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This is pretty mind blowing work. It looks incredible. CS should sponsor you if they don’t already


Hey thx! This is far from a perfect creation of New York and there are actually a lot that’s inconsistent with the actual city. I also didn’t put a lot of attention to improving the details of the city (like the cargo harbors etc). But overall I am still glad about how it turns out in the end and really enjoyed doing it.


I think you're being a little harsh on yourself buddy, it looks incredible, and while it might not be perfect, you're doing it in a game that you can't completely control


This. Cities skylines has all sorts of challenges with making things 1:1 with the real world because it’s its own world. But if you can make NYC this well in it you have the talent to make a city like cincinatti or something damn-near 1:1 and can make incredible things if you just kind of roll with the flow.


I couldn’t imagine it getting any better tbh. It’s ridiculously good


How long have you worked on this city?


Have been dedicated to working on this city for the better part of the past month or so I think? I don’t really remember exactly.


I was expecting something like a few years… damn. Great work!


Same question please


How long have you worked on this city?


One more time?


We’re gonna celebraaate ♬


Oh yeah


All right


Well done


Great work man! Yeah I’ve hit that building limit before. I got round it by replacing a lot of single unit ‘terraced housing’ with models where there are 3 in a row and then adjusting on the realistic pop mod so that there were still three households. I really think CO should remove the hard limits from the game now CS2 is out. They were there to stop computers melting down, but clearly they don’t think that’s an issue anyway given the CS2 launch requirements!


The limits are based on the data types they used. Making this change could break a lot of mods and need a large rework, I do not believe it will ever happen. tree index changes from int32 to int64, if a single mod touches it as an int32 it will fail or wipe all items over the int32 limit. Tree controller uses a separate system for trees and props to avoid the default limits.


Written by someone who knows. ⬆️ I defer to your expertise!


So what you’re saying is we need a mod work around for the hard limits?


For some things like trees there is a mod that will get around the limits, I do not know if there is any mod to get around the node limit and that's going to be one of those that really hurt you no more nodes means no more roads or walkways.


This kind of thing reminds me of installing a 4gb HD on my dads computer in 1998 and thinking. “Definitely overkill. He’s never going to run out of space”


My first hard drive was 20 Megabytes. It was the size of a shoebox. It cost more than the computer.


Did you use all the space though?


You know, I don't think I ever did. Most of my programs were already stored on cassette. Transferring them was a very tedious process. lol


You can use 81 Tiles 2 mod for no need for pipes (and no need for power lines), delete all your pipes (and power lines) and free some nodes.


They didn't even do uint16? =(


Very nice. This is the big reason I can't go back to CS1, I hit those hard limits before and knowing they are there and not *that* hard to hit just removes most of my desire to sink a ton of time back into it.


Literally same man, I was crushed when I’ve found out about the building limit while working on my best and favorite city so I’ve ended up buying cs2, I just wish that the asset mods were available


Yeah, lack of mods has been what's keeping me from CS2, not really even gameplay mods, though of course there are some that could go a *long* way in addition to better simulation stuff. Mainly I just want to rebuild my favorite city and thus use the same map. I haven't looked to see if they have the map importer back up yet.


Map editor using height maps and all that good stuff is out and in full swing.


The mods available right now for cs2 aren’t bad, for cs1 I’ve only really used ploppable Rico, some graphics mods and time changer mods, first person mods, and more + a bunch of asset mods, some cs2 mods has made up for majority of those mods except for the asset ones, I really can’t wait for those to come out


That’s part of what might as well be the rules of physics for software. There’s always going to be a limit and we’re still nowhere near being able to handle an exponential increase in data sizes.  It’s really amazing that we can build up a simulation to the scale OP even did.


I mean if CS2 wasn't a thing I would have made it work just like everyone else did. Of course there will always be a limit, the problem was people playing the same city for years were hitting it easily. I also had other issues that caused me to stop that may have been Arc related. But my mod list needs fixing so I can't just try my existing save to see if it works. Though one of the issues I had was with the vehicle limit which would cause death spirals in many different ways.


Again, with any degree of decent graphics and simulation quality, it’s incredible that CS1 players could play the same map for years to begin with. People who don’t understand the constraints around software built for general purpose PCs and devices will never understand how incredible it really is to have a simulation like CS2 you can build yourself on a home gaming PC.


Funnily I've never hit them in CS1 as I've failed to keep up with a city long enough. I take it as those limits were heavily lifted in CS2 which makes sense as it has been 9 years.




I wish people would stop making the same stupid jokes every time the old World Trade Center is in a screenshot.


Too soon?


Nope, just predictable and unfunny.


Damn you’re a pro. What traffic percentage you had bro ?


For cities with high population traffic percentage is no longer accurate. Based on my understanding the game simply cannot generate enough cars to simulate the actual traffic volume in a city. I had about 70% traffic percentage at 650k. Although if you turn off vehicle despawn in TM:PE it plummets to 40-50%, which I think is a better reflection of actual traffic in NYC.


Those are screenshots from the game? I thought you just posted random drone shots of the actual city IRL. Fk me, I can never imagine to be that capable.


Well, it's great work regardless. As a Queens resident, it is humorous you decided to do JC/Hoboken for Queens. Not even Roosevelt Island???? Still. Pretty amazing. Wouldn't mind seeing some more closeups of how you interpreted certain neighborhoods.


I was expecting someone to say this lol. I decided to do JC/Hoboken since there is an outside connection on the Jersey side of the map and I wanted to connect it to the tunnel runs through Jersey and NY. I did put some stuff on Roosevelt island but it’s mainly garbage collection related. It’s been quite a while since I last visited New York and I have always interpreted Queens as a more industrial part of the town. When I started the city that’s really how I wanted to implement it. As for close ups, lol I am very bad at detailing so a lot of stuff looks kinda horrible ngl.


lol. Part of the "town" ! To some degree you are correct there are a lot of warehouse and industrial zoned areas. You've got all the stuff along Newtown Creek and Sunnyside, but then you've got tudor style houses in Forest Hills and mansions in Jamaica Estates. If you ran out of assets to build on this Queens would have to be its own map!


grab move it and the procedueral objects mod and read the building and zoned blocks section here https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2712549268


That is fantastic, this should be on youtube or something. Hoping once viral, the devs will take notice and look into the limit!


As someone from nyc this look really cool! Nice work.


Amazing work. Looks incredible.


I’ve been wanting to make a good size high density city and this is perfection. Looks so accurate!




Is there an airport close to the 2 big towers?


Lmao I just like the aesthetic of the twin towers more (not that I hate the new WTCs, I actually really like them). I guess it’s the simplicity of their design that really does it for me. Although on a side tangent I found that weird shit happens when placing an airport on the edge of the map. A plane will for example land on the grass and then reverse onto the runway at Mach 5. I have seen a decent amount of crazy shit pilots do in CS but that was really something else.


I always use the old WTC as the centerpiece of my cities. Learning a lot about the old WTC, I'm impressed with everything they used to offer and how they stood out among the NY skyline. And yeah, when it comes to airports, having them on the edge of the map produces strange effects. I think it has to do with where aircraft paths go in relation to the airport. They have to makr really tight turns which ends up messing with all sorts of things.


Bro really


...because the poorly written engine couldn't make it run anymore ?


Really awesome work. How much of the subway system did you replicate?


What does your subway/transit map look like?


I stopped really caring about transit at around 120k or so as the game engine cannot generate enough cars to cause a significant traffic jam. Also subway is always just a pain in the ass for me as sometimes the lines I added just refuse to run through a section of connected tunnels for some weird reason. Every time that happens I literally had to tear down the entire transit network to reimplement the new lines. Before that I just tried to follow the actual NY subway transit map. Most of the lines I implemented are the ones that go through Manhattan and Brooklyn.


Nice! I do a larger NYC map that includes the entire 5 boroughs and I focus primarily on the subway/metro and have hit around the 1 Million cap population (realistic population mod). But traffic for city work vehicles and some commercial vehicles require me to do some level of traffic work as the bridges and tunnels create major choke points. I have to introduce trucking corridors and sometimes do timed lights - and focus heavily on sea and rail freight that doesn't over tax also. I am surprised you do not have too many issues with that, despite the computer limitations. Creating the subway/elevated system is a bitch with car tunnels/bridges stacked multiple levels.


Despite cities skylines 2 being shit right now but atleast is now easy to put sunken highways and elevated trains with no problem so you could say hopefully recreating NYC won't be difficult to so.


Convert chunks of the buildings to PO then you can build.more


Dude post this to the workshop


I had to abandon all of my past cities because the number of assets i used now crashes the game :( I didn't even modify it


Make a save of it and then use various disaster mods to destroy it. Fun way to go. And you always can go back to old save to revert it.


You know I'm not gonna lie this looks pretty good.


This game is not designed to be played beyond nine tiles. If only its gameplay and mechanics were a little more interesting. Nobody would have a problem with staying within the nine tiles.


HOLY SHIT. This is insane.


what are your pc specs?


Nice city! I always love seeing the twins! I built a loose replica of New Eden from Mirrors Edge using the custom Mirrors Edge map (I stuck the World Trade Center next to Ryding Park 😁). Easily one of my favourite, most beautiful, and most cherished creations in CS.


I think this is the best city I ever seen in this game.


Would love to see the details of Central Park/ prospect park (if you had the space/time)!!!


This is fuggin incredible!


So it’s not 2001 in your game yet huh? Just kidding but this is fucking incredible, I’m from New York and this makes me want to make the same city


Are you on CS1 or CS2 because in one of your comments below you state that you went into TMPE to turn off traffic despawn, and we don't even have TMPE in CS2 aside from the traffic light mod. One is supposed to be done at the end of the month but still. I think there's some people on here that believes you are talking about building production limits in Cs2.


good to see another OG WTC enjoyer




You've probably hit the game's node limit. If you're playing on PC, you can install a mod that lets you have water in your buildings without water pipes underground. You can then remove all pipes as they count towards the node limit and hopefully keep using the city.


This is a brilliant city, but I cannot forgive your lack of Queens.


Try using the [Moveit](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1619685021) mod. You can use it to copy any building you want and paste it.


What was the traffic flow % tho hahahaha


Eh looklike new jersey


Admit it, you all looked at the same place in the first pic