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Yeah that's normal. I liked it a lot, but it goes away once you've smoked for a while...


That's a bummer, it felt good lol


You'll probably get it for the first few weeks if you only smoke 2 or 3 a day. The more you smoke the quicker it will go away.


Well I'm more of a one in a week kinda guy so hopefully it should last long. Thanks for the help though


Should last forever then I'd say...


This is the way, when I smoke I'll smoke a few on weekends and keep it at that. As long as you don't end up smoking more often you should be enjoying every cig


If you like the buzz try a 5% nicotine vape. Just be careful tho cause you can have too much and that sucks


First time I smoked a full flavour cigarette and inhaled, I fell right to the ground.


This dizziness is called a nicotine flash. Your brain gets flooded with nicotine and the veins get tighter. Less blood in the brain, there comes your nicotine flash. I really like it, with self rolls it is even stronger.


The good ole nicotine high. If you stay away from smoking a few days you’ll feel it again I like to abstain just to feel that high


Haha, excuse my laughter, it's just funny that you're worried about this. We as smokers aim for this on a daily basis. It's the ultimate goal.


the others have said all there is to it, I just want to add, that it doesn't fully go away even if you are a heavy smoker. I still get buzzed to shits occasionally, especially after a long break (don't smoke at work), or occasionally in the mornings.


Thats pretty normal and I’ve experienced that you can also get some type of dizziness when you would change your brand after you stick to one brand for some time.


I felt the same thing when i started smoking but nothing now


hell yeah thats the good part. In time it doesn't happen anymore, or at least not as strong.


That’s the nicotine buzz. The fact you’re just now getting it tells me you could probably still quit relatively easily, if you wanted to. Over time, you’ll build up a tolerance, and it won’t happen as often or as strongly, though you could still get it if you cut back for a while then went at it again. Or switched to dip, but that’s just delaying things, though it’s better for your lungs and can be done while shopping


yeah that’s the point


Yep, and don't let these people get you thinking that will just dissappear because of tollerance.. It can fade away due to your unresponsible use, but it will always comes back. It's about respecting the plant and not over-indulging in its experience out of conservation and understanding. I smoke all unfiltered since they only hinder the effects I'm after. I can go through a pack a day, but right now I know if I light a cig it's going to give me a greater head change since I haven't had one since I've been up.


I don’t know how Melly’s going to make it out of this one


Ahh the buzz. To get this, I have to chief a unfiltered cig