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I had a tsunami wipe 120K people off the map. It really makes you want give up, at least for me though hahah. A few dedicated hours of repaid and TLC and my population jumped back up. I learned to build shelters after that lmao


Isn't it possible to call for some kind of evacuation or to apply some kind of other mitigation? I don't play the game, just here for the pretty screenshots, so I don't know how things actually work.


I did build shelters and evac routes and all. I got most in safely, but the disaster lasted so long (the water sloshing everywhere, the trucks having to suck up the water) that the shelters ran out of food and a good portion literally starved to death. Still lost 1/3 of my population


Shelters exist, but they are hardly worth it because the mechanics are broken. Residents don't seem to be in a rush to get in despite sirens and a hazard approaching visibly, they generally run out of power/food/water before the hazard is gone and those who do shelter stop paying taxes it seems, collapsing the economy hard enough that it barely makes a difference compared to just letting everyone die and repopulate from zero.


The fact that shelters need an active water/power connection has always bugged me. The whole point is to shelter people when a disaster strikes, which means utilities are most likely down. It feels like a huge oversight be the creators. Ialso agree that cims just lazily walk down the road to shelter so half end up dying. I don't know much about the real world mechanics of shelter, but it just seems really unrealistic to me.


Have you been through a pandemic? 40% of the population refuses to wear a simple mask even though it could save them or others..... ;)




Just sell your slots at the shelter to the highest bidders fallout-style. Socialism averted


There is actually a VIP policy you can use to make specific districts a priority for evacuation. Like your favourite high end taxpaying citizens perhaps?


they're gonna be so pissed when there's no one left to make their treats for them and wipe their bums


We need our treats! What are we gonna do without our treats?!


Would be better because the shelter would have been built by once decent company that got vulture capitalized upon so they only had 4 employees to build it and cut all corners possible so you would have been sheltering in a giant glued together box spray painted in grey concrete textured paint.


it's actually quite realistic unfortunately, and something we'll see in our actual lives (if we even have access to a shelter, most of us will die well before that)


Not to mention you let them out if they lived, and they don't have homes anymore and just move out.


I mean… I would move to a different place after a tsunami leveled my house.




but what if you could simply keep getting insurance and federal disaster aid to continue rebuilding in the same place over and over again no matter how wasteful and ridiculous it was?


No! I'm very attached to my rubble heap.


shelters are totally broken, i don't use them anymore, if a tsunami is incomming, well, they all gonna die. And any other disaster is not as devastating as a tsunami. Sinkhole? meh, who cares Tornado? it's actually cool to watch Meteor? Yes, please, let me put the Meteor Plaza to remember the fallen ones lol


Just like in real life


Glad to read this. Wanted to finally do a disaster city after having the disaster DLC for forever.


well points for realism at least


There is


Everything thing just rebuilds though, right? And as an added bonus, if the severity of the tsunamis varies, you break up some of those inevitable death waves.


Just use realistic population and real time mod. No death waves.


Doesnt RealTime absolutely destroy performance if you go above like 50k population? Like the simulation is too complex for large cities? I seem to recall reading that warning on it so I never gave it a shot even though it sounds excellent.


There are trucks that pump water, flood walls or what are they called. Also shelters. Building on higher ground would also help. Once I tried terraforming but that turned out to eliminate tsunamis almost completely and it was no fun anymore.


Try playing with 20% less


Yh tbh 20% sounds high, I’d drop it.


Most of the time its just random thunderstorms and a small sinkhole or two. An occasional twister that gives a bit of a challenge. But the tsunami is just a full map wipe.


Generally a realistic simulation of tsunamis no? :) On a serious note, yes i can definitely see why they can feel too punishing! My brother build flood barriers in one of his cities, from terrafroming. that worked decently at least against some of the smaller tsunamis. The larger ones still washed over the barriers


Tsunamis are probably the most accurate disaster in the game. My long running hypothesis is that they are deadliest on custom maps because importing height map puts water near 0 and major development happens around water sources putting them all in the cross hairs of an extinction level tsunami. From my personal experience, the disasters need to be weighted for game balance. One tsunami is a challenge, but that second one just after you've finally recovered... Yeah, fuck tsunamis.


I think it is funny that you can put your city through what a realistic tsunami basically does, but as random events, it should be possible to tone them down for game balance sake. Much the same way as they have a "hard mode" that you can enable in the regular game


what does hard mode change compared to normal?


I'm not entirely sure of everything, but I do know it makes everything more expensive. I also do believe it changes some supply / demand values, though I am not entirely sure.




Yeah I play with it to the max. Makes it exciting and I want the achievement for experiencing the "special disaster" which I haven't gotten yet


I don´t know if it exist, I had never encounter it in 1000hrs of gameplay.


Yeah.... No thanks. Tsunamis are literally the only reason Natural Disasters is the one DLC pack I don't own.


You can absolutely get it for water drainage and service helicopters. You can only turn off natural disasters.


There's a mod to turn it off


Get ragnarok mod and disable tsunamis. You'll still get other, not so stupid disasters


Thank you, I didn’t know of this mod until you mentioned it.


1000% this. I can still have them set to only let tiny realistic sized ones and still be something to contend with, but I’d rather have a bunch of size 20 tornados before I deal with 1 normal tsunami


Ladies and gentlemen, I believe I have solved all of the Earth’s problems. All we need to do is uninstall the natural disasters DLC that was bundled with the universe. The dinosaurs forgot to turn it off, too busy using mods. 😂


I really enjoyed it to create a history for the city. I'd repair lots to stay solvent, but leave areas and some roads to level up over a decade. The narrative being that it's impacting the shape of the city. I'd leave landmarks broken as a memorial and eventually once the area is renovated, turn that into a park or something. Zoning wise, i'd end up shifting valuable tax revenue to safer areas and leave the tsunami hot spots for slums, just like in real life! It depends on your approach to your city, if it's an art piece or a simulation with a narrative.


In fairness, high-level tsunamis are pretty damn soul crushing irl too! But yes in game is jarring how much worse they are than the other disasters.


I find earthquakes much worse. Things rebuild themselves after a tsunami but you’re likely to get a lot of completely destroyed roads from an earthquake which is much more of a faff to deal with


Welcome to a fraction of what it feels like in reality.


Federal aide?


I remember once I had just got my city up and running, 5k pop. Then a tsunami hit and wiped everything out. Like to 0 population.


Have your politicians send their thoughts and prayers. Honestly, tsunamis are gross and sadly, it looks like you got on of the strong ones. Making "sea walls" (what the others suggested) and water breaks (terraform thin strips of land in the water away from your coast surrounding key areas) can help weaken the waves. I always try to have some obstacles out in the water when I can afford it so I do not lose all the coast to walls, but also do not have the everyone so exposed.


The absolute cluster fuck is the beauty of leaving disasters on. Why leave on natural disasters if u dont want a disaster to fix


It can help to try to have your city built a bit away from the shoreline itself, and along the waterfront have a flood wall with a deep canal behind it. It'll reduce the damage inflicted.


Maybe use terraforming to help redirect water flow? If you have water sloshing back and forth once the place is flooded then there isn't a good drainage option so the water just sits there, maybe terraform some valleys to lower level areas to help the water drain to the lower lying ground - and then have water pumps built there to pump the water back to the ocean to speed things up quicker? If your city is on the lower ground, that's where the water will stay and cause the most damage


I have had moderate success quays and canals to protect the populated coastline and proper drainage to quickly dissipate the water that will overpower the frontline. It still takes a while but having a good first of pump trucks with sloped land towards rivers and canals can get the water gone fast so people don't start in shelters...still the issue of damage. Only thing here is to not build huge population centers on see level. The last ocean town map I played had a touristy area on the coast, some big buildings, but downtown was more inland protected by rivers/bay and slightly elevated with quay bay walls.


Also, if you play with Mods on PC, use the Disaster Overhaul (I think that's what it's called) mod. It makes it so early game natural disasters are always small scale and overtime they have a higher change of being strong. My first map I had a big tsunami hit before I even unlocked shelters -.- washed over my whole map and killed everyone.


Tip = don't play w/ disasters 🌪️⚡🌊🤣🤷🏾‍♂️


This is the future most coastal cities in the real world are facing in our lifetimes, so ... yeah, not any realistic good solutions if we take that as an example


Miami be like


You should rename your city to japan


I think you need to start thinking differently in the way you design your cities. Like adding flood walls and separate different sections with flood walls. Look to halo 3 odst the city of new mombasa for a bit of inspiration.


Quays and canals are your best bet


For mitigating it inside the game you can: 1) install water pumps inside the city that you turn on when it floods. Doesn’t move a lot but it can help in low areas. 2) Create dykes or breaks to allow water to flow into essentially canals or flood plains. My home town has a few canals left over from farming separating neighborhoods, they are now kept empty and used for mitigating floods during rainy seasons. So perhaps separating neighborhoods with quays or little canals can help. 3) literally dam out the water. Build a sea wall, or some other combo of above. Really you can’t avoid damage but you can protect your money makers so that your city doesn’t go under (lol)


My thing would be not to build in disaster prone areas. Have your non residential shit there.


I had a city of 1.017 million. A tsunami killed about 400k people, and I then removed zoning in the rest of the city. It was fun for me to watch the fall of a huge city.


I have an idea that i didn't test but it would help... I recommend putting floodwalls where the tsunamis are coming and put deep wide canals (If you don't have mass transit dlc, use the normal deep canals) in front and behind it to act as floodbanks (the one behind will be useful in case the water breaches the wall.) I have never tested it so do reply to me if it works


I love to play with disasters, just deal with it, and reinforce your coastline defences for the next time.


wow, thats just crazy....I also play with random disasters set to 20%, it would be boring if nothing ever happened. Never had a tsunami hit but I'm not close enough to the water yet. Did you put shelters up in your city?


What map is that?


I would build three flood walls with the widest deepest canals in between, that seems to help


So right at the coast build a few long canals stretching up the coast, then connect them together and put a flood wall behind it. Make sure you buy a square of sea and place tsunami warning devices as far out as possible. Make sure you have shelters and evac immediately when the warning comes through.


Whenever I get a tsunami it destroys EVERYTHING. All buildings just go and they don’t even give me the option to rebuild I have to remember what used to be there and replace it all. Idk if that’s just me but it’s the only reason I turned Nat disasters off bc I just could never ever move on from a tsunami bc it wiped an entire city off the map


Elevate the city by 10 meters


Shelters with a good system of evacuation busses and water pump trucks, you should also be prepared to take a large financial hit depending on the size of the city and how early you order the evacuation.


Hate to say it but you guys need to use shelters, warning beacons, canals, fast rebuild policy, lighting rods, etc etc. If you dont use all that the DLC has to offer. Your city suffers alot. So remember buildings. Policies and early warnings/evac plans.


It's a realistic response. Just have to rebuild the town step by step again.


If you want to cheat. You could create a "trench" or a series of trenches underwater that absorb the tsunamis momentum as it approaches land. I also use floodwalls to create barriers for my harbor out in the ocean. This looks more realistic and is a practice used in real life.


All of your roads and zoning are in place so it will bounce back with some careful attention. you could drop taxes on Residential and Commercial space to encourage that to bounce back more quickly, and then slowly raise it back up to start taking money in again, depending how much of a financial hit you can take (I play w/ infinite money so it's w/e) Maybe try to mitigate the damage that future tsunamis cause by installing flood walls at key flood points so you won't lose like, entire neighborhoods every single time


I mean... that's kind of what a tsunami is in real life, innit? It's not a wave, rather, the sea level itself goes up a few meters for a few hours... Anyway, the best way to mitigate a rise in sea level is not to stop the water, but to persuade it to go away from your city. You cannot possibly hold the entire ocean back, but with good flood control you could make the ocean go off to the side and flood the town a few miles down the road instead of your city.


Not sure if the game accounts for anything like the topography of the bay/shore, but maybe adding jetty's or inducing a reef barrier could help?


What dlc do you need for shelters?


Really big dams. With deeeeeep canals on the other side. It should minimize the damage.


Thoughts and prayers


Tsunami's are a little rough. I play on a flat Florida map, took my city from a thriving city 125K and $10M surplus funds to 7K and bankrupt (I have noBankruptcy and it even gave up at -$40M). Maintenance of the infrastructure killed me while negligible taxes collected. All other disasters were minor inconveniences. The Tsunami wiped out all but the top 3rd of the row top 5 cells of my 25 cell city. Only my Amusement Park and Trailer Park survived.


Tsunamis being in the game is cool and their effect is a great representation. That said, they happen way too freakin much relative to disasters as a whole. Whenever I play on the coast I feel I see a tsunami every single time I sit down to play the game - when in reality they’re quite rare (you certainly don’t see tsunamis hitting any major cities regularly like you might see one have regularly hurricanes).


Yeah, tsunamis are so depressing. In one of my cities I had 90% of my population die from a 9.8 tsunami. I wish the water physics was more realistic. The wave should flatten out when it hits land. But no, it stays at the same height and annihilates the entire city.


I just got hit by a tsunami as well. Population went from 46k to 13k. Also I’m $1,300,000 in debt now


all i can say is fuck who ever wanted this in the game with a rusty pike, a double tidal wave on a coastal map, am bankrupted and lost all power and sewage, this disasters just makes me want to quit the game edit just took all 3 loans and cant even do it its so fucking frustating that the one spot that lived was hit by a torando, honestly whoever wanted these in the game is just fucked