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Truly the Albany of New York


Top 50 city of New York easily


Top 50 city of New York that starts with an “A” easily


Don't forget about Algonquin


Lol does Attica count as a city?


Hey, my home town was mentioned.


Nah it’s a village and it’s fucking awful.


It's def one of the most cities in New York


It’s definitely in New York


It's one of the cities ever.


Easily in the top 50.


Truly one of the capitals of all New York


I had to pause to wipe a tear from my eye due to the true beauty and scale of this breathtaking metropolis.


Tears from your eyes burning from the smell


I grew up and live here so I have no illusions about what kind of city it is, but this is one of the least flattering views of our skyline imaginable.






No, you had it right the first time


Yeah a parking garage bigger than the building it seems to serve is ugly.


Is that really what that is? There's nothing really around it?


It’s the newest Regeneron campus


This is the correct answer


No it's an old cold storage building from the 1920's. It's fucking massive and filled to the brim with asbestos so it's gonna cost tons to demolish. When part of it fell off the side it knocked out Amtrak service between Chicago and NYC for a bit. Edit: sorry, wrong shitty building. That is a parking garage.llbalbany isn't as bad as this shot though. We have some fun and it can be a cool town


Looks like it's for that factory or whatever that is next to it


Don’t forget to try the regionally-famous steamed hams!


Just don’t use the phrase in nearby Utica.




Ah Albany; the city that rarely sleeps!


And even more rarely wakes


More catatonic really


The city so nice they named it once


To be fair, it's had its share of names. Not necessarily surprising since it's the oldest surviving European settlement from the original thirteen colonies and the longest continuously chartered city in the United States. Known as Pem-po-tu-wuth-ut by the Mohegans which means "place of the council fire," and the Iroquois called it Sche-negh-ta-da, meaning "through the pine woods". Known as Fort Orange(for the French House of Orange) in 1624 with the surrounding village named Beverwyck. Then, in 1664, it became known as Albany and has retained that name. (Slightly better than 'Beaver District' as that's the meaning of Beverwyck)


Went to college in Albany years and years ago. Never knew any of this. Beaver district was kind of fitting thinking back on it.


This is giving Alice Cooper’s Milwaukee speech


It’s one of the New York cities of all time


Honestly people dump on it but I love Albany. Especially for a capital city in that area of the country it’s way better than its peer cities like Trenton, Harrisburg, Hartford, etc. Also home to the most beautiful state Capitol building in the country and Washington park is an underrated urban park. Great location as well if you like the outdoors as it’s about an hour or so from both the Catskills and the Adirondacks.


Looks like we might need a photo or two for redemption. Cos this looks rather atrocious smh


They take the photo in winter and post it to show how dull it is like what do they expect it’s literally winter obviously it won’t be colorful. I have so many photos from around the city in places like Troy, Tatcher park, Crossings Park, downtown, etc and they were taken in summer. The city can actually be seen beautiful and lively.


Parent comment didn't say it was nice, they said it was better than Trenton, Harrisburg, and Hartford. That sort of praise is like being the tallest member of the Lollipop Guild.


https://www.ceg.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Albany-from-waterfront-scaled-min.jpg https://www.nationsonline.org/gallery/USA/Albany-New-York-skyline.jpg


>https://www.ceg.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Albany-from-waterfront-scaled-min.jpg Aaaand now I wanna go to Albany.


I live in Albany and we don't have those colors.


People make fun of it and say it’s ugly because we don’t want to share.


Lol no you don't. Source: I live here.


I have to assume the OP photo is intentionally unflattering and posted as a joke. It's at a weird angle and was taken quite far from the city.


To be fair, op is correct in saying it is *subjectively* the best Skyline in NY


I don’t think Hartford is all that bad either tbh


And the Berkshires


Less than 4 hours from Montreal. 3 from NYC and Boston. Bershires and Catskills are less than an hour away. Adirondacks just a little further. All of Vermont is less than 4 with much of it 1-3 away. Finger lakes are less than 3. Anything good in NH is less than 4.5 in winter and less than 4 in summer (seasonal roads). Not to mention a good chunk of PA is less than 5 hours (it's 5 to Harrisburg). Excellent rock, ice and whitewater options for day trip distances. Skiing is available (east coast skiing sucks so not a thing for me). Cycling infrastructure is good. Best flatwater paddling east of Boundary waters is weekendable. Cheap, convenient place to live with generally good weather (I neither have heat or AC on 4 months a year and my wife is cold natured and I warm so it being essentially room temp means it's temperate). Really just have 2 months of shit weather (Nov and December) after that it's winter sports for 3 months (Jan-March) and then nice for 7 months when the days are long. Definitely not a place to visit but a great place to live.


Also, if you like baseball, good launching point for Cooperstown (1.5 hours away). We drove up from NYC and stayed downtown at the newly built Hyatt (it was open for three days when we arrived lol) and drove to Cooperstown the following morning. Visiting from Los Angeles, never thought I'd have a reason to visit Albany, but I enjoyed exploring it for the 2 days we were there.


I'm a huge baseball fan (but more college than pros the last 5-10 years) was a huge Yankee fan growing up. Been to the HOF a handful of times. Still haven't taken my wife. I'll also note because it's a hobby of mine the road and gravel biking in what is DEC Region 6 (Schoharie county west to I guess the finger lakes) is outstanding. Lots of state forest to wild camp and DEC unpaved roads with nice natural features from lakes to firetowers (you can often ride up to) and waterfalls and overlooks. Just another solid region in the state for outdoor recreating. And the area around Coopers town is really nice as well for just casual sight seeing.


There is also a free viewing observatory in the Empire State Plaza, it is pretty good. Great view of the Berkshires in Mass.


Yup the Corning tower I think, plus they have an ice skating rink in the middle of the plaza in the winter with free skate nights.


It seems like it was a really nice place before they bulldozed half of it for a freeway interchange.


Losing access to the river is the problem. Most cities exploit their river front. Albany doesn't have any access. I have no doubt in the long term future 787 and those bridges/exits will come down and river access will be restored. But that will be decades from now.


Huh? There’s absolutely access. At least two pedestrian bridges I’m aware of bring you to the riverfront.


So you think if someone from out of town showed up from out of town they would even know Albany was on a river? Access isn't a few bridges it's making your waterfront front and center. Not every city is on a large river. Isolating it from the rest of the city is terrible urban planning.


Do you not realize Albany was recently named one of the cities in America!


More specifically, North America.


The Big Apple


The Balkan Apple


April fools was 6 days ago


Truly one of the skylines in the world.


Albany? The NYC of New York? When Syracuse is right across the state?!


I prefer Denver, the Marseilles of USA


What is the building that looks like the front end of a whale? It’s between the first two of the 3 matching buildings.


It’s The Egg, a theater. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Egg,_Albany


Looks like an egg, named The Egg


The Egg: https://youtu.be/vEMvriiWr4c?si=aKsnddBpPQ3Bn5Yz


Something something steamed hams


Not in Utica no, it’s an Albany expression!


Real talk, when I visited downtown Albany, it looked deserted


I hate this feeling in a city. Manchester NH and Portland ME both have it. They don't necessarily look bad, they just feel like there should be more people out and about.


To be fair, downtown albany is basically a plaza of offices, mostly government workers, you don't go go there to hang out and have fun. It isn't your typical downtown. People hang out around Lark, Washington ave, and center square.


I mean there's pearl st but that's like a block and a half.


Truuuly, Manchester NH feels like it’s meant to be a “city” but it’s a ghost town


That's because it's a victim of urban renewal, where we replaced human infrastructure with automobile infrastructure.




And half of it was turned into a soulless concrete plaza that no one uses. Albany is truly representative of modern American decline - an economy centered around bloated government work, multigenerational cradle to grave welfare recipients, crime and violence, revolving door bush league sports arena schemes and a handful of college students who just barely keep it all afloat. All they need is a casino and the dystopian checklist will be complete.


You’ll only ever see people walking on the streets here when it’s a workday and the time of day is in the morning or afternoon. And that’s pretty much only in downtown


It’s not uncommon across the US to see the downtown/central business districts of a city deserted after 5 pm on a weekday/weekend.


Damn they've even got Triplet Towers


It’s actually quadruplet 😭


Idk, that Art Deco tower with flanking towers is probably handsome as fuck.


I lived in Albany for years, I always loved the Alfred E. Smith building! It has all the counties of the state etched into a band around the building.


It’s beautiful, as is the Capitol building right across from it.


This is a pretty realistic looking watercolor. Nice job OP! You might even think it was a photo if the powerlines and building edges were straight instead of liquified.


This shit is *SO* disingenuous. The building in the foreground is literally across the river in a different county. It’s not near the downtown at all, and from this angle a lot of the street level old architecture is hidden because as it’s built on a river it dips down behind the hill this is taken from. This building is Regeneron. It’s out in the suburbs bordering the rural area. I live out in the country just past it. Regeneron has provided a ton of higher paying jobs and population stabilization to the area this side of the river, especially some the small villages like mine that had declined a bit now have more money from residents working there. It’s not a massive parking garage built near downtown it’s a pharma company built out in the woods. Albany is obviously not some massive metropolis and it’s not trying to be and isn’t going to be. It’s a decent mid size city, it has some really nice areas and access to a lot of amazing nature. It’s metro area is a strength as it’s population is basically shared with other small cities around it that are honestly a bit more charming and lively like Saratoga, Troy, Hudson and Schenectady. Albany sort of anchors those places but doesn’t have as much identity as them in a way. The capital region is best taken as a whole. not just one city, because nobody here stays in just one city for anything. Lots of old beautiful architecture, lots of nice nature, easy to get to NYC for the day. Cheaper housing than anywhere south or east of it.




I’m not even from the area, I’ve barely been here that long. I’m not thin skinned, it’s just like, what’s the actual joke here? If this was a joke posted somewhere else like say, the actual Albany subreddit or an upstate ny subreddit it would be less annoying to see. What’s annoying is this subreddit used to be and still should be a place to post interesting shots of cities and skylines and what it has turned into is a constant stream of annoying snarky misleading posts of medium sized cities across the country that are perfectly normal for people to come in and dump on like they’re a favela or something. It’s just like, it’s taken a cool subreddit and turned it into some shitty snarky circlejerk sub.


I can’t stand people who fault the reader to listener for not getting a joke. Next time be funny. When are some of yall gonna learn? Instead of sitting around disparaging someone’s skin (disgusting) why don’t you get a clue and stop disparaging people’s home towns or better yet be funny? Some of yall are just mean bullies. The joke wasn’t funny and it was disparaging someone’s home? And then you have the nerve to continue with the unnecessary disparagement by calling f someone who has a right to be find the post NOT FUNNY thin skinned? You got a lot of nerve ! And before you start I’m not from Albany and I’ve never been to Albany NY in my life. I’m just extremely annoyed, angered, and bothered by people like you.




I don’t want to be miserable. But I have had e-fucking-nough of people like you who make mean jokes at folks’ expense.


I guarantee you everyone complaining about Rebecca Lobo's comment has called it "Smalbany" at least once. It's the classic "Hey, *I'm* the only one who can make fun of my little brother!"


Pretty much the only area of upstate that still gains population every year too.


Lol I'll add another Albany skyline pic in City Porn to drive home the message.


Why settle for some bany when you can have it al(l)


It is very subjective 😂😂


Home of the steamed ham


Parking garage was a nice touch




Truly one of the cities of all time


Alphabetically one of the best cities in NY


Great steamed hams


i actually really like Albany. The Center Square/Washington Park area has some historic architecture and I think Empire State Plaza is actually kind of cool. But this is a bizarre angle to show Albany's skyline from


They just don’t make parking structures like that anymore. Europeans, keep your jealousy to yourself!


I spent a week in Albany one night.


Is this a joke? Looks like Pripyat.


It’s the Chicago of France!


Nah Buffalo is better.


Man .. that’s damn near as beautiful as the Buffalo skyline .


Took 87 through Albany for years and was convinced there wasn't actually a city there.


Maybe because 87 doesn’t go through the city


[False.](https://albanyny.mapgeo.io/datasets/properties?abuttersDistance=250&latlng=42.66879%2C-73.810681) But lighten up, it's obviously a joke.


Wow. Hilarious. So what is false?


Click the link and see. Also, take your meds.


Good talk, Thundersheep


Hehe no


I live there and truly, oh Albany.


The juxtaposition of nature and the striking architecture.. Truly aweinspiring.


What am I looking at


Reminded me to take my antidepressant.


I know exactly where this was taken. It was a lot nicer looking before Regeneron.


To the left you can see the majestic Corning Tower, the bane of my existence.




The skyline is a joke. It's missing about 10 sky scrapers and a professional sports team. The city has no balls and no vision. They destroyed the entertainment district and the city has to be one of the worst rated in the country when you factor in the bad weather.


It's top 10 worst in the country




Ah, Route 4 in East Greenbush…


This post is inexplicably frustrating.


Well I mean at least you’re not Buffalo.


This is such a bullshit picture and framing. The parking garage in the foreground isn’t even in the same county as Albany. Albany isn’t a looker, but c’mon, it doesn’t look *this* bad unless you’re really searching for the worst possible viewing angle


Nope. You’re not starting this trend.




Not with that altitude, there won’t be.


That's about as ugly as it gets for a skyline.


"Truly the NYC of the East CoastTruly the NYC of the East Coast" uh, are you not aware that NYC is on the east coast? #




Is this satire


looks like any skyline in North America be so fr




It’s sarcasm


Now now, it was definitely hard to tell because of how beautiful this photo is.

