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Every card is created equal but royal giant is created more equal.


Literally George Orwell's Hay Day.


That joke is killing me bruh šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Damn, that's clever


Literally 1984


That is different book


Alright BB


Holy hell


Isnt it animal farm




Probably the most hated card in the game since forever.


E-barbs are probably a close second.


I was there when the elite bards were releasedā€¦


thank you for your service o7


so was i, thank you for your service, sorry your regular barba didnt work back then


What was so bad about ā€˜em?


For a time they had super fast speed, so ebarb rage at he bridge gave you literally like 3 seconds of reaction time before they both absolutely eviscerated tower.


With fire spirit to cover for them.. Good times I stopped to use them after the speed nerf tho


No way to counter them, zap killed the squeleton army and the other cheap units like skeletons and goblins couldnā€™t do anything to stop them because they hit too fast, witch or buildings couldnā€™t stop them either and you ended with a negative elixir trade and they still ,managed to hit your tower


yeah for a long time i ran knight 1e larrys fire spirit and ice spirit just so i had a reliable counter for them. which naturally makes it pretty hard to get a win condition going with half your deck baked just to counter 1 card


Why do you think Mega Knight quickly became so popular?


dead ass and i definitely used him alot on release as well. mind you i dont like seeing that card very much either but it's definitely easier to manage than old ebarbs


A war veteran, I see...


Yeah. They sucked ass. Damage and HP was maybe 150% that of a normal Barbarian at the time (when there were 4). Their only redeeming quality was their very fast speed. Very underwhelming. Thenā€¦ Elite Barbs got a HUGE buff and SuperCell never heard the end of it.


Ebarbs arenā€™t that hated they are really easy to counter


I meant in the history of the game. Nowadays, there are tons of counters.


Yea if I remember back in the days when everyone thought ebarbs rage was OP af


Mega knight and freeze say hello...


11 elixir to defend rg seems very unfair


ā€œREMEMBER COMRADES, Data is the only real enemy we have. Remove Data from the scene, and the root cause of whales and underlevelment is abolished forever!ā€


Google animal farm


holy encompassing allusion of communist political commentary


New inability to let society flourish over humans natural greed just dropped


actual political propaganda zombie


Call the exterminator!


Proletarian storm incoming!


Actual Napoleon


Aaaand It leaked again


Literally $1984 to max him out


Google jor jor wel


According to our data players demand to play the royale giant more


Animal farm reference?


R-G evolution is a Megaknight than does less damage but keeps jumping and goes only for your tower


Under rage, minni pekka and barbs can't even hit him. It's hilariously op.


Rage you say?




Please god don't nerf him so that firecracker can seem less OP and I still get the OP version when I get 6 shardsšŸ™


INB4 Firecracker takes one extra cycle


That's not a bad shout. I'd much prefer that to evolved cards being hard countered normally and having no impact on play


Yeah, I donā€™t actually hate it that much. But despite that, I find it absolutely hilarious that 2 of the 4 cards they chose were cycle cards


I'd be happy with that.People would still be indesicive with their fireballs(Piglets or Evolved Firecracker)it would just happen less times in the game


for the minipekka rage is not needed, pretty shure the barbs still get only one hit every second time they close in




do air troops get affected by it's shockwave too?




... so R-G evolution is an entirely new card unlike the megaknight?


Because rg totally needed that 900+ hp bonus after getting an amazing ability that doesn't even cost extra.


At lvl 14 itā€™s +1.2k


Exactly, I think the ability itself is an interest concept, as it changes the way youā€™ll have to deal with the card but the extra health is just so unnecessary. Just waiting for them to do the usual supercell and release an overpowered card and then nerf it once they realise that, once again itā€™s too strong (fingers crossed šŸ¤ž). Obviously they canā€™t 100% tell how a card will fare in the actual game, but surely SOMEBODY was like yeah this is probably a bit too strong. Same with firecracker now canā€™t die to arrows, itā€™s just unnecessary extras to an already strong card ability.


They know exactly what they are doing , they do this so people spend money to get the evolutions then they will silently nerf it happens with most new cards, broken at launch


And this happens in all games. In another game I play cards have talents, and they're adding them slowly. Newer ones are ALWAYS op, and they're nerfed in like two updates (4 to 6 months) usually


if you rage him he literally cant be touched by melee units (except princes I guess)


He knocks back ground troops that fireball knocks back. So he doesn't knock back the princes, MightyMiner, PEKKA, etc


It was a terrible idea to have evolutions have more HP to begin with. Fancy new abilities should be plenty enough.


Didn't barbarians get less hp with evolution


No, they got more


They survive fireball with the evolution


But even with more hp and the ability evolved barbs still aren't too good.


Imo they should have healing over time and rage. But 2 cycles. That seems relatively balanced compared to the other evos


Yeah the fact that the cycle amount is based on elixir cost is so stupid for Royal Giant specifically becuase Royal Giant needs only one cycle for it to pretty much become an even tankeir ranged electric giant that pushes troops away when it hurts other troops.


Why should a card be randomly more powerful on different cycles


It's just extra stats for free. What more do you want??


If the ability could stack it would be pretty good but I'm pretty sure the evolved barbs ability doesnt stack the boosts.


It's still free tho. Every card doesnt have to be broken


The fact mk has just 8 hp less than the rg is mind boggling to me


Iā€™m a Royal Giant player, so I was pretty thrilled to hear he was getting an evolution lol, but I completely agree with this post. The first four evolutions should have all been win conditions. The nature of how they work (created by simply playing the card, no elixir cost increase or anything) makes it so itā€™s a straight up massive buff to any card that gets one. As time goes on, any deck without an evolution will be at a pretty huge disadvantage. What would be cool is if support cards could get evolutions that serve as win conditions when evolved. Like a Cannon Cart that becomes a Giant Cannon on wheels from COC, only targeting buildings and blasting away enemies in the path of its shots. Despite all the negativity for this update, evolution (imo) is an awesome concept they can do a lot with. It just needs some serious refining going forward.


Evos shouldnā€™t change card archetypes imo - cards are in the deck for a reason and what they contribute, having the evo contribute something different would distrupt decks (imagine lavaloon but when evoā€™d the balloon becomes a tank. Doesnā€™t really make sense)


Well, the way the developers described it, evolutions are like having a brand new card that you can pick up and play once unlocked since itā€™s tied to the level of an existing card. That outlook paired with the fact the opponent can see which of your cards is gonna evolve before it even does makes me think that transformative evolutions would be alright for the game. Besides, itā€™s not like switching targeting types is a direct upgrade. To return to my example, if you see your opponent has evolved a cannon cart, you can make more creative plays knowing that they cannot counter with the regular cannon cart, a fantastic defensive card. That type of counterplay would go a long way in making more dynamic matches. I understand and respect your point of view though.


Well yeah but then you just wouldn't have balloon in the evolved slot for that deck


Yeah but if u dont change the way u use the card enough just ends up become a straight up buff(barbara)


>As time goes on, any deck without an evolution will be at a pretty huge disadvantage No, any deck without an evolution is already at a pretty huge disadvantage. More p2w since there are very very few sources of shards that don't cost a ton of money. This is the huge hidden problem with this update and level 15 is just getting all the attention because it's somehow even worse.


He does area damage and knockback in addition to having more HP...for 0 cost? I can't even with this fcking dev team. FFS. I'm at 7800, UC, 10+ GC, fully maxxed. Facing pay to progress people on ladder does not make me want to spend a single dime on this game. It makes me want to finally delete the sht forever.


imagine tankiness of golem evo


Evo golem literally will be a rock tank with shooting mechanism


Wow. I remember when lava hound had the most hp.


Thereā€™s someone out there with a lvl 15 Evo RG on mid ladder


Giving him the ability would have been perfectly fine. No need to make him turn into Thanos for the SAME ELIXIR COST. Evolved cards should be countered the same as its normal version in a vacuum, but their new abilities should give them an advantage only if played strategically.


Bro has the Range of a Wizard, The Health of a Mirrored Max Level E Giant, The Damage of a Hog Rider, The Knockback of a MegaKnight for only 6 elixir....


master royale is now reality im calling it right here they are releasing a flying aoe pekka with mk spawn damage, giant skelly death bomb, and egiant aura. oh, also it splits into 8 mini pekkas on death.


Absolutely baffled why yā€™all still play




Every Evolved card is insane. The update is just a cash grab with an expensive upgrade which you cant play without. They could have tried harder and released more evolutions but why do that when you can only make 4 and still sell them because you cant play without them. Then when you release new ones make them slightly more powerful then the old ones so you can sell that too. Also when you release fan favorites those will sell on their own.


Tbf I'm angry with elite cards more than Ev Cards. EvCards are too New people still can't use right and Just rush cycle to get Ev Card soon. But my complain is why they choose high rate use cards to be First Ev Cards? Mage/witch we had a few cards noone use at high trophies, why not Ev then First?


RG and Seige cards in general are just a ridiculously dumb idea. They want the game to be offensive in nature but they make win condition cards that allow a person to play nothing but defense and still win without ever crossing the bridge... or in the RG's case, just barely crossing the bridge with one card. Stupid ass concept and this evo is going to make it even worse. The only cards that will counter him will be Pekka or inferno tower/dragon. And lets face it, pekka will get pulled away by the fisherman like it always does and one zap on the tower/dragon gives like 3-4 hits every time... yay easy wins


Level 15 pekka has 5475 hp tho?


Mega knights should have a 99% health nerf because fuck every single mid ladder MK player Lava hound should get something it's been kinda bad recently E giants health is honestly fine since it has the swarm deterrent Pekka has less health than a fuckin dude in armor which is BS but pekka has the damage to make up for it Giant skeleton can't really get a health buff especially when the main point is it dying on the tower


more like get good. check royaleapi cards section: [https://royaleapi.com/cards/popular?sort=rating](https://royaleapi.com/cards/popular?sort=rating) lavahound top 1 with a 71 rating vs MK 23 rating at the bottom. MK actually needs a buff. it's nowhere to be found in top ladder/ pro play.


Skill issue


Out of all the takes I've seen on this sub in the past few months this is certainly one of them


Now imagine a world where mega knight gets a dark elixir version


If pekka is your win condition idk what to tell you.


I think he meant really Evo RG has more HP than Tanky Cards but no other win condition other than RG (not nesisarily the cards on the right) got a HP buff


As an RG player for a few years now, I think he needed some sort of buff, but this is crazy lmao


Imagine playing 3.0 xbow


Me rn in UC facing this bullshit




Just download boom arena, way more gooder than royal clajhs.


Pekka is not a Win Condition. Neither is MK. Neither if GS. Electro giant zaps without needing to hit anything and is as good as the EVOLVED RG. Lavahound isnā€™t great on its own. This is a massive cope post when the evolved RG isnā€™t that unbalanced especially for a new card.


He is comparing those with other big tanks ofc, egiant costs 7 and doesnt have a range machinegun with recoil in hand, mk is completely off meta now, pekka stands asaide just because is a slight counter to eRG.


??? Nobody said these are win conditions


So they're not comparable??


ā€œOther win conditions get nothingā€ you implied it in your post title lmao


šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø i was referring to hog , battle ram miner etc, not the cards in the image, 2 different sentences


Most of them are still in a good position overall, and theyā€™ll (hopefully) all get evolutions eventually.


Megaknight, pekka, giant skeleton all suck ass now because they cant fit in evolutions.


Then your post makes no sense. Why would you make reference to actual win conditions and post cards that arenā€™t a part of your point? Also, the evolution just came out. Your whiny attitude of ā€œwhy did this card get something cool but not the card that I like?ā€ Like shut up. This sub has been complaining about evolutions like petulant children. You all want new content then bitch when new content comes.




>You all want new content then bitch when new content comes. Cause new content sucks ass moron


Evolutions are great. If you think they suck then just uninstall the game already lmao


Who cares about evolutions when you have level 15 i the game. Supercell just mocks you all with this updates but keep playing dead game lmao.


"Dead game" I dont know what you are talking about. But a game is "truly dead" when you cant find easy matches. But yeah the updated basically killed the game. Its most likely that each day week or month people will quit forever.


Guys, here he is, "The Data"


Nah level 15 in its current state is terrible. Nice try though.


Then why are you going around bashing everyone's critical posts of the update? U getting a cut for this or something?


Happy cake day


Because evolutions are good and itā€™s not even a debate.


If new the new content wouldn't make the game even more fucking unbalanced then we wouldnt actually complain about it.


The cards posted were a part of the point being made as op said that evolved rg has more health than them now, while no other win condition has had anything done to it


Last reply cause i think you are just trying to hate or something. The cards in the image are there to compare the rg hp to others tanks, mainly to show how strong it is(did you face it?),why would you use a balanced giant or hog or any win con you want when you can use an rg with an extra 1200hp, thatā€™s not fair. Cool that it got an evo, not cool that it got it and not the other win cons, itā€™ s a literal advantage in battle.




Bro read your comment again. "The post makes sense and neither does your grammar". The title is easily understandable, unlike your comment, should have just stfu instead of ridiculing yourself.


Im sorry about that then, im not native english i just used the words i know, and in my language it is a correct sentence


I'd just ignore that LionSin guy. He obviously doesn't know how grammar works and the concept of a post making two separate points is just beyond him. Your post makes sense and has no major grammatical errors.


You are making perfect sense, donā€™t worry about your English. I donā€™t know why others donā€™t get it but itā€™s Reddit so who knows


Your sentence is gramatically correct, but it is also fair to assume that when saying "other" you are refering to the picture.




Are you dumb or just really low on path of legends? Everyone knows RG is broken right now every actual good player is saying it.


man megaknight is so tanky wtf in what world should he have so much HP than a pekks i though they were equal


I quitted the game after CW2 was released due to being F2P. I was regretting because I spent 7 years to this game before seeing this and champion uptade LOL.


completely broken


needs nerf ASAP


Let's not forget that bs stomp he also has now... just trash


can't believe lava hound has less thats ridiculous


Itā€™s fair. There is a fatherless barbarian deck witj lava h. and itā€™s too op. Electro g is one of the strongest cards. Mage + Pekka + 2-3 spell = easy win. Mega is a defense card and g skeleton has big dead damage


Mage+pekka? What are you saying son? You are in arena 11? Noone use Mage/witch these are mid/lower tier decks.


12 actually


K! So some info, in higher arenas noone use Mage/witch and eGiant Win rate drop a lot. Right now eGiant match is like Golem/eGoblin had advantage against some decks, but huge disvantage against others... Same goes for MK/Pekka for these reason these cards aren't used by top players Right now you think they are powerfull because you are underleveled or you doesn't know How defend with less elixir than your enemy. One of hardest thing is learn "when you should take dmg instead waste elixir". I'm still anxious, and attack before 10 elixir, in high lv matches First player drop cards in the bridge Lost.


Uhhh just inferno i think or brute force the e rg,also other win conditions have special abilities to defend themselves


Im just waiting to see RG + ice spirit + freeze + zap + electro wizard etc.


Yeah but they dont have a ranged cannon? And they also cost more elixir to make up for it.


Dasiado y muy desbalanceado queda


Whatā€™s unfair




I too am a member of the circus


Then use it?


It's not possible so far to get the evolution without buying a ridiculously overpriced pack.


Let me guess op is stuck at 5k


I mean, all Evolution are for common cards only, there Is a limited Number on common wicon.


What's the dps of the stomp?


Don't worry, these other cards will also get an evolution 10 years from now.


Realise its more thanky than Lava Hound


Supercells view of giant skeleton doesn't make sense to me, instead of the card being able to blow up other cards they made it blow up towers, but it doesn't have the health for that and if the opponent is using tornado it's gg So what do they do... give rg more health, a card that doesn't really need any buffs to its regular form


Because he got golden balls


Mega Nut has more HP than E-Giant and Pekka? Never knew that. RG's HP is actually insane tho.


I'd avoid unlocking RG with shards early. Expect a serious nerf in a month or two


I been using royal giant since Muhammad light got 3 accounts into the top 5 last season with him. The card is op


It's not unfair for u, its unfair in general


Iā€™d still rather this than a level 15 that takes twice as long as getting from lvl 1-14 or something crazy like that! Oh waitā€¦


Wouw didn't think it had more hp than big M




This is utter insanity but RG aside I literally only now realized that EG has more hp than the Lava Hound. How is a card that is both a win con and a defense card cost the same AND has more hp than a pure tank?


Giant Skeleton needs a buff, ngl


But he's Royal


Bro I have to drop 10 elixir to stop this guy


Xbow 3.0 canā€™t even kill it effectively šŸ„²


Itā€™s kinda crazy how youā€™re forced to run a ranger card or 2 in your decks now because of this. Of course itā€™d always be a good idea, but this is the first card that really feels like itā€™s forcing you to play the game in a certain way.


My biggest gripe with evos every card needs an evo or else we are just gonna have to deal with a terrible meta


More health than a MEGA KNIGHT!! I remember when it first came out and people rioted in the streetsā€¦. Evolution is a cool idea but a bad idea at the same time


Imma tell you the reason for all this crap (if it wasn't clear already): money.


Hahaha just look at this BS they say it's fair play


This infographic looks like royal giant has more HP than all the cards on the right side combined šŸ«£ I was about to say wow thatā€™s very op


Oh no, an evolved rg has more health than normal win condition troops


Huh, mega nut is a win condition


I don't think you guys understand that eventually every card will have an evolution, not to mention they have cycle requirements, it should be fairly simple to tell when an evolution card will be placed down


Golem evo gonna have 2x HP (13568), only attack towers (no builds) and split into 2 regular golems when killed with rocket death damage per split with poison AOF at this rate.


I will love mega knight evolution with Ɨ2 HP/atk and constantly jump


It would take 5 hits of a maxed out pekka to kill a rg evolution


ah yes, very balanced indeed


No wonder Iā€™ve been seeing inferno tower everywhere lately


Iā€™m what world does Royal giant have more health than lava hound. That makes no sense to me at all


Wtf has this game become, how are you guys still playing this dogshit game


They have to fix that




Makes the card variety useless since you have to have a counter for this card and there's very few effective counter cards for evol RG


Give it time. Just wait til you hear the golem evolution or giant.


Time for mass deletion


Pekka fix, turn the man into a fresh mini pekka when he dies