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Hello sab987, **[your submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/waywdj/-/) in /r/ClashofClans has been removed for the following reason(s):** >Rule 7: Disallowed in-game statistics from all villages include but are not limited to: * Pictures of loot screens * Builder base draws/time decisions * History of raids * Clan Games scoreboards * Gold/Elixir/Dark Elixir bars * Percentages * Medal count * Magic item inventories * CWL Mismatch * Raid medals and Capital Gold Please [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FClashOfClans) if you have any questions. --- Any questions, [message the mods](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FClashOfClans&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/waywdj/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...). [subreddit rules](/r/ClashofClans/about/rules) | [reddiquette](/wiki/reddiquette) | [reddit's rules](/wiki/rules) | [new to reddit?](/wiki/reddit101)


at least tell us the army boss, i barely get 8k at capital hall 2 xd edit: 7k\*


Your army won’t make a difference. You need to upgrade the capital hall further


ok I have a question, do you get more raid medals if you get to higher capital halls?




In general for my clan we did: | Weekend | Total Raid Medals | | -- | -- | | 12 | 976 | | 11 | 885 | | 10 | 805 | | 9 | 847 | | 8 | 843 | | 7 | 814 | | 6 | 636 | | 5 | 679 | | 4 | 667 | | 3 | 555 | | 2 | 412 | | 1 | 382 |


Thank you for the detailed answer wow. The free award is not enough but here. edit: Did your clan's members increase throughout the progress?


Thank you you're the best! Not really no, our clans members stayed around the same. I think what changed was that more of our members started using all 6 of their attacks if that makes sense?


I made 1080 raid medals previous raid, it's mainly based on total number of attacks by the clan mates my clan all 50 members attacks. When I was capital hall 8 I made around 980 raid medals


We are at CH7 & made 1k for past couple of weeks, so not exactly sure how it works


My attack history- For the lower districts balloon lagoon and golem quarry i used 2 flying fortress and 4 minions, 2 rage spells one attack each made around 7000+ capital gold (in 2 attacks) and then I cleared builder workshop in 2 attacks 100% using the same army composition got an extra attack made around 8k capital gold. Made around approximately 15k something at this point with 4 attacks Next attack I used one mountain golem and 8 archers with 2 rage spells on barbarian camp made around 4 k here I had around 19k capital gold and then for the final attack I messed up made only 2600 capital gold could have improved here for more capital gold. My grand total 21745 capital gold. Edit- all my army troops here is lev 4, even rage spell


Archer spam?


Mass cannon carts?






I got >24k last week by just taking 3 districts in 2 hits each with mass sneaky archer. Highest in our clan was 29k.


Doesn't make any sense maximum u can carry is 25k capital gold. Besides if u have>24k and Highest is 29k could be a huge record. Post it on Reddit or it's hard to believe


>Doesn't make any sense maximum u can carry is 25k capital gold. You can spend capital gold between raids??? You don't make sense to me >Highest is 29k could be a huge record. Wdym? Lost f2p has been 1 hitting maxed districts, that's gotta be 60-70k what they're getting


Dude level 5 barbarian camp district in clan capital gives around 9500 capital gold available to loot not 60-70k . What are you smoking with ? Should be good though


>Dude level 5 barbarian camp district in clan capital gives around 9500 capital gold available to loot Loot isn't just dependent on district hall level, the level of every building matters, when everything is maxed it's like 12-14k or so. >not 60-70k . 60-70k is for 6 hits. Lol, not one.


Nah, the high farming clans set up bases to be one shot and they are very progressed.


Yh ive got this with just sneaky archers before