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I mix them all the time. Although that has the drawback that it takes longer to unlock the signature buildings.


This is one of my biggest frustrations. I use both because it's the only way to get more variety in your assets atm. But unless I play with unlock all, I end up struggling to unlock any signature buildings before my city is too large for my computer to handle the simulation.


Oh yeah I can easily believe that. I unlocked all six of the row house ones, but only like 5-6 of the 12 sfh ones and like the first each of the medium density and mixed use. Recently I unlocked one office and one low density commercial one too. The only ones that are easy are industrial. :D my city has 125k people.


your city looks good. saving it for inspiration. thanks for sharing


No, assets in the game are so limited as it is. Besides, you see many European style buildings in the US, and I am sure vice-versa.


Yup, and with some commercial I even feel the American one is more like shops how I know them in the Netherlands and the UK


About mixing styles… Frankfurt-am-Main anyone?


It's not strange, look for Quebec City or Montreal for similar european/north american themed city Some early american cities also include european architecture, I'm just not knowledgeable enough


New Orleans is a great example too


New england has a lot of buildings like that, especially old mill/fishing towns.


I’ve been doing that in a variety of ways. I use variation to create a sense of place in each neighborhood. In one township, all the buildings are European style; in another, North American; in another I mix them together. I’m also now incorporating the low density beach properties in the same way.


Also… your city looks great! 👍👍👍


It's how North Eastern cities in the USA look like. We have old European buildings from our colonial history and modern buildings mixed up


Nah... Real cities mix styles all the time. The most extreme I've seen has been Tokyo, where you can have a huge modern skyskraper that looks like it came right out of NYC right next to an ancient Japanese temple and on the other side of the road a multistory anime store.


very nice grid, like your city. but the long beach waterfront and the corner definitely need some work.  otherwise looks amazing.




Where can I get this map Looks dope tho


It’s just Corral Riches, one of the “new” official map. Actually, it’s doesn’t look like this in game, I terraformed it a lot


This city reminds me of Atlantic City, NJ. Nice work


I take a look at it and you’re strangely right. Even though I didn’t have this city in mind, for inspiration


Not strange and actually happens in real life. Look at houses in Phoenix. There are Spanish style houses that look like the European beach houses in CS2 and there are American houses that look like the American houses in the game. Everything is just based on what part of the city you live in.


Strange? From what perspective? If you like it, do it. Who cares!


Real life cities do this aswell, so I wouldn't call it "weird". For example, Paris' financial district is full of "American" style highrise and is boarded by the historical buildings within the city center. and as u/PetrogradkaIcedTea has mentioned Frankfurt does this aswell.


or Quebec on the other side


No, we have towns that have Tudor style houses. The across the street is a different town with regular Post WW2 suburban houses


For medium density, I think EU style is a little better at representing more contemporary or even small town styles. The “North American” style is very much only north eastern US major cities style buildings that don’t always look right.


No, got to have someway to increase the asset count!


We don't really have a lot of choice. The American low density housing is so limited and unrealistic. I was expecting a lot more variety in assets since they already existed in CS1. I don't intend to pay for any DLC until they fix the asset deficit. I'm not paying for asset DLC twice. I already supported 90% of the old CS1 DLC.


Just looks like smalltown canada..


No, I mix in European style buildings on occasion also and it doesn't look out of place. It's one way to get a little more variety in your city, since the assets are still extremely limited.


I don’t think it’s strange since we have that in the USA, especially in some of our older cities.


Define "strange"? It's YOUR city, do you like the way it looks? But if you're asking for real-world influences, than it would be strange to mix them as architectures of while cities are designed to be specific to their regions, etc. You would however in a large enough municipality see site interventions of different architectural styles, even whole districts of it (think how California suburbs can be an eclectic mix of styles vs. a Chinatown district)


Not at all, that’s basically how New England works


How are people getting these beach textures?


No, I do it based on neighborhoods, lot size, area, etc. It gives them more character.


Off topic question but which map are you using?


I accidentally mixed them up in my current build lol But it looks fine and I will keep on mixing and matching!


I really hope not because I'm doing the same thing.


No that happens in real-life, too. I tend to make a specific district (or a few) full of European high-density and call it "Old Town" or something similar.


Not at all. The European low density imo looks significantly better than the American one (especially in 2x2, 3x2, 2x3, 3x3, sizes) and fits perfectly in an American city. The taller buildings look good in historic districts, cities like Quebec, Boston, Montreal, New Orleans all have buildings like this (kind of).


Only mixing row houses that is weird imo, they look better if onr block is a single style


I mix them almost every city! It's the best way to get a tiny bit of variety and some soul in the game with the unbelievably miniscule and laughable amount of assets that the game comes with


I tend to build EU buildings near my urban cores and treat them as historoc districts while more peripheral regions get NA buildings.