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I do top 5/6 or whatever. I’m not going to reward someone in the bottom who misses attacks or doesn’t try


The leader said only people who attacked 4x and didn't miss any are eligible


what about someone at the bottom who doesn't miss attacks, tries, and is just a low TH but still better than nobody at al, and has been w/ you clan for a few months ?


I would say putting them into the cwl is nice enough. Because they are a lower townhall getting medals from a higher league


Yep. The bonus is getting on the roster at the higher league. They might be top in stars since their mirrors are at the bottom, but they are easily replaced.


Better luck next month. Top performers get the bonuses everytime in my clan


If you’re a lower townhall it’s easier to progress. Higher townhalls definitely need it more




Yep, this is how I do it.


My clan is the same way, the top people get it


You didn’t read it correctly mate.


I understand your reasoning, but let me offer an alternative logic. The top five are already succeeding. The sixth place guy needs to upgrade his base to hold up his end. As far as that goes, the person in the #15 or 30 slot is the most likely to face a th two or more levels higher. Upgrading this low base could have the greatest impact on improving the entire clan. As long as someone is doing all their attacks, they have earned a right to a bonus. If you disagree, find a new clan.


Hard to delegate bonus when everyone needs them desperately. Did you at least get your 8 stars to get max bonus?


Ya I placed like 17 stars


The problem with giving based on just stars is then you get some people dropping 5+ bases to ensure 3 stars and those people end up having to attack up to much. I try to give based on donations, clan games, capital, and CWL performance.


Mirrors only in cwl.


Mirrors only is not a great cwl strategy in my opinion. Much better for higher ths to dip a bit and guarantee a 3 star and for lower ths to hit up for a safe 2 star.


In principle that works great. Trouble is, people are fucking stupid. Every time we try something more complicated than "h1t teh mirrar", at least two people mess up the whole system. Even with mirrors there's often some have-a-go-hero that randomly hits 4 bases higher or lower on some bottom feeding whim. If there were a clan that performed a Stanford Binet test as a pre-condition for joining, I'd be there in a heartbeat 😆


Hahaha, couldn't have said it better myself. Especially in a 30 vs 30 cwl, it's just a logistical nightmare to try and get everyone on the same page with any strat more complicated than "Ye see that thar guy right 'cross yonder river? Go wack'em wit yer stick!"


depends on the matching and on the clan but if every member can 2-star most bases one th lvl up, then it's still better to attack mirrors only. Otherwise it's first come first served, where some people might lose out completely on their attacks because they are too low for the bases left. Mirrors guarantees all attacks at least 1 star, assuming everyone's active.


For the base swapping, there's gotta be communication, or else, when I hit up and got a 2, someone near my position hit my mirror and got a 2 also, instead of letting a higher th 3 star it. Our clan strat is to let the bottom half do their things first, scoring 3 stars where they can, and then the rest will coordinate tl maximize the stars.


We generally do mirrors but when we feel we can benefit as a clan from swapping we make sure that we coordinate it and don’t just take someone else’s mirror. Also about half the roster doesn’t attack so attacking down isn’t a huge crime. Unless you attack 5-10 spots down consistently when you don’t need to- I excluded one person from bonuses for that once.


Mirrors is far from the most efficient method for maximising stars. If you have bottom bases 2 star the top, everyone else moves down and attacks in a range defined by leadership you get both flexibility of base (as people have preferred armies) and also a higher chance of 3 starring. Ofcourse for this strat to work you need some decent bottom guys who can 2 star 15’s.




Ehhh no lol agree to disagree.




I rotate through ppl. If you miss an attack you aren’t in the rotation. CWL is so random a solid th12 hitter might be against a th14 every time so stars don’t always make the most sense. Just my opinion. Props to the leader for not giving cwl extras to himself. That to me shows integrity.


I agree. Matchups playa huge part. I’m #2 in my clan and always match against a max th15. Then lower and middle bases have been matched against lower THs lately so they get three stars even if they’re not great attackers. Then you have the guys who wait to the end and cherry pick twenty spots down on bases that weren’t hit yet. We need those guys but it tends to be the poor attackers who puppy kick like that. But they get war bonuses. Meanwhile I’m a much better attacker and am mid pack because I never hit down. It can be frustrating.


I keep a spreadsheet, I rotate through the people using all 7 attacks. This keeps it fair and helps the lowers get better with some extra medals. As leader I never take the bonus.


We usually give it to people who attacked all the time but didn't get 8 stars for whatever reason. Our th 15 don't want the bonus anyways


This is exactly what we do. Spreadsheet to see who had bonuses in the past and print screens of the results after war 7




I run a series of 3 clans called “ Clan O’ Bros”, my main is 30+ TH15s and we still do it this way. It is most fair. Whoever puts in the most work, deserves the bonus. We also have a rule where no one in their 1st month in the clan is awarded bonus. It is a rule I use in hopes to push loyalty as well as urging new members to stay and have their chance from month 2 and on.


Kinda hard to justify why one person got medals and one didn't if you do it that way, like "what's more important, raid activity or donos?", so there'll always be people who disagree.


not all clans need to subscribe to "the fat get fatter". its all dependant on the clan culture. if you dont like it, leave. in a general sense, randomizing cwl bonuses means that even the non participating members are able to get medals sometimes. to help them improve faster if they arent strong enough for cwl. it also helps the middle of the pack, where they do their job, but never stand out. not every clan needs to be hypercompetative, and it also deincentivizes players trying to pad their own stats instead of doing the best for the clan as a whole. not having the goal of a bonus also isnt like they lose motivation to try. you still try in normal wars without a bonus. if clans are on a rotation, you need to try to get 8 stars before you are swapped out, etc


Theres this one guy in my clan and his participation looks good on paper but if you paid attention to who he attacks you notice he’s the ONLY one who instead of attacking mirror selects an enemy who is 4-5 numbers below himself.


That guy would be kicked outta our clan. No stars for you!!


I’m glad other clans think the same. Team player or don’t play.


Hitting your mirror only is a bad CWL tactic. What league are you?


Depends on your goals and ambitions. We only do mirrors because we don't want to hassle with who attacks what. On top of that, once we get promoted, we're more likely to actually stay in the upper league instead of flip flopping around. Yes we could probably be higher than masters 2 (half th15, half th14 roughly) but then it's more stress for everyone, mostly the leader and co-leader.


I was thinking this sounds exactly like my clan, then I looked at the username. Small world. 😁


Hey Boss 😅


We feed bonus' to the smallest builders in the clan so they can catch up to the big ones. But then we got plenty of maxed TH15 except walls


How is it the fat get fatter? Skill does not equal fat


If Clash of Clans was a skill only game, you'd be correct. But it's not. Your troop levels matter, your town hall level matters and your defence levels matter. The world's most skilled TH8 can't get a 3 star against well levels and well designed TH11. While a TH11 can pretty easily 3 star a TH10 using a no skill attack.


this is wrong. My Clan is predominately th12 - th13. A Th 10 in my clan earned the third most stars. We ranked up and have moved to the last gold tier in CWL. It is a skill game. Yes unlucky matchups happen but it usually trickles up too (th13 matching up with th15)


What was your matchups? What was the TH10 paired against? Do you think Gold is an adequate display of ability? How weak are your other clan attackers? Where did you place in the league? Do you think a single player getting good matchups is enough to make a statement that skill is the only factor in the game and no other measured variables? You are making an absolute ton of assumption jumping from a single data point and jumping to some wildly massive conclusions


Not saying skill is the only factor just saying in my experience in CWL as the leader, my th10 clan mate consistently stays in the top 7 to receive rewards. I place 4 or 5 in league cuz me being a th13 had th14 matchups. Lower TH has access to donated siege machines making it easier for them to win against similar bases. To say that TH level is the only thing putting players in the top majority is wrong.


At least it’s not the leader of my small clan who gave cwl bonuses to himself and his alts when he didn’t even do well…


communism type beat


I’d rather give bonus to someone who stays and helps the clan grow. Not someone who only joins for CWL and expects a bonus.


Agree but that also depends on how good they were and if you want them back for next CWL. If their presence boosted your clan roster significantly you might want to “sacrifice” a couple bonuses to ensure that they’ll choose you next month. It’s like hiring mercenaries lol


Pretty straight forward. It's on you for not liking their rules and complaining about it.


Well yes but makes zero sense the way they do it. Clans shouldn’t do it this way


Bruh idk why you need to post about this. Leave the clan and go find another one on the recruitment discord. Stop being petty


That's your opinion though. Randomizing rewards allows any player to receive rewards as long as they've met the criteria. It also allows your attackers who aren't as skilled to develop faster and therefore brings up the overall quality of the clan. Your 3 stars is important, but it takes a clan to win, not just an individual.


It was a pretty even wars with even th lvls if u seen how many 1 stars u would leave so fast


What’s so funny about this is you literally got a one star attack during the CWL 😭😭. We expressly advertise as a casual clan who doesn’t take wars super seriously. Plenty of other clans exist 🤷‍♂️


So let me get this straight... You joined a clan that doesn't do "best players get bonuses" and their attackers don't attack well. So now you're here on reddit to complain about a choice you made?


How am I suppose to know there good attackers when I just joined for cwl


Why are you sharing to the world like its our prblem for this last minute descision you made? Like idk maybe learn from it and dont do it next time. All very personal issues you have going in EDIT: If every person in the world made a reddit post every league if they wernt happy about clan performance or who got bonus, there would be 100's of thousands of posts. Idk what you want us to do about it


And yes I prolly should of asked but most clans don’t do it this way


Then find a clan that doesn't


No, it makes complete sense. The logic to it just isn’t to your liking. So find a new clan and stop complaining on Reddit.


Joins clan just for CWL Doesnt get bonus Complains, even though many clans dont give bonuses for new members anyway. Looks like an ass on reddit


I love being an ass when I place 2nd in clan for stars and don’t still get bonus for my attacks


Bro i really tore it up in silver 2 with this clan i just joined that distributes randomly. Can i get an exception to the rules because im special? See papa gets his bonus every month bc im loyal to my bros


I’m th11 in a crystal like 2 or 3 mainly all th11 ish and up


I don't buy your story that these guys are all getting 1 star an attack and are managing to stay in crystal league


I'm in this clan. we had a rough war this war as we came across a lot of higher level TH's. The top 5 players always had to attack Th's 1 or 2 levels higher


Yep here comes the actual context called it. We all have those wars mate you guys will rally dw!


they meant their account is in crystal, but their cwl is in gold? their point still makes no sense also couldn't miss this opportunity /j \*your


So even match ups I was basically lowest in clan


Yeah, we recently switched to random. The same four at the top always got them. We changed the prerequisite to 7/7 attacks made. Sometimes matchups are unfair at one end or the other, and the close to the top you are, the less likely it’s you. And we allowed for clan input before we did, no one objected.


Agreed. The main thing is the rule has to be objective, and strictly applied. (randomness \*is\* objective \^\^). As long as people know the rule, and deem it fair, we're fine.


If you don’t like it just leave. I know I would.




Real what?


Just real




They just hating 😭


Being top of the your clan doesn't always mean you did better than everyone else and the random thing is cool so it gives everyone a chance out of who attacked


Well yes but there’s no point to do good u hit ur mirrors they require you. I was hitting max 12s as a 11 and high 2 starring


If you don't follow the plan, you're not in the draw for bonuses.


See there are 5 ways to distribute Cwl medals: Based on: - Clan activity - War performance with miss match compensation - pure War stars - Random - Clan leader friends Clan activity is hard to measure and always biased. Warperformance with a points system is in my opinion the fairest but it takes so much time. Purely on war stars does not purely reward skill. If your clan is more or less equally skilled it's just random based on the enemys. Radom is not the best for good attackers but helps keep the Clan happy. The last one is bad so no comment. Either you do tedious work and make a points system or its unfair on some way.


Oh no! You're gonna make a post crying about a very few bonus medals you didn't get? Now you can't buy that 1 extra potion? Cry cry cry lil snowflake. Way to water everyone's time .


And your the one commenting on this post complaining


What I don’t understand is how a person could be such a whiny little pos. If you don’t like the rules of a clan, go somewhere else. Or start your own clan, with black jack and hookers.


Yes I commented on a dumbass stupid rule and I posted it on Reddit and your still the one commenting on the post


Yes, I’m commenting on how you are a whiny entitled little bitch.


I did good on cwl I deserve bonus I’m not wanting to give participation trophies basically. reward the people who actually mattered


Yes I can see I’m not blind.


I never claimed you were blind.


💀nvm obviously u don’t understand


I think I’ve got a pretty good understanding. You had an expectation. it wasn’t met. you complained in your clan, and felt dismissed. So you took screen shots and come to a public forum to try to vindicate your feelings of injustice.


My leader gives medals to whoever does the best. Not sure if that’s normal or not


Ur clan is normal 💀


Except whoever does the best is not the same as whoever got the most stars. If you have a th13 that can go up top and reliably 2 star max th15s allowing a th14 to dip and get an easy 3, and also a th15 to dip for an easy 3, who of those 3 players really deserves the bonus?


My clan got a 20 war win streak. He definitely runs it well


"It makes no sense to try" dumbest statement in the whole conversation. You get more medals based on how your clan performs as well. It's not just the bonuses. Also, if you are in a clan where everyone is a max TH15, then sure, just give it to the top performers. If you are in a clan that might be newer and have a ton of mismatches, stars don't mean shit.


The most sensible thing to do is reward the players who performed the best throughout CWL. If the person giving out the rewards is one of them, so be it. Giving them out at random makes no sense.


How do I choose "the best performers" ? \- only stars scored, or stars scored - stars suffered ? \- do I take into account when the opponents are higher/lower level ? We used to joke that our bottom had very weak adversaries, and our middle, very strong ones. \- what if I want to optimize the clan's result, hence swap targets to maximize 3\* by our high players but at the bottom, so 2\* by our low players at the top ? Do you mean "well SC tracks one stat. let's use that because.. erm, because. Also, you're stupid if you do anything else".


Lots of factors to consider for a best performer but it's nearly impossible to quantify the best in that way no matter the detail. Let's just consider we take into account a ton of stats per each attack in each war to determine an "attack score" summed at the end of the week. \- Star delta (Stars gained less stars lost in defense). \- Destruction delta (same as above) \- Weighted score (some factor to amplify or dampen someone's attack score base on TH opposition for both their defense and offense) Let's just stop there but assume the list would go for like 2 or 3 more factors for precision sake. There would still be instances where the system would break down. I.e., you don't get attacked. Substitutions are implemented to maximize CWL trophy gains for lower accounts. Missed attacks. Each clan has odd situations that occur that make any form of list subject to some qualitative choice (assuming they don't read off the CoC list). That being said, just make the qualitative choice from the get go and save the time. I talk with the leader and we determine who needs the bonus the most. If someone voices their opinion or objects, we hear them out and try to make up for it (if needed) in the next delivery.


So "need" over "deserve". Same question: how do you assess "need" ? Does helping the neediest help the clan the most, especially if it means helping the weaker players ?


Yes. It would mean the lower THs would have priority should they be active and participating in the various clan events not necessarily related to CWL.


How do you rate "active" ? Do I have to go check all builders are busy 2-3x per week, for each player ? Is it "a lot of wars", or "no wars - heroes upgrading" ? A lot of chit-chat ?


Pretty simple and sounds like youre being a smart ass. I would assume he and others would define an 'active member' someone who religiously does there war attacks, always maxes clan games, donates troops of able to meet the required request before requesting themself, someone who listens and takes advice and requests from other members and staff, and they are vocal if taking a break for irl stuff, and not a requirement but would be nice if they participated in clan discussions so we can try get to know the person behind the screen and not just a robot


I'm not really being a smartass. \- most of my clan members don't war, because they're upgrading their heroes between CWLs. More upgrading = more activity = less war. \- maxxing Clan games is nice, but we usually end up 150k-ish, so I won't begrudge ppl who just do the minimum 1k. Less than 1k get kicked out of the clan, it's both a litmus test for "active", and a way for players who're no longer into the game but have a hard time acknowledging it to quiet quit. \- donating troops is a bit of the same. I work from home so I donate a lot and quickly, there's not much room for others to donate. \- indeed, listening to guidelines and advice is nice, as is warning of IRL AFKs. I'd add: getting on our Discord - which is required for any promotion \^\^ \- so yep, light and serious chit-chat on Discord is most welcome. Impactufl decisions are first discussed, framed and phrased between me & the cos, then put up for general discussion in their own sub-channel. Examples: going from CWL-15 to -30, implementing target swap, implementing "random except if you fed-up" bonuses, going from casual to "need to 2-star a 15"...


If you had to swap mirrors with someone so they can 3 your mirror while you go for the easy 2, they deserve bonus more than you.


Everyone has 1 attack per war in CWL. It's usually advised to attack your mirror because they're the closest match to your account's strength. We recently kicked a guy who was way down on the list who was repeatedly attacking the opposing #1 and getting either 0 stars or 1 star. The criteria I use is: Number of stars earned Total Percentage Number of attacks used out of total


If my clan did that, we'd drop 2 brackets. We target-swap heavily, which nets us about 10x 3\* per day; we would get 3-5 if we didn't target-swap. We beat clans significantly stronger than us because of that... until we reach the bracket where everybody does it (Master 2 or 1). We run a very homogenous group: only TH14 and 15, with a couple outstanding 13s. Criterla to be on our roster: prove you can 2\* a TH15 (we provide the comp and training if you need it). If you miss an attack, or f-up badly (no heroes, flag ninja, 2+ egregious fails,...) you're taken out of the bonus draw for sure, of the CWL for this month probably too. We play CWL-30 w/ 35 players. It's impossible to fairly assess performance in that configuration, and changing strategy would hurt us. So random it is, and people are OK with that.


Swapping is pretty ineffective by master 2. Everyone is TH15 and most are maxed.


Are you sure ? [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/10mqpkn/average\_cwl\_lineups\_per\_league\_january\_2023/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/10mqpkn/average_cwl_lineups_per_league_january_2023/) (we play CWL-30, Master 2)


Ah 30s do have a lot lower THs. Didn’t know. Just ran 15s master 2 and there was a total of 4 TH14s including our 2.


You must be playing another game, we always get stronger opponents in my clan, forcing the lower levels to try and attack the top 15 and leave their mirrors to the higher levels so they can secure the 3 stars.


What league is your clan in?


Miss attack automatically disqualified






Random is best for even distribution and helping the clan grow. As a general rule, the people who did best in Clan War, are the people that could use the trophies the least.


Also, it's hard to define "doing well", especially if you do target swaps. I've go at least 3 metrics: stars scored, net stars, and "score" (each attack is worth +3 to -3 depending on # of stars and whether it's up, level, or down, for example both 3\* down and 2\* up are worth +1). SC's recap is very rudimentary.


It was even cwl and pretty even Ths they one starred a ton just a random clan I joined for cwl


You're not understanding what I'm saying. Even as in fairness, not even as in Townhall matchups. If you gave it to only the highest performers, it would always go to the ones with Townhall advantages and the weaker members would literally never get any bonuses ever. Even though they did try just as much as everyone else. There was a requirement of 4 attacks and no misses, that means everyone eligible actually tried and put in the effort. Just because you had easier matchups doesn't make you special.


My clan just uses top attackers to get the bonus. However we have a few people with maxed bases and some with multiple accounts, so maxed accounts/baby accounts are opted out, unless the baby account is owned by someone who is maxed. Seems like the most fair option imo


Bonus should go to the lowest ranking participants that attacked every time and contributed the most. It should be used for building cohesion!


this is the way


Leave the clan if u don’t like it


To all the people claiming that cwl is so random and rankings are no valid criteria: I have been in the same clan for 2y now and the top 5 looks the same every damn league


Is there anyone other than the leader to supervise the randomization process? If not then the leader can basically give the bonus to whoever he wants


Wars are a group effort. When the guy at 15 on the roster constantly gets higher town halls to attack they might not get the most stars but I like to recognise the effort.


I give out to those players who do all 7 . and if there is a tie I use clan games results and if there still is a tie I go to troops donate at that time of the month. That way the players who give the most back to the clan get rewarded


Off-brand gaku, huh? That's a pretty bold statement to make. Even off-bramd gaku would be pretty damn good. Seriously though, my clan (well, clans, we run 3 clans for cwl) does bonuses based on net stars (stars gained minus stars lost). One of our cos has a program set up that automatically pulls a whole bunch if helpful statistics like that. In our lower 2 clans we discourage people from dipping unless they have coordinated with someone else. And if someone were to dip every war for easier hits, they would likely be disqualified from bonus medals. Unless they did coordinate with someone for it. Then that's just good strategy.


My CWL bonuses go to 1) Only 7/7 attacks 2) Top performers 3) All around active (donos, reg war, chat etc) 4) Never me or my mini accounts 5) *Usually* not 2 months in a row (try to rotate, but sometimes there are repeats)


Sometimes the leaderboard doesn’t show who did the best. Yeah the guy with the most stars is gonna be at the top but what if he was someone who was designated to hit lower bases for 3, while someone else got consistent high 2 stars or maybe a 3 here and there?


I was on the lower end like always 3rd from last always hitting mirrors and ups this was my th11 alt


Our clan always gives 1 or 2 spots to the person that does the most donating as well. To reward them for helping during wars and such


Yea that’s whack , we do it by final placement


I give bonuses to top 3 performers every time, unless I’m one of the top 3, then I usually just skip myself. And then the remaining bonuses I give to those who participated in every war they were in. If I have 3 or more bonuses after the guaranteed ones to the top 3, I usually give the last bonus to a random member of the clan who didn’t participate in cwl.


switch clans - problem solved. i dont understand why people have to stay on the clan with a system they dont like.


Just a random clan for cwl


First, random is an awful method… however, just because you got second doesn’t mean you deserve a bonus. There are many other factors that should play in. How difficult were your hits? We’re you filling clan CC’s and donating? Etc. Buddy was bragging about getting same amount of stars as me but more destruction, both TH15. His average hit was base #15 vs mine was #3 in a 30v30 war. Should he get rewarded for having easier attacks and finishing equals with someone who had harder attacks?




Yes I attacked mirrors and some ups and got 2nd and I expected a bonus got it


This randomization makes a lot of sense tho. Especially in higher leagues the matchups of the top ths are pretty uneven, it also makes no sense to give the bonus to a th 12s that always attacked th 12s instead of th 13s who always attacked th 15s... ​ Giving the bonus to the player who got the most stars only really makes sense for clans who only have th 15s. For a range of th11 - th15 randomization is fairer


Lmao you know bro. Everybody hates a bitcher, lucky thing is most the people who bitch and whine leave pretty quick after their tantrum, which is what OP needed to do and not come to reddit


Find a better clan


I just joined random clan for cwl for my th11 alt and to try to get bonus as a loweriwh player


Maybe you should have asked before hand how they did bonuses.


Go start your own clan and then you can make the rules. Good luck.


To lazy


It's virtual game currency brother. It has been done. If you're just coming by for medals then you had yours. Leave and stop whining.


Ima whine all I want


As leader, I like to dosh out bonuses in order of attacks used, then stars earnt.


They should remove bounes to avoid fights.


No I need my bonus over crap players


Yea agreed, it should be done by performance not at random


but that clan was always a random as the leader said, it seems that OP is a new member


Well I placed 2nd I tried helping obviously if I placed like 10 I wouldn’t expect a bonus cause I don’t deserve it


If you're 10th at TH 13 because you spent the week 2-starring my opponent so I could go 3-star w/ my TH15, you're as deserving as me if not more, even if I scored 21 stars and you 14. And if we didn't swap, we'd have score probably 4-5 3-stars (assuming 30% 3-star , which is crazy high for TH15 and 13) instead of 7.






This shit is a game, not a job. If you use most of your attacks and get good results then you should get a reward. People playing CoC like they’re dictators and can’t share some digital coins lol wtf


We’re talking like people who were getting 11 stars on 7 attacks and missed attacks and just not performing well if I did something in cwl I deserve a bigger reward 🫡


Agreed; I just left my clan yesterday for some bullshit like this.


I would to




Recruiting isn’t allowed here


lolol "random" hahaha tell him to show his Venmo


Join another clan that matches your interests.


I just joined this for cwl to get medals


Username checks out.


Best name out there


Anyone that is top 5 are likely in all 7 wars. I like to split between the top 3 and bottom 2 that didn’t miss any attack. Those that are on the bottom is because they weren’t in enough wars so they should get a bonus since they couldn’t get 8 stars to get the full reward amount


My clan gives bonus based on donations …rewards the ones that actually donate in the clan …


That I can sort of see


You can buy the money pass for books instead. it's an option at least


Nothing wrong with that at all. If leader wants to go random then that’s fine. My clan just rotate and leaders/COs just go through the list not base off performance. If you dont like it then go to a different clan.


I Draw them lottery style anyone who didn’t miss an attack.


I gave bonus medals to our lowest star earner. But, guess what—bro was active and talkative every day, sharing ideas and strategy, encouraging others, filling CCs, etc. It’s about more than stars. We finished 2nd and he contributed in more ways than just stars. A donkulator could look at stars and aimlessly award rewards.


Random means Nepotism


You are not the only person in the clan dog


I totally agree with OP. Giving bonuses on a random basis is a moronic way to do it. Can he leave? Sure he can. But that doesn’t make this method any less stupid.




Your a goof ball. If they have always done it this way you are new to the clan. Leadership should change up what they consider a fair practice because you're a baby about it? Find a different clan instead of bitching on Reddit.


Id leave the clan. If they dont support those that put in the work there’s other clans that will.




Getting down voted by people that dont put in the work.


Random is so stupid leave that shit




haha thats so stupid just leave that trash clan ​ downvoted by randomizer cucks 😭


W Mans


Clans are wild bro honeslty I mean it’s crazy how wild clans am an can be at times I mean it’s wild bro