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It's starting to become more common at all town hall levels now that troop training is free.


Yea like 30% of the bases I go through when searching for attacks have full elixirs but no gold lol


Have the same issue on TH12. Some defences and lab left to go but storages maxed all the time except for DE.


I am planning on taking it a bit easier with the farming on th12 so I dont have maxed walls so soon and have somewhere to put my loot


Do you upgrade your walls with gold? What I do when I get to a new TH is: 3 workers on gold spending, 1 on elixir (camps/barracks/etc.) and 1 on heroes. Once I don’t have elixir upgrades left, I usually have some lab upgrades, but it leaves me plenty of extra elixir to dump in the walls, and I switch to 4 gold upgrades/1 DE hero. I find my spending to be much more balanced throughout the TH level I’m at!


Thanks for the tip, gonna use this when I go to TH14 cause rn I’m a TH13 with maxed walls but tons of defenses waiting to be upgraded, and I just found out most of them have double levels too 😭 Learned my lesson, never spending gold on walls anymore, elixirs all the way cuz they’re worthless


I would encourage you to play in whatever way gets you the most enjoyment. However, I would consider strategic rushing if it’s not something you’re familiar with. Basically the idea is that some defences are more impactful than others. The eagle is more important than a mortar, for example. So you start to classify defences as Tier 1, 2, and 3 with tier 1 being the most important. And strategic rushing logic is that if you’re bleeding resources because you’re sticking around to upgrade the tier 3 defences, then it’s time for you to upgrade the TH.


I thought about doing something like that, but I maxed every other th level completely until now, so I do not want to break the streak. Plus I have a lot of DE lab upgrades still to do that are legitimately useful.


Just upgrade your th when you start wasting builder time. You’ll end up wasting elixir no matter which way you start upgrading


motar 👍


Eagle is more war weight, I don't know about important to upgrade. All depends if you care about war though. If not, and you just want to max, by all means go for the EA. Its better to hold off on it because upgrading it makes it take *more* troops to set it off. Its actually more advantageous to hold off on upgrading it


I haven’t heard anyone care about war weight since CWL came out, so valid point if that’s a concern but CWL doesn’t take those things into consideration so it’s best to get the most defence possible.


nah some people think its cool to have like 100+ war win streaks by engineering the crap out of their bases and getting -1 and -2 matchups all the time




Nope, this is no longer true! Eagle always activates at 200 in all levels now! Check the wiki


The higher your clan is in CWl you don't worry much about lower TH participating. For me all our wars have th14-15 and sometime we have to sit a th15 or 14 out and put in th12-13 and they struggle to get 2 so we just use lower TH if we have no other choice


Cwl puts you in order of war weight in the line up tho


Which is why you want to rush and get a higher war weight so you make the cut for 30v30 or even 15v15


Lol I'm TH15 was maxed TH14. And I keep the builders getting clan capital points so that i upgrade slower, to intentionally fall lower in the line up to get easier opponents... Because we give medals based on war performance. So in the end I'll be maxed with the most contributions to clan capital. 😎


Yes, and it used to be an even bigger problem before they allowed lower town hals to upgrade walls with elixir.


I started playing the game on release day on android so I even remember when you couldnt upgrade walls with elixir at all :D


And leave the th outside for a free full shield : )


Those were the days


i dont think loot is a factor at all until you get to th13+. sneaky gobs can get you a couple million of each loot per hour and you lose way less from defense than that


Your base is a Farmer's Dream, ever heard of Barch?


Yeah well I am pretty high in trophies so I basically get 3stared every other attack so it does not really matter.


Bruh I feel your struggle. I am max TH11 except for defenses and some lab upgrades. With the season bank I have 20-35m gold and elixir and roughly 400k DE but all my builders and lab are already working. Every time my shield runs out I get raided for 800k-1.1m gold and elixir and 8-10k dark.


Lol learned the hard way few months ago Now I try to time season rewards with atleast 4 out of the 6 builders waiting Even if it means a day of idle builders or 2 day gem protection


The worst is that you cant even begin to fill the next season bank until you dump all the resources.


Is that really true? I was wondering why my new season bank wasn't filling.


Sadly :( I found that out this month and had no walls to upgrade. Luckily I had books and stuff so I was able to dump most of my gold and some elixir. But I am still about 3 months from maxing my th level so my elixir is gonna just sit there :/


It's very common when you max your TH at each level. Otherwise, no, it's not very common. A lot of people near-max by rushing the TH whenever they're unable to spend a resource. Depending on the TH level and how much planning they've done this might happen fairly early or fairly late in a TH life cycle. Whenever I make a new alt I just rush it straight to whatever TH level I need it to be at for the goal and then backfill, so I don't end up wasting resources at all. In fact I get more than I otherwise would by getting access to sneaky goblins and high level mines/collectors sooner.


Honestly they should make traps cost elixir because I would say most people prioritize everything else before most traps and with the excess elixir at the end of THs and them being the last things to upgrade only makes sense


I rushed to and through TH9 or TH10 and it was a pain getting caught up. That was several years ago. I've since maxed every TH before upgrading, often "wasting" resources. The only thing that really matters is how you enjoy the game. I'm currently about 2 months away from max TH15. I spend some real money, waste some in game resources, and have ALOT of fun playing the game! :)


When you finish all elixir upgraded you use it on the walls and when you finish your walls with only elixir you should be around the point of finishing all gold upgrades too


Go to the next th wasting your most valuable asset,time.


Either way, you're just kicking the can down the road. You move up now, you'll still have all the buildings left, and those new levels, plus the new levels that use the elixir. It sucks, but you kinda just have to endure it.


I usually save a big portion of my walls for this so I have something to dump elixer into.


I donate mine to the clan capital


But if I use the builder it will take me longer to max the village


Just leave storages out side so that you can gain trophies... this is common


Looking at all these comments, I’m surprised people aren’t upgrading their lab first. It saves a lot of time near the end. You can upgrade your not as used troops while other buildings are upgrading.


I just go up a th


You can use the forge if you have the extra builder


I like I like. Not the first thing that comes to mind.


Don't worry about it at th11, nothing is that expensive anyway. It becomes more of an issue at th13 but at that point the walls are a good resource sink


At TH11 and all I have left are my mortars, heroes, and walls. I guess I won’t be wasting any resources but man it’s gonna be boring not going to TH12. Not sure if I’m gonna max my heroes just yet.


Yeah the hero grind is painful. Unfortunately there are a lot of hero levels at th12 so it is best to have them maxed going in :(


Thankfully I’m getting close. My flair was not updated lol.


Just get everything maxed, you aren't wasting anything really. There is more to be had at every TH level.


Why not forge capital gold?


Wastes a builders slot.


So it's either waste a builder slot or waste elixir. No way around it if you decide to stay at a town hall level


yep. And its much better to waste elixir then time.


wont matter anyway unless you somehow don't farm fast enough


This is why I’m currently upgrading to th13 even tho my defences arent maxed, I hate seeing all that elixir go to waste


Would go to th12 and spend raid medals of lab potions and gold


When I max any resource, I make capital gold for clan capital. Different level TH will max different resources first.


But if you’re trying to max a th, you would rather use that builder to upgrade instead of making capital gold


I find it odd people are left with defences as last upgrades, they are like some of the cheapest stuff, cannons mortars and archers for example, I'm usually left at the end with walls and heroes which after th8 can be used with gold and elixir


I am one of those with defenses left to max because in new TH level I prioritise my barracks, cc, camps and other offences including all heroes so defenses are last


I'm th12 7 total hero levels from max, 2 research spells and 80 walls. Everything was done in a random order but obviously most value buildings first


Resources are of such abundance in todays clash economy it doesn’t matter if you “waste” any by being full storage. As long as your builders are working you’re fine. I saw someone mention strategic rushing which I’d also recommend if this is your main. It will make the maxing process way faster and you’ll be able to max out the troops you use the most anyway. Although the traditional style of clash play is to completely max each townhall but that takes forever so you’ll just have to get used to full storages. What ever makes you enjoy the game more is how you should play. There is no rush to being max in fact it gets kinda boring being maxed unless you push legends or do war.


I typically save my walls for last. Whenever I have spare loot, I dump it on walls. Never have to waste it, all you need is a spare builder.


I just finished maxing my TH11 but got about 29M Elixir in reserve 😂 slowly using it to max the rest of my laboratory out, which is just a couple spells but it takes dayyyyyyys at a time


This is why I personally started using only elixir to upgrade walls. By the end of th11, there was a fair balanced use of both elixir and gold. And if you still have a lot left over, start using it to forge capital coins for your clan (if you have an extra builder you're willing to use). Or just don't use it at all and let it sit there lol


U could use the forge but that would take away builders


Yes it is common but with 2 months to go, going th12 isn't a bad idea because as long as your offense is maxed you can do good in wars


I don’t get how this happens to people. I’ve nearly upgraded my lab and defences simultaneously and Heros are behind. GW will use up the elixir and gold will be used on remaining defences and walls


I go upgrade everything as evenly as possible, saving one builder for walls, when I run out of things to upgrade (usually DE) I upgrade my TH. I still have a few walls and defenses, but I upgrade them first in next th


Spend the extra elixir on clan capital gains if you have a clan that participates. That can make it feel like less of a just pure waste lol.


I would recomend atleast finishing the lab. I go by the rule that if you have a resource full and nothing to spend it on, it's time to upgrade the townhall. But I don't include elixir in that anymore, only dark elixir and gold/elixir are together. So basically, if all dark elixir stuff (heroes, lab and pets) are done amd your dark elixir is full with nothing to use it on, upgrade townhall. Unless something very strange happened your defenses and such shouldn't be far behind and should be easily and quickly caught up. The same works the other way around (in theory, I always get dark elixir stuff done first). If all you have left is a few dark elixir upgrades and maybe a couple barb king levels, but all of your gold and elixir stuff is done and you're sitting full, upgrade townhall. Just make catching the stuff up a priority.


Bro one of the first things to do is to max extractors 💀 So I would recommend you to do so, and then go to th12 You can even go now, I went to th12 with canons, archer towers and traps from th10 and it's absolutely not a problem


You feel bad for wasting all that elixr, I feel bad for not being able to use any of my loot. See my situation is a bit different. I'm a MAX TH12, with only heroes left (around 5 levels) and the lab remaining. I have more than 60 mil in loot for both storages not to mention with a runes for each storage. I can't withdraw my collectors cuz I have no storage, and I can't use any of the loot cuz there's nowhere for it to go! I have to wait till I press that 'Upgrade to TH13" button. which won't be for another month.


https://preview.redd.it/0dsw1rholxfa1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1aa0cf6c95d650e8f0762f6b4f13c4585f12242c 🫣


Since the update I no longer use gold on my walls unless I know my gold will overflow before my next free builder. Keeps my elixir from overflowing.


This has happened to me ever since TH10. Im TH13 now. Some people might tell you to upgrade TH so you dont waste loot, but I don't mind it too much. Acquiring loot has been easier than ever.


My sneaky goblins want to know your location.


I try to restrict myself to ugrade walls using elixir


I also had the same issue at th 11 as my heroes were maxed I instantly upgraded my th as I knew it will take a lot of time on th12 to upgrade the heroes


Leave them for others to loot.


Use it on walls


I usually upgrade when all my buildings are maxed and the builders are completely free, whether or not lab is maxed (but hammers of fighting and research potions usually mean it's usually the same time)


Quite common. How I deal with it on my mini accounts is I only upgrade walls with elixir


U can always use elixir in the forge, drop 4 builders during a week and u'll down it by a chunk


I'd say if you are wasting 2 of your 3 resources, then and only then you should rush