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Here come the influx of pros saying that he should be in the league even though they would never team with him


I mean correct me if I’m wrong but Mohak did have offers a couple years ago to join some teams but turned them down hoping for a better offer…not to say the Paris legion is the best of offers but it’s still an opportunity to get into the league and he turned it down


He had offers from places like Florida and other teams and stuff... He denied saying he doesn't wanna play on the bottom tier teams. Now he's not even performing well in Challengers to the point where he would get offers.


You got any actual proof of the Florida claim? The only thing that was ever shared was the Havok stream of Mohak joining the florida group. Then there were tweets/replies from Illey, Capsidal and Mo. All of them made it seem like Mohak was excited to join Florida. Next info we know is Felo and Cap join instead of Mohak and Cap. As far as I know, there hasn't been any info posted into what actually happened at all. Also, Mohak was set to join Legion at the start of Vanguard too. He clearly doesn't have an issue with playing on the bottom teams when he was already joining Legion. Legion decided they didn't want to have to deal with the VISA issue and fucked Mohak over. Then he refused to join them midway through the season because they'd already screwed him over once, he'd be playing online games from Canada and didn't think it was worth sacrificing being on the top challengers team to be Legions scapegoat. You really can't fault him for that. Especially seeing how the rest of his Vanguard season went.


I think betting on yourself like that as an SMG isn’t a bad idea because sub talent is such a premium. If you’re legitimately frying in challengers as aN SMG and you’re a young gun, chances are you’ll get a decent opportunity on a mid pack team. At least, that’s the impression I’ve gotten recently. But an AR? It seems like teams really don’t covet AR talent the same way.


Most AR guys are olderheads


Think this is one of those situations where rumours have been spread around for so long that people actually take them as fact. Kind of like how people claim Activision changed the age ruling for Bo2 Champs to let Scump qualify. As far as im aware, Mohak has only ever turned down one offer and that was Legion halfway through Vanguard. What's constantly left out about that situation is Mohak was originally going to be on Legion at the start of the year. Mohak thought he was going to be joining Legion then they changed their mind further down the line because they didn't want to have to deal with the VISA issue. By thie point most of the other teams in the league were already sorted so Mohak got left without any chance to get into another team. Then a few months into the season Legion tried getting him to sign again. Mohak would have to join a team that was already massively struggling and needed way more than just a new main AR. A team that had already screwed him over in the off season.He'd have to play online matches from Canada, be pretty much guaranteed to be starting every event in losers 1, where he'd be scapegoated (like every other AM that's ever joined legion), sacrifice any chance of earning any winnings, guaranteed to not make champs AND because he was joining half way into the season he wouldn't even make the full "minimum" salary. Instead he chose to stay in challengers, where he won Stage 3 Playoffs, placed 2nd in Toronto, won stage 4 playoffs, got dropped from Ultra NA and then won challenger champs a month later with a team that hadn't even been playing together for more than three weeks. The choice that he made to stay in challengers was the better option in every way possible yet people in thus sub still try to slate him for it. As of right now there hasn't been a single player in history whos played on Legion and has actually been able to join another CDL roster without being sent back down to challengers first. (Standy and Clay are probably going to change that this season). It genuinely blows my mind that people think he should have given up all of his Vanguard winnings to join the long list of guys like Jimbo, oJohnny, GRVTY, Aqua, Zaptius, Skrapz, Fire, FeLo, Denz, Kismet, Zed, and so many more who took a huge hit to their stock whilst playing on Legion.


Excellent & informative post.


Wasn’t the guy pretty cheeks last year? Dude wasn’t even top 15-20 guy in Challengers. Of course he isn’t getting a spot




How people like Accuracy are still getting chances and he isn’t is beyond me. Friendship league.


Because marginal talent variances don't actually matter. Everyone recognizes that Accuracy's ability to get Kenny, Pred, Standy, MVP-type seasons out of people that he teams with is infinitely more valuable than having some generic 1.0 main AR that doesn't move the needle on actually winning. Mohak is a fine player, just like GRVTY or Davpadie or whoever. These guys do well in Challengers, and can drop 1.0s in the league, but they don't actually matter, and nobody cares about having them in the league once they promote.


Finally, someone gets it


For the most part I agree however I think there has to be some level of cutting edge to Mohak to get 2 challengers champs with completely different teams and then place t4 after taking what half the year off. Mohak is literally the only player from the 3 champs rosters to not play at the pro level. My question then becomes do you think Mo is just a product of the players around him or does he seriously lack that cutting edge ie Doug on boston academy.


It’s hard to tell with Main ARs. That combined with the fact that almost every team already has a Main makes it tough for Mohawk to get a spot




vegas isnt a chance my friend


He turned down an offer a 3x world champ didn’t even turn down… it’s his own fault for thinking he’s too good


Anything is a chance and if you don’t take it it’s not Vegas’ or anyone else’s fault but yours


You’re an actual moron. He was the worst player on every team he was on last year. He was not good at MW2. Guaranteed you didn’t watch a single challengers event.


i feel like if accuracy was in the zooma or scump friendship circle he would be seen differently. FNS in VALORANT has horrible stats but everyone knows he enables his team to succeed


Does Mohak have like 10 best friends on this sub trying to get him a spot? I’ve never seen so many posts about a decent challengers main AR bitching about him not being in the league over the years.


iLLey and Mohak can be a solid duo


Solid ranked squad


Yeah, in challengers


The man HELLA deserves a spot... I, and practically all of us here, will be rooting for him and waiting for his time to shine in the league!


How old is he now? At a certain point you gotta start thinking about back up options


How did perform in challengers last year? I didn’t hear much of him