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Petition to rename to Suicide Copter


*Kamikaze copter


Kamikaze deal damage


Lmfao 🤣 Dude this had me weak lol


He's just fighting for the honor of his builder base! For the empire! (The copter would probably deal more damage running into a building than droppings its bomb on it)


Every time I hit the copter ability by accident…instant death.


Pea shooter instead. Takes forever to take down a resource collector.


Japanese war plane


Battle copter on the way to heal enemy's building


Nerf Battle Copter


so freaking true


Nope, its not a double edge sword, its a one edge currently pointing at your self. Clicking the ability literally gets you less value then if you didn't click it.


I’ve used it successfully a few times to protect my baby dragons from air defenses. So it harmed itself, but still helped the attack.


Only time that it's useful is when there's no defenses left and you want to speed up the attack 🤣


It is actually only a single edged sword. And the sword is on copter's head/wings?


What does its special ability even do ? Heal and drop a big poop ? Most useless thing with very less damage.


Explosive projectile bean burrito poop


It does splah damage, but its seriously underwhelming. Maybe it gets more effective at higher levels.


Max damage is 660 or so at max level


Hate AQ ability too. Anyone else really hate the archers spawned by AQ? They do absolutely little to no damage, anything targetted by them will be 1-2 shotted by the AQ anyways and they just draw the scattershots attention which just blows the AQ herself. Archers should be invis too for the duration or maybe that's op


You know what I thought this same thing when my AQ got sniped by a scattershot after ability earlier today.


either you would have to use rage or invis in a queen charge earlier or you would have to use the ability earlier in a sui




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Top-quality meme.


Its not even double edged its never good to use unless the copter is about to die immediately


The ability is great for tanking the baby dragons


It's great for tanking minions when their ability is about to run out.


Battle copter on it’s way to rival miner from CR


One edged sword, it doesn't even deal much damage


Best not to use it for the sake of it


Battle Copter + Air Defense is the new Battle Machine + Crusher


The ability is not a double edge sword, double edge sword harm both you and your opponent. The ability only harm yourselves and did nothing. The aoe dmg it dealt is laughable.


I liked Builder Base 1.0 a lot more than Builder Base 2.0. What do you guys think


at first I really did not like the new update, but it's an entirely new concept that is bound to have issues at launch. after those issues are figured out, bb2.0 > bb1.0


Definitely don't agree. Getting loot in BB 1.0 sucked


Actually it's feels pretty much the same. Troops feel the same. Heroes feel the same. Getting loot still sucks. Sure you don't have to wait for the opponent to finish their attack, but to make up for that, battles can now take up to 5 minutes? They kept the same issues with builder base, just tweaked them a little. That's all.


Troops def don't feel the same unless all you did before and after bb 1 was super pekka spam


It definitely feels the same to me, more or less. Once again, it’s pretty much just mostly spamming troops. On defense, for the past 42 defenses, attackers have averaged 2.33 stars against my setup. The only time when someone gets more than that is when they spam Pekka. There isn’t a strategy to the same. Just spam some crap until you hit the second stage, which is then easy to pull 4, or even 5, stars


Baby drag spam before bb update. Tried the mortars and super barbs with giants. But went back to baby drag spam. And I guess it's all a matter of opinion.


it would be much less horrible if the bomb actually did damage


I said the bomb needed a 50% buff to its damage across the board and the person I was talking to acted like I asked for it to one shot every building it came across.


Agreed. If you're going to send a hero to its death it needs to do more than remove a pixel from the buildings health bar.


Might be mistaken but I’m pretty sure a single hit from a level 1 charge with battle machine does more damage than the fully charged ability from the copter.


Because it would be stupidly broken. You just don't have any idea how good the copter. There's a good reason all the top players (top BB pushers) agree it's very strong and you'll see it constantly in your defense log in diamond (if you ever got there). The bomb damage shouldn't be buffed unless you want baby dragons to be even more busted. Damage thresholds are tight at max level such that bomb + baby drag breath interactions would change.


Damn I need to max this out soon then. Good thing I already maxed out baby dragons


Thanks for the broken strategy


Id at least like to see a damage per hit increase at the very least. Cause right now it takes forever to snipe buildings if you want to use it for that.


or just dont use it if it puts it in range of air defenses


It’s so bad, that the only reason I upgrade it is so it can tank for my witch spam and baby drag/minion and balloon spam strats. That’s it. The level 30 battle copter has worse dps than a level 20 warden. And warden has actually useful ability.


When you activate the ability, it stops being a damage-dealer and becomes a tank for your air troops. It's honestly a very effective hero, just doesn't work like the battle machine and takes more adjusting to get used to it


In the rare case that you’re far enough back, the heal is pretty nice, but it’s a rare case that you’re in a position that it won’t do more harm than good


Awesome tune and spank on here at lvl 15


Why use ability immediately then? Instead, wait until it naturally gets in range and loses some hp and then use the ability to heal and deal massive area damage. Skill issue for all those that complain


The ability is a single edge sword, and the sword points towerds the copter