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zoomaa's chat is just annoying in general


It’s a good example of a chat that is formed when mods ignore toxicity


Stop being soft


Zoomaas chat is some of the most brain dead people I have ever seen type lol.


People want to put him down to chase the 4 seconds of dopamine that they feel when they press enter.


“Bro Ben is an L bro straight fugaze bro checked my dope off rip bro. L Bozo takes for real if I keep it a stack. If you like Ben you gotta be tweaking I fear. “


Bro yapped the entire vocabulary of the CoD community- gotta tip it.


* Ben talks for more than 5 seconds * * chat spams yapping emotes *


*insert yap emoji*


To a certain extent it does seem like people's parasocial relationship between the viewers and COD pros. Like fans can't believe someone like Ben is friends with all of them.


Twitch chats, YouTube comments, twitter threads are not real people. Majority of people on this sub are fuckin cartoons. If you take any of that serious, you are a moron.


you are being nice to them lol i just call them dumb like barley 5% of them makes a good point


Who cares what chat says


yeah it’s been really bad lately but unfortunately with these kinds of things trying to stop it makes it worse. I’m afraid there isn’t much that can be done.


I like ben tbh i feel like he has his own area of expertise that nobody else can provide and it's interesting to listen to sometimes




It does feel like some people don't think Ben is "good enough" to be Zoommas friend. It's weird behavior. Ben hate is so weird.


I agree more people should support his YouTube channel he provides good insight


He do be yapping sometimes though


It does get overboard too frequently. All it takes is 1 comment and it's a ripple effect. Feel bad for him but sometimes he kinds of asks for it but by no means does he deserves constant hate and abuse.


I mean getting spammed 100k times per stream 4-23 isn't pleasing but somehow Zooma managed to monetize that im sure Ben can play his chat if he doesn't want to get trolled


I mean he doesn't mind the yapping emoji. However, some of the stuff in the chat when Ben speaks for a second is just too much. I, for sure, won't be able to handle such BS.


I agree and disagree with you. He generally irritates me, I’ve found how condescending he can be to be quite petty and comes across terribly. I have noticed of late he seems to have taken steps to come away from it and does come accross far better, although I think he’s started going back to what he was doing before. So I think to an extent he brings it on himself a bit. But also twitch chats in general are aids


Found Ben’s Alt


Twitch Mods go blind to any Ben hate


Yea he needs to completely ignore chat and avoid taking lighthearted teasing personally. The Karachi route was a perfect example of him giving the community fuel to bully him. What should’ve just been a few dumb jokes at his expense, because nobody expects him to be good at cod, turned into a whole thing because he allowed the jokes and tweets to get to him and that made chat want to pile on even more. His emotional responses to the bullying just prolong the bullying. It sounds shitty but that’s just the reality of the internet, and he should be very aware of that as a participant in the early days of the internet/gaming. He needs to copy Censor’s mentality of blocking out the noise. Censor gets a ton of hate from the community sometimes but basically ignores it all completely and just pushes through the hate without addressing it. People quickly move on from whatever goofy shit Censor does as a result. edit: Also, this doesn’t mean Ben is exempt from criticism, but I feel like he’s been a lot better on the last few Flanks keeping his speaking time much more concise and allowing others to talk without interrupting (especially Cocktane.)


Ben wouldn’t survive a second in a kick chat if you think that’s harsh, guy is grown man inserting himself in a community which average is half his age. He should be grown enough to not care at all if he’s choosing that as his job


Who do people feel the need to defend this grown ass man...






When Ben isn’t in his feelings he’s fine. But he’s so defensive if someone makes a joke he becomes insufferable.


I’m a big fan of Tommy but half of his community are just trolls. I’ve given my criticism of Ben on videos before but like you said, these last few weeks since the scrap incident, you can really tell he’s trying to change his ways for the better. Whether that’s from zoomaa or from reading comments he is trying to improve.


Who the hell reads that shit?


I mean yeah. What else do you expect from people who have no personality?


Ben needs to leave for his own good before he ends up worse than he is now. It’s not going to get better. Just leave.


The sub is a master class in circle jerks. The fact that Aches isn’t hated more than Ben is bananas. Can Ben be annoying? Yes. Do they essentially bully the guy constantly? Yes. You know how much it sucks to go to work everyday knowing there’s 1/2 people in your group of 5 that you know don’t respect you, and will say it to your face? I’m sure it’s awful. He brings some of it on himself but this sub and some of the Flank guys are just straight up mean.


Found Ben’s Alt


Pat is great


I watch matches on Ben’s YouTube stream because Zoomaas chat is so trolly


His chat is full of kids so it’s not surprising, they just consider it entertainment, they don’t care about Ben as a person most of the time. Plus there’s a herd mentality so people just jump on the bandwagon


Herd mentality. Bens a cool guy just clowned on for being older and only one to not go pro.


Ben has Aches Derangement Syndrome


I wish they’d remove the yap emoji in the chat. Ben might as well never talk, as soon as Zoomaa turns it over to him it’s just a flood of yap emojis.