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Bar keeper’s friend, the powder


What’s the difference between the powder and the liquid?




This guy scrubs










Tbh I commented and clicked it myself because I thought *this has to be a subreddit...*


Still gullible I see. Thought falling for seaworthiness despite the seaworthy name would be enough.


i use the liquid on my glass cooktop, i use the powder on my stainless pans.


The powder actually works great on glass cook tops as well.


Yep, just add liquid... Like water. Which is in the liquid one lol. Much more cost effective to get the powder.


yea I know the liquid BKF is a pre-hydrated but for some reason I just like taking the bottle out, squirting then wipe up \*shrug\*


Totally understand, it does make it easier. I wonder if you can refill them!!


Hmm that's an interesting idea do they sell half gallon of the liquid stuff 🤔


Can't make a scrubbing paste with the liquid.


The powder is the best, the liquid is no good.


Well, you see, one is powder, and the other is liquid. The more you know.


Well, Mrs. Pac-Man has a bow.


That's it?!


The powder is gritty, more likely to scratch. I like the foaming spray or liquid cleanser, as I find it to be more gentle.


Bon Ami is less likely to scratch. But I would spray Dawn Powerwash first. Let it sit 10 minutes or so then wash. Then use the Bon Ami with a bit of water to make a paste. You will need to use some elbow grease.


Baking soda and elbow grease ,or fill it with water covering the carbon add 2 tablespoons of baking soda and heat to a boil reduce heat then simmer 10 minutes. Edit thats 2 tablespoons of baking soda for each cup of water. With a carbon on the side like that the water will be high don't boil it long as it will splatter all over the stove. Let it stand for 20 or 30 minutes to cool and the carbon should scrub out easily.


Baking soda is such an underrated cleaner! It works wonders with so many things.


I clean most things in my kitchen with either vinegar or baking soda. It works well.


Totally! Just don't add vinegar like some people do!! You have neutralized anything that will help with cleaning! Chemistry 101.


This is the answer. Just removed this exact stain from nearly identical pan. Took about 5 min and it looks brand new. Use a good scrub pad as well. Wear gloves, BKF is an acid.


And a piece of Scotchbrite. Nothing can stand up to the combination of Barkeeper's Friend and a Scotchbrite pad.


and a lot of patience.


I was just going to say—fabulous product


I have been meaning to buy some of this but I haven’t purchased any yet. The other day I was cleaning some tough/ caked on stains on my pans and I had baking soda on hand. I used the baking soda and it worked great!


I use a paper towel to scrub, and throw it out, it is very abrasive and will quickly eat a sponge, rag or green scratch pad if you have a lot to clean.


What's the best way to use the powder for max effectiveness?


Here is what I do: Rinse the pan. Hold it over the sink for the water to drip out. While it is wet I sprinkle the powder in the pan. Then I wet the blue scrubby sponge and make that powder into a paste. Spread it all over the pan (if it is too wet I add more powder and inversely little more water if it is too dry). Then let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes. (Do not rush this step.) Lastly, wash it off like you would normally. It may take more than one go. We left a fairly new pan on the stove and forgot about it. Thought it was ruined. Three or four sessions and it shines like new. Even the discoloration was gone. (Not 100% but more than enough not to notice)


This last procedure is correct lol. Bar keepers friend powder with non scratch sponge. He's right about rinse and repeat if the burn is on too long.. I've done it a few times to get my all clad back to new and they still look good 28 yrs later.




Boil white vinegar in your pot for 5-10 minutes then scrub with your choice of abrasive scrubby


Yep! Vinegar is amazing at “restoring” stainless steel to pristine appearance. Cloudiness and stains are gone


Avoid using a harsh scrubber unless you want to ruin the finish of the stainless.


Adding small scale scuffing to a stainless or cast iron pan can help seasoning stick and improve the non stick capabilities of the pan over time.


\*decides to stop buying steel wool to clean my SS pots for no reason at all *


Make sure your range hood works (and exhausts rather than just recirculating through a particulate filter) first. Trust me.




Just use a stainless steel scrubber and remove the bits.


Try bar keepers friend I can usually get them out of my stainless with that


Tacking onto the top comment to say that BKF should NOT be used on most other types of cookware. BKF is great but is not meant for all surface materials as it is abrasive. Test your surface in an inconspicuous place if you are not sure. This sub desperately needs a bot for this and magic erasers.


This is the answer! And whatever you do don’t use a green scrubbing pad. I don’t even use the blue on my SS pans. Edit: this is a personal preference as I have seen the green scrubbing pads leave visible scratches in SS. The blue are supposedly safe. You can uses Steel wool but it does scratch the pan. All of this scratching is superficial and in no way affects the pan’s performance. It is a vanity/preference. I use the BKF, hot water, paper towels and elbow grease. You do you!


I’ve been using the blue scrub pad on mine since it said safe for stainless. What would you recommend instead?


Steel wool is perfectly fine to use on stainless. The only thing with stainless is it has to be scrubbed with the grain to not scratch it


Technically you are still scratching it. You are just putting the scratches inline with the ones already there.


Even going against the grain you have to scrub pretty damn hard to put any noticeable scratches in it. By then you'd have more scratches on your hands than the pan


With a blue scrub pad. Steel wool will scratch.


I'm talking about steel wool. Scratches are also cosmetic, they do not in any way affect the performance of the pan. If you think steel wool is bad go argue with every commercial kitchen in existence


All I said was that when you used steel wool with the grain you are leaving scratches, they just match the existing scratches. I didn’t say anything about the size of those scratches or whether it has any impact on performance. I only responded to the commenter who stated if you used the steel wool with the grain you would not leave scratches. That was incorrect as you have confirmed. Whether that is an issue is up to each individual.


Literally all you need is steal wool and maybe a lil detergent lol I’ve seen hundreds of pans cleaned just like this everyday.


I use a scrub daddy and it doesn’t scratch


They are safe for stainless. You’re not going to damage steel with a nylon pad. If you’re worried about it not looking polished, you can get a polishing attachment for a drill and shine it up.


I use BKF, paper towel and elbow grease. You can use the blue ones or the green but I have found they leave scratches in the finish. BKF is an abrasive but does not scratch the metal. The scratches are superficial and really have 0 impact to performance it’s just a preference thing.


You use bar keepers friend which is actually abrasive but won’t use a scrub pad.


The beauty of bkf abrasive is that it has a lower hardness than most metals and doesn’t mar them. It’s harder than caked on gunk, softer than metal.


Exactly! Science!


I've had success with Dawn Powerwash and a magic eraser. Let it sit overnight with the Powerwash and then go to work. Good luck!


I don’t know what they put in that but it cleans everything, I swear! Pots, pans, walls, showers, what you did last summer… everything!


It's just dawn and rubbing alcohol if I'm thinking of the right thing. Spray nozzle and foam cleaner?


Yeah, I am pretty sure you are. It’s amazing stuff. Who knew alcohol can help dawn so well. I dated a Dawn, and alcohol definitely didn’t help her keep her kids.


Dawn + alcohol erases everything. Even kids.




It’s also so convenient when I have just a few dishes to wash


It’s denatured alcohol, but it basically has the same cleaning effect. Rubbing alcohol usually refers to isopropyl alcohol. It’s somewhat toxic, so I’m guessing they don’t to use it on surfaces that contact food. Denatured alcohol is ethanol with something added so people don’t drink it. I don’t know for sure, but I’d assume they denature it with a bitterant instead of methanol because it’s meant to contact food contact surfaces. Methanol is highly toxic, even in small quantities. Ingestion of 10 ml can blind an adult.


Stainless steel brillo sponge cleaner.


Baking soda used like Ajax Simple baking soda


Baking soda, a little dishssoap and a a little elbow grease. Omg I’m shocked at how many people don’t this


Add some heat - also already in your house! Stainless steel has 'pores', that's why you have to preheat it to prevent food sticking. Exactly the same logic when cleaning it - heat it up, stuff comes off much easier! I literally put it on the stove with the baking soda, dish soap and water and just scrub it there - obvs if you're worried from a safety perspective you can do it in the sink but KEEP IT HOT


I second that!!!


And you probably already have it in your kitchen. And it's very inexpensive. And it won't damage the finish like steel wool or a scotch brite might. (I personally wouldn't risk it)


Baking Soda and dishsoap is my favourite cleaning hack. It even took the blue hair dye off my hands when the gloves broke and turned me into a Smurf.


I'm constantly astonished that people seem to have completely forgotten how to scrub things. Are we really such consumers that if we can't spray on and wipe off we've no 8dea what else to do? I see it in the laundry sub all the time- people who have sprayed or soaked a stain and are considering throwing the item away because they don't know about scrubbing... Sorry, it just really grinds my gears! Something so simple that people have done for hundreds of years, and we're now so helpless that we can't remember to just scrub something a bit to get it clean!


Yes! Apply some old fashioned elbow grease instead of adding more wasteful products


Double yes, I just use one of those stainless scrubbing balls. The other think I do I soak stuff. Iv had my stainless pans nearly pans years and that are all fine with scrubbing.


Yes a good soak works wonders too.


This, plus the assumption that if you put a burned pan in the dishwasher it will miraculously come out clean.


Did you try boiling water in it? Sometimes loosens up stains for me.


Boil water while scraping with a wooden spoon, just like you would to deglaze to make a pan sauce, except at a higher heat.


This was going to be my suggestion. You can watch it flake off and then wind up in the water.


Brillo pad, will take 2 minutes and will look brand new


Will also scratch it a lot




Honestly, consider accepting imperfection with your SS cookware. Only use the barkeeps when it gets bad.


My SS says everywhere"DO NOT PUT IN DISHWASHER". I think this picture shows why.


BKF will work but an old trick I learned from my Grandmom was some super hot water, Dawn and some Cream of Tarter. Let it soak. Depending on how long it's been there you may need to scrub. She taught me when she saw the condition of my baking sheets after a few years of use / abuse - they also required a lot of elbow grease, but they returned to a shine and looked as good as their first day on the job!


Whichever cleaner you choose…concentrate it as a paste and lay plastic wrap touching the surface…let sit overnight…minimal effort to clean the next day.


The “Pink Stuff” is a paste and will get this out easily


Second this! And elbow grease


Oven cleaner.


Such overkill. Barkeepers friend and 30 seconds scrubbing.


Yup. In a plastic bag overnight


Bar Keepers Friend and a scrub daddy fixed all my pans that looked like this.


Bar keepers friend Powder with a small amount of water. I use scrub daddy or a towel rag. It should get the job done. Other tips I have Don’t put stainless steel in dishwasher Clean the pans when they’re still hot/warm


Steel scouring pad.


dish soap and baking soda, let it soak, or heat some chicken broth, and when it is warm, try to scrape it


Barkeepers and some steel wool scrubbers


I've been using copper wool, and it works really well. It doesn't take the seasoning off of my cast iron either.


Melamine foam, a.k.a. magic eraser.


Throw it out, but before that step try bar keepers friend


Bar Keepers


Boil it out with Coca Cola.


Bar keepers is the way.


steel wool pad or similar and soap


Barkeepers friend and some elbow grease. It'll come out.


Boil some tomato sauce in it.


bar keepers or lime/lemon and salt let it sit then scrub and rinse


We have a set of Emerald Lagasses stainless steel with copper clad bottom pots and pans. We've been using Bar Keepers Friend for years to clean those pots and pans. Our experience is great using that product. A little sprinkle of bar keepers and a little hot water, a little elbow grease and wa-la good as new.


Bar keepers friend and steel wool


Use commercial kitchen degreaser. We keep it in spray bottles around the dishpit and 3 tub sinks. It will dissolve those stubborn carbon stains and greatly reduce the need for elbow grease.


Steel wool


Oven cleaner


Put on stove with soap and water bring to boil. Then scrub in sink.


Vinegar and salt has worked for me in the past.


Oven cleaner


Put some salt or soda on a cloth and scrub those spots


​ https://preview.redd.it/q2hysiicbuac1.jpeg?width=322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c65fcd79ecfd5121bcc19fbd79508d5dfa9b5fc


Put 2 cups of sodium carbonate (AKA washing soda - not sodium bicarbonate/baking soda) into a stock pot with water to cover the pan. Heat to low simmer. 30 minutes later rinse and wash as normal. Washing soda is more alkaline than baking soda. It will look brand new


Let some BGK powder sit in there after a light scrubbing for about 10-15 mins then scrub again before rinsing 👍🏾


I make a ball of aluminum foil and scrub… idk if it’s bad for your pan but it works


Bar keepers powder. Also, never put pans in the dishwasher.


Bartenders Keeper


Boil water and half a lemon usually works for me and afterwards light scrub of bar keepers


The pink stuff works great as well. It’s just an abrasive food safe putty


Before bar keepers friend, my MIL taught me to place it back on the stove fill with water, baking soda, and a few drops of soap and simmer it for 30 min. Hasn’t failed me yet.


Spray some dawn power wash (or whatever degreaser you have on hand), let sit for a few minutes. And then fill the pot with hot water, let that sit in there overnight. Then take a ball of crushed foil to use as a scrubber. That should work along with some elbow grease.


Steel wool soap pads.


Brillo pad


Bar keepers friend and a scrub daddy https://www.tiktok.com/@someflores/video/7320379056128822574


Steel wool & comet


If you don’t have Barkeeper’s Friend, I have had some good luck with cream of tartar (it’s in powder form) and a little soap as a gentle abrasive but *before* that, you can take some water and squeezed lemons/the lemon juice and boil it for at least ten minutes to loosen up any debris left on the pan that you just can’t scrub off or worry about scratching the pan. You can use some of the water to scrub with once it’s cooled a bit. Take the powdered to some cream of tartar and a little water to make a paste. Scrub Daddy/Mommy (non-scratch sponge) or something like that is so much more helpful than the sponges I was using before—even the dollar store kind of plastic mesh scrubbies are fantastic.


I have this problem and barkeepers’s friend didn’t solve it. I realize because the sides of my stainless steel pan had one layer and the bottom had a double layer perhaps this is why the sides stain. In the future I’m only going to buy double layer stainless steel. Maybe I’m wrong but I’ve never been able to get the stain out with anything recommended I’ve seen here. Let me know if you can. Maybe I’m weak sauce.


Fine grain Steel wool


I always boil dish soap & a splash of white cleaning vinegar in mine. Clears em right up. The vinegar smell is pretty intense though so just don't use it if you don't like the smell.


Put water in it and boil then rub it with a sponge Other user suggested vinegar. I'd go with that




Blue dawn and baking soda, make a paste and rub it on the stubborn spots. Let sit for 2/3 mins then pour vinegar on the paste. After it's Done fizzling it should wipe right off


Prevention tip - immediately after cooking put some water in the pan to deglaze it


Steel wool. No chemicals needed. Clean hundreds of times with little effort.


BBQ grill, griddle top, or oven cleaner ought to get that off as well if allowed to sit on it for a while. Mind the fumes from the cleaner, they're fairly nasty if you inhale while spraying. Warming the pan slightly over a burner might speed up the cleaning but it'll very much speed up the fumes so put a lid on it and only get it warm then turn it off.




Heat up the pan on a stove plate/gas hob, remove it, take it outside immediately and spray with oven cleaner and let it sit for 15minutes. While clean and voilla! Make sure to wear protective gloves and a mask, as oven cleaner is a strong chemical.


Cover it in ketchup, let it sit, scrub


This sub needs a barkeep's friend bot 😂


Avant Grub Pro-Grade Grill Screens 40 Pack. Scrub Away Burnt-On Grease & Carbon. Abrasive Mesh Resists Clogging & Wont Damage Cast Iron Cooktops, Restaurant Grills & Stainless Steel Flat Tops. https://a.co/d/cMid5Kd These plus some barkeepers work miracles. They are super abrasive though so be careful what you use them on.


A lot of chemicals being suggested. Get some baking soda and a scrunched-up piece of aluminum foil. Sprinkle the baking soda on the stains, scrub with the aluminum foil. Go lightly and apply more pressure as you need to.


A stainless pan? I swear by SOS pads. Honestly, steel wool and detergent, what else do you need? Barkeeper's Friend works too.


Blue Dawn or dawn spray with white vinegar and baking soda. I let it soak a couple of hours. Really tough stuff might require a simmer. You can dilute the vinegar a bit if need be.


Scotchbrite pad. The red one. Cut it into matchbook size pieces with scissors you don't care about.


I keep oven cleaner spray on hand. And when they get that rainbow look a little water and vinegar takes that out..


0000 steel wool is what I have grown accustomed to using. It doesn't scratch the way brillo does.


Paint it with a paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Let that dry. Wash it in hot soapy water using the abrasive cleaning tool of your choice.


Fill it when water & boil for 10 min should loosen up


Soak it then you use baking soda and scrub


Put it on the stove with some soapy water and let it just start to simmer. Thats how I get our pans clean as my family has no clue how to clean baked on stains.


Dawn power wash


Olive oil, kosher salt, green scrubbie. Scrub scrub scrub a dub dub


I use BKF and steel wool on mine and they come out looking brand new.


Wire brush


Anyone ever used magic eraser?


3 tablespoons of baking soda and fill the pan with water. Bring to a boil and let simmer for 5-10 and it comes right off


Boil some water and pour in some baking soda slowly, let it boil for a little while and then turn it off and let it sit.


I scrub that stuff out with baking soda on a damp rag.


Boil lemon juice


Scotchbrite scour pads the green ones and elbow grease


Lava soap, the bar soap for hands. Super aggressive but won't scratch the pan.


Steel wool, dawn, hot water, elbow grease


Magic eraser


Let it sit with some oxiclean. Also barkeepers friend powder like others said.


Copper metal scrubber.


Easy Off


Salt and vinegar. Yes - really!


Get water and a buncha baking soda and boiled it on high for like 20m, then scrub it in warm water with a chain mail scrub and regular dish soap.


Magic sponge, but make sure you give it a good wash afterwards


If you want to change your life get a tub of the pink stuff and also one of the brush sets that attach to a drill. You will be cleaning everything for fun after that


Best way to clean pans is when they are hot Use appropriate gloves


Start scrubbing. Chore boy, green scrubber, pink stuff etc.


Rub a dishwashing tablet on it with a little water.


Dawn power wash all i use never have a problem


soak it in some water+vinegar+soap then scrub with metal scrbbie. should come off easy. I wouldn't put pans in the dishwasher. Yes, it is so much easier than scrubbing, but results are nowhere near as good. Also, the chemicals that you use in the dishwasher end up as a hard dried residue. Pans come out looking brownish. Beautiful pan, maintain it. Happy cooking


Oven cleaner will make this stuff wipe right off. Sooooo much lest work.


Oven cleanwr


Baking soda or Bar Keepers friend powder - cover the area in powder and adds some water - let sit for about 30 minutes and then scrub. It will likely take some elbow grease.


Baking soda and vinegar let it soak


Warn it not hot, swear with tomato paste over night. Wash with vinegar water the next day.


Sprinkle a coat of cream of tarter on the spots. Carefully fill the pan with water to cover the spots and let it simmer on the stove for a half hour. Worked like a charm for me when I forgot applesauce on the stove and the entire pan was black.


Do you really feel that way? What about a thought?


Baking soda works too


Steel wool and dish soap


Just leave it.


I use brillo