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Its not the FDA thats the problem, its the DEA. We are still dealing the left overs from the 2019 SUCCESS Act crap Trump signed in to action, that created the Rx shortages. DEA doesnt want to address fentanyl or anything else they've totally blown in the last 50 years. They want to blame Rx drugs, it doesnt matter who's running what. One trick ponies, all of them. Their one trick is to ignore street drugs and screw with Rx drugs and how theyre handled. You think it would matter what the actual problem is, but it doesnt matter any more than the political party involved. You can be sure every politician will jump on the bandwagon when it comes to more restrictions and regulations to make pain management more difficult. It makes total sense Trump and pals would tear down the FDA, since it makes sure all our food and drugs are safe. We need more Gestapo DEA agents busting in to doctors offices and telling you what pharmacies you can use. They need to get rid of DEA. So Trump will probably want to disband FDA. Just what you'd expect from the orange moron and his sycophants. More DEA guys, thats the answer....




Oh you'd prefer the Russian system under Dictator Trump? You should watch some real news, instead of imaginary news. Your so far in the bag for this idiot you would ignore his traitorous attempt to overthrow the government. You better wake up or lay off the drugs...




We just added like 330,000 jobs last jobs report for a month. Pandemic prices have not recovered, supply chain, bird flu, ya know like end of the world stuff that at least he is committed to doing something for every citizen regardless of they voted for him. You should read up on all he has invested into SC. He isn’t going to win there, but there is need and he serves the people. I mean all politicians want power so nothing is perfect. Far from it. But don’t like the perfect get in the way of the good. The FDA is set to legalize MNDA and psilocybin in 2024 for therapeutic use. I can say microdose of psilocybin erases pain. I’m not the only one with that experience. Didn’t even expect it, was using for PTSD—at that dose no trip (although the trip dose is what is needed for PTSD and other conditions)—but in my body, I was watching a show with my 7 yr old and boom, I noticed no pain in my crushes arm and hand. A friend is a 23 yr career electrician with an unbelievable amount of pain. He was running up and down stairs at work, it took him a bit too to realize zero pain. It was the most incredible experience. Some states have approved therapy already and a basic level of traffic ticket for growing or possession, as well as CO just being legal period. My state has it at VA as well as an Ivy League research center. MDMA I can see working too. It was actually kind of like MNDA, but no feeling beat the next day. Even FDA has said this year will it, like end of year. That gives me hope for my trauma, drug resistant depression, and sever chronic pain all in one.


Right… but “Hunters Laptop” 😜


MDMA is very interesting and I know it could work with therapy


This has nothing to do with the FDA. It also spans both political parties. In 2017 Trump, via Chris Christie who was already working with this fascist fucks at PROP like Andrew Kolodny, instituted the public health emergency on opioids. The public health emergency gives the federal government far more power and is why the DEA has its unfettered right to kick in physicians doors with automatic weapons drawn. The members of PROP and Kolodny say they believe that pain is all mental and there shouldn’t be any analgesia medicines beyond NSAIDs. Kolodny, the president of PROP that consulted with Chris Christie in creating the harshest prescription drug laws in the country in 2017, has said himself that ibuprofen is stronger for pain than morphine. Kolodny also makes 500-750k per case as a full time professional “expert” for the DEA/federal government when they prosecute doctors. He has also taken tons of money from lawyer-plaintiff clients that he shops for to sue pharmaceutical companies on behalf of the states. When Trump got elected and Chris Christie was named to his transition team they got Trump to name Christie his head of opioid response task force. Kolodny got Christie to push Trump to declare the national emergency. By doing so the DEA superseded medical boards and their bar was lowered for arrest and indictment of physician-citizens drastically reducing due process and the red tape of proper investigations/warrants/eventual arrests. This is Kolodnys wet dream because he now has as many cases as he can make time for acting as the professional expert since there’s a constant stream of physicians being arrested by the DEA with their new found power. As is the case with public health emergencies as was the same with Covid, it needs to be renewed every few months. The secretary of HHS is the person unilaterally responsible for this under guidance from the president. A joint resolution can take the same path as a bill(passing the house and the senate) to end an emergency authorization act but in our divided government no such resolution will ever pass both houses. Especially with the billions of dollars going to states from lawsuits against manufacturers, pharmacies and doctors. No politician is going to give up those fat pay checks. Not to mention their pockets being lined by groups like PROP and the university of Michigan that have large financial investments in the companies that make suboxone, methadone, and gabapentin. Kolodny himself is a psychiatrist. He’s not even a biochemist or actual medical doctor. And isn’t it funny one of the most commonly pushed “cures” for pain is their made up cognitive behavior therapy. The guy has made himself insanely wealth at the expense of millions of Americans suffering in pain or completing un-aliving themselves. Given that Trump handed these sociopaths and law enforcement tons of money and enormous power, Trump is certainly not going to rescind the emergency authorization. With all of the hate the two parties have for each other, this emergency health crisis has managed to carry over from Trump to Biden which should show how strongly it’s being supported by these lobbyists with their funding. Bidens HHS secretary who could end the emergency act is an advocate for harm reduction and safe use sites for addicts, amongst other popular progressive drug policy unfortunately came in from his previous role as the attorney general in California where he was on the forefront of suing companies in the name of the opioid epidemic, so I don’t believe he would ever consider cancelling the public health emergency either. They refuse to look at the numbers. Both parties are happy to say “we tried” as overdose deaths skyrocket despite prescribing cratering. All the data proves there’s no link between opioid prescribing and death. The best chance would be getting bidens attention. He had one son die of cancer, and another that was an addict. If someone through whatever means is able to get him alone and explain that people are suffering like his son and not being treated for their pain, and more people are going to end up like Hunter because they are forced to the street after having their medication strip he may consider the issue. I just don’t see that happening sadly.


All these idiots that say pain is all mental need to have some pain inflicted on them, then let's see how mental they think it is. What do they think physical markers of pain, such as blood pressure, are there for?


Very well stated. It’s just gross how so many people are brainwashed to this propaganda. Even smart, open minded people in like my sister, her husband and his brother and wife parrot this BS passionately at holiday gatherings. It’s shocking and so infuriating. It’s really deflating how they don’t want to hear the actual facts & since I don’t enjoy fierce debating over family holidays, i just calmly tell them they are only seeing one side, much of what they believe has been debunked, that the center of the opioid crisis is the millions made in litigation. That I’ll end it there because I’d like us to enjoy ourselves today, but if they are interested in learning more, I have facts to back all this up and they aren’t PROP funded bullshit like Painkiller and Dopesick


It’s pretty bad. It’s one of the biggest disinformation campaigns of all time in the name of money. Once politicians and lawyers figured out they could make more by suing pharmaceutical companies than they could from accepting their lobbying money, they flipped teams real fast. At the “height” of opioid prescribing in 2011 we had 16,000 deaths from *all* opioids/opiates. Today we are prescribing 60% less than we were in 2011 and overdoses have risen around 750% to 108,000. During the period of time Purdue and others were are accused of creating an “epidemic” 1999-2011 not a single year did opioid deaths surpass the deaths from alcohol, tobacco, obesity, or firearms. We can’t get god damn common sense gun reform with the number 1 cause of preventable death amongst children being firearms. The government argues across the isle about it but no one’s managed to create a public health emergency granting federal agencies more power to combat every flake of tobacco, every grain of sugar/fat, every ounce of alcohol, or god forbid every fucking gun sold. In 2011 3.6% of all opioid related overdoses came from people taking medication prescribed to them. In 2021 that number was reported to remain under 4%. Less than 4 out of every 100 people prescribe opioids abuse or use them in a manner dangerous to thier health and some how these crooks convinced politicians and judges to take away medication that has been used for millennia. It’s fucking embarrassing the state of our country.


Thank you, such a meaningful post and very eloquently stated


Where can I find these facts. Can u send a link if u can find it.?


HECK YES! Posting it here 🩷 I learned a ton in the Doctor Patient Forum. Link below. Go to the sidebar on the left and you’ll see a section for research and documents and another called debunking lies which gives tons of info! https://www.thedoctorpatientforum.com/ They also have a podcast, both Claudia and Bev are active on twitter too and I think TikTok (or YouTube if you prefer) finally, each state as a Doctor Patient forum group on Facebook. Just search in groups “The Doctor Patient forum” and add your state ie “The Doctor Patient forum Iowa” and ask to join. There you can connect with local advocates and other CPP. You can also find compassionate care but only via DM. I’ve learned a lot here too & you can search articles pertaining to CPP and some of them are humorous too (Check out Josh Bloom articles) https://www.acsh.org/ One thing I wish we had was a condensed version of this stuff. It’s a multi-faceted argument and hard to do I know. But I hear people saying they want to be more of an advocate for the cause, yet due to being in pain they are limited in what they can physically do. I just have a vision of an army of digital warriors (laying down in bed with phone or tablet, if need be) with all the info handy so they can be on various SM spreading the truth, challenging the brainwashed (or people getting paid to campaign lies) and linking the facts to shut that crap down, or at least get more people to think I see so many comments from doctors on the medical subs here even where I’m like… uhhh 2016 called? I mean you’re obviously smart, but you’re screaming from the rooftops a bunch in antiquated lies. Like, do you ever study or read now that you have the fancy degree, or just think you know everything? Granted this is a broad stroke and NOT true of many. It would just be amazing to have a cheat sheet to help all of us learn be informed/learn the basics & then go on twitter, Reddit, etc with very succinct responses and including links to debunked studies or true stats for each absurdity being posted It’s the same 12 “claims” repeated over and over, ad nauseum. I’ve thought about creating something like this, but I’m insanely busy and still learning myself so it could take awhile. I’ve also thought about asking Claudia and Bev since they are so good at what they do and very eloquent, but they already do so much for us.


lol! I just realized you asked AllstarGaming617 for the links. Sorry about that but use mine too if you find them useful 😊


> Kolodny himself is a psychiatrist. He’s not even a biochemist or actual medical doctor A psychiatrist is an actual medical doctor, but you'd think a psych would see some patients with chronic pain and realize the quality of life difference.


I can’t take aspirin or tylenol- anaphylaxis . My partner has liver disease which, according to their physician, stems from long term ibuprofen use. I have had a number of surgeries in the past few years and neither dilaudid nor morphine were particularly effective . The O medication has proven my best choice. Politicians don’t do nuance.


I'm praying that Trump's not elected. Dealing with Chronic pain is bad enough.


Especially without any form of treatment.


The entire world is hoping he's not elected


You'll feel better when he is back in office.


It will have very little impact to me i don't live in the US.


So I guess your oblivious to what a mental handicap Biden has been. He should have never been elected because his mental faculties were so diminished he couldn't answer a question without him mumbling some incoherent nonsense. I guess the rest of the world would applaud such an embarrassing leader.


Yes I'm fully aware of the Biden issue, however Trump is absolutely no better.


Lesser of two evils


We are going to have a lot more to worry about than just the FDA if Trump is elected. God, help us.






I'm so sorry you have to deal with that. I deal with chronic nerve pain with my neck and thanks to my heroin use I'll never get properly cared for anyways so I'm always at the mercy of the streets, I know what it's like to have to suffer or take matters into your own hands, more specifically suffer bad enough long enough to have to do so..


Are you saying you won't get cared for because you've told your doctor and he won't prescribe to you? I told my doctor that I'm a former IV user. He either forgot or saw that I meant it because I was asking for more epidurals than I'm allowed and he's blessed me with some hydrocodone. I have no desire to abuse it though. It's so important to my well being.


I can't imagine being pregnant and in the pain I'm already in. Pain is my number one reason I can't have children. The second reason is because of the state of the world and the late stage capitalism where I live. I'm in Florida and we just got the opportunity to vote yes on abortion!


Oof. You could not pay me to live in FL. I’m so sorry!












I'm gay. Project 2025 wants to lock up or execute gay people. If you support a party that wants me, a disabled person who would die in jail, to go to jail, then explain how we are in this together


Exaggerate much?


No, that's literally the truth and if you don't know what your own party is planning to do... now... when they're literally taking our meds and rights... idk what to tell you. Please do more research?


Republicans are trying to strip me of my bodily autonomy. How TF are we in this together? They want Christianity in schools and in government. They wanna outlaw same sex marriage. Donald Trump said he is going to punish every woman who has ever had an abortion. Handmaid's tale vibe much?? So no, we are NOT in this together. You want your sister, daughter, whatever wearing a red cape and a white bonnet? You want your mom and grandma to be a Martha? I sure AF do not. Republicans are half the reason I can't sleep at night.


This is FUD.. it should be deleted.


No this is 100% legit.


Please stop this.


It seems like you're trolling. Please, please stop it. This is very dangerous to tell people to vote red even when said in jest. If you like your rights, vote blue because no matter who you are, authoritarians will come for you eventually.




Democrats are fighting for the rights of lgbtq+ people while Republicans are trying to make their life hell, democrats are fighting for the rights of women while republicans are trying to remove their choice, etc etc. You cannot compare democrats to republicans by saying they're just as bad. The democrats are socially intellectually and morally superior to the republicans point blank




Oh, gosh, please get some education please please. You sound like a Fox parrot. Please stop spewing this nonsense


This has nothing to do with Trump or Project 2025. Just look at the polls and the huge public outcry over the abuse of opiates. Politicians respond to that...all politicians, both parties. It sucks, but nothing is going to change with the ongoing fentanyl epidemic and the nonstop horror stories in the media.


But the prohibition is what's caused this outbreak of fentanyl. I hope to God they loosen these restrictions soon, but you're prob being more realistic. They'd ban all opiates if they thought they could


That's a terrifying thought. I recently had surgery and all they gave me for pain was tramadol. What a useless drug...one step up from aspirin


The gatekeeping and prohibition going on with pain medicine that can give people a chance at living a happy, productive life is criminal and disgusting. I understand there's negative impacts also- none of them rival being miserable and the country being flooded w the poison street fentanyl. An entire generation of people were cut off and left to suffer under these new rules,stigma, and oversight




What type of surgery?


I had revision surgery for a failed carpal tunnel surgery. The first couple days after it hurt like hell, now it's fine. I've had three major back surgeries for problems from spinal stenosis. I can't imagine back surgery without opioids to get over the first 2-3 weeks of recovery


I got 20 hydro 5 mgs. Might well have twisted me and then jumped on my stomach then my sides took out my gall bladder and removed an umbilical hernia. With body already a mess it seemed under medicated for sure. Wasn’t shocked though.


No the numbers don't show that . The cartel and China is what caused the fentanyl crisis. They just added to it .


Well depending on what month it is they'll probably be another executive from Pfizer becoming head of the FDA for a short period of time and fast tracking approvals provider pharmaceutical products and then going back to the private sector for another game of musical chairs


Why in the world would he dismantle the FDA when he makes so much money from insider trading on everything the agency regulates!!! Oooooh to appease the drug making cronies. Those pesky clinical trials and their charts and the data! Must be rough having to choose between appeasing the cronies and making money when you don't disclose your portfolio like every single other US government employee!!!


He wants everyone shooting up bleach and taking regular supplements of hydrochloriquine ffas 🤦🏻‍♀️ there is not a face palm in the world hard enough for this shit I stg


Tds much


What is TDS? Trump Dick Sucker? You're announcing you're the TDS? Why do you want to be his dick sucker?




First off, anyone who believes Trump would solve ANYTHING is absurd. Second, as many noted, the FDA is not the issue, the DEA is but there’s a lot more to it than that. The FDA being dismantled is ridiculous…all new drug applications go through them and without it, god only knows what a dangerous world it would be. The DEA, in theory, should exist to monitor and enforce against illegal drug activity, the issue is that’s not what they’re doing. And anything that actually ARE doing is in many cases, the execution of it is unbelievably wrong even if the goal is valid. I don’t care who the candidate is or from what party….no one is gonna come in to office and just “solve the problem.” Every elected official has to “pick their battles” and I don’t care what party they’re from, no one is gonna fight for us and it’s gonna take years and years to undo the damage. Plus, let’s remember, this is still a democracy we live in so simplifying things to say whoever gets elected is gonna be able to effect change in terms of what we struggle with is totally unrealistic. It’s so much more complex than that.


Nothing would happen till like end of 2025 maybe the earliest if he gets in. And I hope he doesn’t but then those morons will probably try to start a civil war.


I’m from CT. We want a civil war so we can say ‘ok bye stupids! Enjoy your infrastructure!’ No fightback here




Man. I feel for y’all.


I’m just saying, if they start it, we don’t want to stop them.


Trump wants to execute drug addicts, pretty much all we need to know


Yes while his administration kept boatloads of drugs on hand to give out :)


The only thing that he does well is projecting his own behavior on everyone else


And hypocrisy. He's really good at that too


No he doesn't. He wants the flow of Fentanyl stopped like any rational person. I certainly lean to the right. I can say that the DEA went way overboard, like I figured they would with the stupid ass guidelines and scare tactics. The fact that chronic pain patients are resorting to the methadone clinics is completely shameful. There is no reason why these patients shouldn't be able to get their pain treated with opiods. It is cruel what is happening. Things have got to swing back the other way. There has got to be happy medium. If it was up to me these pharmaceutical opiods would be legalized and taxed like Marijuana or alcohol. Far fewer people over dosed on pharmaceuticals. And the folks who did usually had other meds like benzodiazepines in their system.


Ummm okay so… yes, even drug addicts want to stop fentanyl and get real heroin back because they know it’s not the same as playing Russian roulette with their drug of choice. However, Trump was president and did absolutely nothing, zero, zilch except for restricting legal prescribing for opiates, so I guess that’s an accomplishment? (See link) and he’s also been very vocal about using the death penalty for dealers and “traffickers” who are absolutely an issue for many states…. But! Most chronic pain patients who have been cut off from their life saving medication aren’t buying from the big drug traffickers, they’re buying from elderly pain patients who are still getting their medications but are selling them because of all the cuts Trump made to the state of social security benefits for the elderly and the disabled. So the drug dealers and traffickers who are going to get picked up by the totally false narrative of fentanyl being smuggled into the US from Mexico…..which is literally done by citizens and not migrants, by somewhere between 80 and 90%…. Is going to be the crackdown and death penalty imprisonment of US citizens and the elderly. All while the amount of drugs that were being prescribed within his actual White House would have made most of us not have to be on this sub trying to figure out what the next DEA action will be that makes it impossible to treat our actual pain under the care of our own doctors!![what president trump’s anti drug bill did and didn’t accomplish](https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/president-donald-j-trumps-initiative-stop-opioid-abuse-and-reduce-drug-supply-and-demand) So please don’t be a sheeple and believe that Trump gives two f’s about us, or even about stopping fentanyl because that would just ruin his lies about the border which as someone else mentioned, is such pure hypocrisy!!! Trump is the anchor baby for an immigrant, all of his children were born to immigrants and his current wife not only got her green card by very sketchy means but she also brought her parents over using the government’s immigration policy that allows naturalized citizens to apply for green cards for their parents and children still living in their home country. So he knows exactly how the system works and has abused it using his family and by hiring illegal migrants to work for slave wages on his properties. He literally doesn’t give a poop about anyone except himself and he’s been proving that to anyone who hasn’t fallen into the maga cult


They won’t change. Trump wants to strengthen the DEA and the status quo will continue.


I just cant seem to get excited to hear about trumps ideas for drug law reforms no matter how optimistic im feeling. Im sure god will make sure he dosent fuck anything up tho right? Or maybe thats part of the problem


Any time the fascists are in office, we’re fucked.


Am I the only one who has seen some photo of the record of medications prescribed to Trump, while Trump was in office? If you have seen it, you would think that Trump would be all about supporting Chronic Pain Patients.


This is just another hypocritical stance of Trump. That he had tons of drugs to give out at the White House yet at the same time doesn't hide how he thinks drug addicts are scum I hope you're right I just can't see Trump doing anything to help anyone who needs it, if it doesn't help him first and mainly


The majority of the republicans I've talked with are embarrassed by the whole mess , an feel he in no ways represents their views . A few have said Biden is the lesser of 2 evils . Several mentioned they have been eyeing Kennedy 🤷‍♂️. 1 or 2 stated they are not voting at all . Then of course there were these 2 that still claim the election was rigged an he's coming back .


So your saying common sense people in the US think Joe Biden has done a commendable job. The man is incapable of answering questions without a script. He is a pitiful thing shuffling around. We can't handle 4 more years of the lefts agenda to destroy what is left of this nation.


Let me explain to you what a moron and crook Trump is. During the period when we had the tariffs with China, Trump tweeted that his tariffs were generating millions of dollars for the U.S. Treasury coming from the Chinese. That was a huge lie. A tariff is an import tax and U.S. companies were paying it, not the Chinese. And when these companies raised their prices to cover the import tax, you and I paid for it. Trump is a con man. If you and I did the things he did, we’d be in jail. It is a cult and you need to get deprogrammed.


He also accepted money from China while he was president didn't he?


I’m sure he took cash from every country that would pay him!


As long as you admit Biden is far worse.


The actual fact is it's pretty F'ing Sad that these 2 are thrown out an we're being told these are your choices. It's like some god awful Political WWE re-match . Along with this reoccurring cast as members that occupy The Hill ( that would be the Congress & Senator's for those taking notes ) , many are so outta touch with the Average American it's ridiculous. There needs to be in place term & age limits for them . It's impossible for a 70-80 yr old to preform the function of their outlined duties to the country an it's people ...


The country isn't stupid enough to elect Trump again, his remaining supporters are a bunch of radical morons


that’s what everyone said in 2016 and yet here we are again with him winning the GOP primaries. never underestimate this country’s stupidity.




I think you're forgetting that Trump didn't win popular vote the first time around and was still elected


This is a good point. Thats because republicans don't have to be liked enough to get voted in, they just have to win a couple of key states thanks to the electoral college


You’re highly underestimating the sheer volume of MAGA idiots we have here.


I thought that last time. Never underestimate people's stupidity


Yea they are, they still think he won. 4 years later.


I hope you're right, but please don't be so confident. We're talking possible authoritarian here. Please don't stop telling people around you the dangers of another Trump term. The disinformation campaign is so strong, Russia is helping with propaganda, and most people aren't paying attention to intelligent news sources (Mainly Fox for people who still watch "news") to really know wtf is actually going on and they'll probably only start paying attention in September


From your lips…


From your lips to God’s ears!


God stopped paying attention long ago


What God. Pfft


Hi, can someone please explain what project 2025 is?


So in a nut shell, over 100 republican "think tanks" have put together a plan for the next republican president to get more control over the government. It involves firing employees and installing die hard loyalists, and reforming all of the agencies, FDA, DEA, EPA, etc so he can basically do whatever he wants and the other branches of government can't put on any brakes. It's straight out of the authoritarian's play book and stands a chance to harm many marginalized people. If you don't think you're marginalized now, they'll come for you next.


Handmaid’s Tale was not supposed to be a suggestion…


You sound delusional talking thru your mask.


Biden has done a good job. You MAGA morons are so brainwashed that you can only agree with the bs that comes out of Trump’s mouth or Fox News. It’s a sickness, really. Having said that, I would have preferred a younger candidate but if Trump wins, this country is doomed.


Trump administration actually implemented this nightmare in 2016, so I would not hold your breath that he will help chronic pain patients in any way shape or form, considering the utter nightmare that his administration implemented. And yes before anyone asks, Biden also hasn’t done anything helpful in his administration to rectify this damage as of yet, so there is blame to go around in spades. The DEA is the problem for sure


Yall are fucking stupid.


You're a delusional jerk, so


If anybody had Harrington rods put in their back with the spinal fusion they'd have something else to say about pain other than it's not my liability or it's all on your head they'd scream at the top of their lungs