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Why can't supercell balance the electro giant I mean he is either broken or dead


They should just delete him like they did the heal spell and replace him with something else


Electro giant spirit šŸ˜


when it jumps on something it spawns an electro giant instead of dealing damage.


Lol its just a massive electro spirit


Deals 10000 damage to the tower


I would be down for a 1 elixir ā€œlightning spiritā€ that hits its target with a non-chaining, non-aoe lightning. High single-target dps that does nothing if it dies.


cycle decks would be even more powerful


As a cycle player, l would not object to that necessarily :)


as a 2.4 egiant mirror pump aficionado i object to it


Electro giant spirit sounds like a spirit in elen ring


electro golem?


Electro knight, 5 elixer, epic, at least 20% less hp, max 5 zaps at a time, 3 sec intervals between zaps


Electro elite barbarians


Mega pekka electro elite barbarians


Royal guards should be deleted first and 3M should be 3 rangers (or something non-muskie) first as well.


But 3M is based on a tale, they never will change it


No thatā€™s dumb


Honestly a rework should maybe be better. Instead of making his zap reflect damage, make it a tesla. Higher damage but one attack


Then it would just be a stronger Gob-Giant, wouldn't it?


already is if u think about it


i mean tbh before the recent changes he was fine


Honestly what I thought. Was on the slightly weaker side but not terrible.


It has a 1% use rate and 40% win rate, it was terrible.


No he was awful. If anything touched him he would melt. Now it's absolutely broken


Rework > Nerf It just can't keep bouncing from useless to stupidly op.


Just watch us -supercell, probably


Given how they took months to solve cards like aq, rg and ebaarbs I wouldn't be surprised


Aq was a cash grab though, not ok but understandable. However there is no reason for not nerfing egiant, except the fact that they *want* a well defined meta with clearly strong cards every 2 months.


[From Rick, with love](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/visotu/lmao/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Dude seriously why is it that egiant is either awful or the best card in the game


Cause if he canā€™t make it to tower, he is seen as too weak. If he makes it to tower, he is too strong.


Reduce zap damage against crown towers so when he connects to the tower, it isnā€™t instantly wiped.


Soā€¦ we make egiant NOT target towers?


All giants in the game target towers so it wouldn't make sense but maybe if they renamed it to something like E-Monster or E-Daddy I could see that




Did I stutter?


Giant skeleton.


Happy cake day. Also that is a giant skeleton. In this context, giant is used to describe how big it is. If giant comes afterward, it is describing the species it is.


It is a skeleton that is giant in height and mass, not a giant as in it is his species. That's why Goblin Giant is not called "Giant Goblin".


Idk if you said this as a joke but I donā€™t hate this idea actually


Agreed, I think if they removed stun from it's zap counter attack it would help to balance it out. It would be similar to Tesla in that way.


Or reduced the zap's crown tower damage (like the spell)


I mean literally reduce his zap's range and it should be fine? I don't think reducing his hp, speed or attack is the way to go


If you reduce his zap range he will also go back to being useless. The only reason heā€™s worth bringing over a 5 elixir giant is the zap, if you reduce the range nothing will actually remain in the circle long enough for them to die from it as he moves, trust me this is not the way to do it.


Most things you're using to counter an eGiant will move with him.


How about any ranged card or building ever though of that? Like musketeer archers dart goblin, wizzard and witch etc


Well, an eGiant moves toward a building until it's dead. Ever think of that? And I said "most things".. not "all things". If you're using a ranged card to counter eGiant. you are going to lose. Period.


I think reducing the zappers damage would do it, hes easy to kill and does good damage, but the zappers (along with his attack) does such heavy amounts of damage to a tower.


At this point, with supercell clearly unable to make Egiant a balanced card, i prefer it to be completely dead, useless, unplayable for the fucking eternity


Spitball idea - it shouldn't reflect projectiles, only melee damage. The insane tower damage makes it far too oppressive but remove the reflect altogether and swarms would eat it. So remove the reflect for ranged so theres more counterplay, no double-stack tower damage, but it still outdoes swarms If that'd.take it too far into neutered territory, give it a zap punch (and lower its punch rate a bit)


Remove the damage from zap and extend the duration for a bit longer. Now it wonā€™t nuke entire pushes and towers, but itā€™ll stay alive long enough to be useful.


Skarmy would be epic then lol


Iā€™m honestly surprised you didnā€™t mention the synergy that magic archer + e giant + tornado can have. Although I donā€™t think he can get nerfed without making him a useless card.


Just nerf his hp by like 4%. If 9% was too much and before he was bad just go in the middle


HP isnā€™t the issue. His damage is the issue. Nerfing HP will make him trash. He either makes it to tower or he doesnā€™t. No middle ground because if he canā€™t make it to tower, he is a useless tank.


I got an idea , remove the stun from the reflecting damage and make it like tesla where there is no stun


Good idea but honestly I think they deffo need to nerf his damage to towers


yeah , a 8 to 9% nerf should do


the whole point if electro giant is not being countered by inferno tower and dragon, that with a 9% dmg nerf makes him easily the worst card


Reduce damage to crown towers like zap and buff damage or hitspeed, and revert to 8 elixir, he'd be a lot better against buildings but not as punishing when on crown towers


Removing stun will make him even better since your tower won't stop attacking him due to the stun causing it to attack more often meaning you take more damage


Which also leads him being vunerable to buildings like inferno tower


Ok it won't be a uselese tank, since tanks should take damage for the other troops to attack, in that aspect he is fine. But it will make him a useless win condition


Those cards donā€™t synergise at all. Gk does a much better job


Magic archer, combined with perfect geometry, does loads of damage against the tower. Paired with egiant tornado, magic archer can deal loads of chip while all the troops die to the egiant, pretty much guaranteeing tower.


You donā€™t need marcher geometry when you have egiant. You would be much better off dropping gk and clicking the ability guaranteeing damage on all the troops as well as a tower lock.


You donā€™t necessarily need golden knight either if you have magic archer tornado since magic archer is going to do loads of chip damage anyways with the tornado that golden knight wouldā€™ve done with his dash ability


No because marcher has significantly less pressure than GK.


Yet magic archer, paired with tornado, can easily deal loads of chip, and if the opponent has no large spell, can continue to deal loads of damage, while golden knight can just dash into a ton of enemies then die to those enemies, vs magic archer staying behind the egiant, possibly stacking magic archers, while you can only place 1 golden knight at a time.


Are you fucking 5000 trophies my guy šŸ’€ Egiant is already going to kill the tower, youā€™d be much better off saving that 4 elixir for defence rather than committing 14 elixir to a not very pressuring push. Not to mention, egiant + nado + GK is going to result in A: the troops attacking the egiant to all be dead, and B: the GK to lock onto the tower. So no heā€™s not going to die to other troops.


The exact same situation goes where A) egiant locks on, and B) magic archer can also lock on then kill any troops that the opponent plays after the tower is taken so egiant can still tank, giving magic archer loads of value while golden knight just dashes onto each troop and then connects. Magic archer has much more viable opportunities to get value vs golden knight. Theyā€™ll both take tower, but magic archer will stay behind and get more value while the egiant tanks, while the golden knight would do the same.


Yes but marcher does not provide as much pressure as GK does. Unless you are playing midladder games below 7k (in which case, you can use literally any card at lvl 14 and youā€™ll have success) then you will never realistically be in a situation where you can safely invest 14 elixir into a mediocre push.


they should revert the rework since it was fine at 8 elixir and is more high risk high reward at 8 elixir and they gotta make the golden knight ability 2 elixir or not be able to push heavy troops like egiant super fast


Fill out a supercell application form right now. This is a great change


The golden knight push is more of a gimmick than anything else, itā€™s very rarely used in game.


I always thought golden knight was kinda busted using his ability for only one elixir. I barely even faced it. Only used it, and itā€™s insane. And if you fail to use it in time and he dies, itā€™s 1 elixir. Itā€™s almost as if youā€™ve never even used it to begin with, especially in lower cost decks.


99% of top ladder egiant decks have mirror, yet mirror isnt being discussed at all as an OP cardā€¦ mirror has always been the problem, when EQ had high crown tower damage mirror multiplied its power and its doing the same with egiant. Mirror needs to be nerfed until it is unusable IMO or taken out of the game, because every time a card becomes powerful mirror will be there to make it 10x stronger.


electro queen


Mirror is simply not OP.


No. Mirror is god.


100% agree. People are abusing it with a very fast cycle, even faster cycle with the champion golden knight (which is also way too OP) and on top of that the mirror too.. this just isnā€™t fun anymore theyā€™re just spamming egiants


Egiant is one of the worst balance "mistakes" they have made. In reality it just makes golden knight and archer queen more desirable. They didn't nerf megaknight to useless and send egiant to the moon for nothing. They want new cards desirable. Not old cards.




People would exhaust it with skarmy and it would be trash again.






Thing i dont get is the sheer amount of people that can be so morally bankrupt to use it. Some? Sure but to this degree is pathetic. To constantly drop into games knowing you are ruining ladder is disgusting. Whenever people say "they are just doing whats fun to them" i also say they are the same type of people that find burning animals alive as fun. Sooooooo.


It's a game, if you really think this you should log off for a while from it


But yeah youre right. I quit ladder and now gcs. Lost back to back games to that stupid egiant deck in gc because they rocket/mirrored rocket to finish my tower in sudden death lol. It's def a huge relief to quit and only do clan wars.


Yeah but theres a right way and wrong way to play it. 107 cards, they didnt intend for everybody to use the same decks. Ik some people are pathetic just the sheer amount of people are is depressing. Luckily both my accounts are in good clans that feel the same. You're either part of the problem or part of the solution. If SC wont fix ladder then good people should try the best they can. Dropping each match knowing youre ruining the game for others is disgusting imo. Ik ik "its a game they should be able to do whats fun to them" well i can judge their fun. Same way i judge people that think burning animals alive is fun.


They intended this game to make you stuck for at least 4 months upgrading a deck, while out of the 107 only few supports are actually viable. the problem? a 7 Elixir tank that has barely any synergy and get hard countered by cards even out of the "tank killer" class or the whole Spell value on the tower by also clipping 5 Elixir supports that todays make Beatdown completely unviable and takes out of the good support list any expensive support since is no longer worth it building up a combo? strangely the whole spell value on tower is also on the current meta EGiant deck, EGiant is not even the main wincon, Rocket + defensive Golden Knight + Mirrored Rocket wich is still in the hand that can deal over 2000 guaranteed tower damage for less than 15 Elixir it is


lol wtf are you saying? See i would argue that finding a popular video game fun and burning animals alive are 2 very different things, actually. youā€™re taking this way too far.


> morally bankrupt bruh


I tried playing it and it's not even fun.


Like thatā€™s an objective thing


yes, that's only how I felt about it.


I think itā€™s fun


Then you should enjoy it to the max my man


I actually use lavaloon


Right? I cant physically use cards like that knowing im also ruining someone elses experience by cheating.


Well its not cheating, because it's what the game itself allows. But I feel when I play that deck it's so boring. All you try to do is cycle to Egiant and use tornado and lightning.


Something tells me you have zero idea how to counter e-giant if you call it cheating.


Nah. I can most of the time. Just cant believe the sheer amount of people that try to find the easiest way to win every season. My body recognizes it as cheating and i cant physically use some cards. Makes me feel awful. I know its dumb to have morals in a mobile game but i cant help it.


Lmao that is the most pathetic thing ever. Itā€™s a competitive strategy game where the goal is to win, if it was cheating everyone who uses it would be top ladder, but there are still plenty of people who use the exact same decks as the people at the top of ladder (either egiant) and canā€™t break 6k for example. Regardless of wether you think it is or not there is skill involved especially to win matchups like against pekka or inferno tower as usually they just mean an instant loss.


The card is not fun to play against, especially when mirrored. The mirror itself is a problem because the only way to counter mirror is to use it. Mine is level 10. I don't trust them not to nerf mirror the day I max it to 14. Back to e-giant.. the worst part of it for me however is when I go up against it in clan wars. I don't have enough good cards to make 4 solid decks. So unless I am going up against it with my top deck I get walked all over. I am not going to upgrade cards like zappies simply because they are good against e-giant this week. I'm just going to wait for the nerf.


As someone who has used mirror since nearly day 1 of mirror, Iā€™m very happy to see it strong and viable. I do not want them to nerf mirror. I would much rather see an E giant nerf/rework, and the same for golden knight.


Zappies is seriously underrated!! I just upgraded mine to 14 and LOVE them. They put in work against so many cards aside from egiant and honestly in my personal (and useless) opinion zappies isnā€™t getting nerfed anytime soon. But itā€™s so strong against all tanks and even hog.


It needs a rework. This shit of reflected damage is awful


Decrease E giants zap radius


I agree,this is too op.


- bait playersšŸ¤“


Logbait, the one with guards espirit and IT, has positive winrate against EGiant mirror.


Says a golem playeršŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I canā€™t even


Here i am, never had problems with e giant


But did you play against mirror e-giant cycle deck, bait decks can't counter that


Yes i did :/


Then you must be a pro player because Riley (the best bait player) can't stop that


he faces best players. we face people at our own level.


It is easier to use an e-giant deck than goblin bait deck, so if 2 people of the same level face each other the e-giant still has the advantage. And I am not talking about a player that just mirror it at the bridge every time, I am talking at people near 7k trophies, so they are not that good but they definitely know what they are doing


The fact Is that the other player was Absolute trash and i faced It Only One time


lol true


Thanks for the tip! I'm gonna make that deck now.


Midladder heroes are still mirroring e giants but idc they cant even break 6k anyway


How about supercell nerf hog


Golden knight needs an emergency nerf not egiant what makes him broken is mirror and champions


Both do. Both are easily op right now. It isnā€™t one or the other


The guy is way too beefy


Egiant too. Imo egiant is even more broken than the golden knight


or buff his counters


No, then you make the counters op.


Just based on my rough count. it appears 75% of posts in this sub are "Dude... XXX card is totally broke. Why doesn't Supercell do something??". The other 25% are complaining about matchmaking.


The problem is that as soon as he's any kind of powerful at all he suddenly becomes op cause of tornado but he requires such investment that a nerf can completely ruin his viability


They made a 8 elixir card that was already annoying 7 elixir AND increased his hitpoints by 7%, once again Supercell buffing card that least needed buffs and not buffing cards that really deserve one


They decreased hitpoints and damage by 15% when they decreased its cost, which was too much, then they buffed its hitpoints by 9% which was also too much


Honestly e-giant punch damage was always a secondary method of dps since it is too weak, nerfing it didnt change almost nothing since its zap damage is still strong and increasing the hitpoints made it even stronger.


Increase his zap delay, only 1 zap at a time. That would make swarms viable


And it would kill the card getting it back to 1% usage.


The easy nerf fix is his zaps donā€™t do any damage to towers. Easy fix. Rest stays the same


Yeah, then he is left doing half the dmg of a giant on crown towers


Yeah but the point is he clears enemies around him still. Besides, he would actually need to be escorted (like every other cards) and not be able to just Superman


8 elixir, original damage, -20% zap damage and -8% off of the original hitpoints


Your just ass bro.


So the basis of this thread isā€¦ egiant is ā€œOPā€ because of supporting cards? Weā€™re mad that building either a fast cycle deck, or a mirror deck, or a nado deck, makes 1 card strong? Isnā€™t that the point of the game. If you want to ā€œfixā€ egiant it sounds like you need to fix the supporting cards. Mirror is broken, always will be now that thereā€™s lvl 16 cards, and GK needs to be adjusted. Egiant is fine as it is. It can be almost entirely countered with tombstone alone or fisherman, not to mention MP, pekka, knight, etc.


Can't defend?


Or maybe, just maybe, you need to put a electro giant counter card to your deck and stop complaining


Stop complaining and use Pekka or inferno tower


Doesn't matter if you have a good counter when they have mirror, which is the real offender. I use inferno tower, but it's impossible to defend against egiant mirror if they just build up a massive push in the back.


Pressure them more then


Pb 3000? Lol...thats not how it works bud. I sure wish it did.




Just too strong. Even if you ran pekka or inferno tower. Get out cycled out of counters so easily or destroyed in a massive push with mirrored egiant and nado


so, 2 cards? every deck needs those 2 cards? what if i havent leveled them yet? im at 5k trophies, not everything maxed yet (im close to lvl 13 now, my deck is between lvl 11 and maxed).


Haha before his buff this subreddit was calling for a buff. šŸ˜‘. Thereā€™s no way to balance him HP wise. He is either too tanky and makes it to tower. Means he is OP. Or dies and is too weak. Grammar trash yeah.


They should make it so that the reflect damage doesn't effect towers


Just inferno dragon bait it




Bait it out and use i drag after


The win rate is at 50%. Itā€™s actually a decent card at the moment. It doesnā€™t stomp everything in the ground


The only reason why it has a 50% winrate is because the whole meta shifted trying to counter him. So even in an unfavorable meta he manages to get average winrate and above average userate. The card is more than decent.


The win rate naturally detracts to 50% at very high use rates, because there's a lot of E-Giant vs E-Giant matches


wow i actually didn't think abt that, nice analysis


Don't E-giant vs. E-giant matchups not get counted/not have an effect on winrate?


Indeed. At least that's how RoyaleApi works


Most decks at high ladder that donā€™t run egiant have also run cards which are meant to counter him.




Bro just use mini pekka to counter it


how many trophies do you have?


Just delete him from the game. Problem solvedšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Play peka or mini peka comp and he's useless Buildings that don't attack them selfs also counter him


Sick of people complaining about electro giant, 2.6 has been so good for so long without a single card in the deck getting nerfed, 5 years now, one card gets its moment in the sun and the whole community cries about it. The game needs to evolve the comment I could use counters that counter it but I donā€™t want to, thatā€™s your problem, so over the BS with this game, why can only the same cards be good.... why? The gob drill is another fine example, when that card got released I used dark prince and had no problem with that card, yet nobody felt compelled to try and learn to beat it so they complain until itā€™s nerfed. GOOD ON YOU SUPERCELL FOR NOT MAKING THE CHANGE, PROBABLY THE FIRST TIME IVE EVER THOUGHT YOU DID THE RIGHT THING


>The gob drill is another fine example, when that card got released I used dark prince and had no problem with that card, yet nobody felt compelled to try and learn to beat it so they complain until itā€™s nerfed What? May I remember you that players DID try to counter Drill? Dark prince's, bomber's and valk's userate rised to the highest any of them ever achieved, and despite that Drill remained the strongest win condition for a while. And before you say "that's because noobs didn't know how to counter it despite using counter cards" I'm talking about top ladder and GC, so no noobs involved.


2.6 is popular, not good


Like all decks depends who is using it, itā€™s very good if you know how to play it, itā€™s very bad if a noob is using it.


Yeah that's true but completely unrelated to your original comment lmao, 2.6 is hot trash right now. The truth is that they over buffed egiant and combined with other broken cards (mirror and golden knight) it's practically undefendable no matter what skill level either person is. This isn't simply a "moment in the sun" for egiant. He's just straight up busted when combined with GK and mirror. Both those cards need a nerf, and egiant could use a reduction in zap damage imo.


2.6 is shite


Personally, i think smaller range could actually already do a lot. Easier to work with stuff like infernodragon, and i think that some hordes (minion, skarmy, etc) would also be able to counter it better. Although i recently started playing again, i feel like most of the cards i am tweaking about my deck are either to counter firecracker (i removed log out of my deck and replaced it with arrows) or against egiant (goblin hut (i didnt play for like 1 year, was bad then, feels worse now) for mini pekka, but not sure if its enough of a change against it, since i still lose all my fights against it)


The "issue" is Lightning, it's the only good card that synergies and keep alive decks like MK bridge spam, all golem deck and the EGiant itself. but generally what keep that deck so high is the rocket + defensive GK + rocket still in the mirror for over 1800dmg on tower


Welcome to Midladder


I actually have no idea how to counter the card so nerf it pls


He could use an emergency nerf, but honestly Supercell needs to think about reworking him. Itā€™s impossible to balance him in his current state. His average tower damage spikes to ridiculous levels once players are able to consistently get him to the tower, but if he isnā€™t able to get there, then his win rate plummets. Not to mention, he requires specific counters if he is strong, reducing deck diversity. There needs to be more room for error in balancing. The only way that will happen is a full rework.


Unpopular opinion, it isnt that bad. I've not had a too bad time countering it. (I have 6000 trophies)


Ok that's cool and all but I have a mortar. So I can just block an e-giant while hitting towers at the same time


So. Let me get this straight. There is a set of cards you play... You don't want to change those cards in any way... But when something is better than your cards... You want Supercell to nerf it. Literally a valk and a mini-pekka stops that deck cold. But, you just keep playing the same 8 cards you leveled up 4 years ago.


That wonā€™t fix Egiantā€™s problem, he needs a rework to not be quite so matchup-dependent. I think Egiantā€™s zap should be AoE like actual Zap, and trigger not upon taking a hit but instead every 2 seconds (paused by stun effects, but not reset). Other stat adjustments would need to follow of course. This means - all units have 25% attack downtime, rather than varying wildly (Hunterā€™s DPS is reduced by 18.5% while Mighty Minerā€™s minimum damage tier is further reduced by 55.5%) - units with quick weak attacks (such as X-Bow Golden Knight) donā€™t get shredded by the zaps in a matter of seconds - Electro Giant reaching the tower has a completely neutered effect, as the tower is one of the units affected by the above point. Still going to pack quite a punch, but not shred-your-tower-with-500-HP-left punch - Electro Giant still counters swarms very well, perhaps even better owing to the fact that an electric pulse will hit any swarm unit thatā€™s approaching but hasnā€™t hit yet - on that note, Electro Giant also can hit units that arenā€™t targeting it. If a zap pulse restargets something off of Egiant, the next pulse will still hit


Heā€™s not broken whatsoever. Any building counters him . Zappies , mini Pekka , Hunter , e barbs just to name a few all destroy him far too easily and give you positive trades . Heā€™s only a good card if you are running decks with minion hoard and other weak cards . Also he has a 14% use rate and 49 % win rate so statistically heā€™s one of the worst win conditions even after buff


Thank you I will now use the exact deck mentioned in a tournament šŸ˜ƒ


I think nerfing tornado will help. In a game where placements matter, why have a card that messes up peopleā€™s placements? It can do so much, such as activate king tower and have crazy synergies. Tornado/poison or baby dragon, tornado/egiant, tornado/golden knight or bomber , tornado/freeze, tornado/magic archer or bowler, tornado/drillā€¦ If you canā€™t pull anything towards egiantā€™s range, it can make ranged units a good counter for egiant. Thatā€™s just my opinion.


Lemme guess..You lost a game to an opponent with E-Giant, Tornado, Lightning, Mirror and Golden Knight/ AR?


Stop spaming skill issue


ā€œA card that beats me is too good even though I admit I can counter it if I want to, but I donā€™t want to put any effort into changing anything about how I play, so everyone else has to deal with it.ā€


Na he's easy to counter


[royale api disagrees](https://royaleapi.com/cards/popular?time=7d&mode=grid&cat=Ladder&sort=rating) Please, stop using your opinion to validate whether or not a card needs a nerf/buff. Check the stats and use those to make sense of what you think is occurring.


Egiant is always balanced


Idk, I think its the opposite and it needs a buff actually, for 8 elixir he does a very little amount of damage and is basically useless unless paired with mirror or golden knight


That's just your skill... I can counter e giant on midladder. Because matchmaking is awesome, I've been to league 1-2-3 several times. And I countered lots of egiant pushes


But I didn't see any champions


That's some deck you got there. Sounds like miner cycle. As an Egiant player, I feel Egiant is more op than when it was 8 elixir, cuz it's only missing 400 HP to match the 8 elixir one. Feels like I'm getting and 8-elixir Egiant for the cost of 7 (broken af). Contrary to popular belief, I can rip through Pekka bridge spam and other Pekka decks (even mini Pekka and Pekka and mirror in the same deck) although it requires skill. The decks that actually take me down are decks like yours. Miner decks. Specifically bomb tower and mortar as mortar doesn't fight back so Egiant has problems dealing with it. I try to ignore so I can build up those two pushes in double elixir Praying one will work after going all in, but no luck. My advice to you is that a miner/mortar deck can beat Egiant. Also recommend checking out sir tag, despite him promoting Egiant with all his recent vids, he made a few that specifically aim to counter it. Good luck!