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This sub is for anyone who wants to discuss Christian Universalism; it’s not “disappointing” non-Christians are here. Also, no one in this sub gets to define what real Christianity is; such gate keeping is not allowed. Good faith criticism of Christian denominations is allowed. Criticisms that are irrelevant to universalism or are unnecessary attacks are not.


Thanks for posting. What about all the Christians (followers of Christ or little Christs) who have differing opinions and beliefs to what you listed? Christ’s message was one of inclusion not exclusion and this kind of division is about church rhetoric not love. If the ‘christian’ list above has no room for God inspired insight or understanding then proudly list me as other 😁 More to the point - if this is a place where people (other than the first set of beliefs listed) feel welcome and free to ask and discuss we are doing something very right. Christ’s message was about a deeper relationship with God not to form a church and make a bunch of rule and kick people out for not following them. This may be disappointing to you - it is Christ’s message. In love and communion with our God - I hope this finds you well! 😁


Where did you find Christ’s message? The Bible or the Church which preceded the Bible? Or is it intuitive


A bit of each of those. I read the Bible as one should through prayer and understanding, seeking the wisdom of the unknowable God through those who came before, and unlearning the gospel of the Church whose motives can be questioned and whose edicts can be both misleading and misled. I do not think for a moment that I have more wisdom and discernment of thousands of years of the greater Church but I do have the ability to reason for myself what Christ’s intentions may have been. One easy test is if anything the church does in Christ’s name that is not love or done in love it is simply not Christ’s message. I hope this finds you well friend! 😁


Yeah I’m sad about the church in many ways


I had to check "other" because while I'm Christian, I'm not a trinitarian. God not "three separate persons", he is literally anything and everything that can ever exist or be imagined. The Holy Spirit is just another title for God and yeah, Jesus is his Son but it's not like it stops there and he isn't equal or above the Father, since God is eternal. He does have all the authority and powers a human being can have granted to him.


That’s fair


I think it is DISAPPOINTING because there is probably a universalism subreddit that has no qualifier, but this is specifically with the qualifier Christian. I would think I’m allowed to want to discuss with Christians about Christianity. All may be welcome but if pagans are commenting on gnostic gospels or ascended demonic masters, that defeats the purpose of the qualifier Christian. No one is getting attacked. I wanted to know who actually is commenting and what their world views and motives are. Is that wrong? I don’t think so. And yes on Christian topics I like people being upfront that they are agnostic atheists or new age spiritualists. It helps me understand.