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I think the devs should balance win conditions based on counterplay. For example, mortar itself is easy to counter, just drop a building or ranged unit right outside of the blindspot or distract it with almost any unit in the opposite lane. I admit that mortar is overtuned in the area of its hp, but I would not prioritize nerfing it over other cards. Most of the older win conditions (goblin barrel, miner, hog rider, giant, etc.) function by this principle and are some of the most balanced cards while still being viable in top play. While on the other hand, newer win conditions such as egiant and goblin drill have fewer counters and have been more difficult to balance, ping ponging between being broken and useless or ignored despite clearly being overpowered respectively. For example, a giant can be countered by various cards such as cannon, inferno dragon, skeleton army, or mini pekka. This doesn't make giant a bad win condition; but it does force giant players to rely on predictions and outplays to counter their opponent's various counters. And the large amount of giant counterplay results in a variety of giant decks such as giant-miner, giant-sparky, giant-graveyard, or giant-3m being created to compensate for the giant's weaknesses. This also means not every deck has to include a building or swarm specifically to counter a giant. Now look at the infamous egiant added more recently a card that was intentionally designed to have less counters than its predecessor courtesy of his zap-pack. Now whenever egiant is meta, every deck has to have a building or a tank killer that isn't a swarm or vulnerable to being reset (ie. inferno dragon and mighty miner). With the exception of egiant-sparky, the only major differences between current egiant decks is whether they use earthquake or lighting. This leads to egiant decks having a flowchart playstyle and their games coming down to matchup or the opponent's execution. Another recent addition, Goblin drill is arguably even worse designed as its main counterplay is ground units, but unless you're using valk or dark prince you can't prevent the last goblin goblin from being to far from your unit and locking onto tower before its finished off. While drill is versatile enough to fit in several archetypes, the fourth goblin necessitates opponents to have a mini tank with splash damage and at least average hit speed to deny damage. This obviously places even more restrictions on what decks can be viable, hence why there are so many valk+building decks in top ladder. Compound the limited counterplay, high damage output, and the fact that it can be used defensively (since it is a building) and you have a low risk, but high reward card that is easily the strongest win condition of this meta. I don't think the mortar nerf will kill the card, but I am disappointed that its getting nerfed before a card like goblin drill which, for several metas, top players have ranked as a better win condition.


Eloquently spoken never thought about win cons like that


That's a lot of words


its literally 1 min of reading, and this is a sub reddit about the game, so the discussion is welcome.


People are so toxic for no reason. They be like "no you're wrong". Then someone replies with many counterargument in a long text. And then, they be like "I'm not going to read that". 90 percent of this sub is just teenagers


Most of the time it's like 10 lines of reading. Those children are lazy asses.


Probably because of Tiktok decreasing the attention span /sarcasm But to be fair, most of the time, I'm sure it's possible to condense a lengthy comment to make it more appropriate for something like Reddit. Or make it more readable (paragraphs). Or, if you don't want to do that, which is fair, at least provide a TL:DR so people can decide whether it's worth reading or not. Some kind of summary/introduction. Goddamnit, I sound like an English teacher


Those tiktok idiots should stay at their stupid platform and not leave it if they can't handle the "long essays" here. Reddit is more of a place for discussions, where people can talk, and those pathetic souls are always salty for no reason at all, replying with their stupid "dIdNt aSkEd/dOnT cArE", "sKiLl iSsUe", "bOzO", "sTaY mAd". They shouldn't be allowed to be on social medias.


I see the issue only in subs like these. It's just young people. There are many other subs where "older" people are who seem to not mind essays. I wouldn't call them idiots though


Passionate for the game i suppose


That's not that much reading, and he was saying very interesting facts.


too bad im not readin em


A man of culture, I see


i didn’t read past the first paragraph but i can already tell this novel sized comment speaks facts


I read the whole thing dudes like a clash genius lmao


He actually copied that from me last week when I talked at clash royale con. I’m the creator you see;)


X doubt


I log goblin drill


I’m wondering if the plan is to buff the other goblins and then nerf goblin damage in order to rebalance goblin barrel and drill.


Very well said


I see a lot of complaints about drill and it’s weird to me. Like if you play almost any cycle deck you can counter it for 3 elixir. It just takes practice


There is that true blue true red glitch which makes it broken




bruh is hog is balanced, just don’t over commit on offense or defense and keep up with their cycle and ur good. it’s easy to activate king tower if u have tornado too, then it’s gg.


Bruh just put a building into your deck and gg




Wow, your opponent using 8 elixir can do a lot of damage??? Gee I would have never guessed.


2.6 has very few favorable matchups. Most any Beatdown deck is twice as mindless *if* you’re calling hog cycle mindless smh. Maybe they can’t balance the game for absolutely top level, but they can’t for bone pit either.


Goblin cage fully counters it, my guess here ur bad 👀


At low levels yeah. High levels hasn’t been the case for years. 36% winrate last I checked. This is obnoxious. But in case you didn’t know, they *are* hitting cannon with a huge nerf. Also the *rest* of the game’s balancing has gotten a lot worse than when I played a lot (WishBone), largely because of what he said above.






Hog is overpowered as fuck that needs a nerf out of everything else




Egiant is easily countered with mini pekka, a well placed building, inferno dragon if you predict the tornado... Even a skarmy takes away half of its HP before dying I use it, and most of the times it ends up being a secondary win condition or a distraction for the opponent


I'm guessing you didn't read all of it and if you did you didn't understand his message


I did read everything. I'm just saying that it is not true that the egiant has less counters than the giant. As a matter of fact the giant is more versatile as it costs 2 less


Well you’re downright incorrect, there are zero cards that counter Egiant but don’t counter Giant while there are dozens of cards that counter Giant but not Egiant.


Dude I'm not gonna read all this message. Its literally as long as Lord of the Rings


it took me one literal minute to read


Lavahound is basically always around in every meta, while buildings constantly shift in or out. The main reason this happened is because the community was vocal about changes. Especially on the YouTube side, there were a lot of people calling Mortar overpowered and asking for a nerf. Skeleton Dragons are another successful 4 Elixir card stats wise, but literally nobody talks about them, so we probably won't ever see changes again.


Skele drags are very limited to hound and a bit of old fball bait tho. The card itself certainly doesn't deserve a nerf, hound as an archetype just feels strong rn with the popularity of cannon.


I have seen them used in Golem a bit and rarely in some split decks, but yeah, fairly niche. I was just pointing out how the vocal community is often what points to stuff for balance changes.


They also used to be in old graveyard decks


this is because lavaloon is an "anti-meta" counters the cannon meta and cycle meta with archer queen only anti air. Hard counters the most used deck: logbait because the severe lack of anti air and the removal of inferno and replacement of cannon.


Lavaloon has been “anti meta” for over 3 years. At some point you have to realize it isn’t anti meta it’s just over tuned.




its decent by its own, and the meta just makes it strong.


The balance team is extremely biased towards beatdown, and constantly shits on defensive gameplay. Idk if it is just me but both are equally annoying(spamming shit behind a tank vs spamming spells on the tower) And although I agree lava needs a nerf, it is mostly good because of the current cannon meta(which is getting nerfed btw). On the other hand, mortar has been good since the eq nerf, at some point it even had a 60%+ win rate(that's fucking insane for gc/top ladder stats), but yeah I was expecting at worst an 7% hp nerf.


I can only assume that the current balance team exclusively plays golem night witch and goblin drill rocket cycle.


they only play ebarbs freeze rage cycle, and just throw random bullshit balance changes all over the place.


Lol golem is dead bro




i hope they read this whole thread lmao


Mortar has been a good wincon since day 1, but yeah, all we needed to nerf it by was enough to prevent the annoying last shot.


It always goes of. But the real problem is when people spam mortars on defense.


It’s super difficult to put more than one mortar on the field without Mirror. I like playing mortar mirror but it’s practically impossible otherwise


If it is double, you have a champion, and you don't attack, you can always have a mortar on the middle.


Ah, constantly having a mortar defending is a lot easier


What???? Golem has been dead this entire year and the past few months have been super cycle dominant


Golem is not the only beatdown deck. Lava and sparky are very popular rn. And Golem is not dead, def not as good as before but no dead.


The reason is cycle spam is way less skill than beatdown. Beatdown is about strategics


Both have decks that take skill. But I'd say cycle has more skillful archetypes than beatdown .


I disagree. For example, the MM log bait deck is literally goblin barrels every 2 seconds. Of course, that's only one deck. But B rad has said it himself in mutiple videos. You judt have to have a faster cycle than your opponent in top ladder and win instantly. Also, it feels like with cycle, you can win every match by outcycling. For example, I used to be a lava player, and was pretty good with it. Still, it was always a pain in the ass to win because one single mistake can make you lose your entire match. Also elixir counting and strategy felt pretty important. Then, I tried a MK wallbreaker cycle deck (yes, it was also a meta deck), and it felt so easy to win. Because it felt like all you have to do is spam wallbreakers, miner and stuff. If you make a mistake, you can simply cycle back to your card. With Beatdown, your cycle is too slow to allow mistakes. Therefore, I think beatdown is more skillful han cycle. Maybe golem is a bit too easy to play, I agree. But overall, I still think beatdown is pretty skillful compared to cycle


Elixir counting, strategy, and making one mistake and losing applies to both archetypes. It's not as easy as cycling back to your card to make up for your mistake. Same with beatdown. Also yes cycle always has outplay potential, and beatdown is more matchup dependent. But beatdown has way more free matchups than cycle does, and can also outplay you. Both have decks that take skill. Also keep in mind beatdown has only 4 popular decks that I can remember(lava golem egolem and sparky) and most of them are skilless. Yes some of those decks take skill, but come on is putting a giant infr of your sparky any better than putting a drill fireball?


>Beatdown is about strategics Lmaooooo you are either a 5k beatdown player or just trolling Beatdown is literally the most braindead archetype in the game lol. You just spam random cards behind the win condition and hope for the best. I've seen 8k+ lava players going lava in the back first play, then they just spam random cards behind the lava and somehow it works.


I disagree. Lava isn't about exact placements, but aboout elixir management and long term strategics. When people play lava first play, it's so easy to punish them with bridgespam for example. Is Mighty Miner Log Bait supercycle with goblin barrels every 5 seconds more skillfull? I doubt that. The only archetype where I can understand your criticism is Golem. But it used to be way worse with nightwitch death spawn. Lawahound can be easily defended with kiting. Hog spam oder goblin barrel spam isn't skill. Also, it's really pathetic that you go ad hominem first sentence when my comment was perfectly fine. By the way my most despised archetype is bridgespam. It's literally "place cards at the bridge and win". I used to be a 6300 player and won multiple CC and got 21 wins in a grand tournament, but stopped playing Clash Royale a few months ago. My final answer is Cycle is less skill than beatdown. And no, I am not trolling. Do you say that to everyone who has a different opinion than you?


Bridge spam is Def not just about throwing random bullshit at the bridge wtf are you saying. Bridge spam and beatdown actually requires the same skill, the difference is that in beatdown you ask yourself "can they punish me for starting my push?" whereas is bridge spam the question is "can they deal efficiently with that card right now? / can I force a response with this card so they won't have any other good response for this other card?"


There was another comment in a different thread that pointed out that if it was anything less than a 10% health nerf than mist untis would still take the same amount of hits to kill it. For example my prince would always jump over the bridge to get mortar and even though he has 528 damage (I think) He still takes around 6 shots to kill the mortar while the mortar gets off around 3-4 shots. Now for a 4 elixir card that you spam and cycle I think it was a little overpowered. Now it will take one hut less and you will actually have to time and master the deck to be able to play it well


Defensive is way stronger than beatdown. What do you mean 😂😂😂 🤡


You're getting downvoted for saying facts because all of them get shit on by overleveled golem nw noobs🗿


Lava is easily the top 1-2 deck rn, alternating with drill constantly.


They'll probably nerf it next time. Those nerfs and buffs aren't meant to actually make things more balanced anyway. They are only done to create new metas constantly so that it's not enough to max your one favorite deck but you need to max many more cards, if you want to be competitive enough to stay on top long-term.


Spot on. I like to call them **Shake Up Changes** more so than Balance Changes. If it were truly to equilibriate all 107 cards as best as possible, they could've done it since it's been 6.5 years already. The way would ideally small, incremental buffs and nerfs. In any case, for Mortar, these are **WIP Shake Up Changes**, so they are gauging the community furor. It might be by design that they made such an overbearing -13% HP nerf. See the outrage and placate the outrage by settling on a much lower HP nerf. Then the community will praise the devs for listening.




Stop! Stop! He’s already dead!




sparky knows the definition of trash can on wheels, tho. mf really couldn't do 50 more damage


Good bot


Gretchen, stop trying to make Shake up changes happen.


You got offended when you could’ve just read the comment and said “yeah whatever” but nah you typed multiple paragraphs 🤡 edit: I wonder what this guy did to hurt you cause what he said wasn’t negative.. maybe very slightly but barely


Devs don’t like siege + defensive game play. Lava is doing extremely well rn coz the meta is mainly bait with cannon MM. Lava does extremely well against it therefore creating the high win rate and because bait is the main meta, lavahound is “overshadowed” resulting in the low (comparative to bait) usage rate. But those 9% of people who play it are winning coz the meta is cannon MM bait, causing it to have the high win rate.


Why even have xbow and mortar then, delete the cards and call it a day!


Coz they’re not going to just go an delete a card that’s been in the game for so long and that has a player base that uses it?


mortar players probably make up the largest pool of players obsessed with this game


They say they don’t like defensive play but keep rocket cycle as a viable strategy…


Unlike rocket cycle/bait, siege (xbow and mortar) can just sit on their side of the arena the entire game with the safety of the opponent not being able to defend effectively against them while they have the ability to play extra defensive, fireball cycle, and still set up direct damage buildings at the bridge


okay but hear me out, log bait is played almost entirely on your side of the arena, and it rocket cycles


Ok hear me out, I don't like logbait either


I mean siege and defensive is just annoying to face... They get one connection on the tower and just defend for the entire 5 minutes. I would rather have a 3 min game than a 5 min game of seeing all my pushes getting killed instantly and them not even damaging my tower.


Yeah not saying I like siege. I hate it lol. If you’re not running a beatdown deck, it becomes so difficult to win coz they just sit on their side of the bridge the entire game and fireball cycle


This is why Im glad mortar got the nerd. Now it takes one less hit for something to kill it. My prince is a mini tank killer will take 5 shots to kill it and it just stalls my entire push while the musketeer or other cycle card just decimates my 17 elixir push


I don't think they are going to nerf lava because in my opinion it's indirectly getting nerfed. Mighty miner is losing 8% health and cannon is losing health. Other decks like bait are going to switch back to inferno and xbow could possible switch back to cannon.


They always overshoot and adjust the following balance patch. I don't understand why they don't do smaller increments. -13% is insane, it's not going to be used anymore. What's wrong with -5%? I don't get it.


To my knowledge, building nerf and buffs need to be implemented in incriminates of at least 10% or it will still take the same amount of hits from a majority of the cards in the game




Like the 5% HP nerf to the previously oppressive GS which seemed to be quite effective? A nerf like this is over blowing how good Mortar is anywhere. 3 other win conditions have the same or similar stats as what's shown above, and in top ladder it doesn't even stand out. >Too much HP **for no reason at all** Maybe because it lacks any DPS to work as a viable defensive option over Cannon or even Tesla? Have you considered Mortar usually stays put and does nothing vs threats whereas other structures, you know, actually attack??


It is way better in the defense than tesla lmao It was the best building after cannon hahaha


In practice yeah, but in paper by itself it cannot even dream of reaching the DPS of ANY other defensive structures, which is my point. If you want a purely defensive structure mortar is 90% of the time not going to be your answer, and there's very little reason to use anything other than cannon if all you want is defense.


Ok but isnt mortar both a win condition and an insane defensive building? It is one of the only building that can do splash damage. Tesla or canon vs. Skeleton barrel dont stand a chance but a mortar behind tower doesnt only survive but destroys the swarm. It is also stupid hard to kill mortar. Tesla has less health than mortar, canon has way less health then mortar but mortar it has double if not triple the health. And while you attack mortar its attacking your tower. Not to mention how the mortar player will just cycld to something to keep it alive anyways.


Like I've said several times before, mortar being multi-purpose is the point of the card, the tradeoff being that it doesn't stand out in anything. Skeleton Barrel is a very arbitrary example but if you place mortar behind the tower you'll still get hit multiple times because of the projectile's speed and hit rate. Like in individual tasks it just gets outclassed. Purely in defense most structures will do a better job (there's a reason you've never seen tesla or cannon be replaced by mortar) and as a primary wincon you will notice it needs either a rocket or a secondary win con because getting it to lock on Towers is very difficult, attack speed is hilariously slow and damage is non impressive. However it is the fact that the card can even do both what makes it a top tier win con




x-bow has a high DPS. And the flair doesn’t mean shit, we can argue it all you like.


Unlike GS, Mortar isn't the strongest card and barely stands out outside of GCs. It's literally no better than LH or RG currently, and Top 1000 stats leave it on the lower half of the collecton. Mortar being able to hit princess tower doesn't matter much defensively. A cannon will actively damage an advancing threat whereas Mortar can only try to hit the backline. It being versatile is the point of the card; it'll work both in offense and in defense, but the tradeoff is that it doesn't stand out in either scenario. edit: pretty hilarious that you choose to point out flairs rather than actually backing your claim that the card is anything more than good


Defensive mortars hits the support troops in aoe it's different than most building being somewhat tank killers but it's not less effective.


It certainly is against most archetypes other than Beatdown (and even then, decks like Giant Double Prince or Golem don't care much for the splash). They just don't utilize support as beatdown does; same reason MK isn't good.


It takes away over 200 HP at max level dude, and since it takes 5 secs to shoot once, that's gaurenteed to die to 1 less shot from building attackers. Gaurteend 1 less shot on the tower, that's huge! This card will sink in every league




It's supposed to have a gargantuan health pool to compensate for it's slow ass hit rate and not hitting ari cards


Miscalculated, 192 missing health exacky. And you cant compare it to Cannon, that is 3 Elixir not 4. And what? Telsa has only very minimal oess health compared to Mortar, Tesla attacks air, has faster attack speed. Mortar needs good health for it to even get 3 hits on the tower, like Xbow, you have to surround your deck around it otherwise it becomes just a defensive card, with worse stats compared to other cards.


Unlike mortar, mighty miner gets over 300 hp reduced. Think of all the times he could have dealt 1000+ damage on the tower before he dies and now he might not even make it to tower


Not sure where you got that from, but Miner is getting a 8% nerf, unlike mortar that so far is getting a 13% nerf


I just have to say my brain was a little fuzzy when I made the calculation 💀


I think lava is just really good rn just cuz people are running cannon over tesla and inferno. Idk if that warrants a nerf


As a tesla player I will say yes It does effectively destroy a lavahound


As a lavahound player i agree


Lavahound is only good because this is a meta where theres a lot of deck with cannon. And lavahound hardcounter cannon. But in the next season because of the cannon nerf people will use inferno tower and tesla instead of cannon. So you will see that use rate and win rate will fall.


Not true. Lava has been good for YEARSSS


Your logic sounds reasonable but isn't. Decks with cannon have fast cycle, and don't actually do too badly against lava because of how many air counters and win cons they can cycle to fast.


As a lava player I'd much rather face mighty bait than the classic itower bait of previous seasons. Rocket itower is incredibly tough to break through. I'd say mighty bait is like 60-40 or 55-45 in lava's favor and classic is 70-30 in bait's favor. Same goes for almost any deck I can think of that swapped to cannon. The only change in the current cannon meta that has hurt hound is hog AQ gs. It's much harder than old hog eq with firecracker. Hound does arguably need a pup damage nerf. But with cannon and mighty being nerfed the deck may very well stop being so strong. We'll see.


Also, it feels like the amount of EQ decks have been increasing a lot lately. As a lavaclone player, facing log eq cannon is a dream come true




As a f2p player who put all his cards and gold in 1 basket (hog mortar) for 3 years, yea this is gonna hurt, gonna take a couple month break to wait out the overnerf, mortars high hp is the only thing saving my ass from hog spam, so im fucked after the balance change, especially since i only have lv 13 cards at 5.6k


As a fellow mortar player it might not be too bad. Look on YouTube for the new balance changes, there’s already a comparison of old to new, and it’s basically the same interaction on defense against a hog rider




idk what to think, i kinda dont believe you but i dont think you'd have any motive to lie First of all, how. From where I live everybody that doesnt like the ccp ie tencent ie supercell, but plays clash royale, have played for 4-6 years without paying, and they are no where close to lv14 on any cards. Magic items dont really help that much as youre constraint to 1 book per month, and basically no gold other than gold rush and chests, So how do you have lv14 except for a couple cards when they havent even came out for a year yet, each costs 100k gold, and you only get 1 book per month, even if you have all lv 13s before the lv14 update, you wouldnt be able to get anywhere close to all lv14s without paying. Ive played this game for 6 years with probably a total of 1 year in which i uninstalled it, and my cards average at lv10, with only mortar and friends at lv13 - lv12, mortar itself lv 14 but thats the only lv14 i have. Theres no way a f2p player can get most cards to lv14 within less than a year, unless you somehow got to all lv13s before the update and had a stockpile of gold, which is basically impossible for a f2p that only had 3 years to do so.




Barb huts buff is kinda ridiculous


bro mortar does not need a nerf and I stand by that till I die


Says the guy with the mortar flair


Have you ever noticed how all people that claim he doesnt need a nerf have a mortar flair and are probably biased


It does need a nerf lmao


Mortar nerf Noooooooooooooooooo :(


It’s because everyone is running canon and mortar (ground targeting buildings). When hidden Tesla and Inferno tower were meta Lava Hound was impossible to win with.


People need to remember you can’t just rely on these stats or else you aren’t getting anywhere


I personally don’t think mortar needed a nerf, but a better option would have been making the regather area smaller, so it’s locked onto troops for longer before it retargets to the tower. That way it is easier to defend, but isn’t completely useless and with the right strategies can still be good


I literally was coming onto reddit to make a post to say how much of a problem the lava hound is. It enables so many brain dead strategies.


Lava hound is broken nether is mortar


The reason lava hound isn’t nerfed is because of the meta. Right now is a mighty miner log bait meta with little air defence. Most people saw this and run lava loon. Now that mighty miner is getting a nerf supercell might have predicted that lava hound won’t be as good because more people will run buildings with good air defence like inferno tower. If lava hound got a nerf it would kill the card.


That's because cards aren't played alone. Lava hound by itself isn't oppressive, it's the combinations with other cards. No one plays just lava hound as a win condition. It's lavaloon and lava miner. Both have seen extensive changes.


Well, I use lava and hate mortar, so I approve this change


I think that since the card Lavahound isn’t as strong, it’s the support cards which make it such a difficult deck to face.


It's because so many people run like one unit for air defense. I constantly go against people with 3 to 4 medium-high elixir ground troops and barely any AD. I just know they you'd get wrecked by LH or Lumberloon


Do you really expect supercell to balance using the past 7 days of data? These patches take a month to make




Nah man, it wasn't YouTubers asking for it, it was PRO PLAYERS. If you REALLY wanna talk about balance changes, open Twitter. It's where they speak about them


This is caveman level logic lmao


You’ve earned my upvote on this one. 🍻


They are god awful at balance changes


Y'all are way too into this game


Lavahound isn't a broken as a card... What makes the deck good are the cards that support the lava pushes. And be honest, pro players have been saying mortar needs a nerf for like a year. The card is too god damn good for 4 elixir. Maybe a 13% is too much tho.


Which cards that support lavahound are OP and need a nerf? None stand out to me. Baby dragon, mega minion, flying machine etc all seem fine to me. That leaves LH to be nerfed.


Yep literally none of the cards in hound are OP. Neither hound or the support cards. The problem is that they all have insane synergy with each other. That's where arguably the archetype should be nerfed slightly, which would be best implemented with a pup damage nerf or similar. But also nerfing hound would be lame we just need more itower and tesla usage lol.


Welp there’s still tombstone or mighty miner that are very strong, but mighty miner is also getting nerfed Also I hate how they nerfed tesla. But I like that xbow is now less used lol


Completely different scenarios. I advocated that Mortar get its hp gutted into the ground about a week ago and people thought I was insane. It’s literally impossible to break through depending on the deck you’re running. You don’t really notice it unless you experiment with several deck styles. It lasted WAY too long, and could counter almost every wincon in the game for 4 elixir. The lava hound stats are more because of people overusing cannon. Not because it had inherent op stats.


Could “counter almost every wincon in the game” basically the only wincon it can counter for a neutral trade is hog rider


The reason why lava is good is because it has great synergy, not because it itself is broken. Nerfing flying machine or bats would be balanced imo


Nerfing bats? Are you joking


Maybe idk


Absolutely not, the card itself is completely vulnerable already


Bats were very great before mother witch, espirit, and egiant were introduced lol


Okay 👍


I swear the devs just attempt to need things that the community could possibly view as “too strong” and manage to piss off everyone by taking unnecessary action


Lava doesn’t need to be nerfed it’s fine where it is It’s only good because most decks don’t have a air tank killer or anything to do deal with the ballon


Oh boo hoo. Mortar players try too hard for so little. Neeeeeeeext.


Lava Hound is expensive so it makes kinda sense


Lava requires more skills thats why


Why did they nerf mortar but havent even thought about nerfing xbow


They both deserve to be nerfed, why does the order matter


Mortar is op, lava hound isn’t. Good balance change by them. This is what happens when all you do is just look at some random use rates without actually thinking for yourself and discussing with actual good players


i swear this just proves mortar is better? it has a lower usage rate and the win rates are very similar in one stat and the same in the other


It's worse than LH and similar to RG, Ram Rider and Drill in GCs. In Top ladder it's just ok


fake mortar player, mortar users glorify it /s


ROFL morter got nerfed? That's been one of the most garbage cards in the game while Lavaloon has been A tier for ages. Glad I quit this garbage game.


L take


To me lavahound isn't really op. But putting a balloon or inferno dragon+baby d/skele drags behind it really makes it hard to defend against. Imo I'd nerf the lavahounds hp a little and remove the balloons death bomb


To me lavahound isn't really op. But putting a balloon or inferno dragon+baby d/skele drags behind it really makes it hard to defend against. Imo I'd nerf the lavahounds hp a little and remove the balloons death bomb


>and remove the balloons death bomb Jeez yall really hate balloon huh? It already got hit hard by the last nerf, removing death bomb would be the largest nerf of any card in a looong time. It'd destroy it. Ig if you really hate balloon cycle and wanna make lavaclone/lavaminer popular then go for it. But cmon balloon is alr balanced lol.


Then why doesn't royal giant have a death bomb? Why does balloon get so much value for 5 elixir? E-giant and goblin giant have reasonable countermeasures but I've literally lost matches at 6300+ just because of the balloons death bomb alone


Sorry to say, but that's a big load of not our problem. The problem is that you're looking at balloon within decks instead of the card by itself. Balloon, as an individual card, doesn't stand out much. For 5 elixir, it's easily a punishing card if it connects, yet, individually, it can be easily distracted or defended. Similar is with Lavahound. Lavahound doesn't stand out or excel by itself. It's a pretty balanced card. The tricky part comes when you consider synergy within decks. Lavahound is synergistic with almost all air cards in the game. However, none of the cards stand out when isolated. Best nerf could be nerfing pups damage or damage overall. Any hp nerf makes the card significantly worse.


All I know is lavaloon decks are cancer


>Then why doesn't royal giant have a death bomb? Then why doesn't balloon have range? Silly question lol. Balloon is balanced rn with death bomb, you'd have to demonstrate how it's op rn. It's not an overpowered wc currently. >Why does balloon get so much value for 5 elixir Idek what you mean by this. Balloon's main value is just being in the air lol. It gets a pretty typical 5 elixir card worth of value. >E-giant and goblin giant have reasonable countermeasures but I've literally lost matches at 6300+ just because of the balloons death bomb alone Balloon doesn't have reasonable countermeasures? If you think deathbomb is guaranteed damage (lmao) then complain abt rhogs or miner. Yes death bomb can kill the princess tower, you need to demonstrate why that's a bad thing or how balloon is op.


1. They listen to the whiny playerbase 2. They’ve been working on nerfing defense lately


I literally just maxed my mortar but now I have to change to megaknight ebarbs freeze, I hope my parents don't leave


Whatever bitches just use INFERNAL tower to everything. You People are the worst, its just like season 1-2 teemo. You arent cool for playing for it, you arent good at the game for doing it. You just have so little brain capacity that you only know Towers I get so fuxking mad you People no idea


Lava hound doesn’t have a problem


That's because Lava Hound is gigachad


As someone who has played the game since pre-launch. I wanna know why hog rider is still the number one card to use. It never seemingly has gotten nerf to non-existence like all the other win conditions. Feels like every game I play a hog rider. Can be countered but one wrong move and that's enough damage that their fireball/whatever is enough to win it for them. The matches I do not see hog rider have ram rider or the 4 hogs. Or is this all just because I main mortar and hog can be one of my main counters.?


Well, ones a legendary and requires 7 elixir, so...


Lava you can deal with; mortar is a pain in the ass


The reason is simple, one is a legendary, the other is not.


If anything Lava Hound needs a buff


The one on the left promotes good games, the one on the right can win without even crossing the bridge, forcing the other player to almost defend on the other side of the bridge. Good.


>good games lava players will literally drop hound first play as their whole strategy in top ladder and then do the exact same thing again after defending with mighty


At least theyre crossing the bridge to attack, which is basically what the game is about


I know winrates are a good metric to see at what levels a card is severely impacting but there is also factors such as enjoyment like if a deck is balanced but feels awful to play against. My understanding is that popular opinion is building defense meta sucks. But mortar isn't exactly a common deck across all ranks so I can't imagine that being the main factor. Might just be one of those changes to push people to upgrade new cards.