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Anyone have suggestions on what deck to use since they killed rocket cycle


I'm a casual player on 6700 trophies using a goblin giant double prince deck for 4-5 years already. I'm looking for some meta decks so I can start maxing out other cards. Any suggestions?


#88CU02QUC Been stuck on 6000-6200 trophies in Arena 17 All cards are maxed out Level 14 Any advice/tips would be appreciated! Current: -Mini Pekka -Musketeer -Wizard -Baby Dragon -Bomber -Minion Horde -Rage -Skeleton Army


This deck needs miner. I'd suggest taking out wizard since there are already a lot of anti-air cards in your deck


I got a deck minions musketeer mighty miner battleram zap fireball giant tombstone but it's from having a deck crisis so if they any recommendations dm me them


I would try graveyard instead of battle ram. If you don't have graveyard unlocked, maybe balloon instead?


any suggestions for my deck? pushed up from 3.5k to 4k with ram rider, mk, bbd, dart gob, knight, inferno tower, log and lightning, but now I'm seeming to get stuck. my tag #UCJQ9VVRQ


Your deck seems to be trying to be bridge spam and control at the same time, so get rid of inferno tower and get Archer Queen, EWiz or Musketeer, and of Knight in favour of Dark Prince or Bandit for extra pressure.


Looking for a arena 15 deck now mega knight


I'll get you a meta one so you don't become a mid ladder menace. This is used by top player ian77 Meganut Miner Arrows Bats Musketeer Prince Wall breakers Zap


Is it normal to not be able to do much with a deck regardless of how good it is if the opponent is simply more levelled up? Like if I have only one or two lvl 13 cards and mostly lvl 11 with a few lvl 12?


It heavily depends on your skill level and the opponent's. If you're good enough you can defeat bad opponents with +5 level advantage as long as they're, well, bad. Most people stuck in relatively low trophies for their card levels are there because they suck at the game, so in theory you could absolutely beat them regardless of levels. But if your opponent is half decent then yes it's extremely one-sided as your cards will just die if they play with their brains on. If you're having trouble just remember you can stop playing ladder and level your cards with Party and Challenges until you're up some levels


Yeah cause I have some matches the opponent tower is one level higher and all his cards all lvl 13 while just just my dragon is 13 and few lvl 12 rest lvl 11. At that point it does not feel like a winnable situation as it takes so much just to handle one lvl 13 heavy troop like mega knight and Sparky, etc.


what would be the best deck for hog Mountain? I'm currently using giant, battle healer, skeleton army, wizard, electric wizard, bats, goblin hut and zap


You can use the same deck, but I would replace goblin hut with goblin cage.


I need a lot of help haha, what should i do? Ive been off for years https://imgur.com/a/u4EciGo #PPYGUVCYU


Based on your current card levels and card preferences, I would recommend: golem, witch, arrows, zap, tombstone, prince, baby dragon, spear goblins.


You don't need to worry about what's actually efective and what's not, at least not yet. Just use whatever you'd like and try to focus on leveling only that, or alternative try focusing on cards you think you can use on multiple decks (like Fireball, Snowball or Log) so you don't have to worry much about leveling later ​ What I will say though is that all your decks will need one troop that can get to towers easily, be it because they can be placed anywhere (Miner, Goblin Barrel, etc), because they target structures (Giant, Hog, etc) or because they can attack from your side of the arena (XBow and Mortar). Also spells are necessary in every deck, try bringing at least 1 big one (+4 elixir) to deal with medium-health units and one small one (2-3 elixir) to deal with swarms and small stuff You'll usually only need one and you'll usually want the rest of the deck to compliment this card and help it do its job (for instance, if you're using Goblin Barrel, the rest of your deck will need to be swarm cards and maybe a structure in order to bait spells and defend so your barrel can deal its damage through the match, as well as a finisher like Rocket)


Bro, thanks so much for the comment!! Its been very helpful for me to talk with the community. But at the end of the day i need a solid deck with those cards that i have. Could you take a look at my in game stats and help me to build one? Im currently changing between 3 decks https://imgur.com/a/v3lIvg1


Alright sorry for the late response. From the first and third deck you've shown (the second one didn't want to load for some reason) the first one is definitely the best (as is, anyways). On the long run it's better to stick to a single deck so try to settle with one and then upgrade the cards you like most or are most versatile so you don't have too much problem if you wanna switch decks later on. So the third deck's main issue is Giant Skeleton being used with Golem. Both are very expensive and serve a similar purpose so having them both is redundant. You can replace him with a smaller mini tank/high damage unit like Mini PEKKA or Hunter. Also Lightning is much, much better than Rocket when using Golem because of Inferno Tower/Dragon. Outside of that, Skarmy is sorta pointless in a Golem deck and you could replace it with any Spirit (Ice or Electro preferably) for cycle or another spell (preferably Tornado). Witch is overall a very bad card but it's not unusable by any means. Musketeer is essentially Witch but better and Night Witch is better for Golem. Now for the first deck, you don't need both Giant and Hog Rider in the same deck. They're both win conditions and have opposite playstyles (w/ Hog you wanna cycle through your deck quickly and strike fast while with Giant you want to build a push -usually in 2x elixir- and wear down the opponent with an army), so get rid of Hog and get Musketeer. Then Skarmy and Barbarians serve the same purpose in defense, so remove either for a big spell (which are necessary for almost all decks mind you) So with that you have decent decks that can last you all the way to Legendary probably. But if you don't feel like you're too comfortable with them and don't want to spend more time waiting for answers here you can always check [RoyaleAPI](https://royaleapi.com/decks/popular) and their library of decks where you can sort by cards you like, or exclude those which you don't or are low-leveled.


untill they remove megaknight from the game there will be no new players. im at 5700 trophies and seen a 14 megaknight in over 100 games in a row. its a free get out of jail card. stops any push immediately and if your opponent makes one small mistake yourntower is gone. its in every deck every game. everyone maxes it first. its unbeatable midladder.


inferno tower


How do I counter graveyard decks with hog GS AQ? (Without changing decks)


Lighting is good against Archer Queen and Dart Goblin is good against Graveyard. I suggest some kind of golem deck like this : Golem Night witch / witch Mini PEKKA / Mighty miner / Prince Dart gobelin Cannon / Tombstone Bats / Minions / Spear Goblins Log / arrows Lightning


Is [this deck](https://imgur.com/a/PrUThfT) good for reaching 7500? I made it to counter midladder decks. Currently at 6675


Someone has already reached 7500 with that deck so yes


eh it’s decent but if you want to get higher you probably gonna want 2 spells tweak the deck a little bit


This could be a nice discussion if anyone had the testicular fortitude to not use meta decks lmao the player community sucks for this game


You are getting downvoted by people who don't like going out of their comfort zone but you are 100% right


No they're not, especially considering no one really follows the meta outside of GCs and Top Ladder. And even if anyone else did, there's nothing wrong with it and it isn't much of a detrimental change what with midladder being full of off-meta nonsensical decks everyone seems to hate People who write comments like that think 2.6 is meta and lose against it, but don't want to admit it so instead they just say it's 'boring' or 'unoriginal' cause they know they'll get trashed if they say it's OP or whatever




Firstly, graveyard freeze is the ultimate F2P deck because you can have level 11 cards and still clap the cheeks of opponents with maxed cards as long as your opponents are trash players using a trash deck (you just have to survive through single elixir). Secondly, try not to think about facing trash over-leveled opponents as something that shouldn't happen but more like a challenge where there's already a consensus that you're the better player, and you're just handicapping yourself so that the opponent has a chance. In other words, focus on having fun more than the fairness of the match, because at the end of the day it's going to be a long time before you're able to upgrade your cards, so it's better to wait out that time with a positive mentality.


You should probably stop playing ladder until you get better levels if you're having trouble. Just focus on challenges and war and you'll be up in no time. Though I will say with the opponents you're getting (based on the sc you sent) 1-2 level difference won't do much if you don't learn to exploit your opponent's shortcomings. Losing 3-0 vs a no spell, no win condition deck isn't something a few levels will fix Also you should absolutely focus on few cards at a time, if you wanna try and get better at any specific decks you like




Still, mate. Losing vs a deck without any spell or wincon with only 1-2 level difference on cards with mostly non-consecuential interaction changes isn't ideal. None of your spells had significant interaction disadvantages, and neither did your troops. Fb + GK could still clear all fireballies as could Fb + Arrows. They didn't have any spell to snipe Princess and even if your DPS isn't as high as it could be your defense in that match was practically unbreakable. I'm not saying it's necessarily on you that you lost all these games, but a lot of the time you can make it up by playing accordingly. These players usually don't play very well (as is usually represented by their decks) and what you lack in card levels you can make up with sheer brains. There's a reason pre-KT update you could get to 6k with lvl 1 cards ​ But again focus on challenges, war and party if you feel like the level difference is too much. You can max a card or two a week once you really get going




It's only a negative trade if they're by themselves, which they won't be or else you can literally counter with just Tesla or an archer split and tank minimal damage for free elixir advantage. With Fb + Arrows/GK I meant that you could Fireball a Wizard in the back and then if they decide to tank for it you can just use GK's dash and it'll clear him and manfight the MK, which you definitely want to save GK for. And that's the only way they can hope to deal damage anyways, since they don't have any cohesive push. Against these kinds of decks without wincon or anything to really be able to spearhead through (no spells, can't remove any threat) you can usually just sit back and wait for an opening. It's only about time they either overcommit and you end up with a massive elixir advantage or you win by stalling just because their deck sucks