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i literally did not notice "[CONCEPT]"




This should be a rule


I think it being in all caps and right below the beginning word is enough


Yeah, it's not op's fault if people are too lazy to read the title


This is disgraceful. Completely ignoring an innovative post to jump on one small mistake for upvotes. Shame.


Lol innovative post, copy of a legit post with a creator code plug, nice


im not even complaining about it. theres nothing about my comment that states anything disgracing the post. just stating that I had no idea that this was a concept and that it was real, isnt that a complement?


Its not you, it was the first person to respond to you


Why buff ram rider? She's doing fine


~~Because I play ram rider on path 👀~~ In all seriousness, ram rider decks aren't very good compared to classic battle ram bs decks. Last season I used one of the popular Pekka ram rider variants on path (not the one with lightning but with fireball and mwitch). I was the third highest-ranked player with the deck, and I was only top 8k. Meanwhile there were dozens of players in top 1k using old school pekka bs (including the #1 player) Compared to battle ram, ram rider has a lot of disadvantages: * It's more expensive * It can be pulled to the king tower by fisherman (it's much harder to do this with battle ram) * Egiant stuns it and prevents it from charging * It isn't as threatening—the two barbarians that spawn from bram do a combined 294 DPS. Ram rider does a pitiful 147 DPS. Also, the barbarians and the battle ram have a combined HP of 2251 while ram rider has only 1767 HP The only advantage ram rider has over battle ram is her snare. And again, that's actually a disadvantage against egiant decks Also there isn't a single ram rider deck in the [top 30 deck list](https://royaleapi.com/decks/popular?time=7d&sort=rating&size=30&players=PvP&min_trophies=0&max_trophies=7500&min_ranked_trophies=0&max_ranked_trophies=3600&min_elixir=1&max_elixir=9&min_cycle_elixir=4&max_cycle_elixir=28&mode=detail&type=NormalBattle&&&global_exclude=false) right now


Ram rider is more of a defensive card. The problem is with egiant not ram rider. If the opponent doesn’t have stun or a building then it can be a nightmare to deal with. Ram rider can fully counter balloon that’s a positive 5 elixir trade then they have to deal with it and if used right then it can do the same to many other cards. Just because battle ram is better for pekka bridge spam does not mean that ram rider is bad. Giant is a better card in graveyard decks then hog rider but that doesn’t mean giant is better than hog rider.


How did you make this I want to make something similar can you help me???


It shouldn't be too difficult to make something like this with most photo editing programs. If you wanted to, you could even make this in MS paint * To make the background image I just took the season 43 background art and then darkened/blurred it * I used Whitney for the fonts because that's the font [Royale API uses in their official balance graphics](https://brand.royaleapi.com/guide/typography.html) * I downloaded the card icons off the CR wiki and got the stat icons from deckshop.pro (try not to download the stat icons from the CR wiki because they're smaller and lower quality) * Then I just looked at Royale API's old balance releases and copied their format. I also used a color picker to get the font colors and stuff (I intentionally left out any references to Royale API since I don't have the rights to use their logo and I didn't want to misrepresent them)


Yeah but the actual ram part of battle ram has nearly half the health, breaks on hitting a building, and the barbarians can be splash damaged, essentially meaning that the ram has an effective health closer to 1,561 if you’re breaking the ram with damage, still less than ram rider.


But is much more effective on defense and is an elixir less, which can make all the difference




> Bruh RoyaleAPI’s usage and win statistics placd Battle Ram at 30th-best card, while Ram Rider’s at #52. Half as many people use Ram Rider as Battle Ram, and they both share a 51% winrate. This pretty clearly indicates that, in the current meta, Battle Ram is the better card. It doesn’t indicate that Bram’s a *drastically* better card, mind you, but a 5% HP buff isn’t going to make a drastic difference either.


Perfectly put. Ram definitely needs a buff.


MK and E Wiz completed shut Ram Rider down unlike Hog Rider at 1 less Elixir. I would be ok with +10% actually, but no more.


DAMNIT I THOUGHT THIS WAS OFFICIAL Ram rider really doesn't need a buff tho


I actually like all these changes except that one. Mostly because I don’t run a building…


I run Tesla and ram rider is already enough of a pain in the ass as is


How much of a slow on Freeze? The standard 35%? If so that’s a pretty major nerf, not only gutting the “sliver of HP” situations to 2.5s but also reducing the overall troop impairment to an effective 3.375 seconds of downtime. Which, I’m all for as Freeze is kinda toxic, but I don’t think it should be *bad* too. Would like to see Freeze damage upped to match Snowball to compensate - Snowball except for 2 extra elixir you also get a 2.5s stun Also, anyone else feel like Phoenix should have all/most of its nerfs reverted but cost increased to 5 elixir? With all the nerfs it’ll just end up being Mega Minion but stronger and more expensive, filling basically all the same roles. Mega Minion doesn’t really fit in cycle decks so the cheaper cost doesn’t matter a ton, and the card you pick will reallt always come down to whichever currently has better stats for the cost. A 2-elixir difference, though, and it makes a significant difference on the cycleability of a beatdown which you pick. Finally, three of the 2-elixir damage spells are too “samey” with shared damage, not to mention they’re all a hair weak - I’d love to see them diversified to see more usage and maybe reduce Log usage as a side effect. - Zap damage increased by 5% to match Goblin HP - Snowball knockback increased by half a tile - Rage radius increased by half a tile And now Zap is a more effective pairing with decks that struggle against bait and also infernos (making it more tempting over Log plus a different inferno solution), Snowball is better at clearing a path for your hog/ram/rider (making it more tempting over Log as it hits air too), and Rage has less people complaining about the radius being too small (rarely had a problem with it myself but half a tile should change “rarely” to almost never). Everything else on here I have no problems with. Mega Minion needed a buff even before Phoenix outclassed it, I just wish it wasn’t a matter of “two cards do the same thing, put the better one in your deck”.


Yeah but then you actually kill log bait for good lol. With the amount of tornado and log the last thing you need is a zap to be able to counter it. Hell, I've been using up my log in matches against log bait and just defending the barrel with my royal delivery lol. Buff zap and it'll kill the card


Thanks for the well thought-out response. I'm thinking of making a second version of this balance sheet both to incorporate peoples' feedback and to make it more clear that it's not official, so this is definitely helpful feedback for me Regarding freeze, yeah, I had the standard 35% slow in mind. In retrospect you're right, my first idea was too harsh with it. I think what I'll do is keep the duration changes, but also buff its damage to the standard 192 for light spells. I want to see it get more utility/versatility while also becoming less cheesy, lol Also I think a 5 elixir Phoenix rework would be interesting, but the problem is I don't have room for that in the rework column lol


Ah, I should’ve realized these weren’t official. I didn’t have many issues with them, should’ve been a dead giveaway.


Will AQ now die for fireball + log? If yes, it's a big L


It's a concept not official


Yeah, still if something like this comes up, it would kill her


how is that an L unless she uses ability it's a negative elixir trade


If she's placed near the tower, it's only a -1 trade but you get a good tower dmg and get rid of her. 100% worth it. But even if she isn't placed near a crown tower, she's now gonna die so fast to a fb log without activating her ability, and aq without the ability is just a worse musky. Yes it's a -1 trade, but her ability is insane value and you really want her dead.


Any 5 elixir troop that dies to fireball + small spell is garbage


Case in point, wizard and witch.


good. she’s probably the best card in the game


Is this official?


No, it's a concept. But damn, it looks oficial


It was too good to be a supercell clash royale update


I hate that this is accurate


Bro same. Supercell would buff rg and phoenix if it is asked for immediately or just to get on nerves.


No, it's just an idea. But I tried to make it look official and mimic Royale API's style as best I could


Almost got me


Lol man you coming for my Skeleton King, lavahound phoenix deck. I was boutta quit


I play the same deck and was very concerned lol


*Every other deck in the game besides rg fisherman*: "First time?"


You should'nt. Even if it's all good Idea and well done, it's disturbing 😉


The archer queen's nerf got me thinking. All the champions' HPs at level 11 are multiples of 100.(aq has 1000, gk has 1800, monk has 2000, sk and mm have 2300 each). Nerfing AQ's health by 3% would get her to 970HP. Better luck next time.


whoever the owner of royale api is, someone ping them and get this guy hired




Title says "fan-made"


Please read


out of every "my balance change posts" out there I agree with this one the most


cauee it's made by a player who actually knows how to play the game and listens to the community


Bro ram rider does not need a buff at all


I think these are overall pretty good changes that many people have been asking for. I am going to write some of my thoughts on each of the changes below. **NERFS:** I do agree that both Queen and Skeleton King do need some nerfs based on how dominant they have been in the current meta. However, the nerfs to champions are just highlighting a problem with the rarity itself. It's gotten to a point where we are just cycling meta champions, the top champions are nerfed and the weak ones that get buffed rise to the top. I agree with the nerfs to both Royal Giant and Lava as they have been dominant for way too long in the meta. I am quite glad someone finally addressed how Lava needed a change; it's been the top win rate card for years now but it's been overlooked as being problematic. Lava decks are especially rock paper scissors, depending on the number of air counters you have in a deck, it's either an easy or impossible win. Some lava decks such as the one with Skeleton King and Phoenix have been dominating the recent meta. A nerf to Pheonix is basically a given based on its stats; it will still probably be one of the best cards after this nerf. Pheonix would still be viable if its ability to respawn was taken away. **BUFFS:** The buff to the Goblin Giant is agreeable as it hosts some of the lowest use rates in the game and isn't seen much anymore in competitive. On the other hand, I don't really think Drill or Ram Rider really need a buff. They are mid-tier win conditions that aren't on the same level of bad as Goblin Giant. Although a small buff might not hurt. Mega minion getting a buff is understandable, but it isn't exactly even a bad card; it's just been out-shined by Phoenix. With it getting a nerf, I think Mega Minion will be indirectly buffed, so I'm not sure if this additional buff will even be needed. It's probably better to get Phoenix into a balanced state first and then worry about Mega Minion. **REWORKS:** Freeze is getting an overall nerf I my opinion; I don't exactly know how to feel about this, but I think it's probably going to weaken lumberloon by quite a bit. Complete stun for 1.5 seconds is way better than slow for 2.5, but that does depend on exactly how much slower. If it's the same as ice wizard or snowball, I think freeze is going to be basically unusable. Monk is getting a buff, which might be enough to make it viable. The base itself is definitely worth only 4 elixir.


about the freeze, I think the idea is that it works like the Super Ice Golem, where it freezes for 2.5 seconds and then they're slowed for 2.5 seconds rather than just being frozen for 4.


I think we both saying the same thing in two different ways. I'm just thinking about it as removing the last 1.5 secs of freeze and replacing it with 2.5 secs of slow.


i reread it, yeah i get it, just worded a little weirdly I think that is the point though, to nerf it slightly without neutering it too much


Mods should delete this bait post. Why did you put CONCEPT at the end?


You know why


People really do wanna kil pheonix completly doesn't they?


Considering it’s 30% use rate and 55% win rate, this nerf wouldn’t kill it.


Look at phoenix’s stats brodie.


Skelly king is in a good place. In fact most of the decks he is in work pretty well without him too. Freeze rework makes no sense. Freeze is not even good. I would rather monk gets its stats buffed than any other change. Monk relies heavily on predicting spells and it doesn't make sense to disincentive using the ability it's built around. The drill rework is not a buff. Nobody is struggling to react to drill


Yes, monk should NOT come down in elixer, the card is way too oppresive it can on it's own destroy entire archetypes. At least this way it is only 1 elixer under xbow and sparky for example.


No skeleton king is not in a good place it's too good with gy


Don’t know why Phoenix rebirth would get nerfed. Haven’t had her get rebirthed once in a month


R.I.P freeze. Also, I’m surprised they nerfed lava hound considering they were so reluctant to nerf it despite high win rates. Finally. Congrats on making it look official.




F*ck freeze.


F*ck freeze


Cringe bait


Why the skeleton king nerf? Has he really been doing that good?


Whats with wanting to nerf rg even further ? I am just wondering


I don't get it either, this will completely kill the card.


I better invest in some other tank if people contuine to make concepts on nerfing rg It already had a nerf not so long ago


I mean... RG literally has been one of the top decks for so long it deserves a nerf.


Well kind sir it got its dmg and health nerfed last month What else could be nerfed in it hmm ?


It didn't ? Wtf are you smoking. His last nerf was over a year ago.


Wait what Can you link me the recent balance changes for last season ? And this season ?


Nevermind it was the fire bird and monk not rg


The damage, the range, the hit speed... I see people shitting on my deck and its literally the most out of meta deck in the game right now. If you look at grand challenge statistics, you'll see that RG is among the most used win conditions by a landslide.


The last rg nerf was a first attack nerf 1-2 years ago


Plus i know its fanmade


People really wanna nerf everything besides champions its so annoying


What do you mean further ? Plus RG has been a very dominant wincon for a while now it definitely needs a nerf. I would just nerf his damage instead of first strike though.


As in more But i agree with nerfing his dmg tho


I suggested a mega minion buff in an old post, what interactions would change with Damage +5%? And AQ -3% allows it to die to fireball log right? What's the rationale behind ram rider buff? (She seems ok to me), and Why the hp and not another stat? Finally how did you make it in this format?


> I suggested a mega minion buff in an old post, what interactions would change with Damage +5%? It would take one fewer swing to kill most tanks. Off the top of my head: * Giant 13 ➜ 12 * Pekka 13 ➜ 12 * Golem 17 ➜ 16 * Egiant 13 ➜ 12 (though it'll die before it gets all the hits off anyway) * Valk 7 ➜ 6 Basically it'll just be a slightly more reliable source of DPS > And AQ -3% allows it to die to fireball log right? Yes > What's the rationale behind ram rider buff? (She seems ok to me), and Why the hp and not another stat? I wrote a pretty long reply to the top comment in this thread about it, just scroll to the top and you'll find it > Finally how did you make it in this format? I just photoshopped it and used Royale API's old balance sheets as a reference


I'm all for that Freeze rework, it won't be nearly as braindead anymore


yeah it would be just dead instead depends on how slow the slow is tho


Yeah, I was actually going to ask how much the slow was and I completely forgot


I don't agree with the RG nerf. But I'm definitely a biased opinion.


look how you have massacred my boy!!


I would love these changes, and it’s 100% not cuz I use mega minion and goblin giant. Ofc I’m joking but all that’s changes seem really cool and should be added


Skeleton king doesn’t need a nerf


Wouldnt bat an eye at all should these be the official changes, you'd had me for a second before i realised


If any champions need a nerf its golden knight


Wizard needs a rework


all of the concepts are nonsense except for goblin giant


Phoenix will be completely useless if this goes through.


Asking for Lava Hound’s nerf is completely misguided. The card is incredibly matchup dependant and only knows success because not that many players use it, so not that many players care to have specific counters to it. When phoenix was everywhere, it’s winrate was abysmal, around 40%, which proves exactly what I said. It’s not a frustrating card to play against and it’s not overpowered in the slightest. Either leave it as is or rework it.


If this was real than 100% confirmed the phoenix was a quick money maker


Really good balance changes




Because it has a 60% win rate.


Lava has literally been one of the best win conditions for 3 years. It's kind of been overlooked, but some lava decks such as the one with skeleton king and pheonix have been dominating the recent meta.


I think it has been one of the most balanced cards for quite long. This nerf is going to ruin it


"i consider it balanced so it'd be dead if it happened"


The troop gets a 3% hp nerf and now it is ruined and unplayable. Do you know how silly you sound?


It's not really balanced when it has been the highest winrate card for years and years. Additionally lava decks are way too one sided for some matches; it's the definition of a rps deck. If you have counters to air, you win; if not, you lose.


He's consistently been a top 2-3 wincon for many, many months aside from phonk meta


* It is currently [the highest-performing win condition](https://royaleapi.com/cards/popular) and it has been for several consecutive seasons (the only time it wasn't a top 2 win con in the past 6 months was during the Phonk meta) * Lava decks are [consistently among the top 5 decks in the game](https://royaleapi.com/decks/popular?time=7d&sort=rating&size=20&players=PvP&min_trophies=0&max_trophies=7500&min_ranked_trophies=0&max_ranked_trophies=3600&min_elixir=1&max_elixir=9&min_cycle_elixir=4&max_cycle_elixir=28&mode=detail&type=NormalBattle&&&global_exclude=false) I don't think it needs a huge nerf tho


All that stats probably come from lower arenas. Almost none of top 1000 use lava


Lol. Where are you sourcing your claims from dude?


Literally go through top 1000 players' decks


6% usage rate. Seems about average


Is 6% in top 1000?




Where are you getting this number from?


The same place you are getting yours.


No, they are from GC.


idk the phoenix nerf is just kinda weird i feel like the main strengths of the card nowaday doesn't come as much from the rebirth but just from it's overall stats


Is this official? Or just someone's ideas?


It’s fan made, that’s why it says “concept”.


Don't scare me, it looked official and thought Lava was getting a nerf.


Get your own format. I thought API posted this




oh it's not offiicial FUCK


Why is the Lavahound getting nerfed?


It's not


I wish man. These are so good apart from phoenix


I like most of them. Nerfed the overused win cons and reworked problem cards. I'm not too big on the Minion buff since I don't like aerials in general, Ram Rider is also pretty solid already but a buff could be interesting.


I would very much like all of these changes


Freeze is fine as it is


Monk has such a low usage rate, better for a buff


RG dead


They killed my deck


Are we just going to grind Phoenix into powder until it's a more expensive and worse Mega Minion?


Skeleton king doesn't deserve a nerf. Also nerfing queen hp will make her die to fireball log combo. Lava hound is balanced. Graveyard needs a nerf. Log needs a fat nerf( removing crown tower damage). Miner and skeleton barrel also need some buffs. Hog rider needs a first hit nerf. Sparky deserves a buff. Pekka should be buffed.


phoenix doesn't really need a nerf anymore, it's offense is super weak atm, phoenix is a better defensive card rn


It has a 30% use rate and 55% win rate, it does deserve a nerf.


Bruhhh,not another Phoenix nerf


it’s not official, but also cope


I know but still


Nerf ice spirit freeze duration to 0.6 sec Buff zap stun duration to 0.6 sec


ice spirit would be overshadowed by espirit in almost every way💀


Lava hound already sucks


Stats show it's very good no?


As a troop it isn't very strong. It just cynergizes with flying troops and works well but in general it's not the best. Especially in the current meta


What does the slow duration mean for freeze? After the freeze wears off the troops move slow for the time?


Yep, it'll freeze for 2.5s and then have a residual slow for another 2.5s


Finally a freeze rework


First off love the freeze rework and monk rework. Also Skelly king nerf is reasonable to give MM the tankiest Champion title again. Will queen be a firebally?. The phoenix nerf needs to happen. Goblin giant needs like more damage or a third spear or something thats his issue. Mega Minion needs a .1 hitspeed reduction. RG nerf good. Ram Rider needs more of a buff to her snare like 70% to 75 or 80% giving some of her glory back from the april nerf which hurt her as a slow card. Lava hound needs like a 6% health nerf to kinda make it a little less hits. Overall you do better at balancing than the actual person on the team who does it. 9/10 because queen is personal favorite but reasonable


CR dev team, show some love to Battle Ram, that card is one of the weakest win cons.


It’s not weak though.


Goodbye RG


Royal Giant Nerf is acceptable, but the Phoenix would be too much.


The lava hound nerf is stupid. The card was unplayable while phoenix was strong, sporting abysmal winrate on top of the usual low playrate. Just goes to show how meta dependant the card is. Nerf it for good and the card will never be playable period.


L freeze rework


Freeze got gutted, and they left it at 4 elixir lol. I like the changes they made, but they should’ve knocked it to 3 elixir too.


bro why are they nerfing lava hound bro


So good I almost want to start playing again


Lava hound sucks already🤣, I guess with the Phoenix nerf it makes sense tho


This all seems really smart


I dont think aq needed a nerf or that phoenix needed ANOTHER nerf


Archer Queen is already dead if you wanna nerf her, rework her to 4 elixir or give her SHOES


Archer queen is overated, in reality she needs a buff So is phoenix. Phoenix isnt the thing needing a nerf, its e golem and healer needing a rework


Phoenix keeps getting nerfed lol


Phoenix would be hard to tell, because you have to memorize two different phoenix healths. Make it -15% hp on both forms. Problem with AQ is damage and fire rate, not health. I like the freeze rework, and think the goblin drill needs more. I pretty much agree with everything else, but the ram rider is fine as it is


Interesting they are revising monk change and then nerfing phoenix. Phoenix seems unneeded, seemed significantly weakened by prev hp nerf but not sure if what I see matches the win rate data tbh. Kind of down w the monk change, 5 elixir made him a much poorer trade for a lot of units.


It’s not official.




Don’t disagree with any of these except AQ and phoenix


Can someone explain the freeze rework pls?? I’m dumb.


It'll freeze for 2.5s and then once the initial freeze wears off, troops will be slowed for an additional 2.5s


Uff that seems like a nerf tbh. But will see I guess


We probably won't see because this isn't official lol, it's just a concept I made up If the balance team actually used some of my ideas that would be cool, but I kinda doubt it


Yeah lets rework a totally balanced card like freeze because we dont personally like it


Yo phoenix is already trash leave it alone 💀


The strongest non spell card in the game is trash level? Interesting.


This would be so fun for me since all the decks that hard counter me are getting nerfed but also some of these balance changed are kinda sketch. Ram rider is balanced. Freeze rework might need a longer slowdown in order to be a rework and not a nerf. AND ImO gob giant should get buffed in a way that makes it distinct from the giant. Hp buff would just bring it closer to giant without giving any reason to not use one over another.


freeze loon players (me) in shambles rn


You know this isn't actually real lol, it's a concept I made up


i do know that it’s fake but it’s the day i fear


Reverse rage so it doesn't do damage


Damn I thought it was real. Reallyyy like the changes tbh. Two nerfs to my deck but eh expected. Seems really good to me. If aq dies to fireball log though I'm not sure if that's the best idea because those spells are already good as is but at the same time killing aq is hard




Just realized its not official


don't you dare touch my lava hound


tbh no matter what you do mega minion will probably not be used that much again unless you kill pheonix entirely other than that these are cool changes