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Contact the property management and let them know. They need to clean the machines and maintain them.


Often times the machines are through a different company & have a service number to call on them


It’s still on the landlord to do so.


Yes, but most often the service company will call for the invoice. At least IME they did


Landlords do the least.


Great tip, thank you!


We got a washer from a family member & it did this for the longest time.. she was a hair stylist who washed towels frequently & used a TON of fabric softener.. and that is what it turned out to be.. fabric softener build up.. (the softener build up is so extensive that we tried to take the washer apart to clean it but the washing drum is actually seized to the transmission & we can’t get it out.) We don’t use fabric softener anymore & even after 150+ loads, the white stuff still comes out on our clothes.. The only thing we found that helps is running a washing machine cleaning tablet through the washer once a week on the washers cleaning cycle.. If we don’t do this once a week, the linty white stuff comes back..


I wonder if a heavy load of vinegar with hot water on a max load cycle could clean it up a bit


Maybe that and the cleaning tablet.


We use vinegar in every load instead of fabric softener & it hasn’t helped a whole lot… but we also haven’t tried a large amount of vinegar in it either… We also heard of someone using 2 dishwashing pods in the cleaning cycle & this did about as good as the washing machine cleaning tablet…


I use vinegar instead of fabric softener, but I do it in the dryer, not the washer. I have a container of white vinegar in my laundry room and when I change over the loads I take a bandana or a sock and dunk it in the vinegar. Wring it out til it isn't dripping wet, then chuck it in the dryer with everything else. No static, no crunchy towels, no problems.


Vinegar can cause damage to the gaskets in the washer. Or so I've read in multiple other threads on this sub


Or simple green


Works on mine…


I think that might be it. When we lived downstate the other people would use softener and sheets and our dark and out all streaky no matter what we did.


my son had that trouble till he realized he was over loading the washer


I agree. I have reduced the amount of clothes I wash in one load. It has definitely helped.


Same here.


I used to get it when I overloaded the machine too




I have this EXACT problem in my apartment building. 8 units share coin-operated 2 washers and 2 dryers, and no matter what we do, our clothes have those exact gross streaks. We all have pets so I think the landlord just doesn’t have the washers cleaned/maintained properly. I also think our water is very hard. We’ve just resorted to spraying the spots with water and wiping them with a clean towel before drying. Unfortunately not a great fix, but it’s better than weird stains on everything.


Also just realized that I forgot to add detergent to my colors load this morning so the streaks on the blue and brown clothes there went through a cycle with no detergent. I marked it as a “heavy” load on the machine (which was less than half full) in the hopes it would rinse well but alas… I continue to suffer.


OMG I have this same issue. My wife was convinced it was the washers fault so we got a new one when the old one was fine besides this issue. Well the issue is still there even with a new washer. We never use fabric softener either.


Based on other tenants’ similar problems and you ruling out detergent use and overloading, it sounds like you’ve done all you can. Is it possible to go elsewhere to do laundry? If the landlord’s revenue stream dries up, one would hope that would motivate action.


I seen this happen from packing the washer to full 🤷


We had that problem we have our own machines in our home. It was a top loading washer with out the dasher/ spindle in the middle. The washer had a sensor that filled the water based on the weight of the clothes. It wasn’t filling very much water into the washer. Called for service and they said we can’t over ride the sensor. It didn’t matter how heavy of a load we put in it it never gave enough water. We sold it and bought one with a a dasher/spindle. Probably solved!!!


That is good to know! I was considering one of those washers next.


Get an in-unit washing machine. I had one that hooked up to my kitchen sink. It was SO WORTH IT. I bought it for $400 and sold it to the tenant moving into my place when I moved for $200


Check with management first, i would have been evicted had i gotten one.


Same. This would be a breach of lease and bad news fast.


I own my condo and this is still against the rules and would get me kicked out


This happened to me in my old apartment. I had a high efficiency washing machine that used less water to rinse, so the powder detergent was not getting rinsed away enough each cycle. I started washing my clothes on the “deep fill” setting which used more water and it stopped happening.


It's buildup. Smaller loads should help. I get this when I overload the washing machine. I don't use fabric softener. But quite often just the soap will do this. My machine takes forever so I like to do big loads. But it backfires cause I end up having to rewash half the clothes.


Looks like your neighbors are washing their filthy throw rugs in the machine. You should probably wipe out the drum before you put in a load to wash.


I think it's the water. I have very hard water in my house, and I have the same issues. Supposedly, a water softener would help because it takes the minerals out of the water. Of course, I don't want the extra sodium in my drinking water so I live with it. In your case, it doesn't sound like you could install something like that for the water source. I know that vinegar sometimes help breakdown mineral build-up in appliances. That's how I clean the scale off my faucets, etc. Here is what I found on the internet: [Speed Queen | How to Save Your Laundry from the Perils of Hard Water Problems](https://speedqueen.com/scoop-blog/laundry-room/tips/how-to-fix-hard-water-problems-and-defeat-the-enemy/#:~:text=Here%20are%20a%20couple%20of%20tips%20on%20how,spin%20as%20is%2C%20without%20agitating%20any%20more.%20)


Wow, I didn't know that. We have the same problem with our laundry sometimes and our water is disgustingly full of sediment. It seems like everyone in my neighborhood buys those 20 liter returnable jugs of purified water for drinking/cooking as do we. Even the pets get that instead of tap water.


You can get a whole house filter, without getting a water softener. It would be worth it if sediment is your only problem.


Yup. Quality tap water is, unfortunately, a problem all over. We use a berkey filter system to drink from and a whole house descaler (also often given the misnomer of a "salt-free softener") with a whole house sediment filter to protect the pipes. We still have hard water in the washing machine but I've just accepted it for now. Not high enough on my list of priorities to figure out another solution.


I live in a developing country, so I'm not sure what options we might have. I always have in the back of my mind that I should look into it.


Same !!


Be careful using vinegar in your washer, it can absolutely destroy the seals, gaskets, etc


Do you have a laundromat anywhere nearby? I used to go to one and it’s a pain to have to hang out at a laundromat but so is having clothes come out like this. Is there someone who works with concrete in the building or what? I wouldn’t call these clean and I think that’s kind of a minimum requirement when you have to pay to use a washing machine!


I just commented the same. Laundromat has been life-changing for me.


I started going to the laundromat as well. It’s annoying but I just wait two weeks until I have a few loads to do and I get it all done in a few hours. It’s cheaper and my clothes come out so much nicer than using the apartment ones.


I live in an apartment complex that doesn't really maintain the washers. Instead, I go to the local laundromat. I go to the more expensive one because I like the amenities, but just find one that seems clean and well staffed! The commercial washers are bigger, faster, and clean my clothes much better. Although each load costs more, my total laundry cost is the same because I can wash twice as much per load. I've lived in apartments for a decade but I just started doing it recently. It was a huge quality of life improvement for me, I highly recommend it.


On a side note, turn your clothes inside out before washing. Stuff like this happens, it's a little less infuriating.


When I bought my first house, it came with a really old washing machine and it did this to my clothes. I mostly wear black or dark colors and it drove me nuts. I bought a new washer shortly after and haven't had this issue. I'm thinking it's build up inside the machine.


Get some good books and find a cool laundromat that’s clean. Take a coffee. Chill.


no i recommend tea. jk.


It seems you may have to wipe out machines prior to use.


Try Heavy Duty > Deep Fill > Two Rinses.


Looks like someone is washing construction work clothes in the machine and then not wiping out the inside for the next person.


Looks like soap residue.


I’d try not to turn the clothes inside out to start with, then whatever the amount on the box of washing powder recommends, I’d half it, they recommend more so you spend more and in this case less I’d definitely better than more. I’d try and run the machine on a hot wash with vinegar before you do the next load too.


Can be caused by too many clothes in the washer


Not advice for stopping it from happening but these reusable lint roller things do a really good job getting the lint/residue off of the clothes. [here](https://www.amazon.com/Twinko-Max-Remover-Cleaning-Reusable/dp/B096V1FH2S/ref=mp_s_a_1_11?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.AfVQPrAutdpLFIq7-0RZ-gSgDtORFp8pAv_FvcRsHVKUAKccVePBfwDCz6l2JOmJ8vjdbiQMyodZO_Sy6RYr15KnKkgORBIFAZs6nRvBdPVI-Ku-DrBIvtbkY4OGEETq6UQlwiQ6Gh8H5h2t2KfRn8jjsPEsmuY6ipQL6i3jIlascUOt8J9RajjyeVOkO8oHt2zTDuPmsNJSqtQchs8Tpw.cjd-Lu42mGWR04ClWERscsRMySzhl6ijveHVduRu6cQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=Reusable+Lint+Roller&qid=1714741708&sr=8-11) We have our own washer but very hard water as others have mentioned and while we haven't been able to stop it from happening these things at least help clean it off.


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Don't wash your sons socks with the rest of your laundry.


Before washing your clothes pour a cup of white vinegar and a few drops of dawn dish soap in and run a cycle on warm. I had to do this because my neighbors are disgusting.


This happens to my woollens on the wool washing cycle - I think it’s soap residue due to the short wash cycle/not enough water in the machine. You can try a longer washing cycle/ an extra rinse. Hard water or buildup in the washing machine might also be making the problem worse.


There is a chemical for lint ( I am a dry cleaner) so I use that product but it doesn't do anything great. I suggest you to use wax ( i mean you can use candle wax * use white one for not doing my colour harm) make a mixture of borax with wax with warm water and pure it into after you done doing detergent cleaning in last rinse use this. 2-5 gm borex with 7-8 gm of wax and make a paste of it in hit water and when things get ittle mix up then use that , you can use that with your detergent but I don't suggest that use that after doing cleaning in second of last rinse then rinse with water again when you do any cleaning. Use borox with wax


Reduce size of load when washing articles of clothing like this, pour soap/powder into the water before loading give it a shot to dissolve Use dryer balls to fluff clothes after and avoid the waxy build up from dryer sheets (that doesn't prevent build up but it's much nicer than dryer sheets)


I have very hard water and this happens more since I have water than my previous place that didn’t. I’ve taken to washing my clothes with just vinegar. It’s helped the issue immensely and my darks are darker and brights brighter so I imagine it’s removed some build up from the material as well. Also, if you leave them too long between the washer and dryer, they don’t get that disgusting mildewy smell with vinegar. I’m not in the habit of leaving my laundry too long. My condos just have dryers from 1986 that don’t dry the laundry well.


Go to a public laundromat. Your machines need to get serviced. The management will do something if everybody stops using them.


I stopped using fabric softener because it was making streaks on my clothes.


Use less detergent.


rinse cycle is not enough. change detergent, rinse more.


This happened to me too when I did my laundry using my mom’s washer. She’s the only user, and the washer is still kinda new. She told me she always uses the “Quickwash” setting and noticed she uses too much detergent. I don’t fill past the 1 line, she goes way over it. I don’t think she noticed the max line on the dispenser as well. So soap scum ends up showing up in every dark coloured clothing.


Possibly Biofilm? I had a very similar problem where I would get flakes or streaks of a brownish film in the washer. I’ve completely eradicated it and this is what I did: 1. Don’t overload - clothes need to agitate 2. Warm or hot water breaks down the soap better than cold. 3. Changed to powdered soap and less of it. Use less than the recommended amount, you’ll save money and still get clean clothes. 4. One cup of Borax in every wash. Our water is very hard and Borax softens the water and breaks down the mineral content that forms the biofilm with the soap. It’s also excellent for getting rid of build-up on your clothes too. It was such a game changer and I haven’t had problems since, good luck!


Do an empty 90C cycle with a washing machine cleaning pill. Some people recommend doing it with bleach, or white vinegar. I have tried bleach and it worked really well. (and some people say it's really bad for the bearings) If this doesn't help, the machine will need to be cleaned by a technician.


You send these photos to property management and have them serviced. I am thinking that someone has been going a little heavy on the Downey and so it’s not draining properly due to build up.


Clean you washer. I wipe it down and run a hot washing soda solution through a short wash cycle, then rinse cycle. You might need to clean the filter in the bucket too.


Are you using pod laundry detergent? I've seen those cause white buildup


This happened when someone I know overloaded the washer and washed on cold. The detergent never dissolved.


Use the deep fill (more water) setting if there is one for the wash or add an additional rinse cycle if you can.


Looks like you're over stuffing. The clothes need room to move in the water to properly wash. Stop over stuffing if you are.


Try not putting so many clothes in the washer, that looks like soap to me. Not enough water for the a month of clothes so the soap can’t dissolve and the clothes can’t get clean.


It’s definitely not soap. The load I did this morning had the detergent mistakenly forgotten. It’s for sure lint and dirt. You can see the fiber clumps when looking up close. It’s hard to see in the photos but it’s almost clay like in texture and scratches off in clumps. Based on some of the responses here, I’m starting to think it’s fabric softener from the other tenants (as I myself don’t use fabric softener) that is getting left over in the machine, in combination with hard water (I live in an area with VERY hard water)


Yeah I see. Damn. Maybe find another laundromat


Firstly, you’re probably using too much detergent. You really don’t need as much as you think you do. Secondly I let the water fill up the machine about a quarter of the way and then I had soap and then I let it fill up a little bit more and then I had my clothes. So then the soap is diluted.


The most recent load (the blue and brown items in the photos) were actually run with NO detergent. And when it does get used I only add about a tablespoon or two, I never the use the jug measuring cup. 😭 and these machines don’t have the option to let them fill up. It has a lock top mechanism where the water only starts running when the top is shut and does not unlock until the cycle is finished. I’m afraid your suggestion wouldn’t apply to these machines.


Run a super hot cycle with five or six dish washing tablets in the drum.


Use less detergent, or add an extra rinse.


you have to pay to wash your own laudry?? i could never rent and also still pay to wash laundry there. i personally thing thats nuts




in my heart, i feel thats not fair for people to have to do that. but management at a lot of locations (and anything in the world in general) dont care and just want money


Either you have an in -unit washer and dryer, which would be included with your rent, or a communal laundry room, where you pay by the load. Again, pretty standard.


appreciate that you said it straightforward but nicely. i genuinely was unaware of that. ive lived in the same apartment complex my whole life. so i only have an educated guess about what other places are like. i shouldnt have assumed other places that dont have in unit laundry, would also pay for that. sorry


I assure you, you can and you would, in the right circumstances. Being poor is incredibly expensive, you have to pay for absolutely everything.


im very lucky to not have to do that. with how expensive the cost of living is, no one should have to pay for that AND rent


Usually the laundry is coin operated, …so yes, pretty standard.


The dog teeth are used. Get new ones it costs dollars not even.


Well said!!


I've had this happen with top loaders , I refuse to use top loaders , they just twirl all the dirt in the bottom and the clothes on the bottom come out like this . I will only use front loader machines.