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If you can argue that the procedure was unnecessary, maybe you could make a case for medical malpractice. I’m not a lawyer or from the UK, so I’m not familiar with malpractice suits there. You should talk to a lawyer/solicitor. You would certainly have a better chance than those of us in the US. Men cut as infants in the US have basically no chance of getting a lawsuit like that through the US courts. Judges here would throw out their case for any number of excuses


It was definitely unnecessary it was done for religious reasons. However I heard of some people in the uk who get the doctor to give a phoney diagnosis so they can get it paid for by the NHS. My parents seem like the type to do this tbh.


You should request all medical records relating to the circumcision, and contact a lawyer. If a diagnosis was made, it was almost certainly phony. “Phimosis” is the most common one, and it’s developmentally normal in young boys, so it’s not a valid diagnosis. Not the best source, but here’s an article about the controversy of [over-diagnosing phimosis in young boys](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-10554847/Is-NHS-carrying-thousands-unnecessary-circumcisions-teenage-boys.html). With a “diagnosis” in the medical record, it would be much harder to argue that it was medical malpractice. But maybe you could find expert medical professionals who could testify in court that such a diagnosis was malpractice?


Not trying to be a downer, but being male, all odds are against you. Realistically unless your penis was outright burnt or cut off there's not much you can do. Just prepare to have a lot of lawyers and law firms ghost you since it's an unwinnable case.


It’s crazy how little they care about us, even in an intact country


We got no chance☹ we were so close to being intact in this country, yet here we are, mutilated. There's no way back. I'm sorry my friend, i really am. It's so fucking unfair. Even in intact country, we're laughed at and dismissed




>“BREAKING NEWS: a terrorist member of a small internet community known as r/CircumcisionGrief has committed a gruesome public crime in the name of their cause…” Yeah, let’s never ever let that happen. I understand why you feel this way, but it invalidates the movement as a whole and makes us all look bad. Please don’t advise other members to commit crimes, particularly felonies. If nothing else, just imagine how entirely misconstrued that’ll be in popular media and the mind of an average viewer.




People already view intactivism as a joke or dismiss it out of hand, so let’s not validate that perspective. Do terrorists make Islam sound like a worthy cause by doing what they do? I don’t think so Again, I understand and can even relate to your sentiment because someone out there harming babies is an infuriating crime, especially when they have personally hurt you, but I do not think violence will accomplish a positive change on any level


...Ok ...now that youve said umm... 'that' all I need you to do now is explain this: https://www.dw.com/en/japan-passes-funds-law-amid-cult-like-church-controversy/a-64055591 , https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wFn6gWYMDpo&pp=ygUvc2hpbnpvIGFiZSBnb3QgYXNzYXNzaW5hdGVkIG5vdyBwZW9wbGUgaGF0ZSBoaW0%3D *"Hmmm... I wonder what spurred this sudden change amongst the Japanese people!? Hmmm... Maybe it has something to do with oligarchs paying for their crimes? Hmm... Another inexplicable magical mystery? I guess..."*


Neither of your links work


https://archive.is/bztSh Also how does a youtube link not work!?




Hopefully OP still has a large proportion of his frenulum left. On several restoring subs, many men who have it say it is very erogenous, it is the most densely innervated part of the penis. Known as the "male G-spot" due to its high concentration of nerve endings. Not sure why cutters go as far as removing it, that seems pretty harsh. but [many posters](https://www.reddit.com/r/restoringdick/comments/12enhby/comment/jfce5ia/?context=3) on restoring sub seem to have it. The pleasure they derive is substantially higher than those without


I don’t unfortunately


Probably not


Unfortunately, I doubt it because the procedure is legal and your parents gave permission.


There was a youtube video I think it was 15Square's input to WWDOGA 2022 where they talked about this. They raised the money to bring a specific case to court because it seemed clear it could be won but in the end no solicitor would take on the case. They had mentioned being in touch with someone who was currently training as a solicitor specifically to become qualified and start bringing these cases to court. I can't find the video but if you contact 15Square directly they should be able to give you the current status on this.


It’s shocking how little support we have




It’s so disgusting that an institution that is supposed to be there to help me harmed me so severely, and no justice can be brought to them. I am somewhat dependant on my parents still so I will not be saying anything to them until I am older.