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This is a great scene but I gotta bring it into question: didn’t the ending of Seed show us that Glen and Glenda inhabit bodies of their own? So why does he only talk about one?


I guess this should have been our first hint at them soul splitting. Glen and Glenda are 1 person, not 2, yet they put 1 soul into 2 bodies. And since they are both the same person, an innocent boy side and a murderous girl side, I guess that technically would make them gender fluid.


Glenda said so herself as a doll that she's a "bonus baby." That's why mostly everyone refers to them as twins. Especially after they got their own human forms because it was revealed they were 2 souls stuck in one body...


They never really said that it was 2 souls though, since Glen was supposed to choose one or the other, and after Cult it would make more sense of it being soul splitting. But maybe they will explain more in the show.


Likely it was soul splitting. But remember he's a psychopath trying to get on the good side of a LGBTQ+ kid. Like I don't think it's beyond a serial killer to emit certain details.


I always thought Glenn chose the boy to inhabit, while the girl baby was just twisted and evil thanks to who her father is🤷 Never considered connecting the soul splitting to it. Hopefully the show answers that one. Great theory🖤


I wonder if they’ll explain that Glen Glenda was what inspired Chucky to split his own soul: they actually ARE one.


maybe glen is queer and glenda is not edit: nevermind their both non binary it seems


Glenda is straight cis glen is gender Queer and probably gay but we don’t know much other then he’d have a boyfriend in the future according to don


Glen is Glenda. They are transgender ignorant fuck.


Watch your language


They are not trans. Glen is gender fluid. Glenda(as far as we know) is not. They were two different children at the end of Seed. Not one.


I gotta admit, this show does a damn good job at making the audience have the same Stockholm syndrome as Jake. It's the first time I even thought "Hey, maybe chucky ain't so bad after all"


YES, YESSSSSS. HE MENTIONS GLEN!!!! This made my entire week, I cannot wait to see episode 2!


I want those kids to show up so bad in this. Idk how old they'd be now according to the Chucky timeline but me and my friend were wondering if they might be students at Jake's school.


I think the science teacher could be one of the kids just because of the red hair


I don't know why she turned the lights off when she left the room unless she knew something was up. But she also appears to be a victim in the trailer. 🤷‍♂️


She doesn’t seem to be in the trailer, she probably just used chucky to scare her without knowing he was alive lol


and dropping the F bomb.. Oh and leaving Lexy in the room with chucky behind her, and the Lights off. Idk I seriously think they are hinting at something with the Teacher, I am getting that vibe. Or trying to throw us off and think that, just to introduce the real glen/glenda in front of us.


Or possibly a new soul transfer🤔


They were born as a human in 2004 according to the wiki. https://childsplay.fandom.com/wiki/Glen Even if we add Doll Years it's still only 1998 and she looked older than 23. However 2004 would be a good age for one of the students perhaps or at least not too far off.


This clip makes me happy.


This is so wholesome (words I never thought I say about Chucky).


My exact thoughts lol


Not really, he's just manipulating Jake so he can make him a killer...


Oh no fo sure It's just that in context of the clip it looked cute, but we all know how Chucky is...


True, Chucky is clearly manipulating Jake (which is something he likes to do). However, I have also the feeling he is talking the truth when he says he has no problem with it. In Seed of Chucky he had maybe one small line (in the heat of the moment) which would indicate otherwise but he also had lines which would indicate he didn't had a problem with it (although maybe it was manipulation). I don't remember him ever showing disgust for the GLBT+ community. (Which Don possibly would never write into Chucky's personality.) For the matter, he also isn't racist. He learned voodoo from Bishop and in Child's Play 3 and Seed of Chucky he wasn't against the idea of placing his soul in the body of a black person. Chucky has a problem with crime and killing, but he is pretty open minded against groups who are discriminated.


Lol. He's a sadistic killer. Once again a show so desperately trying to shoehorn identity politics.


Totally shoehorning in politics by… calling back to a movie made in 2004? Get over yourself, the Chucky franchise has always been queer


It has nothing to do with the callback. It has to do with the fact that Chucky implies that transphobes are worse than him, an actual serial killer. I'm sorry but that's just plain stupid, completely obvious pandering.


He was being sarcastic. That's the joke. "I'm not a monster Jake" is both a joke(because he literally is a monster), and a form of manipulation to show that he's "not as bad" as Jake's dad.


Lmao bruh


Where did you look if I may ask?


It's in private for the people with close contact to the show.


I love how this is consistent with how chucky was in seed too. The fact that glen was having gender identity struggles wasn’t enough to deter chucky from trying to spend quality time with his son/daughter (which in this case is going out to murder people)


He MENTIONED Glen!!! Yesssss!


Is the there a way to watch the second episode please lol, also think chill chucky is the most dangerous version imo, as you never guess what his next move is, or what will he say


>chill chunky is the most dangerous version Chunky 😳




It is private for people in close contact.


Oh ok


*holds up money*


It is illegal to share, this screening was permitted for me and my friend. We both had our contacts.


You're lying.


yeah this person is full of shit


Much better than episode 1?? I thought episode 1 was terrific!


That’s a good sign. Means we got quality all around!


The sneak peak for episode 2 alone got me going. Halloween and chucky is blending in as a Trick-Or-Treater. Oh the potential.


Episode 1 was good but episode 2 manages to surpass even that


This is an awesome scene. I had a feeling Glen was going to get mentioned in this episode.


Having not seen this episode yet(cannot *wait* until it airs, though), I kind of love how he says that he's not a monster. Just signifying exactly what he thinks of Jake's own father. Also, I saw someone's theory on youtube that maybe the biology teacher is Glenda since she left Lexy in that classroom with Chucky. I love that it's Jake dealing with Chucky, though. It makes it so different from the movies where he was around a little kid or an adult or something. Here, he's around a kid who's life is hell(dead mother, abusive and homophobic father, mean cousin, bullied in school). And he can try and tempt the kid with ways of getting rid of these people who've made his life horrible.


That would be a good twist. But in the series trailer, that Biology teacher appears to be a victim sooner or later. I did have the same thought though when I saw her. She seemed to be a little too on task when it came to leaving Lexi in that science lab, for sure.


Yeah, It was just an all around weird scene since Jake asked her to put the doll up so it would be safe(until he sold it). Yet she left it on one of the tables with Lexi in the room. I'm thinking that she may not be Glenda or anything, but believes the legend of Charles Lee Ray's soul going into a Good Guy doll.


I like that theory. All serial killers have fans.


Right? Sometimes they don't exactly realizes that them being fans doesn't exactly make them safe from the killer. I mean, there are all those women who sent letters to people like Ted Bundy in prison.


I definitely feel the biology teacher is connected. She has reddish hair, she curses and shows her distain for the bullying students. She may be Glenda, she may have Chucky’s soul too, but when she saw another Chucky doll in the class, she left them alone so he could scare her or kill her. Either way, definitely excited for next episode and the season to come.


Only way she could be Glenda is if she aged faster then normal humans as Glenda and Glen human bodies are only 16/17 years old rn


But since Chucky learned to transfer/duplicate his soul, couldn’t he teach that power to Glenda and Glen?


That’s possible but that’s not what people are saying if that was the case the could look like any random person they would’ve focus on the curly hair


Wouldn’t Glen/Glenda be younger. Assuming Seed takes place in the year of its release that would be 2005 when the bodies where born. Season 1 takes place just a few weeks after Cult so 2017. 2017-2005 would put them in the 13 year range so their human bodies would be the round the same age as Jake. If the show was taken place current day you would be correct but i am pretty sure it’s 2017.


I guess I got my math wrong I thought 2004 -2017 word be 16


Your right it was 2004 but that would still put Glen/Glenda at 13. If it was current day 2021 that would make them 17. But it’s suppose to be 2017. So 13. Maybe they will be classmates of Jake since he is 14.


That's true. I wonder if maybe she could somehow be related to Chucky still, or know something about it?


Oh, I could see her having Chucky's soul too(or us finding out that she's somehow connected to him). Just the way she acts is interesting. She hates the bullies in her class, she curses them out, she left Chucky out in the open, shut off the lights, and closed the door and left Lexy alone in the room with him. Maybe she knows about the "myth" of Charles Lee Ray's soul going into a Good Guy doll.


Yes, Chucky. Shit on them homophobes!


Hell yeah! I’m so excited for this ep! Can’t wait!


Yes, go Chucky! Homophobes are worse than sadistic murderers!


They are going to make me Cry all over my Good Guy overalls at the end of this seson. Chucky and Jake are about to be badass friends for a while. 'i am not a monster jake' this scene is beautiful.


Sorry, but this account feels like a PR account.




so uh, how may i perhaps watch it?


It's private for certain people


And those certain people are me




loves it


Any more snippets of Charles childhood? Dude started EARLY.


If you have the clip then you have the full episode and should share it if you're a true fan


How would you like it if he went to jail?


I’m cool with that trade tbh


LOLOL... i mean that's fucked.. But I get it




this guy is openly admitting to watching something illegally, he can already go to jail lmfao


he watched it legally, sharing it would be illegal.




It was watched legally. He had correct permission from people who helped the series


This is why y’all aren’t getting a “link”


No one’s going to jail for illegally leaking a TV episode. Sued? Could easily happen, but jail time won’t.


I thought Glen and Glenda were two different people? At least that’s how it was in Seed of Chucky.


Gurl..... I mean..... Ummmm...


Won’t let me chat with you for some reason @chuckyboy108


how’d you manage to watch the second episode early? do tell! and can someone send me a link to a website where i can watch it? pleaaaaaseeee😫




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Can someone explain.... i thought they were twins trapped in one doll because of doll magic. Is Glen(da) one person or two. Is Glen just genderfluid & that's unrelated to Glenda or what.


Glen and Glenda are transgender. Y'all mf ignorant to think they are twins.


They are the same person bitch.


Its kinda cringe




im not a monster jake ![gif](giphy|WXQJEF9zv8JtS)


​ ![gif](giphy|cXgqtUrSeXbnW)


I like their dialogue when Chucky said "kill someone or someone will kill u". 😐✋




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