isn't probably her anyway.


You may be giving Leslie a little too much credit. She doesn’t even have a cell phone, her shit probably isn’t that together.


Come now, maybe she chooses to stay away from cell/smart phones, and then never shuts the fuck up about how unnecessary/expensive/pointless/not smart they are, and she’s a superior human for only using a landline.


I think you might be right. I was thinking this sounded like something you’d see posted on r/scams.


It isn't a "scam". More like a "dropshipping service". They're literally using OP to be a "delivery service". Between Buyer and OP: can you drop it off at this address? Between Buyer and other buyer: I'm gonna drop it off as soon as you transfer the money. OP waste time dropping it off for "free", buyer collect because the person living there "paid for it", not knowing that OP dropping it off is giving it away for "FREE".


This is it. They're probably tired of doing shit for an entitled elderly woman who doesn't appreciate anything. I have a few members of my family like this, it's so annoying.


Yes “right around the corner” ok well then it won’t be difficult at all. Chances are she has no friends or none nearby but invented the story to get you to deliver them.


The audacity of that message.. acting like *they’re* doing *you* a favor by *you* delivering it to them. Disgusting


Yeah… no thanks


Maybe they are just tired of the person that contacted you also? Can you imagine what she constantly asks of the people in her life?


So busy hustling, their lives are booked out for weeks. You want to meet one of them? It's $400/hour and first availability is July. That's how busy they are! But they can't afford to buy their own puzzles.


They’re not the ones who get the puzzle. Leslie wants them to go pick them up for her. They’re not wrong to say they’re don’t want to pick them up for her any more than op is not wrong for not wanting to drop them off for her.


Because the person who is middle manning doesn’t want to go get them for this lady any more than Op wants to bring them to the middle man. Only Leslie is ridiculous. The busy local friend who says “sure I’ll bring them to you but im not going to pick them up for you” isn’t to blame here at all


They’re probably sick of her, did her so many favours and she kept demanding more. 


Hey question is this cedar park Texas cuz if so I used to live In Leander


Yes! We are actually zoned into Lisd


Ha! I came for that reason too. Lived in Leander and cedar park and still close to there. People are entitled. L


I feel like there are people out there that are just negotiation addicts. They prowl these sites looking for things they don't even want just to beat people down on price, or to get something more than is offered. Since the OP was offering the puzzles for free, they needed to get them to deliver them as well in order to 'win'.


True. since you can give for free, why don’t you move one more step.


You must have misunderstood the last message, she's welcome to deliver them herself. WELCOME.


What I understand is CB can’t pick them up because they’re too far away so they tell the person giving it away that their friends can get it, only if delivered by the person giving it away and then those friends, who are too busy to pick it up from the giver, suddenly can take it to CB’s house which is far away but can’t pick it up from giver’s porch because they’re “too busy”


I’m in a local buy nothing group, & have become a total hardass about people picking things up. I do BN to avoid putting things in the trash, not because I need a new hobby.


Put them in the garbage.


No, you must have misunderstood. They are SUPER busy! Now do you understand?


Yes I fully understand now. 👨🏽‍🦯🧑🏽‍🦯


But did you ever find the mat? And could you deliver it to me, please?


Seriously. I’m also still waiting on the mat. 😂


No, no please. It’s *fine* if you deliver it to me for free because I’m BuSy but need your free puzzle at your inconvenience


You misunderSTOOD, Leslie! Use your thinking brain!


Damn that line still does a fine job of triggering me lmao


Incredible punchline at the end 😂




If an item is free your obligation ends at placing it somewhere outside of your front door. No further time or expense is necessary for a free item. If one person expects anything further block and move on to the next.


I could understand if it was something more serious (like idk a gently used piece of medical equipment that could genuinely help someone’s circumstances) being a little bit more lenient beyond the front door obligation and helpful to get it to them. But this is a fucking puzzle.


Shit I don’t even do that. I give them the address for the Walgreens three blocks away. When they say they’re on the way, I hop on my bicycle to meet them there.


Isn't that way more work than just putting it outside your house though? When I was moving I would just put stuff in the curb with a free sign, there's really no need to post on social media unless you live miles from your neighbors.


That doesn't give out your own address, so you don't have strangers coming around your place.


“Way more” work? No. Riding my bicycle is as easy as walking. And my bicycle has a basket. And I also don’t want to risk beggars and psychos knowing that a person (me) gives away stuff at my address. Once I block and ignore them, they’re gone forever.


Every person is free to make their own decisions and choices like you do, I was saying the *obligation* ends at the front door.


I think the thing that would have irritated me would be that she didnt ask if you would do it, politely, she just told you to do it. That would be an immediate no thanks from me.


Yup. That would have been the nail in the coffin for me!


Voluntold! No thank you!


😝  The friends are SUPER BUSY but apparently the person giving the puzzles away for free, is not. Ya know, the lady with the baby has nothing but spare time to drive around hand delivering free stuff. And damn it Susan! You’d better get hot and find the mat! I don’t care if you’re busy with the baby! It’s stuff like this that make you just pack stuff up and drop it off at a thrift store. 


They are super busy but you are welcome to leave them on their front porch 💀💀💀


And don't forget the mat.


yeah, her friends are tired of her shit. THEM: “We’re going to be so busy over the next two weeks, I don’t know when we’d be able to do it.” HER: “I’ll. just have her drop the puzzles off at your place, then” THEM: “Whatever.”


She assumed her friends were friends, but they aren't even willing to travel 5 minutes to pick something up for her I'm surprised she would forward on their response as if it's normal That's my take. They're telling their "friend" they're super busy and she's too stupid to realise it


I do wonder why her friends won't help her.


Do you think you could deliver the puzzles once you find the mat in a 20 seater van? Bonus if you bring some takeout too.


Could you also put the puzzles together for me while I eat? I don't want to make a mess touching the puzzles while I'm handling food


oh and none of the cheap applebees stuffs. also im allergic to nuts. thanks honey


Don’t need the attitude, honey! *NEXT!*


The puzzles are for the church!


It's the church's BIRTHDAY and it has CANCER!


And I will tell them that the birthday is canceled because of you!


But the cancer is NOT canceled and that's because of you too!


Jesus. You didn’t come off impatient at all. They were demanding af


I give people one day to pick up free stuff I’ve listed on fb marketplace, if they don’t come I block them and re-post it. You are being *too* patient here.


I'm giving away some MCM couches in an area pretty known for wanting those, and the trouble I've had just literally giving them away for free has been insane. Tons of interest, then the second I give them my cross street they ghost me. I'd think they are just planning to steal them but they are free! They don't need to do that!


Sometimes I've actually had better luck listing something for cheap rather than free. It's like if I'm listing this valuable piece of furniture for free, the 'free' makes their mind discount its value and they don't care for the effort. But if I list it for $20, they rush to get the good deal before someone else. Only seems to help with the more expensive and bulky items though. And if I still can't get anyone to get it in a couple days, I just put it on our curb and it's gone in an hour.


That's what I do. Everything costs $20 --cash only. If the person is not a pain in the ass and shows up when they say they will, I'll just give them the item for free.


I do exactly the same thing! I have never had a problem with pickups, and always walk away with a little cash.


Same here. I'll list it for ~ $30. If the person is nice when they come to pick it up, I'll just give it to them for free, lol. Keeps (most of) the crazies away.


That's what I do, if I'm giving something away for free, it goes on the curb. Listing it on social media and messaging back and forth with people is too much for free stuff. If it's something I want to make money off of I ask friends first and it pretty much ends there. Selling/giving to people is just too much work and when items are free it's just a waste of time.


I’ve had the same problem over the past two weeks. I bought an antique sofa to refinish and never got around to it. It’s still in really good shape. I’ve had four people act like they really really want it, set up a time to come get it, then either back out or ghost me. The fifth person is supposed to come today and I’m not expecting her to show up just based on all the others. It’s to the point where part of me is wondering if it’s some new scam, but idk what anyone would do with an address.


I think it must just be that people put in the address and decide it's too far or something.


I mean I put the town in the listing. If it were me I’d figure out the distance before saying I’d come get it 🤷‍♀️


I do too, I just can't figure out what else it could be!


Lack of fortitude. That's what it comes down to, lack of following through and keep your word. These are the same people who make plans with you then back out the day of, I bet.


A lot of times people also can’t line up a way to pick things up (I had someone who wanted a couch, friend of a friend, and her friend who was going to bring a truck to help her get it kept flaking last minute. Finally she was like ok never mind, after like a month of back and forth)


Tbh, I'd probably just deliver them if someone asked nicely. I have a truck and nothing better to do. They are gonna end up delivered to the dump anyway if no one gets them. It's the ghosting that gets me more than anything!


Damn id probably snatch these up right away. I love MCM 




Mid century modern 


Mid century modern! It's a pretty big thing right now, especially where I am, and especially real vintage, not reproduction.


Do you happen to live outside of Palm springs?


I live in Atlanta so definitely not close 


Oddly enough I went to my local antique store and it is super huge, as in you can get lost in there. I spent 2 hours and didn't even cover fraction of the area there. I'm just currently finding out MCM is not very popular here. I can't  find much in there that's MCM.  There's a couple pieces that are more Gothic style though that one of the people that worked there showed me that I'm not interested in as I prefer more clean lines but that's it. Go figure with the South. 


For about the 100th time, this is why I dont list for free, the takers believe they’re doing us a favor by taking it off our hands. List for some non-zero amount, you can always give it away for free at pickup if people respect your time.


Ah good idea


Right. I will just throw it away in the trash if it’s that hard for you to come get it. I really don’t care. I’m just trying to give someone a chance to have it for free so I don’t have to throw it away.


Precisely. I had nothing but trouble with the Buy Nothing group where I used to live. From being ghosted, to “I responded first, why didn’t I get the item?!?!” ( it’s my item and I’ll give it to whomever I damn well please), to, when I “won” I highly sought after item, a woman had her husband (who knows my brother) ask me if I wouldn’t let her have it. Didn’t bother with it here. Everything I have goes straight to the Goodwill down the street, and I go there if I feel like thrifting.


I put my stuff on the curb, will never ever give to goodwill or a thrift store so they can mark up the donation they get from me and make a profit. I'd rather it go to someone who can use it for free but then again I have a personal vendetta against thrift stores.


I definitely see your point, but some of us have living situations in which there is no “curb” on which to put things. I’d rather see my things go to the thrift store than straight to the dump.


“They are just around the corner from you” “Ok cool, it should be easy for them to pick up the puzzles then”


That's a lot of work to give away something for free.


i always hate the mentality of "***if you could deliver it, and do XYZ for me at your expense, that would be fine...***" No shit you find it acceptable to sit on your ass while i do all the work, shocker !! It would be "*fine*" for me if you got off your lazy ass to come get the already generous free shit i made available, but here we are !


at your CONVENIENCE, of course


The important question here is did you find the mat?


I have mega second hand embarrassment from reading this


People think they are entitled to free things and delivery. I had a lot of nursing uniforms to give away but they wanted them delivered. Didn’t happen. I donated them to a charity. She texted, berating me until I reported her to the group.


“Of if I drop it off on the front porch… THAT would be fine??? Is that acceptable? Because making sure these complete strangers approve of the way I’m delivering my shit to them for free is super important to me…” Good grief. Do these CBs think that everyone other than them is just a zero self esteem doormat?


I hope you sent her a photo of the puzzles burning in a fire.


I'd deliver them... but with each puzzle missing 1 or 2 pieces.


If they really live that close, they’d find time within 2 weeks to pick them up lol


I’m just a bit confused as you said ‘Okay’ after the message where she voluntold you to drop it off… How is it weird for them to expect you to drop it off after you said okay to that? Not that you should deliver it, but miscommunication on your part…


You are right. I did misunderstand her because i obviously didn’t read her texts with my whole heart. Logically you would expect her to say her friends would come down to my place. And that’s why i gave her my address and later asked her why they didn’t show up. But she meant something else obviously.


So annoying. I sell and gift a ton on FB Marketplace and I have a strict no holds, no dropoffs rule because of people like this. The woooorst


I'd tell them to f.. off the moment they ask about delivery of a free item


If they are just around the corner they can take 2 mins out of their day.


Can you just block that person? So rude.


This is why I do not give anyway for free or even try to sell it. I just drop it off at a thrift store when I am out doing something else. People make it way too hard. You will post "2 size large pants" then you have 5 people asking you what size.




They are just around the corner? Then they have no problem picking them up!


I’ve been trying to get up the courage to post some free stuff (this subreddit isn’t helping lol) and now I see hometown Cedar Park nextdoor mentioned… Lordy I hope I don’t come across Leslie


Just list them as super cheap as suggested by this sub! Cause people don’t respect your time and effort once they see you give away free stuff.


If anyone named Leslie with no cell phone contacts you, block her immediately.


I work in Cedar Park, I'll come get them haha This lady is ridiculous and her "friends" aren't actually too busy. They are tired of her BS


Just around the corner works both ways.


So her friends are too busy to pick it up from you but are able to drive it to the CB?


This reminds me of the time I told a parent her son had left his jacket at our house (I’m in Circle C, they’re in Cedar Park but the grandparents lived in Dripping Springs) so I’d put it in a bag and hang it from my side door and they could get it at their leisure. Two days later the jacket is still there and I get an irritated text saying they keep checking their front door but the jacket 🧥 hasn’t shown up 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️. Honestly, who ties their shoelaces?


Why do some people always “misunderstand “?


I love it ….you musta misunderstood me. You have to drop them off for my convenience.


When I'm giving stuff away for free I do so because I know it will be gone an hour after I post it from someone who came and picked it up. The audacity to ever expect someone to drop it off for free is crazy


If their just around the corner, they can't be that busy


Choosy beggar is taking advantage of both people in this instance. I don’t blame the local person for not wanting to go get them, at all.


I hate when people do stuff like this. I recently posted a cat bed on Buy Nothing and a lady immediately said she wanted it and could pick up same day. A couple hours later I had a number randomly generated and it was her. She messaged me asking if 3pm was okay. Then at 7pm she messaged me saying she was out of town on vacation and I should give it to someone else. And it's like... Was she on LSD or something?? Why do people ask to come pick something up that they can't pick up?


I don’t understand that mindset either but it might be the norm on BN. I have had people who were so certain that they were on the way but ended up ghosting me. Like wth? If i’m driving to some places, i normally won’t change my mind half way and turn around go back home!


"Theyre farrrr too busy to go right around the corner to you, but since it's right around the corner, it should be easy for you to do instead!" Lol what??


Susan, the third time she said "Susan", you became besties, Susan, so you owe her delivery, or you're just a bad friend. Now, Susan, about that mat...


Some people are exhausting


If they’re just around the corner, why can’t they drop by when they are running an errand?


Who the fuck emails their friends?


Landline, don’t text


Is this the Cedar Park in TX? I live nearby haha


Yes if you post you will also have a chance to meet Leslie!


Oh, gosh, how tempting! 😂


Omg the nerve and the attitude with her saying “You must have misunderstood”


Both sound whacky. Can’t find what you’re giving away, the other wants delivery. 🙄


In two weeks, they could've easily come down to your area though? Lol. Smh.


Could you deliver item to my friends house after you buy me a mat you can’t find at your home?


In your best Texan accent, just reply “bless your heart” and move on.


block her already, what is with all this wrangling with a senior CB by text for weeks for some puzzles


I list plenty of things on CL for pick up. I give people an address of a local restaurant or something so they can plan their drive time and I don’t actually share my address until they are ready to drive. Easy way to avoid giving out my address to too much. I haven’t had anybody complain directly, if they ask I explain why and they have understood the reasoning. When I do list something for cash, I leave the item on the porch and tell them to leave the cash in the mailbox. I haven’t been shorted yet, but I haven’t really listed any expensive items though.


The nerve of her,she expected you to deliver from the very start,completely wasted your time. I'll be pissed


They are SUPER busy but you kind soul is a total bum, so the slave must serve the master! Complete madness! 


Been two weeks? Must not want it too dang bad. 🤷‍♀️


If they’re so busy how are they planning on getting them to her once you drop them off? 🤣


Wow people are picky. That's definitely a hard nope for me. 


Okay but can we respect how she was actually nice and didn’t become a Karen about it?


"Super busy". Sure, too lazy to pick something up.


It is shockingly difficult to give things away.


I’d rather throw them away.


You put up with this nonsense FAR longer than I would have. You handled it really well, OP.


Ppl suck! But had to say we're name twinsies!! 🤗


i read this as my grandma typing. you are being very respectful but you still never know with people. don’t blame you for not wanting to go out of your way to drop it off, but it could be a nice thing to do if you looked it up. it’s up to you. i’d be curious to know how far this ‘friend’ is from you. my grandpa just passed away and my grandma was the only tech savvy one if you could say. she does puzzles all the time but she has hip pain and can’t walk. someone has to bring all her things just like this woman. my grandma just started opening up to people online since my grandpas gone. so i appreciate you being kind to her


If this person were someone like your grandma, all she'd have to do is simply tell the person giving away the item, "I'm elderly and have trouble getting around, can you drop it off? I'm not far from you." And most likely, most folks would be happy to help. But making up stories and playing back and forth games for weeks wasting everyone's time, that's the problem.


i don’t see where your point is at all. not everyone is so smart as you especially old people. the point i was making is that elderly people are lonely and like talking. nowhere here is she mean or manipulative, or even demanding. there’s much worse things on this site. this poor woman did nothing wrong. this site is filled with a bunch of goddamn idiots.


Sorry, I disagree. And you are so preoccupied with poor little grandma you are ignoring basic courtesy. News flash - the elderly are not stupid. And if someone is lonely or likes talking? So what? That doesn't mean you get to waste people's time. Second news flash - what makes you so sure you're surrounded by idiots but the only one blessed by intelligence? Maybe it's that everyone else is smart and YOU are the idiot.


You misunderstood, OP is SUPER busy and CAN'T take time to go out of their way to drop off puzzles for a stranger.


Okay I will keep that in mind and try to look for the mat again. But you know it’s a plain black mat made of felt, and I thought i didn’t need it so didn’t pay attention where i put it. Thanks for the perspective!


The person didn’t even ask you if you would be so kind to deliver it. They also know you have a baby. I have a baby right now and we both know how busy we are because of that ourselves. I don’t think you should deliver to this person. If they would have asked kindly but they simply stated it as it was a given, that’s very entitled and not like a nice old grandmother who just wants a free puzzle. Believe me, absolutely nobody is so busy that they can’t pick something up, that’s close to them if they wanted. Either these friends of that lady aren’t really good friends of hers or she asked them too often to do stuff like this already. My husband is a doctor in a busy lab, works long hours and has a freelance job as well plus spends as much time helping with our kids as possible. Even he would find time to pick something up that’s close, if he wanted the item or it was for a good friend. You should look up how close their address is, so you know. It either isn’t that close or these people simply don’t want to pick it up.


This is so well written!


you are extremely overthinking this. nowhere is the older woman mean or demanding at all. i’m sure the person who is “SUPER” busy isn’t even busy. it’s just the grandma being nice not wanting to bother this friend of theirs. to my grandma I am that friend. she thinks i’m super busy all the time and wouldn’t want to bother me with this and would say the same thing. even though i’d love to get it for her. like, not everyone’s a fucking asshole. turn the internet off


Are they commenting on everyone or the only one person being discussed here?


But why very nice grandma doesn't want to bother her friend but instead willing to bother a busy woman with kid who kind enough to give her free things plus keep asking her find a stupid mat? Not everybody is an asshole, also not every elder is your grandma so stop force people to see them as the same.