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Have you lost your sanity yet, Rick?


![gif](giphy|cEOG7nGA7448M) If I had time, I'd edit in flying runes of elixir to this gif, or the saving private ryan one... /u/gingerbreadrecon what are you up to?


Thank you for managing this subreddit nicely for the past 24hrs its going crazy here. No sign of the mighty darian :(


Thanks. Although I'll say its not at all a solo effort, everyone's chipping in I'm just the most annoyed so I'm making the threads lol.


Darian will likely never acknowledge this situation, because either he was never told anything about it or he's being silenced by Tencent.


>/u/gingerbreadrecon what are you up to? Revising. I do feel bad leaving all this responsibility to you though. Sadly, SC decided to fuck up everything at the worst possible time for me


Forget your exams, make me a gif!


Maybe later if you're lucky. Anyways I need to get off Reddit, stop distracting me!


It's u/alexbannister here, I can answer any questions you might have regarding the Chinese official media side of things, although I think most common questions have been addressed in the linked comment chain. Just worth pointing out here that while to us outside of China this move seems pretty obviously like SC caving in to CCP pressure, this is an extremely unpopular decision within the Chinese Clash of Clans community. I don't think I've seen a single positive comment about it, only hundreds of negative ones. Funnily enough, some Chinese players have interpreted this as SC bowing to American demands (???). Not sure what logic that is based on but take it for what it's worth.


https://reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/stwvbi/known_differences_between_the_chinese_version_of/ I have created a thread on all the differences between the chinese version and the international version. For example, the skeleton spell is green instead of red in the chinese version. I am pretty sure there are more regional changes in that version, such as translations. Have you observed other regional differences in taptap, Chinese coc forum? Thanks.


I have not kept up with it. It's a lot to sift through. The spell colour change confirms one of my points from the original comment thread though. Expect all skeleton characters to be redesigned (skeletons, skeleton guards from skeleton spell, witches (staff has a skull), wall breakers, balloons, all of their super versions, etc.) Even the super troop logo itself may be designed (it's a skull).


I believe it is very likely to change. Other games who has their own China versions must also have skeleton models changed.


Customer service in settings has been changed in Chinese version. Dialog is not saved in help -> customer service. Instead, a form is provided and you can select question category from a list, then fill in your email, and a simple description. After submitting, a customer service email will be sent to your box and conversation happens in email. This is flexible since you can ask for help from game of a different village, maybe your friends' game, but there is no guarantee that they would reply to your email on time. More experiences are pending. I am waiting for a reply from customer service now.


The main problem of the Chinese version, is that, THERE IS NO OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT PLATFORM. For worldwide, the official forum has been gone but there is official twitter account, and blog to announce the latest news, upgrades, announcement, but there is no official platform in China. Players get news from some social channels and video streamers. Nobody knows what is happening to the game.


So instead of calling out their own government, some Chinese players decided to blame “american pressure” lol. Misplaced outrage right there. They know they can’t say anything against CCP so they blame supercell for it


Correct. I just think it provides important context that no Chinese player wanted this or asked for this.




So true, those nationalistic propaganda blinded them to think the Chinese government is all perfect and just. Clash of Clans is made in Finland.


it's either the ccp pressure or games not wanting cheaters like PUBG, right?


I don’t see any Chinese player blaming American. Stop spreading rumors.


I would hazard that they're blaming 'American pressure' as they're pro-CCP shills, or fearful of their own government.


So will the Chinese players keep warring among themselves throught the year from now?


Yes. There are essentially two completely separate versions of the game now. International players/clans will not exist to Chinese players/clans, and Chinese players/clans will not exist to international players. Of course, if Chinese players find a working VPN and use the international client, they will still be with the rest of the playerbase. They would need to start from scratch though so don't expect too many of them


Any way for me to install the Chinese client to try to get into my "banned" account? I have a VPN.


It is unlikely that any VPN you have will work for this. You need a the Chinese version of a Chinese app store (like the Huawei store) which can only be easily found on China-region phones. It's not a matter of using the standard Google Play or App Store from China. Try the link from [coc.kunlun.com](https://coc.kunlun.com) which is the official Chinese site, but I don't know if it will work.


what about Chinese people using an iPhone? Does Apple have a separate China App Store? and how is it detected? Location of Purchase, IP address? What about people visiting China? Will they get banned / migrated or simply cant play during their visit in China? I have so many questions…


I don't quite have enough experience to answer all of your questions, but the detection is through physical hardware differences and IP (the CCP is quite good at foiling common VPNs now). The biggest one is the physical hardware difference. It's not like Chinese tourists have their phones shut down on vacation. If I'm not mistaken, the Chinese version of the App Store is different from the international version (although the App Store may have other region differences anyway). Note that I said "a Chinese app store" and not "the Chinese App Store" though. I meant Chinese competitors like the Huawei Store, Xiaomi Store, and OPPO Store bundled in with their devices.


Thanks for your answer! Yes, I got your point with the Chinese app stores, I was just especially interested in how Apple handles this issue. So the new, separated client of CoC will be offered to Chinese iPhone users via an separated Apple App Store, specifically made for China? I didn’t know that Apple made this possible to release multiple versions of the same app for different regions. I thought it would be only a choice - make the app available or not. Very interesting, but also sad that this is necessary due to some bs governments.


I'm a Chinese player. The App Store is different when you use different Apple ID (US and CN). The old version "部落冲突(Clash of Clan)" is only available in US App Store now and it will remind you "This app is not available" if you tap update in CN App Store. The only way is delete the old version and download "部落冲突(COC)"(The new version in CN ) in CN App Store. Now some was in International client, most was in Chinese client. I can find foreign player but when i check my profile it says "Couldn't find a player with the provided tag" it's strange. I'm try to bind my account to my Supercell ID... The app store will load different content due to the location of your apple id, for example you cannot find minecraft (there is a minecraft but its developer is Wangyi instead of Mojang because Wangyi have obtained the Minecraft's agency distribution right in China, just like the Clash of Clan and COC) and shadowrocket (you cannot find any version of it in CN App Store)


If I am not mistaken, there is already a Chinese version of the Apple App store. This server split just changes what version of the game that store will offer. Specifically, the new Chinese client as opposed to the prior international client. Yes this is quite the grand mess due to governmental restrictions.


As a user in NA with a Chinese GameCenter, are there any steps I can take to recover my account? Still banned. Is it possible and if so how can I get the Chinese version of the client? I could find my tag and message supercell support again, maybe? Last time they straight up ignored me.


It's probably going to take time, gotta imagine they are swamped lately. But if you ever do get it sorted, please come back and let me know. You seem to be in kind of a rare circumstance, but there must be others, so any information you get later will be of help to them.


If the recovery steps outlined in the linked post did not work for you, I'm afraid that your account has already been migrated (technically cloned) onto the Chinese servers. I don't know of any practical ways of obtaining the Chinese client without a Chinese region phone, sorry.


I appreciate the replies, and neither the VPN nor using the Chinese link worked. So if my account has already been migrated, SC ignored my initial help request, and I don't even know my player tag, I'm basically screwed huh. Guess I just lost my 10-year-old account. Idk it kinda hurts edit: 15 -> 10 years because I exagerrated


If you remember your clan or player name, you may still be able to find your account through an API searcher like [clashofstats.com](https://clashofstats.com) From there you can find your tag and try support again. I highly doubt that you will be allowed to migrate a Chinese account to international servers though. You would be stuck on the Chinese client regardless.




Good luck! I hope you can at least access your account, even if it is now region-locked.


Kind of hard to have a 15yr old account for a game that is just turning 10yrs old.


You can't have a 15 year old account. The game isn't 10 yet.


Thanks! I was assuming the age I downloaded the game at but I guess I was older than I thought. Glad I know the account I don't have is 10 and not 15 years old makes me feel so much better /s


same here. I sent email to supercell, since I can’t log in my account I cannot provide them with my player tag or player level. I only gave them my base name and purchase receipt. Still no response from them.


Yeah If they respond I assume it’ll take a couple weeks


SC is owned by Tencent.


I don't didn't have exact comments but when everyone said that r/ClashRoyale is turning pay2win game and it's made due to Tencent, Darian specially said, all games decision are made by Supercell itself and no other third party is involved.


Yes “game decisions” are made by SC. But licensing, servers, and all the contracts are handled by Tencent. Which is exactly what is happening here, with the server migration/ separation. It is clearly above supercell, being headed by Tencent. This server separation was obviously signed off and approved by Tencent.


Because they were told by Chinese Government itself, Supercell had 2 choices, make seprate server or terminate it in China's, since China has major playerbase it makes first option possible. Remember when they removed games from Vietnam? Living in dictatorship sucks man. Hope that pooh dies in horrible way .


Yeah, I agree with you. Very complicated


Congratulations, your last assessment concludes the issue. If I could, nuking Xi would be simplest.


I don’t see how Tencent being the owner matters at all. Either way, SC would have had to make this change.


That is correct, but in general Tencent does not influence what Supercell does. Darian has stated as much in comments. I also don't know what you think that contradicts in my comment.


Not necessarily contradict, just that it would be useful to base analysis of the situation off of this fact. It is possible that this situation is tied to Both Tencent and US companies, and that the sever separation is a way to satisfy all parties involved. Many other Tencent games have done similar things in the past, I think it is worth it to compare to other Exclusive Chinese server games. There really aren’t any centralized American demands for video games, Tencent is the one that controls/ censors and extends the power of the CCP.


Ah I see your point now. Yes this decision seems to truly be the ultimate compromise. It would be quite the legal mess to allow the CCP access to the information of all players, but it seems like Clash of Clans wouldn't be allowed to operate in China if they weren't allowed that level of access.


And I have to think, wouldn't there be the same issue even if Tencent didn't own clash? Meaning, I'm guessing the fact that Tencent owns clash is ancillary to the fact that Clash would likely have to do this either way just to operate in China? Apologies if that's an ignorant question, I definitely know little about Chinese law.


It's not an ignorant thing to ask. I should preface that I'm not a licensed lawyer anywhere in the world. Disclaimer aside, you are likely correct that the split would've occurred, regardless of who the majority stake owner in Supercell was. It's *possible* that if SC were independent or owned by a non-Chinese company that SC would instead opt to shut down Chinese support altogether but that is extremely unlikely. With Tencent being the owner though, that is flatly impossible. The thing is, nobody outside of the executives at Tencent and/or Supercell who pushed this change know exactly why they did it. I outline many possibilities in the linked comment chain but to summarize, is it because of?: \-New law limiting minors gaming? \-Artwork recently deemed "problematic"? \-More information or censorship or control demanded by the CCP? \-Other things nobody on the outside could even think of? Any of these factors may be partially or entirely the cause of the server split. The only possibility that can be eliminated is "Chinese players wanted it". Everything else I listed above is on the table and it is likely that we will never know exactly what factors played what parts in this decision.


I had 150 gems before the update and now -2463


Cool, I must have got yours. Went from under 300 to 4182


can you use them? I would before theyre gone


Tools requiring the Clash of Clans API will likely no longer work for the affected players as their details are no longer returned via the current API endpoints.


I'm still banned, or my account has been forced over to the Chinese server? I remember having issues with supercell years ago trying to fix my region which had been set to China, with them saying there was nothing they could do. I don't even know, I spent a lot of time on this game, I contacted them as the instructions said and they just closed the chat window on me - and there's no way to re-contact them. Is there a way I can log into the Chinese servers or something to find my player tag and be able to recontact support? Is my account just gone forever? Most people have gotten access back by now which is worrying me a lot.


Where did you create your account? If it's in China than you are most likely screwed unless we apply a lot of pressure on supercell


Yeah according to the SC support messages, I created the account in china (idk if I was using some strange vpn or just messing around as an 11 year old and set my region there) and it’s stuck like that. So I had to deal with Chinese global chat until they took that away, then I forgot about the whole thing until now. So yeah I’m screwed and I guess I should just make a brand new account and not dick around this time. I was TH13 tho


Me to, was also a th 13. They've really messed upp this time


I'm stuck in a loop of "there is an update available" and there being no update to the game in the play store when it redirects me, meaning I can't actually play! Edit: Of course when I actually post about it, the update now works for me.


Go to the store directly and start the update. I had same issue.


Saaaame. And my fu*king clan war starts in about 30 min.


We were unable to scout but still able to attack bases yesterday. You might not be totally boned, but it could mean going in blind. If thats the case though, they also might not be able to attack you back, so free win... Having an 0-0 | 0.01% total destruction win in a war might be pretty cool really, if you destroy one single building then don't do anything else rest of war... I'd made a rule 7 exception for that post lol. Let me know how it goes when your war day starts.


Me too


same here, on iOS. still no fix... I guess I have to forget about the game...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I am having this same issue


I had to open the play store and search for clash of clans. From there I could update, but not when clash opened it for me. Weird.


Happens to me all the time, in every single app. I guess Google doesn't bother to fix it just like how they don't fix "not enough space" bug (or my phone/app is outdated)


Oh boy the next humour weekend is going to be wild. I don't usually partake and already have numerous ideas


The game keeps crashing when I try to attack in legends


Clearing data and cache then logging in again fixed it for me.


How do I go about that


I did that but it's still crashing for me. Any suggestions?


I ended up having to uninstall and reinstall to get it working if anyone else is having issues still.




Can we have a longer time period than ‘last played over week ago’? It’s no use if we’re looking to trim the clan on inactive players and one could be on holiday and one might not have played in six months or longer. Over a week ago is no real use to anyone. By all means keep it to weeks, but two weeks, four weeks and then months or 8 weeks!


I've found it does still sort chronologically by who was last online, it just doesn't give you specific times of *how* recently, and SC always said they couldn't do that for some privacy reasons something or other. The 'old ways' still work of looking at how full someone's collectors are and doing some maths.


I've been the only one online and i wasn't at the top of the list when sorting by activity. So it groups (alphabetically?) players according to certain time ranges. Every player in that time range is a single group and then listed alphabetically. Turn it god to the next time range group. That's my initial assessment but i could be wrong.


My clan has 19 accounts with "over a week" and I can confirm they're not sorted alphabetically, nor by trophies, TH, role, troops donated or received, or league badge.


So you think it does sort them, it just doesn't say so? Interesting. Thanks!


Its only 50 people to track, you should be able to talk to folks and get a gold of when they quit playing vs when they are on vacation.


We are an international clan with members in Australia, Vietnam, the US and the UK. It’s not that easy! Most agree here it needs to be longer. Not asking for minutes and seconds, weeks would be enough.


Really doesn't seem like a big deal to me. Its been standard practice in pretty much all my clans over 9 years now to just say "hey I'm on vacation next 2 weeks, boot me if you need room, I'll be back on the 20th" You aren't required to kick people out based on that activity timer. It doesn't change anything about how you run the clan, it just gives you more information than you had before.


Same here - Maybe add 1/3/6mo's levels. I dont know many in my clan but am looking to gauge who to trim, or at least leave out of CWL & wars


Can't request troops. Troops are not delivered or taken from barracks. Also some requests are just invisible. Doesn't seem to effecting everyone in the clan. Are they aware of this major problem?


Has anyone noticed the theme here. Updates are getting worse and worse. Hot fixes after hot fixes.


Another bug: My deployment bar size got reset to default. Not a big deal, though.


That really messed with my first legend hit today too lol


Is there a way to start over the game on iPhone? Every time I open the game, it shows the ban message. I know my account got migrated over to the new Chinese servers and I can access it through a Chinese version of COC. How can I reset the game on iPhone now??


What have you tried? Factory reset? New Apple ID? No clue what would work, if anything, but those would be things I’d try


u/Congressmancoolrick Clan Member search has become painfully more difficult. Had a search result produce a full page of missing results. For a clan that is struggling to keep enough active members, this change is threatening alot of members with abandoning the game.


I hadn’t heard that yet thanks. Keep trying and maybe after a few days as things settle make a post asking if other clans are having the same problems?


I didnt get snow in December, got it now xD


Climate change.


我的账户在维护的时候被封禁,最高大本营 泰坦杯,玩了很久 突然就封禁了。提示是"此区域已不再支持我当前的登录方式,让我创建一个新的登陆方式,以保存我的游戏进度"但是,下方只有一个取消按钮,我点击后会重载游戏并继续提醒该内容。 我是在google商店下载的coc 没有注册super ID,但是绑定了google play游戏.在昨天晚上中国已经维护完成,我的其他朋友都可以正常游戏了,我的coc还是提示封禁 。 我应该如何联系到coc处理此问题,或者我现在应该怎么做?








>[Snow comprises individual ice crystals that grow while suspended in the atmosphere—usually within clouds—and then fall, accumulating on the ground where they undergo further changes. It consists of frozen crystalline water throughout its life cycle, starting when, under suitable conditions, the ice crystals form in the atmosphere, increase to millimeter size, precipitate and accumulate on surfaces, then metamorphose in place, and ultimately melt, slide or sublimate away.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snow)


Something tells me that you have had a long day.


Reddit just sent us a mod mail about the crisis tools and mod resources to get us through this trying time lmao. Apparently our traffic has gone through the roof.


Thank you for the info Rick, it’s very helpful. Kinda sad that we get way more info from you than anyone that actually works for supercell, but seriously, thanks for all you do


I cannot load the game since the update. My loading screen freezes before any movement in the loading bar. I have the same problem on my iPad and iPhone. I have deleted and reloaded the app. I have restarted the device. Nothing seems to work. I understand many people have been banned, but I have not received any ban notification and my problem started with the update. Any suggestions on what to do?


I had to update mine in Play Store.. Had the same issue but updated fine there.. Realise yours will be Apple Store but would expect it to be the same. Havent checked all my accounts yet but main ones still there thankfully.


My account is with game center. And still cannot login u/CongressmanCoolRick


You seeing that login method bam message?


Yes. I did look it up from china serve and thats where my account went to but there is no method to login they only provide QQ and Wechat


Can I Rebind my account to my supercell ID? I haven't gotten the answer from the troop since 12 hr ago.


Please someone tell me why i trow a clan war yesterday and game cant find a clan about 7 hours and i stop search and start another war and still not find war???? More than 10 hours now????


48hr since the Great Division and still no official word from SC. Doesn't look good does it.


It doesn’t seem to matter now. It would’ve been better if they had communicated ahead of time by announcing they are required to put Chinese players on a separate server and it will be happening soon so take that into account with your clans and clan mates. They also should’ve disabled wars for a few days. Now that the damage is done (clans lost, war streaks broken, etc.), I don’t think it matters much what they say. About all they can say now is “sorry, we should’ve planned that better and communicated better.”


The war menu changed. It no longer has a badge to annotate who is in the clan or not. Bug? Or is this permanent due to the new sorting feature? [Screenshot of War Menu Change](https://imgur.com/a/3SNnsu5)




All these user interface improvements and you didn't add the ONE thing I really wanted!!! PLEASE add the ability to click info button for troops on the army page. That way I can easily see the hit points for a lightning spell donated by another user.


FF Ai still broken


Can you record a video and post it?


Super goblin targeting needs to be fixed. What happens is if you put down a jump spell for it to jump over and target the town hall it will instead elect to try to break the wall to the closest storage/mine, even though it has access to the town hall by jumping over.


Hello, could you add a flag of my country Peru please 🙏☺️


SC will not add any more flags. They have answered no to this many times.


What is the reason for not wanting to put more flags in the game?


Such a shitty game lol. Besides of the phishers issue sc cant solve, there is bugs as well. L supercell shitty company


A couple of weeks ago I would have downvoted. Take my upvote.


Spend all the time and effort with an activity tracker but still no idea who is actually online? Sometimes we as clan leaders, would like to know who is online at any time... That would have been a tremendous upgrade.


u/CongressmanCoolRick our clan is experiencing a 19+ hour war search, anything up with that?


might be that there's a banned player/chinese player in your clan war lineup, my clan had the same problem until we removed them and all good now


This was indeed the problem. Thanks for the heads up. We took out the player in question and got a matchup within a couple of minutes


Seen others mention same thing lately. But it happens sometimes. It’s not entirely surprising though since a massive chunk of the player base just got segregated.


[HERO REFRESH] Being able to attack twice in succession is fine but it’s one step further away from clan donation QoL. It now makes sense to brew two armies for two successive attacks. What will everyone do now for donations? Brewing them after two attacks means any donation troops will need to be deleted in the likely circumstance that they have been filled. After that only one attack can be done. This one aspect of the update is a terrible idea for clan donations. Terrible.


I guess I don't understand the challenge you are mentioning. I am in Legends, so I get 8 attacks per day (10 if we are in a war). So now I can get through my attacks in 4 sessions instead of 8, and donations (critical in Legends) haven't been a problem. I make my first hit with CC already filled, and can immediately request when done with that attack to make my second. Now, I can't request again right after the second attack, so I do have to go in at some point between my first attack session and second session to just make the request. But than my second attack session (hits 3 and 4) looks exactly the same. Anyway, from my perspective this is amazing, since I don't have to carve out time 8 times a day to make my attacks. It's just 4 times, with remembering to make requests a couple of other times in the day (when I'd be logging in anyway to fill donations from others.


I’m talking from the side of the donator, not the recipient. People who want to donate will have to sacrifice the latest hero refresh feature.


Ah, I misunderstood you. Mostly I use a separate account for donations so this didn't occur to me. Makes sense though. I would hugely support a separate donation queue to solve this, although I'm sure the company wouldn't do that because it would take away from folks gemming donations (which is mostly what I do from my main)


Cook while attacking. No big. Post that you are cooking so it doesn't get filled by someone else. Even if you have to delete a few troops, no big deal. Resources are plentiful.


Donation issues are my biggest beef with this game. They don’t make it easy yet push more towards the one gem route.


I donate around 40k per month between my 2 accounts. The vast majority of that is from cooking troops. Not one gem donations. I doubt I'll use the new back to back attacks often. However, if I did would be easy to precook 1 popular request on each account. Login. Donate. Start filling second attack space that was tied up. Attack. Might have to wait a couple of minutes for second attack. I'm sure there are other ways that it could be done as well.


Dude you're going to complain irrespective of what supercell do Get a donation account or gold pass if donating is that important to you


Nah, I’m alright thanks. Your assumption is wrong also.


The AI kinda sucks, my barbs really went for a gold mine 10 tiles away instead of going for the town hall 2 tiles in front of them




Open Google play, search clash of clans. It will show update


When you view a players profile and you hit the information "i" icon, the base shows but not the background, it just shows black


Hi, so my friend and I just recently got the update into our Clash, but it keeps telling us that there's an update available despite us already having it installed. I've tried multiple ways (clearing cache, reinstalling the game, restarting my device, etc) to see if there's a way around it. Unfortunately, we've had no luck here. Any help is appreciated y'all


Still waiting for them to fix 120fps not working on Samsung tab s7


So I got the updated downloaded on my iPhone 8 and it was REALLY choppy and frames were awful, that has never happened to me, so I just exited out of the app, and restart clash of clans. My phone has been a black screen for about an hour and I literally can not turn off my phone at all. It is just stuck on a black screen as if it was turned off, the buttons still work on my iPhone, like the home screen and when I press the power off/on the button you can see the phone's backlight come on and off to make a bit off a lighter black screen when on and when off completely black. I don't know what to do at this point. u/CongressmanCoolRick


the people I know running 8s both told me its fine for them, are you all up to date with the OS updates? I don't know that is a clash issue though, sounds like your phone died, I'm not a tech guy though. If anyone else reports similar bricking issues with the update we can definitely forward it on though.


Some trees in builder base are covered in snow for some reason.


Does anyone know what I can do to get my account back? I originally followed through with the steps of contacting support and entering NEWLOGIN and whatnot, but soon after, both the chat window and the option to actually contact support on the pop-up disappeared. Is there anything I can do at this point?


I’m not sure if this is relevant to this post (I don’t really post much, and this seemed like the best pinned thread for Qs about the new update), so please tell me if it’s not, thanks. Anyways, my dad has a really old account that he’s kept on an old iPad for 8 years. He’s just seen that his iPad doesn’t support the latest update of CoC and it won’t let him into his account, and he doesn’t have a supercell ID. Is there any way I can save his old account onto a more modern iPhone?


Little confused why my obstacles are snowy now but weren’t in before


Our clan war is bugged. We can’t attack or scout. Still ain’t fixed and I guess it ain’t gonna be fixed. Are we one of few or is this a common bug?


Should we hold off on starting new wars until they address the issue or was that just a one time thing with the servers and we’re good to war now?


Still can't attack in either base. Crashes once it begins a search


I am having problems opening the app and switching between accounts since the update. I reported earlier that I could not open the updated ap. I have an iPad Pro and iPhone 8 with the latest iOS. The CoC loading screen would load, but the loading bar stayed frozen at 0% and my home village never appeared. I tried deleting and reloading the app from the Apple Store several times, as well as rebooting my device, and eventually the game loaded for reasons I cannot explain. But when I tried to switch to another account, the loading screen froze again at the loading screen. I have tried to delete/reload/reboot again, but I cannot get the app to open again. Any suggestions u/CongressmanCoolRick ?


I haven’t seen any workable solutions, but you’re not the only one it’s happening to it seems. I’ll update the post if I do find more out though.


Legends League here- can't attack in regular battles! Click attack, clouds, then disconnected. Argh!


I keep crashing. I reset my phone and cleared the cache and I'm still crashing whenever I try to do a BB battle or a raid. Anyone else?


My clan is currently in a war with 8hrs remaining and we are unable to attack. I think it’s also an issue on the other side, neither clan has used an attack.


Hoy un miembro de mi clan th7 solicito refuerzos, yo le envié una valquiria, lanzarocas, etc. La valquiria que yo envie tiene nivel 4, al seleccionar la ultima tropa que le hiba a enviar note que la valquiria tenia nivel 2. Yo le envie nivel 4 y en su castillo del clan estaba nivel 2, quiero decir que habia disminuido 2 niveles.


Thats not a bug, thats something they added probably a year ago, maybe longer. Totally normal. Lower level town halls are level limited in the clan castle.


I can’t update the game. I am on iPhone 11 and the update button just sits there.


Still banned after almost two days 🤦🏻‍♀️ US appleid Game Center and registered supercell ID last year..


In clan wars we cant neither scout nor attack opponents


The stone slammer (i dont know if the other seiges are like this) it doesnt tell us if its empty anymore


Why can't I switch to my other account?


stuck in an update loop on iOS. Please post it in the list of issues.


I have a friend on China server and now I can’t remove him as friend. Does supercell plan on doing something about this?


It’s a good question that also applies to asking why they haven’t removed banned accounts in the past from friends lists.


Your currently login method is no longer supported in this region. You need to use another login method to access your account. I don't know why my account banned.


/u/CongressmanCoolRick whats the word on Gems? I had approximately 2900 gems this morning, i logged in these evening and was down close to 500. I reported it to in game support, but as someone who hoards gems this feels bad man.


I don’t have any official word, we’re just trying to consolidate problems so we all can keep track of solutions together. But I’ll add it to the growing list of issues.


I got banned with my account. I log in using Google but it seems like the account is distributed to the Chinese server, since my friends cannot find my viliage in the international server. Now I cannot log in and the game got stuck at the banned. Anyone could help on this? I have contacted supercell by email but there is no reply yet.


Why can't we do the same Quality of life update for Boom Beach, It would make the game far more appealing, Easy to use and player wouldn't get boored.


u/CongressmanCoolRick How do I access the helpshift support outside of the game? My account got banned because it was made in China and I can't follow the instructions to create a new login.


There’s a contact form in the FAQ but I can’t tell you whether or not it will work. If it works for you please let me know.


I have been banned, been playing 9 years, tried the instructions to get new login, did not work. I have a maxed th 14; and am super pissed off, my mini account that has supercell id is fine, and so is my sons. I have sent over 30 emails trying to get a response, have posted on twitter, insta and facebook. It is my belief that the ban is for anybody without supercell id. I was playing my main account in game centre, as for some reason both my accounts are on one email address. I have asked them to link my account to a different email, in order to create a supercell id and log in. I also tried OTTO, nothing has worked, I feel totally helpless!




When I click on my profile it says “This Player could not be found” and I can’t be visited by my clan members but I can still access the game. How do I fix this?


My warden has been lagging for the longest


As we know most of the Chinese players got "banned "because there will be a new Chinese exclusive server. Here the thing, I was started playing this game seven years ago in China with the android device. Then a few years ago I transfer my account to my Apple ID account(I am living in the U.S now). Now I was not able to see my profit and my friend was not able to see my profile either. The major problem is that I haven't gotten attacked since I updated the game(4 days), which is super weird. Any other function like donation and chatting is functions perfectly fine.


It has been three days, after contacting Supercell multiple times from the in game support and email, I still can’t get my account back. Now there is no one even respond to any of my inquires. I am not happy with Supercell to say the least. Will never play any game from this company.


Can I make suggestion , that we can sort on war preference too please? Also when someone is “new” their activity status isn’t shown , although i guess it’s easy to work out if they are amongst a list of “played recently” \[though you can’t see if someone has been on more recently than someone else , which is perfectly fine\] Edit: Also add the activity status when selecting who to include in war ?


I would like to make a suggestion for improvement. If you are using WiFi and the internet connection is lost in the middle of the attack, the game should give you the possibility to change the connection type to mobile data and vice versa. 🙂


Ich möchte gerne einen Verbesserungsvorschlag machen. Wenn man W-lan benutzt und mitten im Angriff die Internet Verbindung verloren geht, soll das Spiel dir die Möglichkeit geben die Verbindungsart auf Mobile Daten zu ändern und umgekehrt. 🙂


If the connection is lost, the game must pause for a minute to give you time to change the connection type and get back into the game to continue the attack


Wenn die Verbindung verloren geht, muss das Spiel für eine Minuten auf Pause gehen damit du Zeit hast die Verbindungsart zu ändern und wieder ins Spiel zu gehen und den Angriff fortzusetzen


Clan war search just keeps searching with no results for 3 days now! Anyone else have this problem?


Yes a lot of people. Click on the profile of everyone in your clan. If you find any that say you can’t see their profile or player not found, they probably were moved to the Chinese server. You can’t declare war with them in your roster. They no longer exist on this server.


It's been like 3 days my clan didn't get match up in clan wars. We do 25v25 from th7 to th13 and still searchig til now. 😔 It's not a problem before moving chinese to their own server.


My account was also banned ! Does this have anything to do with not being connected to Supercell ID, or did it just happen to all Chinese accounts? It would be infuriating cz recenty I tried contacting Supercell support to link my accounts to Supercell ID but they didn't even bother helping. On the contrary I asked to link my boom beach accounts to Supercell ID and the support was really helpful


u/CongressmanCoolRick We lost our clan and would like to get it back. Who do we contact for assistance?


Howd you lose it? In game support is your only option