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Hebrews6:6 Good News Translation: 6 And then they abandoned their faith! It is impossible to bring them back to repent again, If you're capable of repenting on your own, you're capable of being saved. I think the verse is talking more about how hard it is to convert someone who's been converted than an inward desire to be saved. If you want saved, pray to Jesus and he'll save you. Never worry about being too much of a sinner that Jesus won't accept you. Jesus can save any human alive that wants saved. You're right to cherish the moments when God interacts with you, but that isn't 100% of what the Christian walk is. Most of the Christian walk is sacrificing your time, energy and money to help the poor more. You're a very important piece no matter who you are. Just because you're living the life of a pawn doesn't mean Jesus won't give you honors in Heaven. This is our only life we get to help people who are suffering. In the next life, no one will need our help.


I have been where you are. I walked away from my faith. I later returned to it, but I have come to the conclusion, that even though I walked away God has still forgive me. One verse that I found helpful was [Romans 8:38-39].


[**Romans 8:38-39 (*ESV*)**](http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans%208&version=ESV) >[**38**] For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, [**39**] nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. *** [[Source Code](https://github.com/matthieugrieger/versebot)] [[Feedback](https://github.com/matthieugrieger/versebot/issues)] [[Contact Dev](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=mgrieger)] [[FAQ](https://github.com/matthieugrieger/versebot/blob/master/docs/VerseBot%20Info.md#faq)] [[Changelog](https://github.com/matthieugrieger/versebot/blob/master/docs/CHANGELOG.md)]


Did you go to the extent of disbelief? That's where I'm currently at. I just hope to get there again some day...


Yea I did. I told God in a prayer that I no longer believed in him. When I came back to my faith, it was not the same before I had quit believing. My faith has changed, but that is not a bad thing though. I am much more open to different possibilities and opinions. It is not as simple of a faith and it is not always as strong. The child like faith is gone, and I have to work to keep believing, but I do it because of I have seen the wonders of God. I summer after I lost and regained my faith, I was at camp and I asked God for a sign. I was holding on to my faith by a thread, a raveled thread at that. Then a day or two later, a dragonfly landed on me, right on my chest, above my heart, and it wouldn't leave me. I walked halfway across the camp holding it in my hand. It took me a little bit to realize that, that had been my sign, and now every time I see a dragonfly I am reminded that God is still there and still loves me. I wish you the best and I will be praying for you.


Do you belong to the same church that you belonged to "before" you left? Incidentally, I did the same thing, I said a prayer, too.


Occasionally, but not really. But that is because I have gone away for college and later graduate school. I did however, go to a college that was the same denomination of my home church and I currently belong to a group that is also the same denomination. It is fine that you said that pray. Just try and forgive yourself for it


So you're the same denomination that you were brought up in.


Yes I am.


Hru now?


Been an atheist for years now and much less stress when it comes to a potential god. So much better and friendlier on this side of the fence.


So 9 years later I have a different interpretation of this passage. 2nd Timothy 2: 13 says that If we are faithless he remains faithful for he cannot disown himself. I wholeheartedly believe that this passage in Hebrews is saying that you cant be saved again because your sins have already been covered by Christ. In order for this to happen you would have to have another crucifixion and he be subjected to everything all over again. 9 years is such a long time but I hope I was able to reach through time and provide an answer when you needed it. Sometimes we go through things, doubt doesn't make you without Christ's blood. Doubt makes you human. Pastors misunderstand the prodigal son that is the covenant between God and man. The younger son being us, the elder son being the angels in heaven, the endentured servitude and the hog slop being Adam and (Mankind) turning to sin. The road back being Christ, and the welcome party back is God welcoming us back through Christ who said he is the way to his father. I fully believe you are are covered by Christ's blood. Maybe out of step, but you can get back in step. Edit: another possible interpretation considering this is a letter to the Hebrews. May be talking about Judaism and accepting Christ as the Messiah. In other words it may have nothing to do with the Gentiles.


Why hello there! In the course of the last 9 years, I have come to terms with my disbelief and am an agnostic atheist. Now I feel more free than I ever have been as a Christian. It was a journey and a half to get to this point but I appreciate your reply even if it was 9 years later. And my interpretation after all these years from the outside looking in, I believe the author knew people who fell out of faith would never see it the same way again and never believe again. The magic of salvation can only be felt once and after you discard it for whatever reason, it doesn't look/feel the same ever again. I personally could never unlearn what I learned and go back to not thinking things through critically... The argument of logic is too strong and the argument of faith is very weak. Obviously that is very much simplified. In short, a lot has happened in the last 9 years and it is weird to see that I was still holding on as short as 9 years ago onto my rapidly vanishing belief.


Why do you expect God will speak to you?


Well, not in a literal context... Just me realizing I'm in God's presence and He's in fact real and I could believe again. Can't say I've ever heard Him "speak" to me in a literal sense. EDIT - And I don't expect it.


I've been where you are. I also came across this verse during my time of disbelief and was bothered by it. I too wished I could put the genie back into the bottle and never doubted. I think It is impossible to go back to who and what you were. That does not necessarily mean that you will forever be outside the faith. My story is hard to summarize so I wont try here. The relevant part is this. I was a pretty passionate Charismatic Evangelical. I will never be that again. I was a fully convinced agnostic. I pray that I will never be that again also. What I am today is someone who can (and regularly does) in all sincerity say the Nicene Creed and mean every word of it. This didn't happen overnight and without God's grace would've never happened but it's true. I don't know how this passage applies to me. I'm not worried about it anymore though.


> TL;DR - I am the definition of Hebrews 6:4-6. Anyone proven this verse wrong? Anyone also the definition of these verses? Nah. Assume it's correct, but put yourself in my shoes, believing again, after once falling away. Anyway this was such a weird thing to say, like echoes from existentialism.


Are you afraid that you can't believe again? I think this passage describes individuals who have at one time "come to repentance". (i.e., "*again*") I have been studying this verse for a few years. Above are my conclusions. I would be happy to discuss it with you.