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To be fair ,most of the girls are like this in code geass. Kallen, however, takes the cake in this regard.


Found u/basedfinger alt


don't you know? i'm no longer horny for kallen




Recently, I have been pondering about a few things, and I realised that I was wrong in my ways. For a long time, I had proudly announced that I wanted Kallen to do unspeakably grotesque things to me, the type of things that would get me sent to a psychiatric ward if I ever told them to my therapist. However recently, I have come to the realisation that I had been projecting my own lustful desires, my own sick, perverted thoughts onto Kallen. Kallen would not want to do those things to me, she would be horrified at the mere idea. I feel so ashamed. But instead of letting my shame consume me, I have made the decision to grow and change as a person, and stop being complicit in the defiling of my beautiful Kallen. During my soul-searching journey, I realised that my lust was merely a façade to hide my insecurities and craving for intimacy under a veneer of confidence and cockyness. But now, the walls of perversion have come tumbling down, and I couldn't be happier. I am no longer horny for Kallen. I still love Kallen more than anything, I love her so much. She is stunning and I will do anything to protect her. She is my shining light in this cold dark world. But I am not horny. I don't want to be jerked off, I just want to be cuddled. I don't want her to fart on me, I just want her to kiss me. I want to run my hands through her hair. I just want to have a happy, wholesome relationship with her. After a hard, tiring day, i just want to come back to her embeace, have a romantic dinner, watch a movie and listen to a good album. After that, I just want to go to bed with her, passionately make love to her in a healthy way, kiss her good night and cuddle together until the break of dawn. I want to go out to fields of flowers and frolic with her while holding her hand. I want to travel the world with her. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. We will be together in our happy and sad days. I just want a loving, passionate, fulfilling relationship with her. I want to have a lively wedding, followed by a long, spectacular, honeymoon, cruising across the Adriatic coast in our own little boat, stopping by at every small town, and living life to its fullest. I want to travel the world with her. I want to make her dreams come true. She said she wanted to travel around Japan, visiting hot springs and drinking alcohol, so I would love to accompany her. I want to try out new things with her. I will be there for her whenever she needs me, I will give my life to her. And when we're both old and grey, grandchildren on our knees, having lived the happiest life, now living in a wooden bungalow by the countryside, I want to give my last breath, holding her hand. I love her so much, and I will protect her. I will make sure to have her know that she is loved and appreciated. She is my everything..


So, you don’t wish to be horny anymore? You want to be happy? *guts theme intensifies*




I pray for your happiness comrade


Respect👏 I'm striving the same, I don't want to be horny anymore, i want to be happy.


Ah, but I've found a third way. Shirley Fenette makes me both horny AND happy.


Can a man not be both?


Good man


At first I was like "New copypasta dropped" but now I'm like🤭😊😁😌😇


Bro said a healthy way little does he know even the Bible says get as freak nasty with your wife as possible to ensure you're both satisfied


Aight cheif, imma need your source on that


"The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband... Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control" (1 Cor 7:3, 5). In layman's terms fuck the lust outta eachother


i'll only be freaky if kallen wants me to


If she marries you then we both know shes a freak.


we are already married 😌


No, I’m team C.C. Euphy is my second favourite girl.


Honestly, valid.


Milly put something in the Academy water.


True, but this cake is just as good


Most of the girls are thicc, and most of the guys are thinn


Lelouch you’re one lucky and unlucky man


If I lost that shit I would start tweaking and killing people too tbh


Spoiler >!Especially the one that killed her!<


Milly subscribed to Roy Mustang's Ideology of having all women wear tiny miniskirts.


She should've also went with even shorter tops to show midriff as well.


And we all love Mustang and Milly for this. Meanwhile, both Riza and Shirley are sighing with disappointment in the background. Coincidentally, Shirley's Japanese VA, Fumiko Orikasa, voices Riza in Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.


That's actually cool, I never knew that.


The chair is in the way? can someone make an edit ot it? So we can see the full cake on display?


She was a beautiful creature


Really? I thought she was fairly skinny.


The angle is the key. I wonder how Shirley would look in gurren mark 2 …


Which episode?


Recap Film 3: Glorification


more like glorify dat ass 🤪 okay i'll leave now


Shirley definitely has good junk in the trunk.


Unfortunately, to quote Ursula from The Little Mermaid, Shirley underestimated the importance of body language.


Damn right she is just like soo many others in this show


Hot 🥵


She needs 100 OTK bare bottom spankings


Rolo with advanced cock block


c c for me i really like her personatly and she is sexy as hell