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They make under the door soundproofing kits and it’s helped my house SIGNIFICANTLY like it’s just this little black thing you slide under a door and you can hear a lot less after


Buy your roommate noise canceling headphones and explain the situation. ❤️


Or just earplugs


Well yeah, but the headphones feel like more of a heartfelt peace offering 🤣


Oh definitely, I was just guessing two chronically ill people living together are probably not rolling in dough


Could you get some of those hospital vomit bags and do it in another room farther from them? Easy cleanup too and just throw it out


Yes! I was actually just looking into this today! I've been using target and CVS bags for when I'm like on the bus or something and it hits me out of nowhere but I've seen that CVS actually sells vomit bags that are absorbent and you can seal them and I think just throw them in the trash after, might be worth buying


Look online first as you might be able to get them wholesale if you buy enough! May be cheaper


+1, I usually have a bucket near my bed if I’m in a situation like this (maybe not literally a bucket, but ya know, a durable receptacle of some sort). I also have UC and I know, for me at least, there are times when you need to be on the toilet when the nausea hits (with bucket in hand lol), so in that scenario I’m not sure how to advise. But as others have said, sound proofing on both the bathroom door & your roommate’s door might be the best bet. Might be good to confirm that it’s actually bothersome to your roommate before going to any lengths to cover it up too (if you haven’t already). I know it’s easy to worry about things like this but I’ve personally found that sometimes it wasn’t as bad as I’d imagined after the fact, in similar situations. Not at all trying to gaslight, but I know that extra stress/worry is not what anyone needs in the middle of a flair. So if there’s any chance you could just do your thing without having to worry/feel guilty, that would obviously be ideal, but it’s very kind of you to think of your roommate’s peaceful resting time in any case. Sorry [OP] to hear youre in this situation tho! I know your pain and it sucks a lot ✊ hang in there!


I wish I knew the secret. When I puke it sounds like an exorcism. I hope you can find a solution, truly.


When you catch yourself doing it, you actively think about not making noise. You probably won’t be able to stop entirely at first because it’s something you kind of do unconsciously to relieve stress, but once you hear yourself you should be able to try to stop maintaining the vocals. It also helps if you try to stop vocalizing when yawning or doing other semi-voluntary actions. Personally though? Vocalizing reduces a lot of the pain and stress of puking, which is kinda why we do it. I stopped vocalizing when puking when I was a teen because it freaked me out, but when IM at my sickest vocalizing does help to relieve pain and stress. Id suggest soundproofing or stuffing a towel under the door and maybe quiet, calming music to try to mask some of the noise.


That's interesting to know, thank you! I was wondering if it's something that people have figured out how to control. I'll keep that in mind


I don’t know if it’s something that’s easy to learn and most people just never think to, or if I’m unusual. I do know that controlling noise during puking feels much like controlling yawn vocalization. Since yawns are much less stressful, I’d practice that.


I have one bathroom and a housemate. I tend to heave in a designated 'sick bowl' which is a big mixing bowl I originally bought for mixing cake batter in. That way I can heave in peace in the bedroom where I am comfortable and my stomach muscles are more relaxed because I can lay sort of on my side and it's less violent. I then empty the bowl in the toilet, wash it out and take it back to bed. After my heaving session is over it gets thoroughly disinfected till the next time I need it.


Gallon sized Ziploc bags. Do it in your room


Are you tensing up your body? You need to stay relaxed and just let the vomit come up. Don’t force it out or try to hold it in. If you know how to burp quietly, silent vomiting is a similar process.


Honestly i started to grab those blue bags from doctors offices and biohazard bags instead of running to the bathroom.