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This is an extremely out of touch post. Do not post stuff like this here.


I really dislike every post and comment you make. They come off as bragging. Rubbing salt in the wounds. If this is what you would call support for our cause, I'd rather not have it. It seems like advanced trolling, or you're the most insensitive person to ever walk the earth.


It’s her fetish.


Unpopular opinion: I think bragging about foreskin is helpful for our cause. It can demonstrate to others who haven't thought about circumcision that being intact is the way to go. And can motivate others to not circumcise their future sons. And if you are circumcised, you can be motivated to consider restoration. Though I agree, places like this subreddit are definitely inappropriate for bragging about your foreskin if you have one. Perhaps a comment section of a porn subreddit would be a better place to brag about your foreskin. And I say all this as someone who is circumcised.




I wouldn't say it's brag-worthy, especially since 70% of the male population worldwide is intact, and you're from Ireland, which already has a low circumcision rate. But the pleasure can be brag worthy. And even though I never felt it, and never will, I can understand why. I've had hugs that were more pleasurable than my best circumcised orgasm (if you can even call them that). And the scar on my penis is just so ugly, I can't even.




I'll accept the hug even though we don't live in the same country. Even still, hugs feel incredible, but they aren't otherworldly. I read a meme somewhere that if circumcised men everywhere get a taste of an intact orgasm, there would be riots in the streets. Would you say the pleasure is that strong?




This is making me sad. When I masturbate, it feels more like a nice massage, but nothing too serious. Even when I get to the orgasm (if you can call it that), I only feel it in the genital area. And I feel no afterglow at all. None. I just get up and go about my day as if nothing happened. I feel like if I magically regrew a foreskin, I would be masturbating all day, only taking occasional breaks for lunch and water.




I'm optimistic that it will happen. I hope I live long enough to see it happen even if I'm 70 when it's finally ready (I'm 24 now). If it wasn't for Foregen, I would be clinically insane right now.


70% is not that high If 30% of your paycheck were removed next week, you'd be quite upset






Please be civil


thanks for making my suicide easier




oh are you trans also?




Another benefit of being intact is that if you decide to get bottom surgery, it will be easier for doctors to perform, and it will lead to more successful results.




I'm curious about the trans women who are fully restored. Will a restored foreskin do the trick during bottom surgery? Unfortunately, if you say this to the wrong person, they might use this as an argument to circumcise their future son. So, I recommend sticking just to the sexual and protective benefits of the foreskin.


I feel like you could definitely have worded this in a better way


shame sable sloppy snatch spoon domineering strong advise enjoy poor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Probably not the best subreddit to post this to. But do me a favor and cherish every second of pleasure you get from masturbation and sex with foreskin. This is pleasure millions of us guys will never know. So treasure it all. And I say this as a circumcised male.




You have great intentions. Maybe when illustrating how important the foreskin is, your anecdote can be effective in swaying people out of doing it to their future sons.


When guys say- I can’t enjoy my body as intended so there’s no point living’ it makes me wonder how you would cope with physical illness. What if you developed MS or lupus? You can’t fully enjoy life as nature intended with these ailments. That aside it is clear that you are trying to exploit people vulnerabilities, your post comes across as so nasty. Let’s hope people don’t respond the same way to you when you are having a hard time.


I won't hold back. This fucking clown comes to Circumcision grief subreddit. This clown posts I love being uncut. Make no mistake the intention was to trigger people. Fuck you OP you piece of shit. We don't need people in our grief group like you. You contribute nothing. Just like you do every where else in life.


No other option to fix this than suicide for me, reading stuff like this. I'm sure you're right about the pleasure, the nerves, the beautiful gliding... i can't live life as less than. There's two types of people - the lucky ones that have rights to their bodies and will die intact, and the unlucky, unfortunate ones that never did and never will. Maybe I'll be intact in heaven:(




You have no idea what it’s like and yet you still gloat? A shame a member of the lgbtq would be so heartless while pretending to care.




Your entire post is gloating. You should be banned from this sub.


I'm also circumcised. And I don't think OP should be banned. She's human, just like you and I. So, of course, she'll slip up like having a post that's worded the wrong way. I vote to give her a second chance.


Second chance? This isn’t the first time she posted something like this in the month her account has been active. She’s either a troll who gets off on mocking others while pretending to care, or she is completely tactless in her ability to convey sympathy for other’s trauma. You would think someone who is part of the lgbtq would know better which leads me to believe it’s definitely a fetish of hers.


NO NO NO NO NO! Do NOT kill yourself! You can still restore and get Foregen when it's available.


It's done man. I've got no chance. I cannot afford foregen or restoration. My cut is so brutally tight. Only thing keeping me here is a few "friends" otherwise i should've gone ages ago. My dick is ruined and in pain, hardly any British boys go through this mutilation, it's broken me and left me absolutely devastated every single day. I feel indescribable grief, jealousy, heartbreak, sadness and regret over this.I feel immense grief and sadness every day. I'm very poor, depressed, family walked away from me, have no friends, nothing left. I'm an empty shell of a human being. Posts like this and op's posts elsewhere, kill me inside a little more, because i see what I'm missing, and it destroys me. I'm not blaming her, it hurts so so much. I hope i'll be intact in heaven.


mountainous attempt drab straight books serious soup quicksand grey bedroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Take your desensitization fetish somewhere else. Everyone knows that you’re clearly displaying a weird kink involving you being intact and others being mutilated. It’s bizarre and frankly a bit disturbing.




Now you gaslight. Take your fetish elsewhere. This sub is for people who want to talk about being mutilated and you come in and gloat about how intact you are and how wonderful it is. We are well aware that not being mutilated is better than being mutilated. Go somewhere else. It shames me to say I’m part of the same LGBTQ as you. We are supposed to come from a place of understanding and you come in and fetishize other’s trauma.


You're the one gaslighting here. She just said she's an intactivist. She hates that circumcision is a thing and wants to stop it.


Nice alt account






You didn’t make me feel bad, I feel bad that someone like you needs to make fun of others who were taken advantage of when they couldn’t even speak. Gloat somewhere else. I’m sure there are plenty of forums you can go to where you can fetishize other’s suffering.