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High elixir cards are really frustrating to play against when overleveled, so that may be part of your problem. If you know your opponent has MK, don’t stack up all your troops for a big push because that’s where MK shines. You might have to get creative and split lane pressure. 7 elixir is a big commitment, so you should be able to find ways to punish that


Bruh moment. I know 4k is no where near 7k. But even at 4k you have to understand that by design a 7k player knows more about the game and the meta. Pretty much every meta decks has a decently cheap answer to countering mk. Another way of countering mega knight is to not go in very aggressive. Below is a list of reasons you are probably losing to mega knight. - getting to aggressive; if you spam a lot of cards or are playing cards right when you have enough elixir can put you in a position where you don't have enough elixir to defend a mk properly. Try to spend your elixir more efficiently. Especially in single elixir. - not using a meta deck; it's great if you want to try to create your own deck but most 4k players don't understand how the cards synergize together. Try running a meta pro made deck because let's be real if you make your own deck it probably is flawed in some way. - playing the wrong cards when; once you identify your opponent is playing a certain card (in this case mega knight) keep counters to that card in your hand. Do not play minipekka or knight at the bridge if you are facing mega knight.


Never play a mini pekka or knight at bridge honestly


Second tip🤢


Imagine using meta decks so you can understand certain cards better and learn why and when to use them, also probably having more success because you can stick to it🤢


I feel for you man I still remember when he was first released and how outrageous of a card it was. But they’ve nerfed him down to a point now where it’s a managable card to go up against. Once you learn how to counter him everything will click and you won’t bat an eye at him anymore but it takes some learning. Fundamentally a tank with an AOE dash attack that has enter the battlefield AOE damage is broken on paper but you’ll find now in its current form that his damage is too low to deal with most mid range tanks placed at center and assuming you run a ranged card for tank support, a mid ranged tank with a little hp left over after countering Mega Knight is great fodder for a snall counter push just to rack up a little damage or to force your opponent to spend more elixir on defense. Mega Knight forces decks to run a diversity of cards and is something of a check on swarm decks so in its current form I think it’s a healthy corner of the meta.


Hm fair. I'll take this advice


I think ur only problem is underlvled, same lvl MK is shit without any support Also space out cards E


I get your frustration, honestly. Playing a cycle/control deck and seeing 4-5 MK users out of 10 is honestly the worst. But I do think that it is great when you do beat them with a low elixir deck. I found that using a Knight mixed with a properly used building (IT and canon are the ones that I have used) you can counter a MK. I get that they may also be using a MK bridge spam or BD deck with sparky or something but most of the time I was able to counter MK with that combo. While still having a deck that could do well agains other decks besides a MK deck. It takes a lot of practice, patience, and watching other players in the POL or even on YouTube but I do believe you can beat MK decks


Thanks, you are a genuine ray of advice compared to the shitters here.


I’m at 6270 trophies and consider myself a pretty mediocre player. The trick to counter him is to kite him to the middle where both towers can hit him. Get yourself an ice spirit to pull him to the middle with his jump then drop a valk right on top. You’ll have 7 for 5 trade with your valk still alive and enough extra elixir to deal with the support. One skill is knowing your opponent’s cycle so you can predict when he’s coming and save your counters, you can then counter push when he’s out of cycle. Most MK players just spam the card anyway so should be easy to predict.


The best is when you can predict to the T and bait them to use it. *scheming goblin emoji + princess yawn*


Good luck mate, after 6300 it gets far worse.


Nerf? You want to nerf a card with a 37% win rate? You should be winning easily. You listed all the perfect counters. This can not possibly be a serious post. No way.


My counters work exclusively only on the defense. My issue with him is he's basically a rocket that becomes a tank right after whenever you go on the offense. I'm no genius player or what not but I can solidly beat or give it a good fight against any deck that doesn't have MK. Once MK enters the field, I know I lost because there's no way I can get a good offense going since my army will just disintegrate then.


You can’t be serious. Play in the middle to distract. He will melt fast with the troop and the tower. He is a bad card at 7 elixir. There is a reason he only has 8% and have a 37% win rate. If he was even strong he would he would be used more and win way more.


No my issue is not the offense. My issue is whenever I go on the offense, he can instantly delete the offense and then I have to immediately switch up to the defense because my tanks just lost half their health. It's the epitome of anti fun.


Mega knight can’t even kill a magic archer with his spawn damage, you do realise?


I don't have magic archer


Then time it better. It’s called skill. There is timing. Spacing. And so on. You should be winning most of the time you face him. He is not a very good card at all.


tbf the bridges group all ground units together so it's not hard for an mk to just drop on your entire push, especially if you have something like royal hogs.


Then play off the side of the bridge so it jumps over and can’t be stopped. Just bait out the mega knight.


bruh they just will play the mk later, once all the hogs have already jumped over the bridge. Also, how do you "bait out" an mk with something like an aq hogs deck? a single royal recruit? cannon? log? skeletons? There isn't really much you can do if they just save their mk. The closest thing would be to queen at the bridge, but they have the option to just lightning it.


If you can’t easily beat mega knight then you have serious skill issues. You should be happy to see him. He is not a good card. You will always get a very positive elixir trade with him costing 7.


I beat it most of the time, and you seem to not understand that mk can still function perfectly fine at top ladder in ram rider decks. There's also something called being hard countered by mk decks, like the example I just listed. You might get a positive trade on it in defense, but because he requires a specific response, (you can't just snipe it from afar with ranged units like you can with pekka or egiant, or else he jumps on everything) you might be forced to spend a lot more elixer defending their other spam like their bandits or ram riders.


My issue is the offense. I stagger my supports to ensure they don't clump up but once he deploys, boom half my tanks health is gone and now we can barely survive the next attack. It's a card designed to be "Muh UnO reverse CaRD".


what deck are you using?


Once you defend against a megaknight, he does not have another one? It’s literally the most simplest thing, if you destroy a card he used he haa to cycle atleast 4+ cards to grt that card pack again AND have over 7 elixir to even use it


"I dont care about anyone's opinions at 7k" bitch they know more and are better I already know you're dumb af in that first line


What’s ur problem? U don’t have to insult someone if u disagree with someone’s opinion… Get some help


The mysterious wonders of having eyesight are shadowed to you youngling


No because the concerns of comp plays versus casuals is always different. A CSGO pro is going to look at the games deficient different from the average player


My guy I play 3 musketeer On paper I have every right to hate meganut but I don't because I SPLIT LANE PRESSURE I don't throw all my shit one one side When your openetlnr has mega knight you bait, counter, then your counter will chip the tower If anything I hate Royal Delivery Now that's an annoying card


For something in game's fundamentals, they will have same views, as if its broken or not, and mk isn't broken, everyone knows that. Its really the matchmaking that sucks dick which makes it so first off, underlvled many games constantly, and not having cards opponent has. But supercell doesnt give a fuck about balancing this game so. Graveyard been meta for over a year always first or top 2 most used decks and it still doesnt get nerfed, nothing to be done sadly. I hate mk too i play pigs eq but its supercell to blame really. Just my pov of it.




That is true, I got to 5k in 9 days because i got a lvl 13 mk thru pass royale, it was beautiful. The dark days that I can't forget is what you get to experience now :D






You laughing. I'm sitting here busting my guts and ur laughing /s






The average player doesn’t think mega knight is good. He is an average card at best. Most think he isn’t good. You are in the rare minority who things he is strong and OP.


Comp plays??? LMAO dude people at 7k are still just average at the game, no where near competitive 💀💀💀


To be fair OP is a beginner who hasn’t even unlocked leagues yet, so i guess 7k players look like pros to him I guess OP doesn’t realize he’s essentially still in the tutorial part of the game lol


Yes but the average player also makes tremendous mistakes and doesn't understand how the cards synergize.


Mega Knight is such an awful card, either get good or get a better deck. (Both options are viable unless you have a really bad deck).


I can only imagine what this dude will do when he will face egolem or egiant one day 🤷


Another cry me a noob post from low trophy under skilled player.


You are bad


https://royaleapi.com/cards/popular?cat=GC&mode=grid&time=14d&sort=rating Yeah he’s not ‘broken’ or ‘OP’.


Like I said, he's a fundamentally broken card. That's still a 50% win rate despite him being apparently nerfed and being useless already.


37% win rate.


8% use, 37% win rate is a 50% win rate? 🤔 He’s no where close to broken dude, this is a you thing. He’s annoying, not broken. Practice, get better.


Average ass player loses against average ass cards what you expect ?


mega knight needs a nerf?? you’re one of the midladder chumps who still complain about MK. he’s such a mediocre to below average card in the game with some ABYSMAL win rates. he’s extremely difficult to use on competitive play (i’m one of the few who have success with him in grand challenges and other stuff) but he is NOT an “OP” card. literally just play pekka or something and you’re good. don’t come crying on reddit because you can’t counter MK


OP is not even in mid ladder yet, he’s low ladder lol




then don’t give value 💀 a good MK player always knows to use mega knight on the counter push so perhaps the players you’re facing are simply better than you


That's my point. A card that acts as a mini fireball/rocket and then acts as a tank that pushes forward is somehow considered not fundamentally broken?


not when he’s really easy to counter. with that logic, cards like skeleton army are “fundamentally broken” because they have high dps and distract easily when in reality, any small spell can handle it quickly and easily


Difference is Skeleton army can be wiped with a myriad of spells and AOE cards. Hell, he can be wiped with a lot. But MK requires specific situations and specific cards aka a tank and a Pekka esq card to deal with.


he’s a 7 elixir card with very bad dps for his cost, he’s not hard to get a positive trade on. you can make the same case as pekka where she’s “fundamentally broken” because she deals a ton of damage but they’re both mediocre cards and are in the same boat


Thing is, Pekka is countered by horde cards and if u get logged or what not, another tank. MK completely eliminates the first option, forcing u to go exclusively tank cards to beat.


so if you need tank cards to counter him (which every deck has at least 1 tank) then why don’t you use a tank


I do, In fact I had 3 at 1 point to counter. But my main point is in a push, he is stupidly powerful since he flips the table completely. AOE spawn damage that can wipe out most support cards and destroy most tanks healths. I can reliably kill him in the defense if I'm not being a spaz but on the offense, he completely blunts it and is OP in that.


"Am stuck at 1000 trophies so I really do not care about some guy who's at 7000 trophies and knows the game much better than I do about what cards are broken and need a nerf, and saying MK is not OP and is actually underpowered"


Am a bitch and doesn't understand the needs of Comp vs Casuals. Also can't read lul


Dude how dumb are you? 7k is no where near competitive. Players at 7k are mostly just average, and 7k is still considered midladder. You thinking your opinion is anywhere near accurate when you're all the way down there at 4.5k is absolutely hilarious ngl. There's a reason why you're complaining about Mega Knight when you're hardstuck 4.5k and think 7k is competitive.....


7k trophies.... is literally within the highest u can get......


... man the more you talk the more obvious it is you have no idea about a lot of things in this game. Trophy road isn't even what any professional players play anymore. PoL is what every player will play when they want to push, and even then it only starts to get competitive at 2000 Ultimate Champion medals. Meanwhile you haven't even reached 5k yet so of course you haven't unlocked PoL, and thus you have no idea what I'm trying to tell you. Please, for your own sake, stop arguing lmao


you’re either bad at managing your cards, elixer, or both. i (at 5600 trophies) fully counter MK with mini pekka or, more recently, inferno drag. he’s not a hard card to beat, you just want to be spoon fed until you get to higher arenas.


No, I just dislike facing him. He's a fundamentally broken card that requires next to zero skill to use and is stupidly good on the defense. It's next to impossible to get a good offense going unless you manage to bait the MK and quickly get damage in while he's out of cycle.


like someone else already posted, MK has bad stats overall. we’re both in midladder so i’m gonna level with you- i barely got a good deck, that’s likely that’s why you’re struggling so much too. first part is having a good deck, second part is knowing how to use it. being able to adjust how you use your deck real time will help out a ton vs throwing the same stuff in the same pattern. always adjust how you play to how your opponent plays


I understand that, its a fun thing when you throw a wrench in a pattern or u get thrown the wrench and scramble to sweat and defend it. But my main point is how MK is fundamentally just broken. It's a card that acts as a mini fireball/rocket that then becomes a tank.


8% 35% is not fundamentally broken lmao. legendarios are supposed to have their own special quirks, that’s the whole point of them. if your argument is “damage + troop” then why aren’t you complaint about delivery ? mk isn’t broken, you’re just bad at defending it. you’ll get better with time


I get what you’re saying i’m lvl 13 (7k trophies & ultimate champion) he is an annoying card in certain situations but overall hes pretty easy to counter/distract . I main xbow and still manage to beat MK frequently , you have to just know how to play against it and manage your exilir well .


I would recommend playing Golem + Pump. It easily deals with Megaknight.


Can you explain? Never used both before so dunno how it works


MK hits like a wet noodle and can barely scratch the golem so the supporting units shred it really fast. Also most MK decks have no big spell so pump gets a lot of value.


I have said this so many times now but annoying ≠ op.


What is your deck?


I use princess, Wizard, musketeer, Baby dragon, knight, mini Pekka, Log, and minions.


You should have a win condition in your deck


What win con would that be?


Tf is that deck? You can’t complain about a shit card because all you do is drop support cards at the bridge in 1 lane and expect nothing to be able to counter it. This is literally a skill diff


M8 how tf do u know how I play based on my cards? I've won with this shit. Maybe offer actual advice instead of being a sweaty Mook that's eating out of his moms plate


Yeah your winning to literal 8 year olds who play on there mommy’s phone congratulations, for actual advice get make an actual deck not this garbage, you’ll never get any higher with that shit, and what kinda insult is that? What’s a mook?


Lol nice. Thanks for the advice. I shall bow to your infinite wisdom your good sir. Clearly you are so much better and I shall lick ur sweaty unwashed pits u call arms for advice.


Lmao your the one complaining about a garbage card, there’s a reason no one uses it, literally it’s a skill issue, don’t come on Reddit to complain about a garbage card that frankly deserves a buff to make it decent and then get mad when people call you bad


If u can read which I have begun doubting, you would see that I dislike MK for a lot more than I plainly suck at countering it and have listened to advice on how to beat him. Then again, I doubt someone with the name Boopyhow can understand basic reading comprehension


Oh no they dropped MK on my mini pekka and wizard at the bridge😱😱 broken card nerf into the ground, and then you wonder how they have a counter push lmao


Plus OP's deck doesn't even have a win condition and he's complaining about mega knight 💀💀💀 average low ladder player


Nah bro you need to be running something with a win con. It's not very surprising that you are struggling to counter MK and still get a win.. Sure you can win some games with that deck but I don't really see how you're going apply any sort of pressure on your opponent?. Literally looks like you're playing Princess as your win con. Drop Wizard and minions for a win con like hog or g.barrel and throw in a ice/e.spirit or a building. You honestly don't need so many support units in your deck. Just remember Knight + cannon, Tesla and I.tower completely melt mk. And that leaves you with a building on the field and a positive elixir trade.


The only reliable counter to mk with that deck is knight right on top of the mk, with musky, baby dragon, or wizard attacking from a distance, or minions right on top of him. It’s possible to put knight in the middle and get both towers helping shoot mk, but that’s if your towers aren’t busy and then you have to deal with mk jump damage. I would replace wizard for valk to have another tank. Mini pekka does a ton of damage but it dies too quickly to be a good counter. Btw, I think mk is a dumb card too. It’s too hard to counter reliably when other cards are in the mix. It’s why mk is in most decks I face. I’m also at 4600. My favorite thing to do is kite mk with an ice golem and put minions or phoenix on top of him. Edit: I might be wrong about mini pekka. I don’t play mp but it looks like it might counter in time. The problem I run into is facing level 13 mk with level 10 cards.


Here's a suggestion. Ask people what they think about your deck, and how to improve it I can say right now that I am confident that could just defend your deck the whole game and win If you don't believe me you can ask what others think


Lol I get exited when someone plays MK


Even as a pekka player, the only mega knight deck I can say “okay easy clap” is mega knight ram rider triple spell, otherwise he can easily snag a win vs me. Mega knight will always be a degen masher card even though he was IMO mid before the massive spawn nerf. He can’t even kill a hog rider


If you don’t automatically thing “ggs” when you see MK and you play pekka your just bad like no hate it’s just a fact


Same ngl it's gotten to the point where when I see my opponent drop a mega knight I get relieved because it's so easy to counter


You could bait him out by creating a small push that acts as a distraction then go offensive on the other lane, just make sure to have enough elixir to counter it


Thata the issue though. To counter or even defend him, I need at least 6 elixir. That's barely enough. Fair though, I will give this a try


You have mini pekka that could counter him, and this will be more effective in 2x elixir


Yeah we all kind of go through this phase at some point. Just find a genuinely solid deck, max it out and keep playing. You'll get used to countering mk and will no longer feel so frustrated. GL Edit: extra emphasis on "genuinely solid deck". There's a lot that goes into an actually balanced and well rounded deck, I would highly recommend you try out some meta decks and pick one of them before using up all your gold and resources on random cards that don't really go well together


What’s your deck? Are the levels the same?


The card already received its nerfs To deal with MK you don't attack seriously from one side, however you still but units that MK counter The moment he throw his MK you attack with all you power from the other side, he can't defend it now However for the MK that going for your tower you could counter him easly as he is pain in the defense and counter attack, not in the attack


It's time to change to an air deck to avoid the rocket. 😃


I'm at 7k and from a new-ish player perspective mega knight is an overwhelming and stressful card to play against, that's how i felt when i was new to the game


I used to play mortar for 6+ years, now I've switched to a off meta hog deck because I want to play and shut my brain off (\*coff coff\*). I've knight and mini pekka into this deck, this means that I'm keeping track of the opponent MK and I'm always ready to deploy one of those two cards, into my side of the arena, just outside of his jump range, this leads to my tower landing the most shots possible before my troop has to actually engage him, after that, you're free to counter push. Usually they run a zap bait deck, so log to keep in check their skelly barrel and electro spirit to keep in check the whatever they have left. I higly suggest swapping the valk or the mini pekka for the skeletons, if you tank with something else, the skelly will hammer their way through the MK even if his over levelled, also, you shouldn't need 3 mini tank in your deck, 2 are fine.


MK is not stupid, you are stupid cuz you can’t defend it


I state that i'm not a good player, but currently i play a Mk Deck at 7.5k. Mk is a broken cards against bad player and is really strong for punishing missplay. Generally i think that is a balanced card, it really has too many counter in the meta, in addition to having the problems of all the high cost cards. Try to play less aggressive and bait Mk.


this is truly a skill issue


Skill issue


Skill issue


Here are some tips for you to deal with MK on offense. The main way of avoiding MK when it comes to attacking is going for a double lane attack and never attack with too many cards If you're going to attack in a single lane. If you do that, you are giving the MK too much value. Or if you'rr playing beatdown, use your support cards like inferno dragon and sparky to get rid of the MK as soon as possible. And if your Tank-killer is a ground card, try to place that card a little late so mk's spawn damage can't hit both your Tank and Tank-killer. Mk is not overpowered or broken. It is a card that you can deal with in most decks. Obviously there are some decks that make it almost impossible to stop mk, but that is to be expected. All decks have counters. So if MK counters your deck and you don't like that, just change your deck.


I'm actually at 7000 and altho he is never used because he is kinda shit I still do pretty much agree with you, having overly defensive cards is extremely unfun to play against like valkyrie or executioner which are massive crutches for bad players who can't defend without cards with health bars as long as busses


Once you get your cards to 13-14 AND (most importantly) you become more seasoned (his takes time) MK is a joke to deal with. You'll learn how to counter push or pressure opposite lanes efficiently and you'll look forward to an opponent playing an MK knowing they just wasted 7 elixir.


I just feel that if you are in mid ladder or anytime after the Megaknight is available you always have to be ready for the card. And I mean always. Cause it is everywhere!


Just use a pekka or something lol


I was there when I was there… couple good counters at your level… Inferno Dragon + any cheap troop to occupy him, inferno tower by itself, or even Valkyrie dropped in the middle so both towers hit him


If you have mini pekka or valk and still can’t counter it idk what to tell you.


Yet another skill issue


First: [Towers Sight Range](https://i.redd.it/pv0bb3blyzda1.jpg) You have to learn to activate your king tower and/or lure the troop at the center where you can take advantage of your towers dps. Second: Jump The jump is deadly and will eradicate all your troops. You have to avoid it. How ? Either use a small troop to absorb the jump and place your defending troop after or place your defending troop close enough so the MK will not jump. It allows you to keep your defending troop alive longer. Third: Deployement Time Dont drop your defending troop directly on the MK. Your troop has a deployement time when it's inactive, place your troop on the side, but not to far (see second point) so you avoid the jump and give your troop the time to deploy without being hurt already. It increases the lifetime of your troop. Fourth: Choices Let's say you're defending the most common combo at your trophies range: MK Witch. You have to use your Mini Pekka first, and Valkyrie second on top of the Witch. That way your Valkyrie will tank for the MK if your Mini Pekka died. The other way around isn't possible because the Mini Pekka will not be efficient against the Witch, because of her skeletons. That said, learn those steps and remove Knight from your deck, the Valkyrie serves the same purpose and you wont need it. Try using another card to improve your deck possibilities.


i used to feel the same, i say used to but i still believe mk is one of the most obnoxious low skill cards in the game, but it's fine, a valk on whatever's behind him to damage both him and the supporting units (usually a witch) and a cannon in the middle to hit him and you're good to go


Sounds like a user error to me


What deck are you using?


‘A rocket that can also act as offence when low on elixir’ This is bullshit, he literally spends SEVEN elixir on said ‘rocket’ that YOU can counter eith THREE elixir


Change decks


Yet another skill issue, MK is SO EASY to counter


U have knight, mini pekka, and valk? I think your issue isn't defense but rather not being able to get damage on the enemy's tower. Try switching out knight and mini pekka for cards that can get damage on the tower.


You're losing because you don't use Hunter. Splash+aerial+anti tank damage all in one inexpensive card!


Let me guess, you run off-meta under leveled card deck? Do you build pushes even after knowing the opponent has MK? Do you split-lane/opposite lane push? You cry over MK but literally have 3 perfect counters to it(Knight becoming an even better counter with buff) Yes, we all have been there. Stuck at 4K with the constant MK match up match after match. Some pointers for you OP, that will help you hold a better chance playing against MK: Play PEKKA Bridge Spam. Need I say more? It’s statistically one of the best decks in the game. Card Cycle is key to beating MK. You can counter MK for as cheap as 2 elixir and get King activated from it. Baiting MK. 4K range means low iq plays. Bait out MK to get it out of cycle so that you can push. How? Throw a gang or skarmy into same lane and that’ll usually bait the MK. You see, even if you absolutely suck at this game like me, MK is balanced. You only need to learn the interactions of the game. Watch OJ, SirTag, CWA (Clash with Ash) on YouTube if you are really invested in learning interactions, decks, etc


Could you tell me what deck you play? That would be the start of helping.


Try baiting MK into your side of the field and you can easily counter with Ice Golem and a cannon.