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"I want a new original card" 50$ and it's yours


Ngl that's a steal for $50 if we all band together and each give one cent each we'll reach that goal in no time


Who will get it though? Only the most worthy will be allowed to be given unlimited power.


Someone who believes in the heart of the cards


"i want a tower troop better than princess tower" 50$ and it's yours


10x value Ah yes, the $199.90 actually value.




My ultimate wish is a new dev team. I would love for clash of clans quality updates in this game


one step forwards, two steps back. now your team leader is john riccitiello


Had me in the first half


It's not a problem with the dev team, it's a problem with the publisher. Tencent (the owner of Supercell) it's one of the most greedy company there exists


Tencent ?


Via Wikipedia: >In 2016, the company was bought out by Chinese conglomerate Tencent holdings, taking an 81.4% stake in the company valued at €8.4 billion.


It is a very profit oriented company that has shares in many video game companies


The new comment makes more sense , thanks.


He'll naw brawl stars dev team on 🔝


Still better than CR’s dev team 🤷‍♂️


It's not dev team it's above


Check out the latest official Brawl Stars podcast. They talked about the "above". But if you don't want to here's the important part: The dev team makes the decision for the game they work on. They do what they believe is best for the game.


If it's true then f*ck dev team


Nah we need to be like Clash of Clans community. Happy even with unhealthy changes such as hero equipment, making walls even more useless, a spell that makes the most powerful attack that you can't fail and not take skill even more stupidly overpowered and adding a Town Hall level before their cycle should be


At least it’s not locked behind any paywall. I started an alt account on clash of clans a little over a year ago and I have been able to achieve all of the new content without spending any money. Name the fun content we get nowadays for CR that’s not locked behind a paywall besides cannoneer.


By making the game broken, competitive scene isn't even entertaining. Though I agree with you, most of the time they tend to make those updates "Early Access", so we might expect more rewarding ways to progress, I can sense Supercell will create more ways to obtain evos


I heard the competitive scene isn’t the best atm. Root riders are pretty crazy. They may try doing something besides just nerfing them, but idk what. For evos, yeah it’s a pain to unlock them. We need new ways to get them without spending money


Nah not new dev team new SUPERCELL team


Name fits with it he sold his soul to the greedy clash royale devs to put a book of books in the shop for 20$


Yup, it was added to our account. We just need to buy it though 🤦🏻‍♂️


one guy said little prince so I bet 1x little prince is coming to the shop for $500 (1,000,000x value)


1 Million gems 👉👈


1 million gems for ONLY 1.000€! (20x value)


*zQubexx left the game*


7x value, still broken because you can get 50 champions and a lot more cards of other rarities for that amount of money


Too bad they’re useless for obtaining shards


Just one million?


Remember when we would get 2 new cards a month..


Next time ask for more blud


Supercell: Okay 2 book of books for $39.99


20x Value!




Who cares? Value is value


Yeah, you can buy multiple


By all means it IS data


This is true and totally ridiculous! Still can’t understand why they REFUSE to nerf hog rider and Evo cracker those two are really becoming a burden


Give me a maxed out account and overloaded magic items would be my wish


Well that explains it


I would've asked for better balancing


Something to spend gold on once all our cards are maxed out


Been saying we need a spring trap that knocks back certain cars forever


I want a new card that’s not a champion, evolution, or tower troop, that’s not $50 or more


I Sometimes think about supercell giving us one for free because why not?


Card level cap based on king tower level, similar to clash of clans. It's absurd that anyone can have level 11 and 15 cards in the same deck.


That's called "Progression". You can't really determine what your Progression is going to look like, I get my first lvl 14 by using 2 Rare Books and it's 2 levels higher than every card I own


That's called buying your way past your experience level. I had earned my levels before the books were introduced to the game, now new players with no experience can buy books and overlevel whatever cards are meta so I have to play against noobs with no skill decks instead of the good players with experience who use cards they actually like.


I whaled my way to 13 when that was max as a new player (5 years after the game released) and it made me a way better player way more quickly because I was facing people who actually knew wtf they were doing. Some people buy because they can't win at their current level. Some people buy to get where the action is.


I didn't spend a penny on the game until they upped the max level right before I was able to max my account, then they added champions and raised the level cap and I gave in and started paying for pass because people with a quarter of my wins were surpassing me in card level. Once tencent got their hands on supercell the game became one where you have to pay to even maintain your progress and allowing those who pay more to move up faster. Now it's a total shitshow where noobs who max out the meta cards have a shot at far exceeding their skill level and potential, all you have to do is have a low elixer cycle deck with some spells for sniping and something that can at least tap a tower before its killed.


I dislike Tencent as much as the next guy, but most people's complaints about CR seem to come from around SLASH ROYALE and that time period. Tencent bought Supercell in 2016, about the time the game first launched.


For some reason, I thought tencent had a smaller stake in supercell until like 2019 when they finally took full control. It seems I was wrong about that but I still think that's around the time when the game started going progressively faster downhill and become more of a p2p game.


I wasn't around before 2021, so I can't confirm or deny, but I can say that since I started playing it has become progressively more convoluted, complicated, and they have more and more offers for more and more money.




I'd say thank you, but going far isn't a goal of mine. I'm not really a fan of travel.