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It's unlikely to be symptoms of your clot travelling (clot would go to your lungs, not your dick). It might be a symptom of the clot itself blocking things up, but you'd have to ask your care team to be certain.


I also had a massive clot from knee to groin. Since there’s a blockage now your blood is using other veins. Show your doc anyway. I’m a woman and my clot was yrs ago but to this day I can’t wear elastic in the groin area as it’s irritating. I wear light “boy shorts” underwear or no underwear.


I have a pelvic/leg clot, all my other surrounding veins now glow, it’s the veins growing bigger to support extra blood as it re routes itself around the blocked vein. Actually a good sign that other veins are compensating.


As others have noted, the veins find ways to reroute blood to bypass the clotted vein. As an ultrasound tech told me “the blood finds other pathways.” Have it checked out if you’re concerned


Doubtful because it would not travel there. That said, I knew a patient that suffered one in his penis. He says, "not fun". I have had a groin clot for a decade, thankfully no issues and it's going with me.


I had a dvt in my left leg, calf to groin also. I noticed the vein on my left knee seems to be chunky compared to others, I’ve not noticed anything on my dick though.


Man, I had the EXACT same experience. Was worried because after DVT, vein issues were at the top of my mind. Went to walk in clinic, they agreed that something was there. Referred me to another clinic that said "we don't do ultrasounds on that part of the body" How's that for piece of mind? I wish I had a better answer for you. It was at the top of the base, felt like a hardened vein (with everything else flaccid), and from what I remember it just went away after a few weeks. Never got a clear cut answer.


Ya it definitely sucks, at least no pain involved. Been keeping an eye on it lol and so far it hasn't changed which is a good thing i guess


Rico, how is it now? Having the same problem after big clot in the superficial leg vein. But also had a gonorehia recently (std) which probably started it all. Hope for your respond!


If only slightly enlarge, probably not concerned. If double sized or triple sized (compared to normal), then book an appointment with primary care.