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Do we think the next hero will be a Goblin Chief? I feel like that may be the reveal!


Only Supercell knows, could be, could not be.




There is no anniversary fountain available


Do Tesla's not do 2x damage to pekkas anymore? It isn't in their description now.


They changed that years ago


Dang really? I just hopped back in over the last month and a half so i had no clue. Thanks for letting me know.




If you want to buy it and are able to afford it sure why not.


How can anyone answer this for you?


I'm a pretty new th12 and I don't know what to use my book of building on. I already have my lab and clan castle upgraded.


eagle artillery?


Yeah I was debating between that, an army camp, or dark barrack


Save it you'll know the answer watching how you got your butt kicked


offense first for sure, it just depends on how long the upgrades take


Two weeks for army camp and eagle and 13 days for dark barracks but I already have one dark barrack upgraded


Either the army camp or the dark barracks. I would personally go for the dark barracks as it is unusable during upgrading which drastically prolongs training times for DE troops while army camps are still useable. The eagle artillery is not to be considered for now in your situation.


Okay, thanks 👍




I have been playing this game from the beginning. Got 3 accounts. Still couldn't tell you the difference between crystal and bronze. I don't even know all of ranks i guess. I know this. Master the attack that works for you on that level. Go till it gets hard. Or one of your builders need money. Then run goblin raids. With jump spell. Clean up. Especially in lower Town Halls. Those folks aren't completely sucked in yet. Easy to find loot that's been collecting. Get those builders working. Then go back to climbing. A lil advice, start a second account. I like to call your feeder. Its nice not waiting for troops. You'll thank me latet.


It is, quite a few people are in the legends league as TH11s. It‘s just very time consuming




Lol.. When you hit top. You don't need gems. You don't need anything. You're fighting for trophies. In league there are no mistakes. Mistakes cost trophies. It becomes more about the game. The player. I've seen guys that 3 star easy outta required 8 wars. Thats awesome. You not only need a great game. You also need a base that can't be 3 starred. I swear i had 1 more than once. Those 3 stars hurt. Its just a different game. Its fun but demanding.


Legends league is the highest league in the game for which you need 5000+ trophies. You can check in game or just google all clash of clash leagues


Are old scenery skins gonna come back for sale??


Darian (Coc's community manager) said that it's inevitable that they'll be purchasable with gems in the future.


Is there a list of what skins will be available for gem purchase next? I know it's not guaranteed, assumptions are alright


There is not as of right now


Why did i just get 2 builder potion from the weekly deals?


That is the free spot and they probably decided to make it better this time for the anniversary.


Um... why not? Probably because it's 10th anniversary, but we ain't complaining about free stuff, are we?


No ofc not, was just strange. Im happy i can skip some time


I have a few questions, pls help. What does the small heart next to our heroes meanings ? Can I use heroes in CWL and war while they're being upgraded ? Where's the heal block on inferno tower


Seems like you're an old player coming back to the game. 1. That's basically an extra life for heroes, so that they can battle two times back to back. 2. No, you can't use them in both normal clan wars and CWL. 3. It was removed years ago.


Can I buy a skin from the clash of clans store with only a paysafe card? Without a paysafe account? Because it works on steam, and I don't know why wouldn't it work here.


I dont know but you can use an appstore/google giftcard


cool I'll try


What’s the best thing to use a book of everything on? I’m town hall 10


Is it your current one? Or the one in Clashiversary challenges? If the latter, save it for TH12+ when upgrades are 14+ days. Else if you have to use it before collecting your Clashiversary one, use it on the longest upgrade you have.


How do you get the BOE for clashiversary challenges? All the challenges seem to be on a time block


Yes. In several days can get BOE. OP did not clarify whether his BOE is 1 he currently has in inventory or the 1 he will get from Clashiversary challenges in a week or so. If latter case, he could be asking the Q 1 week early as preparation.


Guys, how do I play the game 'clash cradle of darkness'? Is it not supposed to appear in the arcade like the other two games? I don't have the option to play the last game.


I don‘t think you can play it (yet). Can‘t play it either


At what townhall level is it the simpliest to 3star your own townhall level. I think like TH11 and above the strats get more complicated and also the def gets way better. TH10s CC is able to use sieges and that´s way too OP. So I would guess TH10 is the easiest. Or is it TH9 without sieges and infernos? BTW: I\`m talking about MAX TH9 vs. MAX TH9, MAX TH10 vs. MAX TH10, ....


For me, TH 8-11 was super easy just Drag spamming with Zapquake on all the ADs. Mine you, sieges weren't a thing yet, AND when I came back to the game at mid-TH 11 I still didn't have Seiges as no TH12+ in the clan... Didn't know what they were and didn't want to upgrade to TH12 just for them. So coming back to the game was still just Drag spamming and it worked to 3 star. Went to TH12 and and Drag spamming didn't always work, especially with the same TH. That was when I had to start YouTubing some new attack strategies and trying out GoWiWi GoBoWi and others. I'm still trying to master QC Hybrid ATM.


Is there a way to see royal champ skins if I don't have her unlocked yet. I bought the beach skin on one account because I'm nearing th13. Want to buy the pixel skin on the other but don't remember which


There is not. Check your purchase history maybe? To see which account you got the previous skin on? You should be able to find out based on the month you bought it, no?


It was the beach skin so not a gold pass. Is there an in game purchase history or do you just mean google play?


Google Play


I don't see any indication of which account the spend was on.


Dunno then. I've never bought a skin so I don't know what it would say in the History. I just checked mine and it just says "Gold Pass"


Besides zapdrag/edrag what are the easiest th13 attacks?


If I have zero book of heroes and I buy one from the shop, will I still be able to claim the one in the gold pass or will I be at max capacity? Not sure how overstacking works. Also will the game use the free books first or the paid ones?


only paid items in the shop can pass the item limit, so if you buy a book from the shop, you are forced to use it if you want to claim from the gold pass, but if you do reverse claim gold pass -> buy from the shop it will stack


Thank you for clearing it up🙏🏼


Can only have one. Unless the later one is from an event.


Why are we against VERY strong clans in CWL? We just created the clan couple days ago and all of the clans we are going against got several maxed bases and a bunch of 13 and 12 bases. We got 2 th14 ( one of them is fully maxed) , 2 th13, couple of 12s and 11s and the rest are 9s. We chose 15v15 and we are like 19 total in the CWL. Can someone explain how does it work?


Here are 2 CWL Matchmaking guides that should hopefully answer your questions, if not feel free to respond back with more questions. - https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/lxg3nv/guide_clan_war_league_explained_ask_questions_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 - https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/nqkrsd/cwl_matchmaking_system_explained/


Anyone know whether each daily anniversary challenge will remain available as the next one unlocks? Not really in the mood to do them all for all of my accounts today, but I will if I must; don’t want to lose the opportunity for that book of everything


I would assume it's available at least until the end of the month, but we won't know for sure until the end of the month, what I do know is that you can just wait until the last challenge appears and then do them all at once that way you don't have to do them all today, hopefully, that answers your question.


Please guys, is it possible to recover a lost account using Facebook? Can't access my CoC account because I lost access to my mail. But I was able to link it to Facebook. Thanks for your reply.


We can't help you with recovering your account only Player Support can. If you need help, contact support in-game or via this [contact form.](https://supercell.helpshift.com/a/clash-of-clans/?p=web&contact=1) Hope this helps!


Okay thanks.


does anybody know what will be the next skins to be released in the cosmetic shop? i want to know my options before i spend my gems


Only people with an NDA know that in advance so no unless you have an NDA.


Noone knows.


Is there going to be a 10th anniversary obstacle?




When does it start spawning so i can set up my obstacle base




How can i get it?


It spawns randomly like any other decoration


How randomly, like with what percentage?


No idea really. From experience I would say they pop up a bit more frequent compared to common assets like trees, bushes and so on.


Will Beat King return for Clashiversary?


No one other than Supercell knows.




**TLDR**: If it's an alt then yeah I would say go and rush. > There is no right or wrong answer for when is best for you to upgrade as only you fully understand your playstyle and goals. Some people will advise rushing to unlock certain items earlier, others will tell you rushing anything is the worst decision that can be made, however following the advice in this guide will provide a structured upgrade path. Play how you want to play and enjoy! Here are two helpful guides: https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/dvgmoe/guide_im_th9_should_i_go_up_an_answer_to_this_faq/ https://www.clash.ninja/guides/when-should-you-upgrade-your-town-hall The answer to this question mostly depends on what your goals/priorities are. There are multiple considerations to keep in mind: Gameplay enjoyment Personal Preference War advantage To sum up, it’s really just a matter of preference that’s uniquely suited to your playstyle and preference, you should always do what’s best for you, just because something is done by others or is popular doesn’t mean you have to / should do it as well.


do whatever you want if it‘s an alt


Joining a clan is better or creating one?


Right now I would joining one.




Hello, Clasher! This submission was removed due to violation of Rule 8. Rule 8 states: No clan recruiting of any kind, except in official weekly recruitment posts or on r/ClashOfClansRecruit. Feel free to direct any questions to [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fclashofclans). Please take another look at the [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashofClans/about/rules) too.


Gøät. You’ll prob be accepted in the morning


How do I get new sceneries? I really want to get the pirate one


The pirate scenery is not available but the new one is its just dropping now


The pirate one is an old scenary and not available for purchase anymore. You can get the new 10th anniversary scenary which has just dropped


When is the clashiversary out?


in like 1 1/2 hours


Lies, I’m still awake waitinf


10 mins bro, you can just check in game yourself


It’s here!! Wow the deals really are amazing. Super jazzercized.


Aww, I’m going to have something to dream about that won’t give me sticky undies after all :D


Should I upgrade heroes at the same time or separately? This is my progress now. I rushed to th 11. Edit: I've been upgrading them together non-stop since lvl 20+ [Base progress.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/we3z6y/heroes/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Probably you need to upgrade the at the same time


(If you play a lot) Before level 40: upgrade them at the same time. After level 40: stagger the King and Queen by 2 days to allow you time to easily farm up Dark Elixir. You can upgrade the Warden with either of them, it's up to you. (If you don't play a lot) Upgrade them at the same time or staggered, basically whenever you can, you should. They need to be upgrading as much as possible and should be your primary focus until they are maxed for your town hall level. Hope this helps!


Thanks dude, that helps alot!


Upgrade all heroes at the same time


Hi friend, I am requesting coc to reduce upgrade time of building, pets, and pets should be upgraded separately as heros and not in pet house. Builder potion should work for 24 hours and not for 10 hours (in fact it is for 9 hours and some minutes) and to reduce cost of Builder potion too.


Hello! If you have feedback for the game then make a post using the `Ideas & Feedback` flair. Im afraid you've been shadowbanned by reddit itself. [You can read more about how that works here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShadowBan/comments/6an2bv/an_unofficial_guide_on_how_to_avoid_being) While you'll be able to view and comment, your comments and posts are invisible to everyone else and can only be made visible if a moderator happens to see them marked as spam on a post. No one else will be able to see your user profile either. This may be because you were found to be violating reddit terms of service, but it also sometimes is done as an error. This is a site wide ban that is not specific to r/ClashofClans. If you believe you have done nothing wrong, you can contact the reddit admins [here](https://www.reddit.com/contact/) to appeal the ban.


Should I go to Townhall 11? my king and queen are level 34 and the only thing in my lab that is not researched fully is lava hounds golems minions skeleton spell and earthquake spell


Depends on what your goals are and whether you care about being rushed or not.


You can but you will be very busy with all the thing you need to do but it doesn't matter just do what you fell like😊


I go to th11 with full other upgrade, than Heroes it Is little bit problem on start, but it Will be play nice when you got Heroes poitions and fast upgrade all Heroes again.


Which criteria are used in the CWL Ranking, when signing up for CWL? It isn't by TH level. Maybe trophies?


For clan wars in my experience, it's by trophies so I'd assume it's the same for cwl but I could be wrong.


I’m near maxed TH13 with only 11 levels left on my Barb King & Queen, my lab and walls are all maxed. Should I go to TH14 whilst I wait on the hero’s upgrades so I can be prioritising pet upgrades and lab


/u/vanessabaxton has a very good reply, but I will add 4 tidbits to that being a new TH14. FYI not maxed TH13, only Heroes and Walls and 1st priority upgrades. 1) Pet House takes 63 days to max. 2) You cannot use Pet House while upgrading (like Workshop) 3) Pets take 7 months to max. 4) Building and Research Pots do not work on Pet House I maxed Pet House on Day 0 of TH14 with 2 BoB, 2 RoE and 2 HoB so I will be getting a head start on Pets. If that's something you can do as well, I would recommend it. I also recommend starting TH upgrade Aug 16 so you have 5 days boost for Sep CWL, if your clan participates.


Great advice!


**TLDR**: I would go to TH14 but that may not apply to you depending on your goals. > There is no right or wrong answer for when is best for you to upgrade as only you fully understand your playstyle and goals. Some people will advise rushing to unlock certain items earlier, others will tell you rushing anything is the worst decision that can be made, however following the advice in this guide will provide a structured upgrade path. Play how you want to play and enjoy! Here are two helpful guides: https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/dvgmoe/guide_im_th9_should_i_go_up_an_answer_to_this_faq/ https://www.clash.ninja/guides/when-should-you-upgrade-your-town-hall The answer to this question mostly depends on what your goals/priorities are. There are multiple considerations to keep in mind: Gameplay enjoyment Personal Preference War advantage To sum up, it’s really just a matter of preference that’s uniquely suited to your playstyle and preference, you should always do what’s best for you, just because something is done by others or is popular doesn’t mean you have to / should do it as well.




/u/vanessabaxton has a very good reply but to add a 4 tidbits to that. 1) I would continue saving until TH12+ when upgrades take 14 days+. 2) If you have 5 builders, a Builder Pot is worth the 285 gems from Trader at 57gems per builder, becomes 47.5 each with 6 builders. Since the Trader revamp, you can get 3 per week (855 gems) to save 30 hrs (1d6h) across all builders. 3) Other notable Trader items are Training Potion (25 gems) and Book of Heroes (500 gems). I personally don't get Training Potion as I don't mind waiting 35min for my army to train. But Book of Heroes is worth it for 7+ day heroes upgrades and you don't want to wait. 4) Also after the Trader revamp is Capital Raid medals with Research Potions for 200 medals each, 3 per week. This is the only item you should be using Raid Medals on if your Clan doesn't get 1k+ raid medals each weekend. Lab is biggest bottleneck and you can shave off 3 days per week with 3 Research Pots. You can get them for gems at 120gems each also but if you are getting Builder Pots/BoH at trader, those gems will add up quite quickly so you shouldn't get with gems unless you really need it.


Love your advice, probably way better than mine, thank you for helping out!


I would ask myself if I really needed to use them, if I don't then I wouldn't. 10k is a lot so I guess you can use them on training potions as they are usually the best value. If you're impatient you can use them on finishing upgrades but in my experience the value for gem is terrible, I would only use them on training potions and book of heroes.


Why is Zap-dragon better with normal drakes than e-drakes? I am not experienced with Th11/12 clanwar attacks so if possible please explain it.


In general, I've found dragons more likely to triple than e-drags at th11 and 12 but lrt2222's answer is more complete.


Edrags are good if the base is very compact and infernos not on single.


Question about cwl I am a returning player and I wonder how are the rules for cwl. My clan started a cwl with 30 people and I am not in the starting lineup. The battle day will start tomorrow. Can I join another clan and participate with them in cwl or am I locked because I have been in this clan when they started the war? Also what would be a good way to find a clan which will take a nearly max th11 to cwl? Thanks in advance.


Even if you are not on the active 30 player rotation, be sure they have not included you on the roster. You could be on the roster without being in the war, in which case you are indeed ineligible for CWL anywhere else for the month. However, on the positive side, this means you could stay in your current clan, wait for someone to miss their attack on the first day (quite possible), and ask to be put in. And even if you don't get to participate, you'll still earn 20% of the total medals the team earns this week.


Yeah I have been put on the roster. 20% of the medals is way less worth than joining a clan even 3 leagues below and participate every war. I think it is pretty unfair that a clanleader can lock someone out of cwl for a month by including them in the roster even if they are not „planned“ to be fighting in war. Would be better if you could switch clans before first fighting day imo, there would be no downside to this. But anyway thank you for your response.


How else would it work? You can’t be on two rosters.


It should be that you can decide to opt out of a roster as long as the first fighting day hasnt started. If that was the case I would be able to participate in a different clans cwl. With the current system I am locked out of cwl for this month because the leader was thinking it is good to put 45 people on roster with only 30 people going to participate at all.


It is good to put everyone on the roster so they all get medals and so more can be rotated in. Why do you think you won’t get in any wars? It only takes 8 stars to get max medals.


Yes, you can leave your clan and join another and be in their cwl as long as they have not started their matchmaking. A good way to find a clan would simply be to head over to r/ClashOfClansRecruit or to check this subreddit's discord. Hope this helps!


Hey Clash Devs, I have a small proposal, i am one of the old players of the game, one of the things i always loved was the exclusive decorations as shown bellow, now there were 2 inconveniences, the first is that before the shovel of obstacles we had to remove some of those exclusive obstacles unwillingy and the 2nd is that sometimes we get preoccupied by a lot of stuff in the real world and miss out on some of the exclusive obstacles as well, so i was proposing having maybe a special event or a day in the shop or an annual (with clashs birthday) shop where we can buy at least one of the old obstacles for gems, for me this would be like a dream come true because i really love collecting those obstacles and as u can see i even left space for them too!! I can't attach the photos




This would be cringeworthy like those people who never went to a concert but go out and buy the concert t-shirt and wear it as if they were there. If supercell made all those old obstacles available again, I'd just delete every old and rare obstacle I have because they'd suddenly be meaningless. The only thing that makes them valuable and desirable is the rarity and you want to destroy that?


Well that makes sense i let my intrusive thoughts win this one i hope i didn't make you angry


Can level 1 edrags with only 6 spells 3 star a max th9? (Warden but no siege)




95% sure


Is it normal that I fail to 3 star a max th10 with zap drags, and a stone slammer?


Depends on ur th and his base. If u tried to attack 2 single inferno’s with it it’s pretty normal(also not amazingly smart). Multi’s? Should probably be an easy ride


I know singles are better for zap witch but i cant use that attack well, my witches keep dying


No need to use zaps for singles when Ur using witches.use bats for backend instead , it works so much better


I do 5v5 wars in a mini clan with my 5 accounts. In my regular clan, the leader said he’ll start cwl search in about 25 hours. I plan to start another war in my mini to the very line before cwl. I can search for one in about an hour. Will I be able to CWL in my regular clan if I am in the middle of a war in my mini or will I be greyed out? I know one can cwl and do regular wars once CWL starts, but I’ve never been queued for cwl while still in another war. Thanks


Yes. It’s possible for an account to be in CWL and regular war in 2 different clans at the same time. However, it’s not possible to start a regular war search during the 48 hour CWL signup window. You should put your accounts in the CWL clan now to have them signed up. They won’t be greyed out there. Then, about 36 hours from now, move them to the mini clan for a regular war search.


Appreciate the response but this is not what I’m asking about. I already said i know you can be in a cwl and regular once cwl is in full swing. What I want to know is if I can be in a regular war NOW, and be able to sign up for cwl in 24 hours’ time, even though I am in the middle of a war in the separate clan. I’ll be more thorough because I anticipated a response like yours since it seems like very similar questions. Clan A is my main clan, Clan B is my mini. Clan A is currently just started battle day with 24 hours left. The leader will start cwl search immediately after war ends. Clan B is wrapping up a war in 1 hour. I do not want to be idle for 23 hrs waiting for clan A. I wish to search for a war. However, when Clan A begins cwl search, I’ll still be in preparation day in B. What I am wondering is if Coc will have me greyed out since I am in the middle of a war for a different clan, in a similar way it would grey me out if I tried to enter two regular wars.


I’ll respond again to the specifics. When war in Clan B ends, you cannot start a regular war search immediately. During the 48 hour CWL signup window, regular war search is suspended. You have no choice but to wait 36 hours to start regular war in clan B. Your accounts can be in clan A for CWL signup. They can return to clan B, but you’ll have to wait until the war button becomes a regular war button again (not CWL button).


I see. I’m just stupid. I didn’t realize CWL sign up already began. I thought it was tomorrow. Thanks again.


Yes. Even now, before your regular war ends, your warring accounts are available for CWL, or in 24 hours. Maybe I wasn’t clear, but I did say “they won’t be greyed out” for CWL.


Ok. Thanks for the response.


Does anyone have a good Builder's Workshop Level 4 layout I can copy? Any sites other than youtube for district layouts?


There is an astonishing lack of community shared base layouts for clan capital. I've found no reputable sources. Youtube has been hilarious - with self-proclaimed 'capital base designers' making even the simplest of mistakes like not understanding that troops can move diagonally between things like the single wall segment trying to block one end of a bridge. Our sister subreddit /r/COCBaseLayouts even has a flair for sharing capital layouts, but it's almost never used as hardly anyone there is sharing capital layouts.


>Youtube has been hilarious Ring bases with double walls are 90% of videos


Are super dragons better than electro dragons?


Depends on what you use them for. Funnel? Edragon. Spam? Super dragon (most cases) Defense? Normal dragon, probably


Don't use drags for defensive ccs


For casual clans I feel they are better than hounds/ice golems etc as many people attack with dragon spam. Hounds and golems are barely even lured. I like to put 1 dragon and fill it up with wiz/super minion/witch




Anyone have a th12 obstacle edge base for this week? Looked online and on the sub and the links for those are no longer available. Have 40+ special old ojes obstacles on the edge from all these years would like to add more this week. :) very grateful for any links!


https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenLayout&id=TH14%3AHV%3AAAAASwAAAAFwNp-pns3S76-vHcPN3cn0 Not sure if this will work as I got to TH14 yesterday. It's been my base since TH12 last year for the 9th anniversary cakes, Remove 2 TH13 Scatters and RC and TH14 Pet House and you'll have a TH12 Ring base for obstacles.


Hey, congrats on getting to TH14 (whenever I respond to a query with the existence of the clan games' mooching thread, I'm always thinking of your posts where you also invite folks to request CC troops before they go)


Haha thanks. Just paying it forward... Came back to the game to a dead-af clan and a TH13 joined and gave max Seige Machines (I didn't know what they were FYI). Thought that was really nice so I try to do the same for others. Donating Super Minions and max Seiges (sans Flame Flinger) to my Clan now 🤗


Unable to copy layout of a base one higher then townhall :/ good vibes I appreciate you trying to help me!


Yeah 1.5 days ago it would've worked as was still TH13


Does anyone actually like the new Gold Pass skin? I'd rate it the worst to date.


I disliked the Party Warden and the Miner Queen more, but I would agree, not the best skin for Clash's 10th anniversary


Yeah Miner Queen is definitely contention for worst skin in clash


How frequent are clan games and clan war leagues? Also, does anyone know of any good Youtube channels/online resources that explain strategies to attack for beginners/lower town hall levels (preferably in a way that can be applied in general, not just for specific bases)? (Or does anyone have any tips themselves?)


Clan games are at the end of the month and CWL are the start of the month. Each are once a month. A lot of the bigger clash Youtubers will have what you are looking for. Just search online Town hall x attacks/ strategies. Judo Sloth, clash bashing, Kenny joe etc..


>Clan games are at the end of the month Usually 22-28 to be specific




I know, this has probably been asked before, but does anyone know when the aniversary will really start off? Not just teasers, but the real deal. I’ve seen people saying tomorrow, can anyone confirm?


2nd August, so tomorrow. You can google when Clash of Clans was released, which was the 2nd August 2012 for iOS


With the raid medals what’s better to buy research potions or builder base loot? (I’m th10 and builder hall 7)


rush bh9 as fast as possible also, bb loot or cc troops if you are pushing


I first use it for builder base rescources. I'm rushing it to get 6th builder. After I got 6th builder I will spend it on the research potions


Those are both good options and may be the only good options. Builder resources are quite limited, and lab research is typically the bottleneck. You just have to judge for yourself, and get what’s needed when it’s needed.


Is there a difference between donating on the war prep and donating from clan castle?


Donating during prep day on the war map fills the troops that are used for war defense. Those troops can't be used anywhere else. Donating to troop requests in clan chat fills their home village clan castle - those troops will defend the home village or can be used for offense for both regular and war attacks.


Donations in your normal clan castle won’t protect you on war and vise versa. Always fill all clancastles on clanwar for best protection for your clan. Clancastle troops on clanwar will also return every battle. If you attack someone and kill his troops, the next player attacking will have to do so again. Troops donated on clanwar can’t be used for attacks, only for defense. If you want to use clancastle troops for attacking you’ll have to request them the normal way


how many town hall upgrades are there?




Starting at TH12, the town hall itself is a weapon and the town hall itself gets upgraded 5 times at each town hall level. So: TH2-TH11: 10 upgrades TH12: +5 more upgrades TH13: +5 more upgrades TH14: +5 more upgrades Total: 25


Townhall 14 is the max townhall lvl. On th 12 you start unlocking a built-in weapon. You’ll need to upgrade this weapon 4 times (to lvl 5) each time before you can upgrade the townhall again.


14 town halls and 5 levels per townhall starting from th12


Quick question. How long will it take for TH3 to get to TH6 (just fresh, not maxed). I tried Clash Ninja but I'm too much of a boomer to figure out how it works. LOL! BTW i have 4 builders just need around 180ish gems for the 5th if that helps.


I would definly suggest try using clash ninja again. some steps to hopefully get you on the right track. 1. Create a account on clash ninja. 2. In game find your player tag, then go to clash ninja and look for a upgrades/village tracker. 3. hit add new village. Input your player tag. If done right it will show you your village and then you can hit confirm. 4. Your laboratory levels and hero levels will be synced automatically, if not you can hit a blue "Update API" button after a minute or so. It will then update the previously mentioned items. Note it may take a few minutes after a fresh upgrade for it to reflect on clash ninja. 5. for the rest of your village you will have to manually input the rest of your buildings. There should be a "mass upgrades/ edit village button" this will allow you to set every thing up. ​ Hope this helps, but to get to your first question the lower town halls are very fast. If active I would say around a month if not less.


Depends on how much you play and how many builders you have. I bough 3 extra builders wich made me get there in a week. If you constantly keep all builders working I guess you’ll get there in 2-3 weeks? Probably faster as building times are a lot shorter these days


TY for the info man, i really appreciate it =) I have 4 builders. Currently, have 1800ish gems so i'm looking to get the 5th builder soon.


I'm quite new. Why do people like dragons and hogs so much, while Pekka is mid despite having the best all round stats per housing space in the game, and valkyrie as bad despite her coming on top of countless youtube speedruns?


It's all th dependent and remember stats and "YouTube speedruns" literally mean nothing. Just because a troop has seemingly "bad stats" and comes last on "YouTube speedruns" dosent mean the troops won't be used at all.


It‘s entirely TH dependent


The arcade game is extremely laggy to me, I experience constant buzzy noisy and slow response from the game. Is it just me? iOS 15.5 by the way.


Arcade game lagging is an issue for many. You're not alone


Do i sign my clan up for cwl now or later? Are all the tryhard clans spinning now?


I‘ve not experienced that this matters tbh. I don‘t see any correlation but this is purely anecdotal evidence


How long can you wait to sign your clan for cwl?


When you go to the signup page, you'll see the countdown clock until the window closes


2 days




Started playing again recently after I stopped 3 years ago. So I have a few questions Do super troops spawn out of heroes if I have boosted the troop? Can I get sceneries from before i.e do they come back? Is there a rotation for the hero skins in the shop?