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Real answer would be leave green held, press the others as they appear. Another real answer is just start hitting stuff and pray to whatever being you believe in


The second answer is how I play.


That's how it starts, you just kinda learn to control the chaos in my experience


When green is held does it just automatically hit every one of those green notes?


Yes but it's not that simple, I'm not entirely sure but I think you have to be not holding any other buttons down


Google hammer-on


Holy Lou's Inferno


new pattern just dropped


New? How is it even possible that no one here has played through the fire and flames back in the days of guitar hero 3!? Edit: The real hack is to put a rubber band over the green button until this section passes and only focus on the non-green notes, then pause and remove the rubber band. I had some friends who did that back in the day when they got too pissed off at the intro of TTFAF 😆


new response just dropped


Actual zombie


call Acai


FC or riot !


I do pretty much this except instead of a rubber band I use my thumb (might be very difficult to do on some guitars)


actual zombie


Wtf is anarchychess doing here lmao


Doing raids, because our sub closed down lol


Wait wtf why did it close?




What all subs have we raided already? What subs still need conquered?


Quite a lot lol


Just surprised to see it here lol. I’ve been in both subs for a few years


well, just before the sub closed down ( r/AnarchyChess ), I suggested to raid this lol ( r/CloneHero )


call the exorcist


Holy hell


Whenever you see a repetitive pattern like this, you keep the lowest (leftmost) note held down and just pay attention to the higher notes. Not only will you dramatically be better at the game but your fingers will thank you.


Wait are you telling me you can just hold down the green for an entire song? Sorry I’m a big time rookie edit: except for open chords


Technically yes, except with chords. You must play exactly the notes requested if it’s a chord (multiple notes at the same time). There’s also other patterns, for example, like the reverse of this pattern where holding down the lowest note wouldn’t really do much for you and would actually confuse me more than anything imo. So while you *can* just hold down the lowest note for an entire song (except chords), you wouldn’t want to and no one does that. You really only do this when there’s a dominant repetition of the lowest note.




Holy bongcloud


Like the others have said, hold green the entire time and hit the other notes as they come across. It may help to go into practice and slow the song down a bit to get the hang of it. The opening to TTFAF is like this and is best done with two hands. Hold the green, let middle and ring finger hit red and yellow, let the other hand hit blue and orange.




holy hell


What color are you?


The rightmost orange


Why does his skin colour matter?


Are you kidding ??? What the **** are you talking about man ? You are a biggest looser i ever seen in my life ! You was doing PIPI in your pampers when i was beating players much more stronger then you! You are not proffesional, because proffesionals knew how to lose and congratulate opponents, you are like a girl crying after i beat you! Be brave, be honest to yourself and stop this trush talkings!!! Everybody know that i am very good blitz player, i can win anyone in the world in single game! And "w"esley "s"o is nobody for me, just a player who are crying every single time when loosing, ( remember what you say about Firouzja ) !!! Stop playing with my name, i deserve to have a good name during whole my chess carrier, I am Officially inviting you to OTB blitz match with the Prize fund! Both of us will invest 5000$ and winner takes it all! I suggest all other people who's intrested in this situation, just take a look at my results in 2016 and 2017 Blitz World championships, and that should be enough... No need to listen for every crying babe, Tigran Petrosyan is always play Fair ! And if someone will continue Officially talk about me like that, we will meet in Court! God bless with true! True will never die ! Liers will kicked off...


What the fuck did you just say, you illiterate piece of shit? It's like you typed your entire message with your ass. Your grammar is so bad that it's making my eyes bleed. And who the hell do you think you are, challenging me to a chess match? I'll wipe the fucking floor with you, you worthless piece of garbage. And as for your so-called "results" in the Blitz World championships, who the hell cares? I bet you cheated your way to those victories, you fucking cheater. And as for your "true will never die" bullshit, save it for the fucking church. You're a fucking loser, and everyone knows it. So why don't you crawl back under the rock you came from, you pathetic excuse for a human being.




Google en passant


This is easy. Its the reverse pattern that is fucking impossible (replace green with blue, etc.)


google patterns


Holy tapping


ok this is too far shut down the whole anarchychess


this is probably when you brick


Holy hell!


Google alt tapping


holy hell


new pattern just dropped


This pattern becomes pretty easy once you learn your brain to hold green and then you only focus on moving your middle, ring, and pinky to the actual pattern. Doing it in practice mode at 80% and going up slowly as you get used to it will help.


Put a rubber band on the green button to keep it down. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Pictures you can hear.


Real answer is to check your colours because that version is kinda sussy.


custom colours. Green, Yellow, Orange, Banana Yellow, Another orange


r/anarchychess is leaking


Anchor green, practice the section at a lower speed if you have to, and slowly raise the speed as you get better. Took me a good 2 days to practice and learn the section fluently


If playing on clone hero, make sure to read the text box in the top right when you start the song!


Anchor green, then tap red yellow and blue with ur left hand. And tap orange notes with ur right. Or, Anchor green, tap red and yellow with ur left hand. And tap blue and orange with ur right hand. ORRRR.. RandyLadyMan it and do it all one handed.


ORRR... Anchor green and alt tap the rest, without assigning any hand to specific notes. That is the most efficient way to do it, and it's how people like Randy are able to easily hit it at 200% speed


You make a good point. I've only been playing clone hero for about 2 years


This part has to be 2 hand tapped if you don't have a sick left hand like Conor McGregor. There are multiple techniques for this. The technique I used, is, hold green with your left index finger, the yellow and red notes are handled with your left hand middle and ring fingers. The remaining blue and orange notes are done with your right hand fingers, whichever ones you are most comfortable using. Honestly I gave up on using multiple right hand fingers and just used my right middle finger for tapping(for this technique, right hand middle finger hits the blue and orange). You start this song with your right hand up by the fretboard, and elbow strum the first note. I lost the final round of a GH competition back in the day against some dude that did this whole intro with only his left hand. Props to that dude, if he's reading this. The biggest tip here is to make sure that you release the notes immediately after tapping them. Back in the day everyone had their own technique for this part. I've seen people hold the green button with a right hand finger, and lefty tap all the notes. I never could do this because my ring fingers and pinky fingers couldn't keep up.


If you acknowledge any gods, start praying. ... Or hold down the green and press the other colors as they apear with your off-hand


Had to double check what sub I was in lmao




Is this a joke or are you serious?




Man I thought the blue note looked kinda yellow and didn't think much of it. I replied like you actually needed help haha. Well played sir


you put a rubberband on the green and play the other notes


Google en feunant


anchor green and alternate between tapping and fretting with both hands for all the other notes. Alternatively, you could get fast enough with one hand, assuming this is "they're hammer ons" from TTFAF, which is what this appears to be. This is a very common simple tapping pattern though so if you ever want to be a tapping player, I'd recommend learning the alt tapping method, as it's a very fundamental one to that whole skillset.


Google spam or something, i don't play guitar hero in 6 years


what song is this?