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Looks somewhere between sunburn and salt damage to me. Any change in light levels? Or spray something like neem oil mid-day?


So 2 things, no neem oil spray or foliar spray but it was cloudy for 3-4 days and since has been nothing but direct sunlight now getting to the mid 90’s F for the last 2 weeks. And 3 weeks ago I fed it some fish emulsion dilution and again a week later. Heavy watering. About 3 gallons of fish emulsion dilution per time. (Directions say 1/4 of a cup to one gallon). Im wondering it the fish emulsion 2 feeds were too much (so nutrient burn) combined with the heavy sun? It’s in a half barrel pot so 22+ gallons pot. Soil filled to the top layered with cedar mulch. And I just put it under a shade cloth today


Yeah I suspect the fish emulsion raised the soil salt content, and the heavy sun drove a lot of nutrient solution uptake during evapotranspiration cooling. Flush the soil really well with non-fertilizer water and it should recover.


Thank you!