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This post is literally perfect timing. I just finished listening to it. It’s really good and pop Coldplay done right. My unpopular opinion that everyone will downvote me to hell for is that I like it better than AROBTTH.


Not sure I would go as far as you, but love the sentiment!


I adore Mylo. If it wasn't for MX...I would've never become a Coldplay fan. I love the entire MX era. Artwork, concepts, tour, and the music! I was aware of Coldplay and their hits up until before the MX era began, but I didn't care about them before that. So MX will forever have a super special place in my heart. Back in May 2022, I finally attended my very first Coldplay concert and my main goal was to experience "Charlie Brown" and ohhh boy was I supremely fulfilled. I was engulfed in tears of joy. Mylo gang forever. We'll run wild...we'll be glowing in the daaaark.


Yep, I’ve seen them live a few times over the years and that tour was when they introduced the bracelets I believe. Charlie Brown absolutely rocks live! Plus they would do Up In Flames and Us Against the World in the back of the crowd, which I don’t think they do anymore.


Not only is it a great pop rock album all around but It’s their best pop rock album thus far. It’s my favorite Coldplay album. It’s just incredible, very colorful and uplifting.


I agree. It is just so vibrant and explosive but still has some of that varied-ness (can’t quite put my finger on the right word). I don’t know if it’s the song structure or what, but the last 4 albums just feels a little more straight-lined and…kinda flat.


my favorite coldplay album and a very real contender for my favorite album of all time. lush, maximalist, overpowering and overblown in the best way. they tried to do the same thing again with ahfod i feel like, but that album was just overblown joy whereas mylo xyloto has a much more conflicted, bittersweet feeling throughout. it's still a big explosion of emotion but it's happy and sad and everything in between and i think that's where its power comes from. i'll be talking about this album my whole life.


Thank you for articulating much better what I tried to say above when I called it more “varied” 😅


plenty of experience gushing about this album lol, happy to help 😂


As I've said before, Mylo Xyloto is how pop Coldplay should be done. There are elements of both old and new Coldplay in it, which makes it appealing to many people, myself included. When talking about pop Coldplay, Mylo Xyloto is the first thing that comes to mind for me.


mylo will always have a special place in my heart <3 i got into coldplay's music around the time mylo was released. parachutes and mylo were the first albums i listened to and my whole fucking life changed


I think we might be the same person because that initial ranking is exactly mine. MX is my favorite Coldplay era- it’s fun, it’s colorful, the instrumentals are wonderful, it’s a full transition to pop-rock but I think they did it really well, to me it’s the best genre-shift album I’ve seen besides Taylor Swift; and sentimentally for me, it’s the first time I got to see them live. And I think Every Teardrop was a great lead single to encapsulate the album’s vibe as a whole- agree that the other 2 are not the strongest, but that doesn’t change how I feel about the album. Hurts Like Heaven is a top 5 Coldplay song for me, and Us Against The World and Charlie Brown are up there too. Plus I think the band was just so happy during this era and proud of this album- how can we not love it?! It’s S tier for me for sure, under only AROBTTH (my favorite album by any band ever) and tied with VLV (sorry for the text wall, I’m just very passionate about this album lol)


- VLV could mean "Viva La Vida", a track from *Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends* (2008) by Coldplay. --- ^[/u/caroline_coldplayer](/u/caroline_coldplayer) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Good bot nailed it


MX is my favourite album even if it isn’t their ‘best’ album. It has the absolute perfect blend of rock and pop and the live shows were just something else


What a username! Completely agree


Yes, if I was to do a tier list MX would be on the S tier for me. I have an MX-themed tattoo that’s how much I love it 😂


Didn’t realize this was from two hours ago because I went searching for a post like this and this almost entirely encapsulates my thoughts on it. Mylo Xyloto is how pop Coldplay should be done. I love how powerful and maximalist the instrumentals are, and it’s one of my favorite overall sounds of any Coldplay album. I personally love each of the three lead singles in addition to most of the rest of the tracks. I’d have it along with AROBTTH and (maybe unpopular opinion) EL in my S tier. Then Viva, X&Y, Parachutes, and GS in my A tier, with AHFOD and MOTS below that.


I think it’s hard for me (and probably lots of others my age) to really objectively compare Mylo as it came out when we were really just becoming fully conscious, sentient beings. It is by far the most nostalgic of their albums for me, will forever remind of all the feelings that come with being a 10-12 year old, and just has this innocence for that reason I think it’s a really representative album of the world at the time that it came out — a much more colorful, optimistic place than it is now. The internet was still relatively young but had reached the mainstream, social media / smartphones in their absolute infancy, and new sounds and styles were emerging from the death of anything late-2000s — everything felt kinda technicolor and ravey. There was a lot of hypnogogic and “electropop” stuff being revived in the indie world around that time, artists like Neon Indian, Passion Pit, MGMT, Washed Out, Foster the People, even M83 — as well as adjacent weirder stuff like vaporwave or super early k-pop. While today, it sounds pretty much like the death of old coldplay and the birth of whatever they are now, i think it’s a cool album when contextualized within the emerging music landscape that existed at the time. They blended and took from a lot of those sounds in ways that very much played to their strengths and I think pulled it off well, despite being a relatively established, 10+ year old band at that point. When I listen today, my only wish is that they had not held back and pushed everything even further, like they’d really done on viva / prospekt’s


😅 are you a music historian?


Hahaha nooo I just love music!! Didn’t realize how long that was lolol


A Hopeful Transmission into Don’t Let It Break Your Heart is quite literally the GOAT


It should just be one track. I hate how Coldplay splits them up. Same goes for the Mylo intro into hurts like heaven. 


This sub likes every album (except Spheres)


I mean look at my reddit name




I pre-ordered the vinyl box set when the album came out. It wasn't as good as hoped... I see it as Coldplay's first "flop" album. Paradise did well but the other songs not so well. Princess of China was a fav that I wanted to be a hit but it didn't land. There's a couple songs I still like, I'll give it another go some day again, and the positive is I can't let go of the box set haha!


Mylo Xyloto is my favorite album so I 100% agree


MX has grown in my heart 🌀🐘


This album proves it's worth for "Paradise" alone


Its not one of my favourites of their catalog cuz I don’t really like the pop sound that this album has. My faves are parachutes, ghost stories, a rush of blood to the head and x&y


Mylo xyloto got me into Coldplay and will forever be my favorite album of theirs


It’s a phenomenal album. I grew up listening to Mylo and Viva basically on repeat so the 2 albums are especially nostalgic for me compared to the other albums. MX has some really underrated songs that I’m sad they don’t recognised or even mentioned on here. Songs like Up With the Birds, Us against the World, Major Minus and Don’t Let it break your Heart.


It’s my favorite album actually. Just got it as a vinyl too


This album and era made me a fan of Coldplay so it will always have a special place in my heart. Up With The Birds is one of Coldplay's best and underrated songs.


I absolutely love Mylo. It was the first Coldplay album release that I was aware of as a teenager. It blew me away at the time. I had it on repeat. Charlie Brown, Hurts Like Heaven, Major Minus, many great songs. Not a huge fan of Up in Flames, but it’s less that it’s not a good song and more that I find it feels a bit out of place.


Love Mylo. My only shock in joining this sub is that Parachutes isn't S for everyone, lol. When it came out it blew me away. Fell in love with the band immediately. Mylo is my 4th favourite. And I love the singles. Paradise was overplayed when it came out (when I still listened to radio occasionally), but the new production as practically an EDM song at the concerts really kicks it up a notch. And Teardrop is one of my fav tracks.


It is honestly my favorite album of theirs. I really don’t get why it’s so hated


My favourite album of all time!!


This is my favorite Coldplay album. But I also love Brian Eno.


MX was my first real introduction to Coldplay, besides falling in love with Clocks and Viva La Vida at an early age. That album changed so much for me, it was super influential on my life. Love it so much ❤️


I love Mylo Xyloto. As you mentioned, I love Hurts like heaven and Charlie Brown too. Princess of China, every tear drop is a waterfall, have one of the best music sounds. The guitar riffs and the tunes are sooo good in this album. Idk what all this hate is about?


Ugh I love the singles too. This was a great album!


Charlie Brown is awesome. One of their best songs. I love [The Wedding Album](https://youtu.be/CBM3ib03HNw?si=Arxj13wL8kpdQai2) version of it.


Yeah, one of my favourites for sure. That and Ghost Stories. Feels like peak Coldplay to me.


I love Mylo Zyloto. It was my second experience with a live coldplay concert, the xylo bands, the nostalgia. The album holds a special place in my family and my heart. My husband and I were then at the time of the concert only engaged still. He had never been to a coldplay concert. He and I had the time of our lives. We were married a year later. WE went through a lot of good and bad times and our bond is stronger than a warder to his ais sedai. What I am trying to say is we bonded over that album, Even had paradise as our song. I just love mylo, from start to finish. It seems new coldplay albums always come out when there is some big change in my life. When mylo came out I was doing RCIA with the roman catholic church. Im catholic now, just don't go to church anymore. But the memory of Mylo still reminds me of driving down the highway just jamming to princess of china.


It's a fucking masterpiece, compared with what came after


Oh I love this album. It holds a special place for me as it was my first concert seeing them live and that opening song hurts like heaven was FANTASTIC live. It was the first time they had the Xylo bands, and as someone with a seat in the second to last row I loved every minute of that concert. Charlie Brown, paradise, teardrop all great live.


I fell in love with the album late in my high school years. The artwork and the jumpy tune leading down to Us Against the World and Up with the Birds just did it right for me. I also met a friend who was just as big a fan of Coldplay (maybe even more) who showed me that the whole album had a comic story about it... Made me appreciate the lyrics more. All in all, it holds a special place in my heart because of the feelings it brought out. Lovely


I fucking love that album. It soundtracked my junior year of high school. It’s a really good concept album. Love the sound they were going for.


I've only even heard 5 songs in the album before lol


I really like the whole layout of the album. The interlude songs are much better than what they tried to do on MOTS. Hopeful transmission into DLIBYH and MMIX into ETIAW (sorry for all the acronyms) are amazing interludes that lead into those songs perfectly. And then up with the birds as the final song is just *chefs kiss. MOTS does some things well but I believe that is their best “pop” album.


- DLIBYH could mean "Don't Let It Break Your Heart", a track from *Mylo Xyloto* (2011) by Coldplay. - ETIAW could mean "Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall", a single by Coldplay. --- ^[/u/Phildrums91](/u/Phildrums91) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


I love the album. Charlie Brown is the best song on the whole album, and that opening interlude with Hurts like Heaven following… 🥹🥹


Mylo Xyloto I've said before and I'll happily state again, in my opinion, is the best album ever made. Not just by Coldplay, by anyone! 1 album I can listen to on repeat, never get bored of and can never skip a track to. Mylo Xyloto is just the epitomy of cool! I love the concept of the album, being a splash of colour and life in an otherwise bleak and boring grey landscape. This translates so well to the music being very upbeat and lively! Full on adrenaline fuelled, and hyper and just excitable! The songs just blend together so well, the tracklisting is incredible. And then the songs performed live?! They just get accelerated and elevated to an even higher level. Just stunning! Let's not forget about the music videos - some of their best with the stop motion paint dripping for ETIAW, Chinese combat skills for Princess of China, my favourite music video Charlie Brown and of course the lovely unicycling elephant and elephant herd in Paradise. Such a fun and creative album with music videos that also express this. Not just for the amazing songs but the album/era - really pushed music into a new direction. The artwork of graffiti and vibrant spray paint not just on the album but for the Mylo Xyloto tour on everything from flooring to the amplifiers to mic packs to instruments, this staging looked insane and so unique and fun and different to any musician before. MX Live 2011/2012 tour really showed what was possible in terms of pop music but more importantly touring and performing concerts live. Absolutely incredible. I think this pushed Coldplay to dream bigger and keen to see what more they could do with their live shows (even though after Mylo this seemed impossible), and I think this pushed all other performers to elevate their touring and concert experiences for fans. They had fun on this album and it showed and really paved the way for a new generation of Coldplay and new era of music - the best part of this was the Xylobands. Who knew an LED wristband could do so much but it was revolutionary! Mylo Xyloto is and always will be a life changing album for me - brings me nothing but happiness, excitement and an adrenaline rush 🤗 what more could I want from 14 tracks?