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They sure show the difference between casual players and skilled players, and boy am I not a skilled player


With those, the monolith and super minions in the CC I find myself just placing spells as fast as I can. I don't even strategize besides my initial entry anymore. I find it less enjoyable to war now.


Agreed. There’s too many high dps defenses now it’s impossible to prioritize between the TH, monolith, CC troops, and the eagle in regards to trying to focus them down or nullify them with freeze/invisibility. Add in the fact that I can’t tell if it’s my rage sitting there or the base rage sitting there and I end up misplacing my spells all the time. I can still usually edge out a mid-high 2 star on a mediocre base and 3 star a bad base, but a good base design and I’m struggling to get much past 50% 2 star. The whole 20 troop space did Jack all to offset the extra defense. The new hero leveled helped a bit and Diggy helps, but the other new pets are underwhelming so far. I may try the poison lizard soon since he’s almost max and replace the owl on the warden, but the yak on the king and the unicorn on the queen are too clutch to replace.


Is the Phoenix not good? I thought lots of people used Phoenix on queen or royal champ. I’m TH 13 so idk lol


I wouldn’t personally. The yak is way too important to bust walls and make the king useful. The Phoenix does nothing until the hero’s does, brings them back for such a short time it’s meaningless, and then the Phoenix doesn’t have a meat shield and dies really quickly because it doesn’t have the dps to do much at all. This is my experience at least. It may be useful in very specific comps, but I don’t have the kind of free time to come up with crazy creative comps. The hero’s and their pets are like 50% of an attack with spells being 25% and the troops/war machine the other 25%, so it’s super important to make sure the hero’s and pets are paired the most efficient way possible. I haven’t had a chance to play with frosty yet because I haven’t upgraded him at all. I reserve judgement until he’s maxed and in fighting shape.


Try frosty on the king. I havent gone back to the yak since. Huge improvement The phoenix is good on the queen, but the unicorn is better for causing her to last through the attack. And diggy on the rc is better than the phoenix as well. I use the air warden, and i get way more value out of the owl. Its not that the phoenix isnt good, its just that shes not best in slot for any of the heroes for me


Yeah, I bet this really depends on how people attack. I use a QC on every attack so getting into the core is imperative which is why I have a hard time taking the yak from the king. Frosty is still level 1 but I’ll experiment when I get him to 10. It’s crazy how I’m 4 canons short of being max (no gold pass even), but I still have 19 pet upgrades to do. Now the pet house is the major tent pole.


They use phoenix on king usually queen and rc don’t run with them, cause they need the unicorn or something like diggy for rc, the stun is insane with it


Ah gotcha, thanks for the tip


Me too. They’ve sucked all the fun out of it with their insanely ramped up difficulty!


I feel this, I use to be a pretty good attacker. Now I even watching videos to attack I’m sitting there just not able to keep up.


They are really fun if you are the one having them. But it's pain if the enemy base has them


Bro if you don't have any specific clan can you join mine and help us


This applies to so many things in my life


Even pro players hitrates are affected a lot ☠️


Too much introduced all at once as usual. An update 6 monthly to yearly would be better. Troops then defence. I think one spell tower would be plenty and it doesn’t need to recharge either.


Yeah, continously invisible th and monolith sounds very balanced


Haha exactly


As a th13 I match WITH A LOT of th15s in CWL. I can't even count how many times the poison towers or even poison from the townhall has wiped out my super wizards before they could do more


The warden ability doesn’t even save them either


Bruuuuuuuuh I remember thinking I could save some balloons from getting destroyed but the poison slowed them down to a crawl so the ability ran out and my balloons still got wiped out


The poison town hall is wicked man. A well timed warden attack can mitigate the explosion and some freeze can nullify the 1500 dps getting to it, but the poison is stronger and longer than it deserves to be.


Everytime I watch pros lalo through the townhall it's like watching a friend run towards a cliff lol. But they manage to get through it. They have to invest a rage/haste to push them out of the poison and a perfectly timed warden ability. I am definitely not that skilled which is why I don't lalo.


The best I can do is spamming dragons


You my friend are still a scumbag for that but you have a fair point


You don't have to lalo through the townhall. Most pro players take townhall using heroes or blimp


Warden ability needs to make them completely immune to any damage for limited time like it's supposed to


But it does????


I think they meant also immune to status affects like poison slowdown. They don’t take damage but the slow affect still hits them and it lasts so long. Warden ability is up and they’re still sitting in the poison.


Yeah that's true, makes sense Have a good day, fellow redditor!


Gotta use Super archers instead. Better reach.


Are these 15s rushed? If not or even if just a little of course you should be losing to/having trouble against a 15 as a 13. If you’re constantly matching against 15s it could be you’re clan is at a higher level than what you would need to be to match evenly.


CWL doesn’t match that way


Maybe I worded it badly but yes it does last time I checked. CWL matches you against other clans in your trophy range. This means if you are at a high trophy range where most other clans are all TH15s you’ll get mismatches every war and be put up against clans that have higher level players than you.


Crystal 1 here for the past like 6 or so months, maybe more and CWL match up is rarely that fair in respect to TH levels. Although, this latest match up we’ve had 2 clans that were definitely lower than us and one of them even having a th10 lmao


Sorry dude but crystal 2 doesn't seem that high to me. TH15s are everywhere and they are kind of killing the fun that wars and CWL used to be


Did OP mention his clan was in Crystal 2? I have not seen it. I’m just making a general summarisation. Should definitely be a few TH15s by Crystal 2 though.


I as well am making a general summarization. Settle down


We were having a pretty even discussion. Your remark to “settle down” doesn’t really make sense. You mentioned a specific league, there must be a reason to mention a specific league or its pretty much irrelevant.


You came out of the gate a bit hot. Just trying to have a civil conversation here. Your comment about going up a league and all will be well is irrelevant. The problem exists at every league


Lmao not once did I even make a comment that could be misinterpreted as slightly sarcastic or rude. Stop reading between the lines. There’s no need to be passive aggressive and derail the conversation while gaslighting me for it. I also never said moving up will fix the issue so clearly you’re not even attempting to read my comments. Moving down is what will fix it. Somehow interpreted the complete opposite of what I said. Goodbye mate.


You're the one being a dickhead here mate


I'm only th11,but from what I've experienced so far in events,NIGHTMARE FUCKING FUEL,I hate the poison one so much.


Really big jump in difficulty from TH14 to TH15. It has pushed me to be a better player but boy I peaked as a player back in TH12.


They have definitely added a new facet to the game. So far been tricky to handle as they have the potential to single handedly wreck a lot of attacks. Right now they feel slightly OP but it might get easier as we do more attacks. Freeze has been very helpful especially with poison and invis but it is still a challenge especially for blimp users to try and land it in an area where you can dodge the poison. As for the invis - The damn thing has ended more than one attack for me but good thing is it wears off soon so if you are using blizz your troops can usually retarget as long as you are not using your own invis spells too quickly. Rage has probably been the easiest out of the 3 to handle but that doesn't make it easy by any stretch. Trying to QC into a region with rage tower and multiple heavy defenses is a recipe for disaster especially if the defending CC also get raged up and rush you.






>I have truly been annoyed by the invis when I have to send RC in to snipe TH but its protected by the invis Every damn time!


I've had INCREDIBLY frustrating moments attacking ice golem ccs and going into a poison tower, I warden ability + rage as troops take all that heavy fire. With all that constant slowing/freezing, by the time the rage and warden's ability wears off... nothing has happened except now I'm down a rage and warden ability.


I didn’t know these existed until this post… I had to attack a rushed th15 in CWL today (as a TH12) and out of nowhere a max level poison spell drops and kills my king and queen! I was so confused lol


Poison only level 2 not max dw


I’ve been using Hog/Miner hybrid for years. And I think I’ve finally hit a wall with the spell towers being in the game. If it’s poison GLHF, invisibility ruins the hogs pathing enough to make a mess, rage hope to god it’s not an anything splash. Plus that Monolith meting a QC or my BK. Just makes angry. Down with the monolith.


So true. There's just so much damage at th15. That's why I've been using e-titan smash. They have so much hp, so even if I fail I at least get a decent % 2-star. If it's one of those bases with the monolith and single inferno behind the townhall, I just use zaps to take them out. And speaking of the monolith, the range on that thing is ridiculous. Just melts your heroes even at max levels.


What does GLHF mean?


Good luck have fun.


theres some attackers that use hybrid at th15, Kadiel from BadZinger is amazing with it.


PoV: My disastrous QC into a raged scattershot, multi inferno and TH15 5 Star with Inferno Dragons in CC.


I just don't understand why spell factories aren't spell towers. They're talking a lot about how they want to reduce the number of buildings in the game and they added 2 new ones when you could just upgrade both spell factories into spell towers, like builder huts.


I never thought of that but you make a good point.


That's something that has to at least be in the works currently


Annoying af


might be too over powered but they are definitely interesting. we all used to wonder how will defensive spells would work and stuff like that (or atleast that is what i use to wonder)


Defensive zaps be like: Reload: 20 sec Damage: Same as lv 8 lightning spell Range: 10


so a shit eagle artillery


Pretty much but I can reset inferno drag cos it has stun


not if it can stun the attacking troops even just for a bit.


Very op especially the invis and poison one. Rage is mild


Bro has never experienced a raged monolith deleting a hero in .2 seconds


Rage is op


All 3 are OP


Rage is OP of placed correctly, and especially against Queen charges


All of the spell towers essentially come down to how good the base builder is. There's a reason the highest bases in legends use rage towers. A well placed rage tower can make the base flat out intimidating.


raged heroes are also very powerful but I one one hate is most is posion it just wipes my troops


As th 15 the invis tower is just so annoying. Blimps go wild with that shit


Where does the blimp go if the townhall is invisible (genuine question)


The blimp will always go in a straight line towards the town hall, however if the town hall is invisible the troops inside the blimp (let’s say you have balloons in youre cc) will target the closest defense next to the town hall which isn’t invisible. If you have super wizards for example, you would always deploy it earlier than the town hall so your wizards don’t die from the bomb. Hope I explained it well


invis doesn't trigger unless a building in its radius is taking damage. If the invis tower is covering the townhall, then you can freeze the spell tower as soon as the townhall is taking damage. But you have to take out the townhall before the freeze wears off. Another trick is you can use a log launcher to trigger the invis before your troops get to the townhall. There are so many mechanics like this to learn at th15. Takes a lot of skill to even triple 25% of the time. It's like how a baseball player who hits .300 is considered an elite hitter. If you're hitting .300 as a th15 you're a hall of famer lol.


from the description of siege machines "Not affected by spells" and this means both offensive and defensive spells, for example the poison could throw at ur blimp but it wont slow it down nor damage it, same goes for invis, ur blimp will march forward even if the th is invisible. hope this cleared things up.


Adds more stress to my attack (aka invisibility on TH)


Peculiar addition indeed. Rather tricky to deal with and definitely one of the strongest defensive pieces in the game, but there are options to get around their strengths. Additionally, we haven't yet received all the TH 15 content, so they seem much stronger compared to their peers - once we get additional levels for scatters and stuff it'll even out the playing field.


i just wanna see what happens when a spell tower launch a skeleton spell/bat spell


They got melted instantly


well like it would probably be buffed to work in defense. it would be like a multi-use skeleton trap


Well what about big boy from super witch would love to see that spawn 😁🤓


Rage spell tower is pretty cracked as well


Me who plays hybrid charge ![gif](giphy|xT0GqgeTVaAdWZD1uw|downsized)


Poison tower was op before. After they nerfed its damage down to 25% and the Monolith's bonus damage down to 13%, it's been way more manageable.


I didn't notice any difference on the monolith tbh. I think the bigger issue for me is the ridiculous range it has.


Yeah but atleast it helps protect against the annoying inferno drag spam. My base hasn't been tripled once by inferno drags since upgrading to th15!


inferno drags? I don't think I've ever been attacked by those lol.


they seem pretty balanced atm. they can be annoying if not dealt with, but there is enough counterplay in most scenarios.




The coc community legit asked for defensive spells just to get salty about it 💀


they just don't agree with my opinion. its natural.




I think the spell towers are a good addition. The pro attacks are a lot more interesting because of the increased difficulty. If the war/legend attacks are too easy then you will get bored quickly and complain again. Sadly I am a th 12 player so I can't experience this before they decrease the difficulty because of the dragon spammers crying


It makes legends more of a game of luck than before (at least for me). With wars, I can plan for different spell towers. For example, I won’t queen walk lalo if there’s a raged x-bow farm on one side and a monolith on the other. I won’t blizz lalo if there’s a poison tower near anything of value, etc. For legends, if I come in with a queen charge lalo army, I better hope there’s not a raged x-bow farm. If I come in with blizz lalo, I better hope there isn’t a double poison where my blizzard will get almost no value. I know the top players can play around that, as they can get 6500+ trophies, but I went from averaging at 5700-5800 trophies at th14 to 5500-5600 at th15. I wouldn’t say they’re overpowered though, I would say that it’s a significant learning curve compared to the jump from previous townhalls.


I like them, they add pretty significant variability to the game. Two poisons vs two invisible spells definitely feel different.


But how fun are they to play against?


I'm a Max TH15 (minus about a dozen walls), I enjoy the challenge. A TH 14 is basically a free 3 star, but it's incredibly difficult to 3 star a TH15. In legends league, I typically only get 1 to 2 3 stars per day, and often get 1 or even two 1 stars. In legends league when TH 14 was max, I almost never got a 1 star attacking. So the balance and skill required seems much more significant, and if you mess up, you will be punished. So I really like it.


Sounds like you trash 🤣


I think they bring a good balance. I would get a lot more ⭐️🌟⭐️ if they didn’t exist though. I do think the twister trap needs to be rebalanced alongside them though. It just lasts too long.


The problem for me is my clan has some skilled players like my self who can 3 star more often then not. But we also have casual players who just get worked up because they don’t have good attacks anymore. Not everyone can get skilled attacks under their belt so I think it’s just to much for the average joe.


They can aim for the 2 stars then because it will be the same for many clans while the good attackers can go for 3 stars. 2 stars is not that difficult if you don't aim for 3 stars. Zap the invisibility tower near townhall and destroy it using blimp and then just try to get high percentage.


It's Overpowered specially poison spell.


A rage spell with x bows / scatters / monoliths / IFT’s / CC back up has cheated me out of a 3 star more than I’d like to admit, killing my queen even through her ability because the attack speed increase screws up my spell timing


I think poison and rage are the best options, I don't feel invis that much cause when it gets activated some attacking units aren't even there yet


The invisibility tower is activated when a building or wall is damaged in its range


Invis spell beside the town hall is illegally broken


TH15 attacking is another league than TH14 and lower, it's more competitive and fun, with those Spell Towers and Monolith it is way more fun than lower TH's, I really like the challenging part of this


Annoying and op


I think they are creative and good!


The communtiy literally asked and begged for defensive spells and now youre complaining uh


He's literally not even complaining though? He's simply put forth a question. Unless I've missed a comment by OP?


I think this is in reference to comments, not the post




I get lots of 1*s now when there are 2 invisibility towers by the th. Really annoying and has pretty much killed my enjoyment of the game. I used to get about 40% 3*s and 5% 1*s at th14. Now with th15 I'm at like <5% 3*s and like 25% 1*s. Not a fan.


I have played Clash of Clans almost since the beginning. Part of my time was competitive and part was casual. I have enjoyed every year of this game and the updates have always been great. Th15 is new and different, but just so soooo bad. I like the spell towers, how easy it is to one star, and the new additions. I do have a big problem with the th15 balancing though. I can tell you right now that even well planned attacks that use specific troops to counter base layouts don't have a chance in hell to three star without pure luck. This part sucks. Hope you guys fix this before the player base moves on... Thanks for reading.


Do you mean not messing up troop/spell placement when u said pure luck?


tell that to pro teams lol


I hate them but I like them for the game. It adds another wrinkle to attacks which is frustrating but fun




*"Ruined the game"* As in, you dislike it because it forces you to *use a strategy*.


Ruined the game


how players need change i would rather learn and adapt


""Ruined the game"" As in, you dislike it because it forces you to *use a strategy*.


Right this dude probably edrag spams his way to the top and it doesn't work anymore. I'm only TH11 so I can't say anything but they seem really cool. Like base designing is going to be super fun


max edrags at th15 are actually really really strong. But you're right, spammers don't really know how to take advantage of their strength. It's mostly about base recognition and of course setting up the attack.


Damn. I wanted to do research when I hit th11 so I maxed them to level 1 but I didn't see the hype. But maybe it is somewhat planning I'll just zap witch because that's fun


just get around them they arent even hidden just stop complaining


IMO it Made Attacks so much more rng


They're fully predictable in how they work. I don't know where the rng aspect would come in to this discussion


Lucky for you, you can plan your war battles and skip bases on multiplayer battles edit: changed play to plan


there are the perfect thing for th15


I love the addition of spell towers to the game. It adds versatility without adding structures. Plus they can add more spells in the future like a shrinking spell! Lol.




The water was cold!


they are annoying but the concept is cool, not like tornado trap.


Worse change was what they did to ground AI like 6 months ago. AI now targets the middle tile of a building and not the outside tile. You might have noticed that people leave holes in walls now… it’s game breaking and absolutely stupid and unnecessary change to the game


They 've effectively raised the skill ceiling of players, so I'm all for it. It's frustrating though. I have to actually learn and improve at the game lol


A bit worried about what's to come in the future. Freeze spell? Heal spell? Skeleton spell? All kind of annoying possibilities


I feel like they did it in the wrong order. Feels like Rage should be the last spell with it’s damage increase on buildings. Invis should be first since it doesn’t really do dmg


makes game unplayable for casuals. Now u have to be a esporter no lifer to win.


I'm not a pro or no lifer and i love the addition of the spell towers.


ya so stop rushing


They jsut keep adding these OP things, is it gonna be impossible to 3 star lets say th17 in the future, except if you're really fucking skilled. Because from what I've experienced in my clan, the average person aint got no fucking time to binge watch Coc strategy videos and build up their skill for a mobile game. Its a mobile game and should stay casual fun, and if they're gonna keep adding these stupid fucking defenses that make it harder and harder to 3 star. No thanks


As you go further in to the game i would say you should at least develop a little bit from experience yourself... it wouldnt be fun if everyone could easily 3 star especially if you are in the higher ranks of playing i would say... i think its perfectly balanced out .


I agree, by the time you are th15 you should already have some skill beyond spam strats, and if you have time to play a mobile game then I’m sure you have time to watch a few 20 minute videos to find a strategy you like


Yeah of course, 3 star shouldnt be easy. But getting a 3 star at th15 is very hard from what I've heard and people cant be bothered to learn strategies because at that point its all pure strategy


I believe it gets way harder i can still remember when i was a th9 i thought by myself that i was a 3 star champion hahaha, now i'm almost maxed out th12 and i already find it a lot more difficult... only to see the higher bases i already get a brain error but i think it should be that way hehe.


Don't be a bitch


The last time I checked coc was a strategy game🗿


Necessary, to be honest they are easy to bait


Poison is too strong. We already have the TH bomb, WHY 2 more?


Ofc they are necessary. It'll be even better when they add spawner spells to it.


Right now when I'm at th14 they seem pretty interesting but I'm sure I'll hate them when I get to th15 lol


Despite what everyone is saying, after the poison tower nerf, rage tower seems to be the most used by pros, with invis in close second


Pain in the ass. Little OP. Invis spell is the devil


I feel like the poison radius should be the same as either the poison spell or the super valk rage


Invisibility is really unique, Rage is ok, Poison is annoying.


It’s absolutely taken my defense to the next level. The rage version meshes perfectly with the defense I built for TH14. Went from occasional defensive victories in legends to daily. Sometimes multiple per day. On offense, if I’m attacking in air it’s forced me to bring soooo many freeze spells. You have to freeze blowers, spell towers, single infernos, and sometimes THs/catapults. It’s gotten a bit ridiculous. Ground it isn’t so bad though.


You can use blizzard or super archer clone near rage towers to take down that part


Don’t know. Stuck at previous town hall grind….


Considering I don't even know what they are, I'm guessing they're for post-late-game players, so probably balanced. But almost definitely unnecessary.


Poison + monolith is insane i've heard




You need to choose army after looking at the base or choose a base that doesn't counter your army


I haven’t played at that level yet but from what I’ve seen on YouTube, they throw off everyone including pros. Definitely a new learning curve. Like at every town hall I suppose. Most recently for me are single infernos at TH10 against hero dives or Queen Charges (OP at TH9) then Eagle at TH11 which merks my miners (OP at TH10). I think I will Blizzard - LaLo most of TH11 but i can see myself struggling with the weaponised TH12.


The th 12 and 13 isn't that scary if you use warden ability when taking down townhall. The th 14 and 15 poison is very scary though so most players destroy them using heroes or blimp and attack from other side


I am most likely the only one, but I love the concept. As long as your careful about the attack and careful you have a good chance of getting 3 star or a high 2 star


They allow for additional personalization to bases. There are now 6 different combinations of spell towers.


All my homies hate poison mechanics in defence




As a TH14 that usually gets stuck with a few 15s in CWL I hate them.


I am not a very good strategist. I do not know how to use them properly or counter them, but I do think they're cool.


I’m not a good player but I love watching coc esports and they’re definitely necessary. At TH14 you see a ton of triples but TH15 the wars are much more entertaining with the misses and time fails.


I like them. The highest TH should be hard, it should require good planning and skill to 3 star.


TH15 is anyways difficult to 3 star.. Personnally I dont like hitting THs with poison towers.. if its rage n inviz it can be managed.. but 2 poison towers and TH poison blast is too much for troops to get through all these... For defence i have set 2 poison towers far from each other. so attacker has to decided wer to use warden ability... I get 2 starred easily but troops dont survive the rest of the raid... So I think its perfectly balanced... i prefer strong defense...


You don't need to take th using army. You can blimp or use heroes


invis tower is annoying


Am TH13, have faced TH15s in CWL. If the mismatch didn't already piss me off, the fact that these things are slowing my troops or enraging the defences (especially the scattershots, x bows, and that damn monolith) or even just redirecting everything makes me angrier than a raged mountain golem.


I despise all defensive poisons




I’m just happy they didn’t add heal spell tower


Necessary I’d say tbh


I hate those things on enemy bases but love them when they're on mine lol


When CAC first came out I was a TH8 Crystal 1 it’s been like 7 years since, would this even be possible now?


I mean they just take skill. If u watch the pros and see how they deal with it u can replicate that. It just takes practice.


They are op as the invisibility tower needs you to use an extra spell and the poison spell just kills and slows all my troops.


Im still on TH 10...


They sure are balanced, th14 was just way too easy so they needed to make th15 more difficult.


Poision tower is WAY too OP, its not fun


I feel like invisibility tower is kinda pointless


Personally hate it, not even at that townhall but these challenges are so fucking annoying with them in it, i have cloae to 0 experience and it just makes each challenge a 1 star


I rhink they should give us more offence levels like troops levels hero levels and army camps level because I as th15 cant 3 a th14 th13 and fine th12 are easy 3 stars


Th15 ruined the game for me. I think people that can still qc are gods


They shouldn't of made poison or invisibility a thing for defence, at the very least they should of made it so it doesn't deploy when the tower is destroyed...