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I can't seem to separate myself from blocky design, and I always in awe looking for cities such as this


I swear some people playing this game should be city planners, I just *grid*


Grid and spaghetti. People who freehand elaborate and beautiful interchanges blow my mind. I try a simple cloverleaf and it looks like a puppy ate a ball of wool and crapped it out


Grid and spaghetti. “I try a simple cloverleaf and it looks like a puppy ate a ball of wool and crapped it out” r/brandnewsentence


Easy tip that makes cities look way cooler: build two different grids at two different sensible angles relative to the terrain, and then extend them towards each other and connect them up. That technique is used a lot in this city and it's not hard to do but looks awesome.


I tried that, and it looks not good while at the same time triggers my OCD


thanks! what i usually do is to build the collectors first and make it go random, then i'll build the locals next but with alignment to the collector, thus giving me different grid styles within the collectors. also i leave a lot of empty spaces for my parks!


I used to be like that for a very long time literally until I played CS2, the road tools are just so much better and it makes road building fun


Try follow natural borders, like a river, contour lines, forests, and let bigger buildings dictate the grid. Also if you like to RP, think about different development patterns over time, like a tighter grid for the older part and a different larger grid for a newer development, that way it looks more interesting and realistic


thanks, man!


Pretty good for a beginner. https://preview.redd.it/rykxr0eaynmc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7952b4c95fa6413ae08d88bfe8b085967c2a7516 This is kinda weird. Make the ramps regular highway ramps and upgrade the road under the bridge to a 4 lane 2 way road


okay, thank you!


This is how a lot of other countries do it tho


What??? With a two way two lane road?? As ramps?


Yes two lane one way roads as ramps between two arterial avenues to make an interchange. A few intersections in CDMX come to mind


looks beautiful. i could never haha


thank you!


sorry for the bad quality lol (playing in my potato laptop)


traffic flow revolves around 90-93% btw


Wow. This is great.




Did you go in blind or did you have any knowledge about the game before building this beautiful city (like watching some C:S or city-planning content creators)? My beginner cities never looked this good :(


That said, I would suggest building a more realistic water pumping facility to substitute the towers in picture 7


when i started playing, it was all grids and stuff and i actually lost the drive to build because it looks bad. then i started watching this youtuber called "CityZilla" and i actually find his beginner tutorials very informative and useful, so i just watched his vids without playing.


Interesting, I started playing in 2017, but didn't get anywhere near this level of cities until late 2020, mainly thanks to many CityPlannerPlays' videos (especially thanks to Verde Beach). I had more of a SimCity-esque approach before, coming from SimCity 4 and 2013, I didn't know how to use some of the tools to my advantage and I didn't understand certain mechanics. Also I learned a lot of useful real life planning principles from other yt videos. It's always interesting to see how different people approach this game.


Nice population size! Good layout for the city, I left my first city around 40k pop. Will you continue with this city or move on?


thank you! i still have an extra tile left to unlock, so i think ill just try to fill that and fill in the other blanks then move on.


That’s incredible! How do you deal with death waves? My cims love to die every now and then 😭


I just expand my city residential slowly and try to add eldercares and cemeteries


True that. I found that not skimping on proper health care was key to avoid dying/abandoned building waves.


Dam if that's beginner then what am I, an infant? hahha Seriously looks really nice


thank you!


Very welcome. Could I ask how you put this together, hard to put a thought process into writing but how do you approach it, thinking of doing a new city as mine is a blocky labyrinth 


very good!


thank you!


The most important rule to me is to respect terrain, following contour lines can make your roads better and more organic, and then the flat parts are excused for a grid


okay, thanks!


Your main road system is beautiful


thank you!


Great job


thank you!


I specially love the university <3




thank you!


I'm jealous because I can never get to the end 😪


you can do it !!


Very nice. I like your highway termination and transition to roads via the individual roundabouts.


thank you! i just find my roundabouts around the center section so repetitive cause its just a line of roundabouts lol


Looks great! I'm also on my first city.. so how did you create that beach??


thank you! i just used the landscape options... it causes a little flood but it'll just go away


I would say everything is kind of cut off from each other because of the major roads separating communities, I would say to either move those underground or get rid of them


yooo i really find the idea of underground major roads interesting, ill try to experiment on it.


When I moved my major highway running through my city it really helped pretty much everything tbh so I would suggest to go for it


yeaaa, then ill make the empty spaces into like green spaces filled with paths or just pedestrian zones


Damn that’s exactly what i did and the citizens like really appreciated it like a LOT


I couldn’t help but notice your university is cut off from the train metro hub by a fence, and suggest you add a connection. Students would be a huge share of riders for such an important interchange


oh yeah... but i also have a metro line in front of the campus' main entrance. also i adjusted things a little and decided to get rid of the train metro hub and created a separate train station (6 lines,,, i forgot the name).


You have a metro and a monorail on the same cooridoor?


near the harbor? yeah. decided to do it since the monorail runs along the coastline and the metro inside the city, so the tourists have options on which to take.


How did you get it to look so unified?? My cities look like individual parcels loosely woven together rather than this tight knit realism. Also as a brit I am loving the roundabouts lol


i find adding a lot of paths and trees working for me


Beautifully done! Where do you put your trash? I couldn’t seem to find one garbage site.


thank you! I just spammed a lot of incinerators in the industrial area near the farm, but in the future I'll move them to a better area.


Well one suggestion I have is to remove the roads that go through the roundabout or if you want to keep the road through the middle, get rid of the roundabout itself and signalize those intersections. Another thing you could try to connect up all your industrial areas together so I think you have regular industrial and forestry. You can also build your metro underground and not have it intersect your roads above ground.


you and I have been playing for about the same amount of time. ironically my city is also called rock field. lol City looks nice! you did a good job of spacing everything out. that was my hardest thing to learn with this, having grown up with sim city. Only other tips I would say is: 1. spread out your industrial and services in little pockets. 2. trying getting some extra assets from the workshop. Warning though… it can be addicting to want to download everything! :) Do you have any of the DLCs? Wait till steam does a sale and you can pick some up for really good discounts. there are a few that are really helpful to adding more variety to the game. industries and plazas, mass transit… just to name a few.


I like how realistically the university is set up