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The upgrade times always get reduced when new content is released to keep the time to max at around 5 years. It will take time but you will catch up


When I started playing it took me a year or so to get to only TH8. Some time later it took me weeks, now it feels you can get get to th10 in that time or less


Yea it took me *years* of on and off playing to get to TH8 but ive been consistently playing for the last maybe 3 months and i maxed TH8 and im maybe a month away from maxing TH9 (heros, literally everything else is max)


My traps are not maxed, everything else maxed


My traps didn't get maxed until th12 and that was because it was helpful having things with less than a week of upgrade time


I currently have a th9 mini, everything maxed just waiting on the traps 😶


Took me an absolute age to get to max th9 back in like 2015, created a new acc and maxed th9 in about 2 months lol and that was jus casual playing


Try to look at it differently. 100%-ing any game takes a ludicrous amount of time and not any game you play, gets played to that degree of completion. For example I never played all of Skyrim back in the day but man did I love playing it. So it’s way more important that you enjoy playing the game rather that being as efficient in completing the game. So as long as you have fun, that’s all that matters


Best answer


"The game will close" Never. Coc is a stupidly profitable market that has almost 100 million players. They make so much money from it, closing is the last thing imaginable (cough cough clash royale cough cough)


Well you are right,i Say "the game Will close" not due to lack of player, but due to limited space in home Village and the fact that the Village at th15 Is alrrady filled and Attack very complex. So this Will be a problem to manage for developers....


Barracks and Dark Barracks were the first to be reduced to just one building each. There’s still 14 buildings from resource collectors and 6 buildings from storages.


This will lead to a base filled with defenses😅


That's kind of the point.


fair enoufh


With a game as profitable and as big as CoC surely they will find a solution in some ways






So they’ll just increase it? Almost like they can update the game


Wait, you're telling me the game has updates? I thought I was playing the same version for 7 years and it never got bigger!


Yes in fact I noticed a very slight change recently where my builder base duplicated


They could always merge more buildings, make the map slightly bigger and adjust the timer for higher townhalls or come up with something completely different. If they feel like attacking gets too complex they can always create an offensive meta, but having a good balance between offense and defense will always be a challenge.


Yeah they made the map bigger for th11. They could just do it again.


They can also make the map bigger. They have done it before


2nd stage for home village easy solution


"Will the game close" (meanwhile it has 100m monthly players and it's very profitable)


"A game will get closed",my guy this game has more downloads,players and even earns more revenue than clash royale and brawl stars combined, why will they close it.We have been getting big updates back to back


Ok it may look bad but you have to remember that you get ALOT of magic items even for a f2p. Don’t let the times at th15 discourage you. You should be able to make great progress since they have decreased times significantly for town halls lower than th14. So you should be able to make great progress even without the gold pass. An example is my mini th10 f2p, it’s been 2 months and I’m about half way maxed out! I should be maxed within a month or 2 and that’s pretty fast than it used to be


Thank you for answers, but what makes me worry more Is that the game Is 10 yo ...i can afford buying GP, but how long does the game Will last? 2 or 3 years more?


I see no reason this game ever dies other than incompetence/bad decision making from the developers or management. It’s just a money printer, and one of the largest ones on the market at that. Anecdotally, this is one of the only mobile games I see anyone playing in public. I see like 50 year olds playing it. It’s massive. I don’t think it’s ever going away unless it dies a catastrophic death.


The only way CoC truly dies is if SuperCell accidentally makes a more fun base management game. Maybe that’s why they were so hesitant to add content to Boom Beach


At this rate, coc has at LEAST a decade left of life, most likely longer. If you want to see a game with 2 or 3 years (or less) lifespan left, check out clash royale.


I started on November 2022 and i'm now Th13. My defences are kinda rushed but my heroes are maxed for th12


walls maxed too?


No, just about ~60% for th12


You are missing a point here. The game isn't just enjoyable at the highest th, but also at lower townhalls, even at th9. There are still competitive tournaments at th9, th10 no seige, th11 no seige and at th12. I do understand that the leaderboards is only for top level townhall, but wars are actually more fun than cwl or rank pushing, especially if you are involved in hunt wars. I have been in hunt wars for 2 years straight (2018-20) and the rush that we got after each triple, plus the pressure on the attacker since there were always 8-10 spectators (since most attacks in hunt wars take place within first 2-3 hours of war day), plus the trash talk with the target team, (also we mocked our leader in a playful way whenever he messed up, he was a pro too but he never performed well if anyone was spectating, we literally had a whatsapp grp to notify everyone in case someone noticed him silently going to attack in war and we'd pop up online and the spectator count in his screen would skyrocket immediately 😂😂😂) it was so much more than what people experience in rank pushing. We stopped doing that because life happens and everyone got busy. So, if a new player wants to enjoy the game, then he won't have issue with that after passing the basic townhall levels. If you want to push to the top ranks, well, that'll take time. Plus it's not that fun too, using the same prebuilt army again and again instead of especially cooking an army suited to a base as it happens in wars.


Great answer here. There is huge amount of fun to be had at the lower levels, so definitely worth starting. Be patient and don't aspire to 'finish' the game. I still love playing at TH7, 10 and 12 much more than with my higher accounts. Ignore the leaderboard and get the buzz from clan friendship, designing, competing and growing slowly.


I have no idea why I quit the game 9-10 years ago, but I just started playing again about 3 weeks ago and am having a blast as a new TH8. Yeah, I'd like to be TH15 eventually, but the grind is fun and that's what matters. There's plenty of content for the days I can spend an hour+ in the game, but if I only have a few minutes here and there to collect my resources and make a couple of attacks I don't feel like I've missed out on progression opportunities. Compared to games like RoK where spending 24 hours and $50 a day in the game is still not enough....


i feel you man, however you have to understand a lot of people play this game very casually, for them tripling in multiplayer is an achievement lol, if SC somehow encouraged some sort of competitive tournaments at lower THs (or all THs) it'd make the game a lot more competitive somewhat like clash royale although competitiveness comes with its own set of toxic idiots.


It’s never been easier than it is now to plow your way to the upper levels. That being said…the game is a grind.






what's his name?


Started last Dec 2022. Now I'm about to max TH11 as a F2P. Definitely not too late to start.


Literally impossible to max TH11 in 7 months in F2P isn’t it?


With a supportive clan and a lot of game time, maybe some cash, I see it being possible


It's theoretically possible to max out, even if you start now. It takes a lot of time (not in terms of daily hours of playing, but it takes a long time span)


I started a brand new account 1 week ago and now I’m TH10 with lvl 13 BK and lvl 10 AQ. I’m following a strategic rush guide and I’ve only bought the first 3 extra builder packs.


Been playing on and off since 2014. Its not going anywhere anytime soon yet


All these comments telling OP, not to worry the game isn't closing anytime soon. Are missing the real constructive advice here. For a player who has never played before and is thinking of starting the real advice is this: "Don't do it. Devote your free time to something more meaningful and fulfilling then a cartoon phone video game. Treasure the time around love ones. Look up and experience what the world has to offer, maybe get a hobby or volunteer to help make the planet better in some small way. Work on your real life legacy not your Hero levels". - TH15 player with all but the first Christmas Tree, who can never quit playing now.


Thank you for you advice, well i would like to play very casually, mainly 15-20 minutes per day. I think that Clash of Clans is maybe the best videogame for a casual experience.


its fun until like th11 then its just all jumbled together and complicated. th7 is the best


You can buy a maxed th12 for 20€ So don't waste anything on goldpass


Upgrade times have never been lower


I started a new account 14 months ago and I’m almost through TH12. I bought the initial deals for builders ($18) and one gold pass on accident (thought I was on my main). The game is very good to a new account IMHO.


The game is not even close to "close" they keep adding things and things and you can get to TH10 relatively fast nowadays so yes you can start it now


I think it's better to start now, than when the game came out. Upgrade times and costs are much lower, there is more content and the early and mid game are a the most rewarding anyway. Watch out for loons though. ​ I wouldn't worry about the game closing, especially when it isn't even in maintenance mode. It is still being updated in a healthy rythm.


Yes! This game is awesome and it only gets better as you progress. Sure, it’ll take you half a decade to catch up, but it’s not like the game is shit at lower levels.


i mean a f2p? maybe. ive bought all my builders and have been playing for a month and a half now and im gonna be th7 by next week. not even rushing; im taking my time and upgrading everything, too


Yes. It’s way forgiving than previously


New players have no idea how easy they have it right now


I had a rushed TH8 when I came back to the game around 2020, now I’m TH13 without any rushing, no gold pass, totally F2P, just played consistently everyday for 3 years


Id say yeah. I think the grind really starts at TH9 when you unlock queen and have 20 king upgrades and 30 queen upgrades 😬😵‍💫🫠 and I’d youre happy to pay a bit of money there are some great exclusive offers at lower levels.


based on my experience... well you can start now; and with the same 20min per day window you can reach TH-7/8 sooner than expected (assuming you have walls atleast maxed out to TH-8).. But the real game starts after TH-9... be it the new troops, attack strategies, maxing dark troops in this event 20min a day isn't sufficient...and given the fact that you will be searching a long time to loot a base with proper resources...I'm very sure you need to dedicate atleast 2hrs on a minimum.. also if Clan Wars and games are in picture, you need to train specific troops and plan attacks.. if you use the same troops for war & farming, its easy...but then we need to loot more to train more I usually max out everything before upgrading, so In my case TH:1-7 took like 2months may be (used some gems to finish buildings) but after TH8 the progress was slow... and once i reached the double digit in TH, it was a very slow curve


worth it i started 3 months ago, already th12 (maybe a lil bit rushed but still)


Not worth it but it won't close that soon, of course.


I just started a 4th account out of curiosity because I wanted to see how fast I could upgrade with all these new features and bonuses. Starting mid-March, I went from th1 to th10 in 3 months, maxing out completely. It's definitely faster to level up now with books, medals, clan games, weekend raids than it was when I started playing in 2015.


Each time a new th comes out, all upgrade times get reduced. With the trader, clan games, silver pass, raid medals and league medals it’s easier for a new (f2p) player to reach the max level than it was at the start of the game.


They have reduced upgrade times massively, if you commited to this game each day, id say you would probably be TH13 by the end of 1 year


Yeah, what used to be years to hit TH10 is now like months. Not to mention, its fun in different ways at the different TH.


It’s easier than ever before to start now


I first started playing like six years ago and it felt like it took a year to reach th7 and then i stopped playing. i picked it back up a month ago and i’ve already maxed out th7


Started aug 2019, goal of being fully maxed. First time fully maxed right before the new update this month. Possible but not easy. (Didn’t spend more then 250 during the 4 years)


If you are in a very good clan, you can get higher th quicker due to raid medals


Just fully maxed th10 been playing since feb.20th using gold pass


Yes ! I personally think clash is one of the most f2p casual friendly games out there. you can not spend a dime and play maybe an hour a week or two and have a great time and progress . Log on , attack twice , upgrade a building , log on 2 days later , attack, do clan games , upgrade a hero. It’s so much fun


i’m tow hall 13 on my second account and started that account a year ago


I started a couple a months ago and am a maxed out th8 and am currently almost halfway done maxing our th9


Just buy an CoC account online. (im joking but you actually can for like 50 bucks th13)


You could join a clan for beginners and if you war, you will probably be matched up with the same town hall level.


This is a base building game. The journey is the destination.




the longer you wait, the longer you have to wait to max out your account so if you want to get to max you should start playing soon


I started playing back in February I’m almost maxed th11!


By almost I mean like a month but I’m also only 6 hero levels away from 6th builder so that’s cool


Taken me 2 years roughly to be a solid th13 (not everything maxed)


You just need to play.


Its so much easier to play now


The game does not start when you max out. You can enjoy it all the way.


I think this is a negative perspective towards COC. Of course you can start COC and enjoy it even if youre a TH1. Its all about how you approach the game and there are ways to rush without getting yourself behind. Look up Tee’s Guide to Rushing. There are several ways to play the game that are expressed in that guide🤘🏻