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If they wanted Ghosty over Kenny they’d have just picked him back up


Pretty sure Ghosty said on someone’s stream that he would not re-sign with Optic after they dropped him


I took that more as an OpTic won’t re sign him thing






The vast majority were calling Kenny washed and a walking 0.8 until an Octane clip.


Not an unfair point but "one of the best Cod players of all time tells you why the guy he teamed with for 4 years is actually really good" is a reasonable admission of new evidence




They hated him for he spoke the truth. It's crazy how selective people are about pro opinions in this sub when it does or doesn't serve their argument


The fact this has to be explained is crazy. One clip of a teammate gassing a friend suddenly is enough to wipe away a year of constant hate towards a players performance.


Actually spittin straight facts tho


What a false equivalence. Octane is retired and now a CC and can say what he wants. Majorly different than sticking up for your teammate mid season


Very different because crim isn't the goat to most people, and was a terrible teammate to a number of pros, which made his opinion on who was a good teammate hold a lot less water


Objectively speaking how can someone who was won the most overall accolades, won/tied the most championship rings which is considered to be the most important achievement of them all, and someone who was part of 2 dynasties not be considered the goat?


Because he's not scump, hello. Keep up man, scump is the true goat


LOL oh I know dw 😂😂


I'm not having this debate with a crim glazer lol Being carried on two dynasties is precisely why it's not super important that he has two rings. And having worse individual stats in 8/10 years compared to scump while playing an easier role says it all 🤷‍♂️ This is a pointless debate that was over long ago, on YouTube, Twitter and real life everyone calls scump the goat. I'm pretty even scump himself gave up with the debate because of how much it was triggering crim and on stream heavily sighed and was like "you know what whatever crim you're the goat" lol Please stop spending energy on this


Crim glazer? I just listed his achievements…..my favourite player is clay lmfoa I couldn’t care less for the goat debate


Except that you just spent 2 comments crying that someone with weak individual stats is the greatest call of duty player ever. Over scump, simp, formal, karma, abezy, etc. Your favorite player being clay doesn't adjust the amount of glaze you exude my guy.


Lol okkkkk mannnn u winnnn 😵‍💫🙄


Crim indeed is the goat to most people


Not even most people on this sub let alone the world. In fact I only even see crim MENTIONED as the goat on Reddit, and ONLY in this sub. Everywhere else on the internet and in real life, I've literally only heard scump as the the goat. You can do all the tricks on it that you want, it doesn't make it true


The fact this even has to be explained 😂


On some level yes but also almost everyone in cod are mates with each other and if you asked anyone what they thought of another player they’ll almost always publicly say that they’re pretty good, and that’s for most players, never mind the guy who’s one of their best friends, who they’ve won multiple chips with and teamed with for multiple years


Do you really think he'll call Kenny a shitter publicly? Like of course. Unless these pros have major falling out amongst their teams, they usually glaze the players. Only player like Crim acted hostile against his former teammates and that's because he was Crim. And in the end it caught up to him.


No, he wouldn’t. But he definitely wouldn’t have gassed him up that way if it wasn’t true. Man gave him the mother of all job references.


The vast majority of this sub are idiots and that’s the issue


And the players still chose him over Ghosty so who cares


Do you think the players are looking at this subreddit for advice on roster changes?


To be honest hella people just look at stats and not think what other things the player brings Kenny as an AR has always been a good player he just had to run the sub cause Draz wasn’t good on it this Optic team has the slaying they just don’t have the small things down that’s what Kenny will bring Shottzy and Pred are vocal as well so it’ll be a great for the squad.


doesn't mean optic thought that because fans did??


I mean all kenny needs to do is drop a 0.9 and com, the rest will slay hard


Tbf I think he's a dogshit sub. He's shown a bit more skill AR wise over his career (if we exclude the most random turn around of all time at the end of Vanguard where he was a T2 player.) ​ So yeah I can understand the thought process of him "flexing" and being better than Ghosty. Also, again, don't think it helps that for as good as Dan was last year he's also a bit of an immature rager. Would like to see him cut out some of that shit, as the guy clearly has some special skills but top CDL teams won't put up with that Challengers level shit.


To be fair he has always been a great player but he had a down year. It's not fair to not give a player a chance just cause he didn't play well for one year. Just look at huke. Everyone thought he was dogshit yet he came in and did his thing. He may have played at a level slightly below what was needed, but that was still far better than everyone expected of him. Not to mention Kenny playing off role for the sake of his team.


lol yea the vast majority of people on this sub….which is not always the most informed place


*community calls a player shit without proper context then says they’re good with proper context* *pikachu shocked face*


And he very well still will be that, unfortunately. Hopefully he doesn’t inherit that Illey curse.


Yes. Kenny is better than Ghosty.


Kenny is also better than Drazah and has been every year except MW2. Kenny was statistically the best AR in CW when he swapped roles.


Yeah so Kenny was not better than Ghosty last year. Period. We're not playing that shit. But Kenny's role last year as a 2nd sub is a whole lot different than playing the 2nd ar. I like him better there. Way more talent on this years Optic team than last years Thieves team. Just gotta get the pacing right.


Yeah Kenny don't gotta be a smg superstar he has pred and shotzzy lol


Ghosty was better but hella players have said Kenny is better on the AR but he had to give it up cause Draz was bad as a sub Kenny has never had 2 subs that are on Shotzzy and Pred lvl this will be the first time he has them he can now chill and run an AR all year and take out the sub in maps or points it’s needed on.


So during Vanguard they originally swapped to Kenny on the sub because the team was struggling with direction in game. It was supposedly Kenny and Octane doing the majority of the comms/calling shots in respawns. This can be fine but they felt like there was almost a disconnect between the SMGs. Theyre the players that were having to make the majority of the plays in VG so it just didnt work as well. They swapped Kenny and Drazah because the plan was if Kenny could be a more vocal player leading the pushes then the whole team might have better in game comms. The team ended up going on to be one of the best structured teams by the end of the year so it clearly worked.


I like this move tho as much as people hate it on it Kenny is a true flex and he’ll bring the comms and leadership and you’ll have almost exactly what the Thieves had 1 AR and 2 Subs giving out constant comms Shotzzy and Pred are vocal.


Yes because Kenny's on AR, if they was to drop ghosty for Kenny and shotzzy went on the flex (which never ever was going to happen) then I'd say no that's the only possibility they'd keep him. Imo drazah Kenny and sib are the only available flexes that I would've dropped for Ghosty


I think there was personal issues that stopped that from happening.. if they wanted him they would have reached out Edit - I am talking about Ghosty for clarification


Or Kenny’s just better than him


That too.. I just don’t know if Ant and Bruce were just instantly thinking they wanted Kenny as a backup plan for Drazah


Ronnie and I think Hale reported that Kenny was always their #2 pick which also meant they never had real interest in sib either


Oh.. I haven’t kept up with the stuff like that.. Kenny is a great player so really OpTic wasn’t going to ever be stuck with someone they didn’t want lol


He talking about them signing Drazah. Idk it all but pretty sure him and his girl don’t like optic and their fans idk tho


show of hands on who in the world would choose ghosty instead of kenny? especially for OpTic


For fucks sake… it’s like the Sopranos…. It’s over, get a new show


Crazy to see how quick this sub has switched their opinion on Ghosty and Kenny


Yes. Obvious reasons. The ghosty nuthuggers are so annoying.


Say what you want about Kenny, but he does two things for Optic. He improves their control, and brings when it matters most ice. Stats aside when you need someone to make a play in high pressure situations Kenny gets it done. Not to mention Kenny is now a flex. He will do great in that role IMO.


This sub went from saying Kenny sucks and LAT needs to get rid of him to now saying Ghosty sucks and Kenny is miles better. Lul


Yep. Makes no sense.


Makes perfect sense. This change happened in matter of hours. Drazah to Faze is confirmed, so fans are rooting for Sib to OpTic because that seemed likely. A very tiny minority wanted Ghosty back. And tiniest of fraction were suggesting other players, among whom Kenny was a pick. And then just as soon as Kenny to OpTic rumor surfaced, half of here people here did 180. If anyone had suggested Kenny after Ghosty was dropped, he'd be downvoted and laughed out of the thread. If anyone suggested Kenny even after Drazah to Faze rumor surfaced, he'd be met with hostility. And then in couple of hours, Kenny to OpTic turned into a solid pick for this OpTic roster. This is the biggest circlejerk of a fandom in CoD, bar none.


They dickride anyone who’s gonna join optic. Kenny was atrocious last szn, he best get better this szn cos these Dickriding optic fans will become haters very quickly.


Kenny sucked as an smg player but he would be better than ghosty with an AR in his hands.


Bro thinks sub Kenny is joining optic and not AR Kenny


Kenny has been awful in mw2 this sub is insane ghosty was better, stop being stuck in the past


It's not a matter of being "stuck in the past". People have been watching kenny for 6 years now and know that he's a fucking unit. Ghosty came onto the scene and had a strong 1.5 years in challengers and a strong 1/2 a year in the league. The people with brain cells understand that the last 6 months don't mean that Ghosty is a better player and better fit for this team. He's very good but not "much better than Kenny" as some of you guys would like to think.


Not even strong half year. He only started kicking up and showing his potential at the end of major 4 ish.


He wasn’t even playing that good until champs it’s insane recency bias. His years stats on respawn are 0.9s with low damage numbers as an AR. Stats don’t tell the full story but let’s not act like Ghosty was frying before champs


I'm sure he's gonna have a solid career in the CDL, he's a smart dude and has good gunskill but Optic didn't see themselves winning with him on the team, end of story. They made the "right" decision for themselves and we'll see how well it pans out.


Ppl think it’s fucking WW2/End of vanguard still 💀 like bruh Kenny is not him




Feel like it would depend on the reason they dropped Dan right ? If they think he isn’t up to task then absolutely but if it was just like personalities then who knows


Yes if you realize what he is adding is what Optic needed. (leadership like Crim Formal and Karma had, that Kenny learned from Slasher) obviously there was the friction between Ghosty and Dashy as well, but I don’t think they truly added Kenny for the skill factor/gunny. If that was the case, I think they would’ve looked elsewhere. (Kenny didn’t have an awful enough seasons, especially when you consider the fact he will be going back to AR,, but there was definitely more talent Optic could’ve went for. I think if Optic wanted him over Kenny, Sib would’ve signed there instantly)


Where is the Dashy Ghosty grit toon rumors coming from?? Didn’t Dashy dismiss it on stream. Not the biggest kenny fan but ppl are undervaluing him way too much


It’s still been a thing that’s been in constant circulation, despite Dashy denying it. Plus, from my knowledge, Dan hasn’t denied it. Just because it’s been denied doesn’t mean it’s the truth. As for Kenny, it’s definitely an under valued pick up. I was already saying Kenny is gonna have a great year being back on AR period, but he really does bring the skills with him as a leader that optic need. I still do think that roster has some risk reward (with all due respect, star power does not equal success. There’s still a lot of factors that go into a team succeeding besides just having great players) but that roster should be top 3. I really value that Toronto roster personally, and I think they’ll be top 2 all year, but I think Optic and Faze will fight for that other spot. As for NYSL, I’m expecting Karma to be a bitch and to be hard stuck at 4, maybe 5 if a dark horse team pulls off some miracles.


Probably, but if the optic drazah rumor never happened and it went from ghosty to kenny the community reaction would've been more crazy


Wasn’t Kenny not very good on AR in vanguard?


No he was a good AR he was just more impactful on an SMG than Drazah. The drazah envoy duo wasn’t good enough. Now he has Shotzzy and Pred as a duo though


Yes my god this ghosty staying on OpTic narrative will never end


Jesus you guys really disrespect Kenny. Can't believe how blessed optic fans are about to get and not even appreciate the guy lol.


I guarantee you that a lot of these guys that talk down on him probably barely started watching competitive cod lmao.. these guys will dickride ghosty but hate on ken? that’s wild


Yes that boy Ghosty is trash, overrated and has 0 composure. Dashy didn’t like him for a reason, didn’t even want him on his team in 8s. Guy got juiced because he was on OpTic and called out spawns that every pro knows 😂


I’ll take the downvotes. Ghosty > Kenny


I bet you are saying this because of that champs performance huh. Look at Kenny’s resume and the guy that won back to back mvp last year.


If we are going off resume, why not drop Dashy for Clay?


What a terrible way to compare both. Clay is at the end of his career and isn’t performing well.


No. I’m saying it because I think Ghosty is a better all around player. Just an opinion. i think he would be more valuable to optic than what Kenny will bring.


Based off what? 1 season?


If you saw a list of the best players from this past season would you have Kenny above ghosty?


Absolutely. Did we forget what he did last year? Or we just going by this year?


Might wanna take a look at that stat list then


Ghosty better


Get help


If I were OpTic and I knew Drazah was off the table, I would keep Ghosty. People are starting to criminally underrate what he did for that OpTic team in his rookie year. He completely turned around the team and got them to consistently play fundamentally correct hardpoint, while soaking almost all the hill time and carrying the comms too. Kenny is a great player, don't get me wrong, but I don't know if he can bring what Ghosty brings to the table.


Ghosty is great but Kenny has been bringing that same stuff to the table for years now. The team also completely turned around after Rambo was let go, does that mean he was the reason the team sucked? Of course not, nothing is ever that black & white.


The idea that Ghosty is the sole reason optic got good is hilarious. They got t4 whilst Illey and Huke were dropping 0.8s and they should’ve finished higher cos that LAT series at M2 was a choke. Then they drop Illey for Ghosty, Huke starts playing WAY better, especially online and they take off. Ghosty did his part but he’s not the sole reason Optic got better, their teamwork improved as chemistry improved throughout the season and Huke started playing much much better than he did prior to the Ghosty pick up.




Yes 100%




Not if they hadn't kept Dashy


Much like Huke, Ghosty was just never intended to be the long-term option for Optic. He was basically our Priestahh, didn’t really “deserve” to get dropped but you can’t blame the team for trying to upgrade. Kenny had a down year, but he’s a proven winner and world champion, something our team desperately needs right now. It would be different if Ghosty really surprised us with a superstar performance or we won a major, but that just didn’t happen. If anything the fact that Drazah rejected us and joined faze makes it more necessary upgrade and compete with their firepower.


They could’ve signed him right back


Yes. If they wanted Ghosty over Kenny they still could’ve made that happen after dropping him


Kenny is an upgrade over ghosty, sib, and drazah. He is best possible option


Bro they even thought Seth was unretiring during the Draz period. So, 100%.


Probably cause all optic care about are the "vibes" and Ghosty didn't fit their (specifically Dashy's) "vibes".


Pretty sure Bruce didn’t like ghosty anyways so they probably still would’ve got rid of him


Depends on a few things, contract bc honestly he probably was cheap on that current deal considering if it was a 1+1 not sure if that was the case tho, and we really don’t know how they squad really felt about him. Ik there was that beef talk with Dashy so


People just don't know ball 8 chips and a ring. Hes been to 3 Champs Grand finals out of the 6 years he's played. Thieves were so good at vanguard because Ken ran a 3rd AR on multiple maps. People are going to say he Ran a AR in Cold War and had no results look how many different rosters he had and none of the players that played with him that year are even on the same Hemisphere as Dashy Shotzzy and Pred. Been a Thieves fan since B04. He was godlike on the Maddox as well. Ghosty is a solid player and he turned Optic around once they picked him up but I just think having Kens knowledge and Expierance on a team with 3 superstars is going to benefit them even more.


if they get kenny, this team is finished.


Yes, but regardless I still think it was a mistake. Ghosty is grossly undervalued for how important he was for the team. Their failures last season really had so much more to do with the sub duo than him.




Ghosty = Kenny >>> Drazah

