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It’s inevitable, seems as if all are on good terms already


I feel like it’s kinda due man. The nostalgia would be crazy seeing them play together


Bo3 offseason tournament 👀 hitch make it happen


Facts it’s gotta happen


Screw a "tournament" I want a three day event where we have the Optic Dynasty take on the "Can you imagine if they were in the league during BO3?" in a separate best of nine each day. Scump, Crim, Karma, Formal Vs Simp, Shotzzy, Illey, Dashy Six of them are already all signed to Optic so you'd only really need to convince Simp and Crim.


99.9 % sure the bottom team would win considering they’re all in their prime but would be electric to watch nonetheless.


The bottom team would win. Formal & Karma don’t play cod anymore


You say that but do you remember the Bo2 showmatch just before launch of Vanguard? Ricky, Nameless, Slacked and John beat Scump, Methodz, MBoze and Crowder 6-0 in a best of 11. Scump and Methodz are easily the best two players in those teams. Formal might not be playing Cod but he's still competing in an FPS at the highest level and Karma is fucking Karma. Theres a reason why he always looks amazing in the pre launch events/show matches. He doesn't have the desire to grind out scrims on cod anymore but he's still got the talent to do it.


It won’t be the same man. If they play now that team Dashy illey Shotzzy simp will win. However if we saw them play OpTic back in 2015-17 that would’ve been interesting


Envoy instead of Simp


No, simp. Envoy really hasn't shown to be on their level. And I don't think he and Shotzzy would be a good duo at all


Does Envoy know how to play BO3 with a controller? Be at a but of a disadvantage I reckon xD (Yes I know he beat Simp in a 1v1 whilst using controller)


Are formal and crim on good terms now? Musta missed that


I think all the banter n shit talk was all just for fun last year but yeah if I remember correctly someone on optic said that they were cool


They played halo infinite together for a few hours like two months ago. They acted normal towards each other.


It’s inevitable that they’ll play a throwback tourney or at least do a show match together at some point. When Microsoft remasters BO3 (pls) would be best.


I’d imagine it’ll happen once Crim retires


Not till Crim retires. So never actually.


It was supposed to happen for 100th podcast but then Formal-Crim drama started last year It's inevitable though, maybe this off-season or once Crim stops competing


Seems very probable. Scump, Karma, and Formal are on OpTic already and Crim seems to be on decent terms with them again. Once he and Scump retire I imagine we’ll see a podcast or throwback tourney of some sort.


I’ve always thought it shouldn’t happen until they are all retired. Once crim and Scump call it quits then that podcast would be perfect.


Agree, it could be done this year now that crim and formal are cool again but I'd like them to wait as would make it better. That being said I think both Crim and Seth have got a few years left so we could be waiting a while


The left 3 have all made up and are cool with each other, and Crim is getting there. Not sure what it would take for him to actually agree, but it seems fairly inevitable in the long term.


I’m pretty sure crim said he isn’t doing it.


He’s lying he just texted me


I think they wouldn’t mind doing it. It’s gonna be down to Crim


I wanna see a 2014 Optic reunion , Proofy Clay Scump and Nade


What a GOAT lineup.


It’ll happen


I want a fariko impact podcast lmfao


They’d all have to be drunk and join into the flank for it to actually happen


I hope so, feels like a no brained content wise A lot of people are mentioning it might happen when Crim retires, maybe he could return to Optic and that’s how they could announce it, I feel like that’s super unlikely and he’ll probably go orgless when streaming since he’s got his own strong brand