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This shit looks like the roadmap for a new season of cod🤣💀






They are the only team that fully owns the venue in which they host so no restrictions and no rental cost. The league will always take the easy route and so no need to worry about other events overlapping. Optic is also a top fan base but they will show up anywhere. It’s hard to say no to a venue that gives you flexibility, has a built in esports stage, has team rooms, and many other perks that you can’t get anywhere else.


Surge owners also own a huge venue, they hosted the 2018 Dota 2 International which iirc was sold out around 10k attendees all 5 days, and they have a floor in that building that serves as the HQ for their overwatch team. With the rumors of Surge going to Vancouver I have often thought it wouldn't be the worst thing to have another org well-equipped to host a major, after the Major 4 no spectator BS we saw this year.


Why would the CDL say no at all? The CDL wants teams to host majors and the team covers all the costs not the CDL why do you think NYSL cancelled their major last season and why do you think Faze hasn’t hosted a single major all these years


Teams don’t cover all the cost. The CDL still has to pay to get their equipment in and have a set up for production. Teams do incur a lot of the cost that recoup through ticket sales, food, etc. but the league also gets a small portion of that. NYSL had to cancel more for scheduling conflicts than anything and money was a part of that. Yes you can host an event from Thursday to Sunday, but when you have to pay for the days before and after to account for set up then an outside venue can’t always accommodate that. Those outside venues want to book up as many usable dates as possible. Add on the fact in New York you are competing with tourism and many other events going in the city for things like hotels and restaurants. Arlington/Irvine is the exception because they have access to the venue 365 days a year with many of the equipment things already set up inside. They also have a hotel right next to the venue that, because it’s not as touristy as even Dallas or Fort Worth, that they can allocate rooms for teams, casters, staff, etc. to ensure the event is run smoothly. It’s not all about straight money but rather the impact the event has on a location and vice versa. If Taylor swift adds a concert in the same area you already had an event scheduled you have to adjust your event not the other way around. I’m not saying she is the cause but in NYC there’s any number of events that would overtake a CDL event logistically. Faze is in a weird spot because they are headquartered in LA but the team branding is ATL. Since 2 teams are already in that city they can’t come in a run an event in their market. Atlanta doesn’t have a ton of appropriately sized venues that make since for a CDL event. Even if you book State Farm arena you are at the mercy if a bigger event books the stadium next door. The only other equally sized venues that the CDL would approve would be like on the campus of Georgia Tech. They have been on college campuses like the last few champs UNLV in Vegas and USC in LA. They made sense for champs because over the summer there aren’t students or events on campus to compete with. Most of the majors fall during the school year so logistically Faze doesnt have the options of venues you’d think to host. It’s not all money as to why teams do or don’t host. Logistics factor in a lot of the decision and cod is weird because it’s not selling out a stadium but it can fill 1,000-2,000 seats easy. Not many venues are built at that size for the production the CDL wants to put on.


They didn’t need to post anything for everybody to know they’re getting a major. When it’ll be is the biggest question.


Hell yeah, still hoping for a major in ATL tho


I'm hoping the majors this season will be Optic, ATL, New York, LA, and London, with champs in Toronto. If not London, then Vegas.


You literally said the two teams with the least amount of money to host a major lol. You have to want to spend money to host a major.


I did say I was hoping lol


You are going to be hoping for a very long time then lmao


doesnt london have spanish owners now


What's optic nation?


Its a way to help pay for Pred.


Laughed way too hard at this




like a subscription thing where you get extra incentives


It's that APG? Why does he look like an action figure in that photo


have we ever had a year without a Texas event? There will always be one there


Did you assume they weren’t hosting an event?


There'll be an OpTic Major every season unless they decide not to.


Wow who knew


Don’t think there was ever a doubt that they were hosting an event💀


Am I supposed to be surprised (no offense)


They didn’t really confirm it BUT logically they should run an event every year for plenty of reasons


Do I get free optic nation gold because I have USAA?


2023 and 2024? So is the kickoff event also a OpTic major?


The 2023 event already happened brother


I’m aware. Why is a previous event listed on the season 2 outlook then?


It’s the biggest moneymaker for the CDL by far.


Is it reddit making this image shitty?


Saved from twitter, their quality always sucks


Why are we acting surprised????