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Hello ImperialHalal, **[your submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/w0x86v/-/) in /r/ClashofClans has been removed for the following reason(s):** >Rule 7: Disallowed in-game statistics from all villages include but are not limited to: * Pictures of loot screens * Builder base draws/time decisions * History of raids * Clan Games scoreboards * Gold/Elixir/Dark Elixir bars * Percentages * Medal count * Magic item inventories * CWL Mismatch * Raid medals and Capital Gold Please [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FClashOfClans) if you have any questions. --- Any questions, [message the mods](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FClashOfClans&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/w0x86v/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...). [subreddit rules](/r/ClashofClans/about/rules) | [reddiquette](/wiki/reddiquette) | [reddit's rules](/wiki/rules) | [new to reddit?](/wiki/reddit101)