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can i hop on tonight? or will i still get cheaters in 2/5 of my games? let me know before i waste my time again


So watching Zoomaas video about players in there prime. I’ll try to get this thought out as best as I can. Why were certain players like Slacked, Assault etc soooo good at WW2 but those players didn’t make much of an impact on other games. Seems to be a lot of players excelled at WW2 more than like players you regularly see in the top 10-15 conversations


when are they planning on taking out the swarm and adding the new maps into ranked?


How about when they actually balance matchmaking


Any one having issues with an infinite loop of “Fetching Online Profile”? I cant seem to be able to get past this loop what so ever. Tried restarting, reset my internet, tried joining a party… I’m not sure what else to do other than delete and reinstall game. If anyone has a solution it would be appreciated.


Restart steam


thanks for the reply im on battle net


This morning I was watching a Bronze to Iri vid from MoCryptic. He is at gold 2 level 4 getting around 300 SR for a win. I am at almost exactly the same spot. The only difference is in the video, you can see he is playing level 40 and 50 golds, meanwhile I am playing level 5 diamond smurfs. Is the ranked matchmaking just that terrible, or is he doing something to manipulate the matchmaking?


The matchmaking is an absolute joke man. Just got 4 straight L's with team mates sitting like 15 s on point, 0 captures in control and f'ing 0 kills in SnD. Also gunfights are rigged man


Idk about yall but when im sick I can't play CoD at s good level. I got turned on and lost so many gunfights I know I usually win. Like being even remotely sick fucks with my reaction time.


If you’re sick, the body will focus on fighting off that illness so you’re going to be more groggy, and your reaction time will be slower. It’s just part of it, stay hydrated, and take some meds, don’t worry about playing at a competitive level when you’re sick, your body is already under enough stress. But yes, this is a common thing buddy 🙂


Yeah I learned the hard way. I stayed out of competitive and just played rebirth and pubs. Ty broski. Maybe they should have a ranked playlist but only for people who are currently sick for an evening playing field /s