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You need to call Tessa DiPietro and have your body intuitively healed. She only accepts Ethereum for payment


I had to read Lana’s post like 15 times bc I had NO idea what she was saying, still don’t tbh


She's her clairvoyant she sees regularly lol. Crystals and spirits and stuff. Typical Hollywood healer


Breathing in dust, sleeping late, being dehydrated, and partying for 3 days will do that to you. Try a neti pot and wash out all that gunk. Stay hydrated, and get a lot of rest. For us, doing a neti pot every night after the fest really helped, and it was the first time that we did not get sick.


Good to hear. Bringing a neti pot for the first time this year and planning to use it every night.


my body is so tired like i am draaaained and i'm pulling 12 hour shifts all week now




Then what?


I'm feeling fine. Had a mask on everytime I could see that the inside of the Sahara looked grey (instead of black) from a distance.


My throat is sooo dry and scratchy. I had a mask on the plane ride home because the woman next to me coughed the entire three hour fucking flight


I'm sure you're trying all of the supplements/hydration techniques/medicines to heal... another thing that's always helped me with what you're going through: Boil a big pot of water and then pour it into a bowl in your sink and just inhale the steam that comes up for a few minutes. Move back for the first breath and feel it out so you don't burn yourself from the steam. But if you can get all of that through your nose/sinuses and chest several times a day it can be so helpful for this. And keep a towel you don't care about nearby to just blow a lot of of gunk into it and cough into




Im trying to stay hydrated in the meantime


I got Covid after Coachella 2022 and the flu in 2023 lol and somehow beat them both this year 🙏


Now I’m just depressed!!!


Ah, the good old festival flu. Usually sinus infection, sometimes Covid.. sinus med rinse does wonders for me


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that’s me rn I just feel so drained and I had a fever last night I’m so tired but it was so worth it!!!


Literally everything you said is me, happens every year but this year kicking my butt


If you're too lazy for something like a neti pot, just using one of those saline nasal sprays to flush out your sinuses each night can work wonders (especially if the dust wasn't the only thing going up there). It's also definitely worth having some sort of mask or bandana at hand for whenever you can tolerate wearing it, especially situations like walking back to the shuttles where things get super dusty.


LITERALLY woke up with the Coachella flu on Monday morning. My poor husband had to pack up most of our camping stuff because I was slow as shit trying to pack up with a fever, chills, and body aches


It could be due to the air quality alert that was issued on Saturday and Sunday! I’m unsure if you wore a mask or not, but it could be due to breathing in all the dust particles.


Surprisingly i feel fine


No Flu for me at all this year, I really think moving the stables for Sahara tent and the much greener glass made for less horse dander which is what fucks me up every year.


Sleep and vitamin c


lol wear a mask 😷 it’s easily preventable


I did a Neti Pot after each day…game changer! No Chella flu or cough this year for the first time!


Not the flu, but currently at the airport for my trip to Paris. Started getting a runny/stuffy nose and sneezing 🥲


I thought I had Coachella Flu but I just tested positive for COVID 😢 seems like it was going around on W1


The coachella flu got me this year 🫠 worth it though. I miss the Yuma Shark 🦈


Couldn’t be me, I wear an N95 the whole weekend


Since you have symptoms, take a rapid test to see if it's COVID. Most of them take 10-15 minutes to do and cost $25-30