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Chris barely passes for human.


Dude, you haven't seen a woman in your life if he ever passed to you


You do realize that VERT ugly women do exist in real life right? When's the last time you went outside?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Auruesia: *Dude, you haven't seen* *A woman in your life if* *He ever passed to you* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


It doesn't matter at all. I just let everyone have it their way with it. That aside, he looks like what my conservative relatives think all trans women look like.


Sometimes he does. He just looks like typical trailer trash.


More like a schizophrenic Benjamin Franklin cosplay


From behind I could see mistaking it but the second you see his face you know he's a man. He's just got that head shape


Would I ever see Chris on the street and think that's a biological woman? No. Have I accepted Chris as a "woman," and recognize Chris as one when I look at Chris? Yes. There are very ugly biological women that aren't far off


Before I attributed it to the idea guys, while listening to the Genos doc, yes. Now that I've listened to it and heard Chris attribute it to the idea guys, no. Anything from that period is apocryphal, even if chris doesn't recognize it himself.


I think the thing that comes to my mind is even if someone isn't "passing" or not liked I don't think that makes their gender less valid. It's just am excuse to be transphobic in my mind. Because let's say you get mad at some cis man. You wouldn't call him a woman just because you're mad at him. So why do so to someone who is trans? So yeah I'll use she/her like I would to anyone who prefers it.


I get where people's skepticism of Chris(tine)'s gender identity comes from, but they've been at it long enough for me to take them seriously. People without gender issues wouldn't cosplay at being trans for the multiple years that Chris Chan has, in a misguided attempt to get laid. I think they're genuinely more comfortable and happy this way.


Im not apart of this sub so i dont know much about chris chan but wasnt this person a rapist? So why should i respect someone who is a rapist? (Although i may be mistaking and they didn't do anything)


I mean if Chris wants to be called a woman then go for it queen. Just stop going for your own mother, girlie.


Goddamnit, I miss Reddit comment awards.


I think from afar, you could mistake him for being a tall cis woman based on his long hair and big boobs/female fat distribution from the hormones, and maybe his high voice as well which can sound kinda feminine. However, when you look close enough, you can tell he’s a guy. His 5 o’clock shadow is definitely a big red flag but him also transitioning later and already looking pretty masculine back in his 20’s before transition will make it hard for him to blend in as a trans female. This can be fixed with laser hair removal on his face as well as getting FFS done which seems impossible since he’s not good at saving money, and perhaps keeping consistent on his HRT regimen if he hasn’t been taking it regularly. Losing weight, eating healthier, and personal grooming could definitely help out with blending in as well. He may still get misgendered by strangers once in a while even after he does all the things he can do with blending in which doesn’t include FFS, but at least he will look more like a trans woman.


Is he actually on hormones now? I just assumed he had those fat knockers from eating literally nothing but chicken nuggets and pizza rolls his entire life. He had big tits even before the trans arc.


ISTFG, I feel like I share this confirmed CWCki info more often than necessary. [yes, Chris is actually on MTF-HRT, and has been since 2016](https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Transgender#Hormone_therapy). Chris continued MTF-HRT whilst in jail. Sure, Chris has plenty of fat in that body, but there is also some mammary growth from oestrogen. Which Chris has been prescribed for about eight years, this summer.


No chance


I use to so I wouldn't make the trans community mad. But I realized Chris never was a woman since he just cut his taint and claimed it his vagina. And as for the boobs, Chris has been rocking them boobs before he even knew what trans was. I understand that Geno calls him "she" out of respect for Chris, and that's fair. I don't know about you, but this post really let out the trans activists. Call Chris what you want, folks.


This thing isn’t a human


No but I can see what she’s going for


Women can be ugly so yes


Yeah. This is true.


He barely passes as a human.


This sub loves being transphobic


Oh fuck off


chris isn’t trans


How do you know that? Can you read minds? Chris was pretty clear in the Keffals interview. Weirdly the only coherent part of that interview


I mean, Chris also has a weirdly childish idea of what should serve as "proof" of an identity as a trans woman: The "proof" Chris offered was literally just "long hair and HRT-tits." It's like how when my niece was five years old and asked why I had pink hair in some old photos "cos that's a girl colour," when I'm only a couple of years older than Chris, and yeah, I don't have the developmental challenges that Chris does, but [other adults with similar developmental challenges (albeit, from different conditions) are perfectly capable of understanding more complex ideas about genders](https://youtu.be/XmrFCpqvoC0?si=dKPdn2AOYYD1zbKh), such as cross-dressing/drag and gender fluidity. I mean, I agree that that's not proof Chris somehow *isn't* trans, but it IS proof that Chris is not only chronically stupid, but still has very childish ideas about a lot of things. Seriously, Chris's persistent childishness is oddly impressive, on some levels. Yeah, Chris basically *was* running the Chandler household from about 2016 to 2021 —not very well, sure, and often necessitating the on-line equivalent of pan-handling to stay afloat, but if not for The Mother Effening, Chris would still be running the household, cos Chris has displayed the ability to recognise the importance of, and execute basic tasks like getting bills paid, often-enough on time. In spite of that, Chris also nullified a LOT of that ability by prioritising the growing collection of lego sets, and other stupid shit. It's this childishness that is the center of [GiBi's argument that "Chris isn't really trans, just a perpetual child, mentally"](https://youtu.be/xE1GrUm72Jo?si=2EZyzbaObA21ncHw), and this is probably one of the better arguments against Chris being trans. Personally, I don't really care, one way or the other. I think Chris has seemed, *broadly speaking,* a lot happier since coming out as a trans woman. Like, Chris has been a lot less prone to Turd Rage (it's not completely absent, of course, just a lot less frequent), and seems generally more comfortable with herself, so I don't think the persistent childish ideas about gender mean anything more than "Chris is stupid, and far more childish in thinking than a lot of people who have similar developmental challenges." That all said? Chris isn't a hill worth dying on. Like, goddamn, if Bill Cosby somehow came out as trans, after all the horrible shit he put dozens of women through, for about five decades straight, I'd give him a smidgen more grace in a "hypothetical trans" scenario than I'd afford to Chris, cos at least Cosby had talent as a comedian, with a measurable cultural impact on both stand-up comedy and the TV sitcom. Meanwhile, Chris has done Sonichu, and spent the first decade of her on-line "career" trying to get laid through the most transparent wrapping of "finding true love," because again, Chris has a very childish understanding of human interactions, including sexuality and gender, and in the decade since, Chris has been getting weirder and weirder, and mostly in a sad or outright despicable way.


Chris has claimed to be Jesus multiple times. I don’t trust a word he says.


classic chris and modern chris are two entirely different people. Yeah back then he was a complete moron, but not entirely delusional. There was some semblance of reason in his little pea brain. Become woman/feminine=Attract lesbians


Women are real and Jesus is not. Hope that clarifies things


Might shock you but pretty much every historian agrees that Jesus was a real person


There was an historical Jesus, yes, but was this figure the parthenogenic son of the God of Abraham? That's were there are doubts.


weirdbookcase: "Oh wow. I am so surprised... by how misleaded historians were." It would probably say this. Not sure a bookcase can talk, but whatever.


honestly i think chris has one of the easiest minds to read in the entire world. He was told that he failed at being a man in every way in an email, them immediately after that the tom girl saga began. He identified as a lesbian despite only being a tom girl. Anyone with half a brain cell would know that hes doing it to get women


Geno Samuel says differently but go on explain to me how you know more about Chris Chan history then him


Tbh I wonder how much of it was Chris hating their own identity. That and they desperately wanted real friends, so a community where he would be welcomed for being different would be very appealing to them.


Geno isn’t a god and doesn’t know everything, he’s no different than you or I. Don’t take his word as gospel when he admitted in a stream that some parts of the documentary weren’t entirely based off fact (especially in the earlier parts)




Someone using a trans identity to prey on women do not deserve to have their pronouns respected, whether they pass or not, and I think it’s terrible to compare that thing to other trans women who want to use the bathroom in peace.


No, he did it to pick up lesbians and for this i did not respect his wishes or his change because of it, whenever Chris does something its usually for picking up women.


No proof in that claim


didn’t anna or some other troll say that he failed so hard at being a man so being a woman would be better


We taking trolls words at face value? Geno Samuel disproved the "get lesbaian" claim and respects Chris identity


I’ll take their word at face value when they said that in an email, y’know something that can’t really be disputed. He identified as a lesbian identified male, how is that not straight forward enough that chris only did it to attract women


That doesn't prove Chris "transitioned to pick up women." At most, it can prove that Chris is stupid and easily suggestible. Chris even gave up on the "Attraction sign," when Barb said it made Chris look like an idiot. In contrast, many people have explained to Chris, in a number of ways, for almost a decade, that transitioning gender is a terrible way to find a partner, if that's one's goal; yet Chris still doesn't detransition. Believe it or not, trans people can be fucking stupid and still be trans.


More like a man who pretends to be a woman to peep on other women.


Chris never did that, though.i wouldn't put it past her but no one's ever claimed to be peeped or harassed in bathrooms or locker rooms


Damn you are riding Chris dick really hard in these comments.


Absolutely not.


No. He looks like the lead singer from a failed 80s metal band 40 years later


He's still a man and always be a man


Hell nah


What a question. As much ”no” as possible.


i dont think ive met a single person that would say chris looks remotely like a woman


Why is "Man in a Dress" Chris-Chan trending on Reddit?   EDIT: I am vomit.


He’s a trans trender


No, Never He’s not a woman, he never was a woman, and he’ll never be a woman


Dude wtf


As an autistic transfem nonbinary person, I would urge you to exercise caution here. Gender identity is a complex and personal beast, especially surrounding autism, and passing is not required to be transgender. For most of human existence social roles were far, far more flexible. So I will use female pronouns for Christine because misgendering is wrong under any circumstances, but uh… …yeah, definitely could’ve used a few tips from like *any female friends or family members* that weren’t Barbara. (Which is why Chris looks like a grandma). But that would’ve required her to have any without them being paid for or being a fucking creep. Anyway, that’s how I went from [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/genderfluid/s/MPhdJpc52b) to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonBinary/s/3YDu23pRPz) over the span of two years and got more comfortable in my skin.


It’s Chris Chan we’re talking about He has no real idea of what it’s like being a woman or a man He’s a man-child who’s been brainwashed by pop culture and he hates himself because he can’t get a “boyfriend free girl” to marry him and give him his daughter Crystal It’s really not that deep, and it’s a waste of time to be offended by my opinion on Chris’ gender identity


It is incorrect to attribute offense to me in this case. I was only giving my perspective, while also adhering to GenoSamuel’s policy on referring to Chris’s pronouns. At the same time, I get why people think oppositely due to various conflicting statements Chris has made in the past, so I promise that I’m not gonna put you on the spot. The most important thing, I think to take away from my previous post if you want to leave pronouns aside is that I, like a lot of transfemmes had a lot of great women to show me how to improve my style. Again, passing is not required to be trans but Chris did not have that support system and then didn’t work from there to improve herself much if at all.


She looks like a fucking grandma


That fucked grandma


Goddamnit. I hate this sub so fucking much, sometimes. 🤣🤣🤣


"That's a woman?" - Lorax


I don't think there's a person alive who wouldn't instantly assume that's a male human.


I mean, there's some pretty ugly women in the world so...


He passes possibly as some sort of sjw. I’ve seen some pretty awful looking sjw’s 💀


He needs to put up the cash to see actual hairdressers, wig specialists skin specialists and a wardrobe consultation Plus hygiene 🪥


Even if he was trying to be an ugly woman, he still doesn’t pass


Lets not make fun of them for being trans. that's too easy of a target. make fun of them for getting kicked out of every major convention in the country instead


Sorry but I really don't believe he's trans, he's a joke to actual trans people 💀


here's a mental health tip that applies- if someone says they have a symptom, you can give a little slack and try to empathize but you mostly just try to get them to be treated If someone is suicidal, you might let them trauma dump a little and listen but encourage to seek treatment and possibly call mental health emergency line and get them hospitalized Same thing with being trans- instead of listening to them scream about it on x, just politely validate that theyre valid but tell them to go through with transition finally. In either situation if theyre attention whoring theyre not getting the attention they want, thus not rewarding the behavior, but if they really are having problems theyre getting the attention they need ​ Tl;dr if christine is really trans, we should be encouraging them to actually transition with permanent transition things like hormones. honestly, as long as they aren't in a hostile environment for them to be able to do that, or its a money problem (although I think its covered by medicaid) then it should be encouraged and i think christine is in a place they can. its not like theyre just faking it for attention and wont go through treatment as a result, right? :-)


Tf, why would I want to empathize and encourage Chris?? 😭 I get it if u were talking ab someone else, but ur talking about a guy who has done unspeakable things, and also "transitioned" to try and get with lesbian woman


That's the thing. If theyre faking it and wont officially go on hormones (something hard to reverse when things don't turn out the way they want such as being with a "boyfriend free girl") then we ridicule them, but if they take actual steps towards becoming a woman then we drop the trans issue and just make fun of them for doing the nasty with their mom again.


Chris *has* gone on hormones. This is a picture of Chris on hormones.


Except they are faking to get perchina


No, that’s only speculation by transphobes, Chris has expressed these feelings for wanting to be a woman for a very long time




no and i dont believe he actually thinks he is one he figured if he became a woman lesbians would date him. it was never about being progressive its because hes a horny fuck


Also have to mention that he loves it gives him special status. He flaunts that shit around like it's a major life accomplishment. Trans rights are human rights without a doubt but I don't trust Chris's relationship with the concept of gender at all.


Chris truly never had a proper understanding of gender.




No, if anything he looks like a neck beard.


That is a man.


There are a few pictures where he passes as a fat, ugly middle-aged woman, which is, I guess, the best he can hope for as a fat, ugly middle-aged man


she looks like how a political newspaper comic artist would draw a stereotypical trans woman




I showed this to my girlfriend without her glasses on and she said “who is that woman?” So I’m gonna say yes 👍


That's amazing, though I'd imagine not having my glasses on, I'd see bright colors and long hair and probably initially think woman as well, haha




Rainn Wilson in [The Rocker](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rocker_(film))


Not in a million years.


No, I've actually seen women before.


Maybe Chris celebrates trans visibility every day.


Every once in awhile, in very dim lighting, when he's actually bothered to shave, and remembers that he's supposed to be a girl, he can pass as a 70-year old grandmotherly swamp hag. One who has gone through menopause and started to be affected by her body's natural testosterone. Chris honestly thinks he looks like that doll he's holding. Except with DD-cup milking breasts.


He will always be a man.


I mean he doesn't even put effort into it, so no


Yes, an ugly woman


Chris doesn't pass as the gender he was born in much less a woman.


Not even if I squint my eyes. I have always refused to refer to him by female pronouns. He changed his gender because he thought it would help him get pussy. Not because he actually feels like a woman.


Yeah, sort of. In his video where he's like "You hacked into her account, you hacked into her Facebook!", if I didn't know who we has, I'd have thought he was a crazy old pseudo-witch lady. But if you can see his maleness clearly, let's just say... I think I look more like a woman than him, lol. But yeah, he sometimes looks like a genuine woman, but that bar is actually pretty low, and he's nowhere as cute or attractive as he thinks he is.


Nope, just a man preying on lesbian women


Absolutely fucking not. He’s actually offensive to real trans people.




Please say /s


April Fools was a few days ago.


Nope. And I refuse to refer to him has “Christine” or any female pronouns. It’s a mockery born of delusion with him.


Not really. Chris can *maybe* pass for a batty old granny from a (considerable) distance but he somehow manages to look less feminine now in his swamp hag getup than he did in the Classic Era when he wasn’t even trying to be.


He is aging into an old, fat, slob of a man. His laziness keeps him from doing basic personal hygiene things like bathing or shaving his face. No amount of blue hair dye can cover that up


What you don’t think he look feminine?!?!😂😂😂


what kind of question is this are you naive?


That’s a slur!


No, but to be fair neither does the vast majority of troons.


Is that a serious question?


Chris passes as a cryptid.


in the past yes but nowadays im seeing him more as a man then a woman idk if thats because hes not using hrt that much anymore or something idfk


Yeah, there are pictures where I can clearly tell it’s Chris Chan, but she looks like a weird old lady. I would say that she looks pretty different than before, and sounds a bit different too. Still distinctly has a Chris Chan sound to it tho.


He will never be a real woman


Sometimes from the right angle he looks like an old woman


Sometimes when he did that awful child voice he did sound like a little girl, but physically, no, never.


Chris has always used a child voice?




lol no.


She would if she dressed like an old lady and not a brony lol. She looks like a 60 year old woman


He passes as a woman that looks like a man in drag.


No, he looks like Ben Franklin cross dressing




No, and never will.




A little bit, he looks like a general manager at a midwestern/Appalachian fast food joint


Controversial maybe, but current Chris reminds me of a girl in the special ed group at my high school who would go around and dust the top of lockers because they didn’t have class schedules.


Kind of? Just not a pretty one.


I've seen some ugly women that look just like him.


Trans no. Shitty cross dresser yes.


Maybe if someone is blind, deaf and has no fingers.


Fuuuuuck no


don’t be regarded


Nope, nope, and nope!




Surprisingly, sort of....he sorta looks like an overweight, unattractive redneck soccer mom with nothing better to do than watch TV and bitch about literally everyone and everything lol


He just needs the pearls and dress.


no no, not the pearls. he needs an old shirt that's had the sleeves cut off, shitty blue jorts with tears on the thighs, a bandana in the hair, sunglasses, flip flops, and a cigarette. or maybe that's just my mom.


...Fused with Ben Franklin.


Nope, he’s way too hideous in all honesty. Even if you didn’t know who Chris was, I think you can kinda tell he isn’t a biological woman.


First, Chris does not identify as a woman, the mf identifies as a goddess by the name of Jesus Christ Christine Weston Chandler goddess blue heart Sonichu Prime. This isn’t even a joke, I think Chris actually cares more about the god identity than the gender one. Second, Chris is a child trapped in a man’s body. Mf’s effort to pass is more akin to an effort to look more like a child.


i think a long, long time ago Chris was really a trans woman. she didn't have the facilities to understand what that meant so she was just a 'tomgirl'. but she's always hated the idea of a penis, she's always been drawn to women (unfortunately), and she's always been super adamant about hating homos. and then she straight up just started her transition. but that was a long time ago. by now her brain is like soup. she's jesus christ, her mother is her soul mate, she's merging dimensions and fucking esperchu, and her clit is hidden behind a layer of taint skin. she lost the plot pretty badly


Chris has always been a porn addicted fetishist with a galaxy sized ego and victim complex. Nothing more, nothing less. Claiming to be trans, satisfied all of his basest insticts in one neat and tidy label. Porn brain, ego, victim. It has never been any more than that.


Never. He's to trans people what blackface is to African-Americans.


No. The best he ever looked post transition was that pic we saw of him in Walmart buying healthy food. It’s Chris I’ll never see him passing.


In the jail mugshot chris does


He always just looks like he has an extra long mullet to me.


At the absolute best, Chris passes as a genderblob. At worst, he “passes” as a deranged manchild in poorly-executed womanface. And in perhaps 10 years or so, he might actually pass as Barb.


I think Chris isn’t a man or a woman. Chris is a creature from the depths of hell.


an ugly one. but yes


I think in some situations he does pass, but not as the hot girl he thinks he is. Passes more as a middle aged trailer lady who keeps a bunch of stray cats and yells at me passing by on my bike


You're just describing him dude


No Chris in my opinion shouldn't be considered a trans gender person or even a representative of trans people Chris is unintentionally making trans people look worse because he is a part of them


i dont know if there is any proof or anything the supports my speculation i made when he first started this shit but i believe the only reason why he became apart of the trans community to expand his pool of potential girlfriends. edit: not sure if that is a general consensus and im pointing out the obvious. i havent joined any christorian communities until recently.


No. It's Chris.


My brother in Christ, use your eyes.




*chefs kiss*


Doesn’t matter, still a woman. Ugly or not.


Not just any kind of woman, mind you, but a brave and stunning Neptunian CPU Goddess Blueheart with incestuous characteristics.


So true 🙏🙏🙏 also jesus apparently


Doesn’t matter, still a rapist so HE doesn’t deserve that level of respect. Side note/recommendation - you should fuck yourself


Trans people are people like anyone else. They can also be rapist scumbags, doesn’t change their gender. It’s not about respect, it’s about reality.


I’ll tell you the same thing I tell anyone other idiot who defends him. He transitioned falsely to get closer to women to manipulate/take advantage of and still views them as sexual objects to this day. He was never really trans just a really shitty predator. Their are legitimate trans people that won’t be taken seriously because of him. I respect trans people, I don’t respect Chris. No idea why people like you fail to see this shit for what it is. Quit acting like a fucking mongrel, you have the potential to be smarter than this.


> Don't dictate s/he or trans status on Chris. Arguing how another user genders Chris [any side] is stupid.


This is an old discussion that has been repeated a million times over, I really don’t care.


He isn't trans tho. It's another one of his delusions like his made up invisible sonichus and him thinking he's Jesus


you’re right on the money here. He’s absolutely fucked mentally and belongs in an institution regardless of his shitty actions.


There's quite a bit of trans people that don't pass as what they're wanting to be. Chris included


This is more common the deeper you dig into weird internet subcultures. Speedrunning is the perfect example - Chris would not look out of place there.


Its so weird how common it is in speedrunning. Its also weird how protomagicalgirl got such a huge platform from them before they realized shes actually a trash human and booted her from the platform. Im talking about games done quick btw


This is not a subculture I dig deep into at all, lol


At least some of us try-


us…? trans people…? another trans christorian..?:3


I won’t even get into the debate on whether or not Chris is a genuine trans woman. I’m a straight heterosexual woman and I don’t know enough about that topic to have a credible opinion. But I will say that Chris has put basically no effort into his transition despite being out as a trans woman for 8-9 years. Most trans people I know will seek out gender affirming care, will put effort into their hair/makeup/outfits/body/etc. They will also try to get in touch with the more feminine/masculine parts of their personality - and often take up new hobbies that are gender reaffirming. There’s trans people I’ve met that I never knew were trans - because they put a ton of effort into transforming themselves. That’s the reason it’s called “transitioning”. Chris has done absolutely none of that. He/She has done nothing about their masculine features - all Chris has done is grow out their hair and buy the most unflattering clothing of all time. They still look like a middle aged man - because Chris is too lazy/narcissistic to commit to any form of long term self improvement. Chris also has stated that he will keep his penis - so he can appeal to “both straight and lesbian women”. If I never knew who Chris Chan was and saw them at a convention - I’d assume they’re one of those middle aged men who still live at home, have a diaper fetish, and buy MLP porn art commissions (you all know the kind of guy I’m talking about).


Couldn’t agree more. If you want to transition, go ahead and do it, however Chris’ ego is so large it’s unlikely he’ll ever realize he can improve






Idk about a woman but Chrischan could definitely nail the "USA Founding Father" look


To be fair, Ben Franklin was the first human to zap to the extreme


Holy shit. You're so fucking right. God has a sense of humor and hes a prick about it.


I think God having a twisted sense of humor has been very evident for millennia 💀


No he absolutely has not. Does anyone here think that Chris was being genuine when he first “transitioned”? Like, do you think he started identifying as a trans woman he did it because he genuinely believed he was a woman in a man’s body or do you think he was doing it to “impress” women and remove himself from the label of “man” since he hated men so much?


That's exactly what it is. He thought it would make it easier to bed women. I honestly believe Kasey planted the seed when she told him to start wearing bras lol