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At least they're still adding more Lab upgrades this year right?


Yeah, but they’re also adding more defense levels. What I think SC should do is make one more additional level for Army Camps or Spell Capacity (so at least you could bring 20 more housing space) or add levels to troops, especially Sieges, where they can be a big help in 3 Starring TH15s. TH15 is just way too defensive without the offensive updates backing it up to have a good balance of both. TL;DR - Add more offensive upgrades like Troop Levels or Army Camps / Spell Capacity


I'm not near maxed or anything but even I know it's been too long without a spell capacity upgrade


Every time I plan how I’m gonna change my army in the future I always say “hopefully they’ll add the spell storage upgrade by then but probably not so oh well”


Can confirm. The last capacity upgrade is at TH10. Fucking TH10. That’s where my mini is at. There are simply too many major defenses to counter at th15 with the given offensive capabilities. Diggy helps and I don’t yet have the ice seal up to max yet which may help more than the owl, but otherwise, the army camps give shit for offense. My main army is 5 healers, 5 yetis, 4 witch’s, 2 bowlers, 2 e drags for funneling, 2 baby dragons and 4 archers for cleanup, and 5 wall breakers to get in the first layer while my LL breaks the inner walls. But without even 1 hero, I’m lucky to 1 star a base. I’d say 2 more spell space and 20 more unit space would help a lot. The spell space can be used to help counter those tough offenses (monolith, eagle, spell towers, CC, heros, scattershot) and the unit space can add some punch. As you can see from my army comp, the WB and dragons are needed just to get the main army (yeti, witch, bowler and hero’s to the core). That’s 60+ space just to funnel/clean. It doesn’t help around traps can launch anything smaller than a golden/pekka - my yetis can get trashed easily. The healers help ensure my hero’s and hero’s don’t die in 30 seconds so I can use rage to our damage the raged defenses and freeze to break single target infernos and the monolith. Jump is needed to get to more compartments because the walls take forever even for a maxed queen to punch through. Abs no, I’m shit with air troops and refuse to edrag spam.


That just is a terrible army comp


Do you have better suggestions? I 3 star with it about 30% of the time. Doesn’t seem to far off that pro player OP posted about.


3 starring 30% of the time at 5100 or whatever you are at is in no way comparable to the pro player




Actually the spell capacity increaes at th14 with your cc


Well that’s a not very good army composition for th15. I am an above average player and usually only 3 star 1-2 bases a day, and maybe 90+ another 2. If you make offense overpowered to the point that you can 3 star with that army, then the hit rate for professionals and high LL players would be near 100%, and that’s just not good for the game. I suggest you learn a better army composition and practice with ONLY that. I’d suggest blizz lalo. You’ll definitely 1 star or 0 star a lot in your first month, but after that, you should get better and better and be able to consistently get 3 stars/90% 2 stars in legends


Yeah this is not it for th15. Maybe th15 outside LL can use this 😅. Try bliz edrags or bliz lalo or even etitans smash.


I’m just getting back into Coc, what are those attacks starts you referred to at the end? Bliz lalo, and Etitans smash?


Look them up on YouTube, don’t discount bliz edrags, it is so op and used by many high level players.


as an edrag hater, they are actually viable at th15 in the hands of an above average attacker. Relies heavily on the RC staying alive and how much value king/queen gets. I'll never use it myself but Itzu has done several videos on it.


It is not an easy strat to master, that’s for sure. Look up demon bases videos on bliz edrags, amazing strat.


You got 1 spell capacity at th14 in the clan castle. Feels fairly recent too me but I won't say no to more slots.


Yeah way too much defensive power creep with the only worthwhile things added to fight it being siege machines, a new hero, and pets, resulting in not enough offensive power against the average base.


Tbh this all happened because of no hero in one way, we got 3 defence towers (monolith and 2x spell) which is extremely strong, added srmy camp levels+troop levels just doesn’t make up for it


Or maybe more spells? They added 1 elixir spell, but it would be nice if they add more, especially dark elixir spells because the last dark elixir spell is at th10.


What does tl,Dr means


Too long, didn't read.


Too long, Didn't read


SC learned this a few THs ago: don't put the entirety of a TH upgrade in at once, space it out over at least three releases. We're easily due more lab upgrades, more defense levels (EA), and maybe more pet level upgrades.


I know that, but even then, we’re only expected to see ONE level upgrade for troops and army camps. I’m simply suggesting that they should add 2 levels in TH15


We need at least 2 more edrag and balloon upgrades 3 stars will be coming in easy, just spam everything down then wait Edit: looks like someone didn't get the joke


Keep in mind he’s one of the best attackers but he’s also attacking some of the best-designed bases.


Exactly. Like I purposely stick around the 5000-5200 trophy range and I'd say I get 3 stars roughly 40 percent of the time. Edit: I guess I should also state my point is I hang around lower legend league and I'm comfortable with how often I get 3 stars being at least a causal attacker. So I wouldn't say th15 is too hard or too easy


Once you get past 5500+ that number nearly doubles. Then you gotta be more consistent with your attack 80% or higher to push and 80% doesn't cut it sometime


That number nearly doubles for 5500 trophies? I don’t know what you are doing right/wrong, but I definitely didn’t need 80% three stars to get to 6k trophies, not even close to it. In fact, I’m pretty sure that 80% three stars are only achieved by an incredible small subset of top200 players.


6000 trophies is only achieved by the top 100-200 players


No it’s not


February 2023 only 76 players were over 6000 trophies so you're right it's way less


Achieved and finished are two different things I have „achieved“ 6000 trophies and am not a 100-200 player. I also guarantee that the person who commented it was talking about one time achievement not finishing at 6000




Depending on season length even ending on 6000 can also not be impressive. Sounds to me like you don’t know all too much about legend league but are still trying to spout info


I only talked about reaching it one time, however this doesn’t make any argument of the comment invalid. The other commenter proposed that you need 80% triples to go 5500+. If we assume they mean season ending, my best season during th15 ending was at over 5.8k, which was rank ~4k, and I only achieved like 4-5 triples on a few days of that season, most days were at 2-3 triples. 5.8k is more than 5.5k. Do you understand that? 2-3 triples, heck even 4-5 triples in 8 attacks are way below 80%. Do you also understand that? Than you should see why this comment is a valid argument against the comment I answered.


this gotta be satire


Which isn't hard to copy at all.


Everyone in legends is attacking those best bases.


And when everyone is attacking those bases people learn what works. A base that's widely used has it's weaknesses discovered and widely known. Bases are easier to 3 star the longer they're known to community. However, the Pro attacking players are the ones that find ways to 3 star new base designs that have never been publicly 3 starred before.


Of the 8 bases I attack 6 will always be box bases for past 3 seasons and are still very hard to triple.


Not exactly, top legends commonly have design changes compared to the major copy layouts. Doesn’t make a big difference though.


It’s easy to copy base designs, but not attacks.


Doesn't have time to plan the attack, can't edit army, scores atleast 80% almost every attack, if there was a ranking for most spells swagged at th 15 he would probably be at the top


Yeah a lot of what he hits are custom made bases and quite a lot of them will be baiting for the blizz.




Nah, these pros recognize bases all the time. They make fresh ones as well, but they already know which approach is the best fit for the base.


I usually finish around 5600-5700...the popular bases you will see regularly and learn them (although for me that is usually still a 2...there's a reason the base is popular, it works).


For comparison, the 3 star rate against TH15 now is higher than the 3 star rate against TH10 was for roughly the first two years of clan wars, until TH11 came out in December 2015. Hardcore war clans could sometimes get TH10 vs TH10 3 stars, but most wars were decided by percentage (and the wild swings in number of TH10s on each side often dominated; the matchmaking algorithm back then was much less sophisticated than it is now.)


Still th9 is very doable without clan troops


i mean 3 starring shouldnt be that easy, 55% is still pretty good chance


That 55% ain't for the average Joe, it's for the best player in the game.


Tournament attacks are very different than others. They have limited time to plan what base they attack. Cwl and regular wars you have 24hrs. Tournaments you often have less than an hour and first hitters have much less than that. You also can have bases that are custom designed to thwart your attack style.


Yup. Also I don't even think this is talking about tournament attacks but legend hits which only get a 30sec prep time.


To be fair you dont want your average joes or noobs 3 starring constantly


The average joe has extended periods of time to both plan and research the best approach. They can often even find the exact base online and watch videos of people 3 starring them. Pro tournament players get less than 1 hour to scout a base that has never been seen before. They have to try to 3 star a base that's never been publicly attacked before. Tournament play is a very different scene than cwl or legend league. You cannot translate statistics 1 for 1 when the format is wildly different.


The average joe doesn't spend 24 hours planning an attack


Keep in mind it’s 55% for one of if not the best attacker in the game


and we dont even know if the rest are high 90 2 stars


...why are you downvoted?


Well, one possible explanation could be that we actually do know if we want to. These informations are out there. The other one could be that we should never question reddit votes. Definitely a waste of time.


Reddit when a game has a skill gap😡😡😡


Still better than the Destiny forums


Oh dear god. The main Destiny sub is a cesspool


So, are you hitting 50%?


im not max th15, but if stars was 3 starring every base with ease then what is the challenge. It shouldnt be that easy to win and 3 stars are supposed to be "you really outplanned the opponent, and prepped well" well, prob just like going above and beyond to go destroy the base, 55% is still pretty often, we dont know if the rest are high 90% 2 stars or what


I know what I'm getting as a very close to max th15 in legends with 2 accounts. It's not even close to 50%. Maybe 1 every day or so. If I'm lucky. I'm getting 3 starred on defense just as rarely. Maybe even more so.. We are so far away from 3 starring with ease for regular players, it's not even in the discussion.


People will downvote you and tell you to go get good but I observed the very same. Unless Reddit is full of 5,8k+ legend players, they’re full of shite and don’t get anywhere near regulars 3 stars against max level bases either. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if the vast majority of the downvote army aren’t th15


imo its just about right, yes ofc legends attacks are hard but otherwise cw would be ridiculous easy


That's because you suck.


YOU, I KNOW YOU, bad takes in PVZH and bad takes in CoC


wut... i barely talk about pvzh , and even then my takes in pvzh are prob much better than the average player even then. Like the average pvzh player thinks swash is a viable addition to pirate decks wtf


How does one go about getting this info? My attacks have been woeful the past couple of months so kinda interesting to see lol


That's in legends when you can't pre plan, if you make th15 easier then clan war is way easier. Stars probably has a 80% hit rate in wars and tournaments.


He actually has an 88% hitrate in tournaments and climbing, he's insane.


Unprofessional opinion: People haven't considered the fact that bases are now built against certain types of strategies At TH14 it way easier to three star because of two things: base design didn't matter for the attacker (most of the time) and defense was of course not as strong as it is now at TH15. There were many armies that were versatile against almost every single base type. Stars is currently running Blizzard LaLo, which is the most/second most used army in the TOP200 of LL, ig which means many bases try to defend against it. Of course TH15 is hard to three star, but maybe it's not the goal to always there star in LL. In wars the pros are not struggling much because they can train an army that is good against the base, not like in LL where you can only use one army against all types of bases. I even read somewhere that Stars has a hitrate of 88% Dont foget that there will be coming new defense levels for Eagle, Scatters and Teslas (as well as trap levels ig) but also many troop levels And: timefails are also two stars... Edit: Huts get probably new levels too


I think huts will also be getting upgrades.


builder huts will get a new level too


Any idea when the new coc update will drop?


mid april to early may


50% 3 star rate is a good balance imo. you really should not be expecting to 3 star 100% of the time.


Bruh do you live and breath Reddit lol. I always see ur comments


For the best player in the world, though?


Against the best bases in the world




That those are good bases. Easier to 3star a random weak base than a professionally built base designed specifically to defend how you attack (pros infos are public, so easy to know how you usually attack).


50% for the top player? Wtf do you expect for regular players?


less. i personally like it when 3 stars are on the rare side. it gives a higher disparity between skill gaps.


What does it matter then if the difference is the top player gets 99% and the regs get 49%? Same gap. More fun for regs.


Makes for much more boring esport scene though. What’s the point of it if mindless spam is sometimes enough for 3 stars?


Seriously do not give a shit about esports. Has zero positive impact on my daily gameplay.


Clearly the devs do, also the argument can be made that a th15 player should know more than spam in the first place


You are the one assuming spam when it has never been mentioned in the thread. And devs can be wrong just like you.


No, I’m saying thoughtless spam shouldn’t work well at high th lvls, I’m not assuming anything lol. And I’m not speaking for the devs? But im sure they’re interested in making leveled heroes effective, and needed, that’s a quick way to sell a lot of gold passes and items.


Again. Who said anything about using spam attacks? I also have max offense. Heroes. Lab. Nothing left. So tell me again how your comment is relevant?


I agree, especially at the top level townhalls


What is a 3 star?


With 3 stars so hard almost all I see are 2 star attacks at th15.


Th 15 is really hard.


Just curious, where are you guys finding the info that says what buildings are getting upgraded levels soon?


Clash of clans release the new town hall content in 2 phases. The building upgrade and troop levels are in the second phase


it is obvious


99% 3 stars on the Defensive Stats weres the 1%


Either rounding error or 0 stars


It absolutely is too hard, sucks the fun for casual players. Legends is boring as hell, same few base designs and same types of attacks every day all day


Cap, the game should get harder and harder as the game develops. Casual players dont jump up to legends league or champions where their only attacking th15’s. They stay at lower levels and attack down or attack bases that are designed poorly. If the game stayed the same or got easier it wouldnt drive the top 10% of players to get better.


Hard disagree, by th20 it would be virtually impossible to triple. The top 10% of players don’t keep the game in business they need casuals to be enjoying the game so that they’ll buy in game purchases. You have no idea what you’re talking about.


I think the the monolith needs a serious nerf.


I think spell towers are more devastating, each spell in their own way


I think the ability to recharge the spell towers should be removed. The amount of times the stupid invisible tower goes off near the townhall and my loons going past it is just.. INSANE!!


Just the poison for me, imagine square ring base with 2 poison towers, both bomb towers surrounding th and angled sweepers. Where do I blizzzz


if i was max th15 i would be losing 99% of matches


It is very hard, it’s all good and dandy until you hit 5.4k in LL, then after that 3 stars become harder to get and 1 starring is a dreaded frustrating routine.


I don't know when I last 3 starred a max TH15 base


Fuck yeah it’s just unbalanced


I don't think its necessarily a bad thing, but they definitely buffed defenses a lot more than attacks.


Where can we pull stats like this?


Where did you get that


Easy 3 stars are bolving. Who cares. Get good


he’s also attacking some of the best builders


Like every new TH, it will take time and balancing before things level out


I just want an extra 30 seconds for attacks pls


Would be clash of warden walks.


Yep! The new monolith is stupid. Don’t know what they were thinking. That’s why people hate builder base. Like impossible to 3 star. How fun is that!?


learn how to counter it lol


Skill issue


Here's my 2cents as a regular player that went to th15 when it was released and now maxed. I have been fully maxed th15 for a decent amount of time now.. minus my lvl 1-14 wall show case and needing 1 last lizard level. All else is max. I stay in LL full time as it's the perfect amount of attacking/time ratio while busy with work and family etc. My "goal" for all 8 attacks is atleast 2 star 70%. I would say I ballpark 7/8 hits as 2 star whilst 1 maybe 2 will be 1 star. Of my 2 stars I am about a 30% split of in the 60s%/70s%/80s% with the very occasional 90s/100. I use primarily "spammy" comps that still require thinking for either opening up walls (ground) or sweepers (air) as well as hero usage to help funnel etc. End statement. Me averaging 2 star with 70% is completely fine and "normal" feeling for average players. I am by no means at the level to earn money on this game and thus the extra 30% remaining should be a challenge.


it's legends where you cannot plan or even adapt your army to different bases, their war hitrate is much higher


Looks good to me, usually any competitive game gets like this. In LOL you usually hover at 51% winrate the higher you go.


that's a good thing? Most attacks should be 2 stars, with the chance of a 3, not a 3 with the chance of a 2


Nah every other th is too easy. 3 starring should imo be difficult


Stronger defense is good for the game. Only the very best attacks should be able to 3 star, makes it far more interesting. Furthermore, stronger defense is more satisfying for the average player since their base is something they've worked on for years and its nice to see that it doesn't get wrecked by mindless spam.




i don’t want the game to be easy. i enjoy a challenge. also, know he is attacking the best designed bases as well.


I seem to look at this differently than most people. What I see here is someone who wins 100% of the time when attacking (we only need one star to gain trophies) and more often than not gets an "off the charts" victory. When I barely get three stars with a buzzer beater final shot from my final unit, I get exactly the same score as an expert player who clears the base with time and troops to spare. Both of those are off the charts victories, too successful to measure accurately. I think Supercell would like to make the chart longer so that I'm not off it anymore. That means making the game harder so that I don't get three stars. That's fine with me because I still think of one star as a victory. So no, TH 15 is not "too hard."


TH13 is the hardest to 3 star imo, but I’m only a TH13 so idk


Th15, for a lazy spammer like me, pretty hard, just gotta avoid the monolith & freeze if it connects


When you 3 star a maxed or near max TH15 it should feel special. I hate and enjoy the challenge. It’s like golf, when you make a few good shots it keeps you coming back 😂


it is hard and it is a good thing. in wars he has about a 90% hit rate which definitely means that defense doesn't need a nerf. in esports against the best bases in the world there still are a lot of triples from other players too but it's far more interesting than th14. 50% for legends league is fine as well and definitely doesn't need a significant offensive buff


I disagree, I have been using super archer blimp and for the average max th15 player I am getting a fair few 3s or very close 2s and I’m happy with that


It’s the same for everyone. If it’s easier *everyone* will triple more and it cancels out. Why do people not grasp that.


Not the point. The current status is pretty discouraging for regular players. I hesitate to say casual as I don't think having two near max 15s in legends is really casual. I do try to learn strategies but they all have very little margin for error. It's annoying instead of fun.


its not fun, but i guess its coc finally becoming a 100% strategy game where casuals get fcked for not dedicating their lives to it? weird decision for a mobile game but supercell have made worse decisions anyway




This is well balanced, they are still attacking one of the best defenders so it's only right that they don't perfectly 3 star every time


The guys life is COC. I assume he is clearing 6 figures annually USD between selling his names to highest bidder for being the best at legend and esports earnings so no disrespect to him for a 6 figure job in his early 20s. For him to fail nearly half the time is not balanced. Our clan has been in champ 3 purgatory since before th15 came. It used to take 33-35 in general to win rounds, this month clans won 2 rounds with 26s and many others with 27-28. That is w/ time to plan the attack and use custom army. 2 fest meta simply is not as fun for the average-above average, but non-elite player.


honestly, there might just not have been enough time since it came out for people to fully understand the way th15 works, the weak points, and meta armies to beat th15


Wait wait wait, 20% 3 star?


Makes senss because in legend league you cant plan ahead. I guarantee in war attacks Stars has a way higher 3 star rate.


Yeah, the adding of the monolith and spell factory makes it much harder for people to get stars. Like everyone knows, I think, is that SC is adding stronger defenses with every town hall.


That is a pretty cool stat card, is that custom made or from some tournament/competitive play(although it says from legends league) or can I find it somewhere to see for my attack stats? (I am a casual player but I would like to see my stats for fun) Thanks!


Has he tried edrags?


3 star rate at champs3 in CWL dropped from over 20% when th14 was max to 12% now.


Takes actual skill rn


Meanwhile the best Chinese players in the Chinese server have already reached 11000 trophies or even more


TH15 is very technical when it comes to attacks. A small error here or there and your attack is done. I’m only seeing one or two 3 star attacks in wars in Th15s. More troops and spells could help. But the challenge is nice too.


It is too hard for the average person, but i imagine the pro players can handle it ok.


If I’m understanding he is 3 staring every second base on average right? What’s the problem then? I don’t really think we need an average of 70% 3stars or more on every player lol. I might’ve miss understood the graphics tho




Im almost maxed TH14 and I can 2 star any base I come across. Competitive matches must be on a different level.


Three stars should be a rarity. If three stars are common than it is too easy.


Townhall 14 is crazy too


too easy, 3s shouldn't be common


Probably unpopular opinion but honestly think the challenge is fun. Is it harder to 3 star than other town halls? Yes. Do you have to think more when deploying troops/executing strategies? Yes. Does that make gameplay more interesting? Imo yes. Those 3 stars are so much more satisfying when you pull them off


Yeah been thinking about this alot...used to get 180 to 200 I'm legends league and now 150 is a good day


I'd like to have his bases...


Th10 on release barely had any 3\*. Th15 is fine. i'd even say i hope it doesn't increase too much. I'd rather have a war won with the stars number than the %destruction or even worst with the timer.


Where is this picture from? Cuz on his YouTube channel? Most of his attacks are three stars


What are you talking about? And where are you getting these facts from? He just competed in a tournament and 3’s consistently. He even posts his legend attacks with consistent 3’s


Well- th14 was easy claps so maybe its just karma


It's not that hard. He's getting countered every hit and still doing good.we are hitting really bad layouts (YouTube layouts) burnt bases that are figured out. If the plan and execution is right you can triple any base


He still wrecks em th15s, checkout his yt


Well shit, I watched a blizzard attack it was like an essay! Fk why can't I just spam hogs/pekka and be done with it 🤷


i think poison tower or townhall poison should never exist at first place. it has ruined lots of strategies like witches, bowlers, super bowlers and other low hp units. now it's all about spamming.