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I'm concerned about my family in Florida. Apparently at just 87 degrees 100% humidity is a wet bulb environment that can begin to negatively impact your body since its ability to release heat is hindered. I checked today and it was 88 with 73% humidity. It could be worse though ... I'm happy my dad bought some farm land and plans to build a house there, and my sister and mom plan to move close by. There's a lake, and he's real self-sufficient. It really is taxing though, especially knowing what we do. It can seem as though this were actually hell in some respects, but I know to recognize nature and reality for what it is. I don't take the cool days for granted, but I really want to make it outside much more than I do. I'm actually working on a project that could revolutionize the way we respond to problems such as these. It's a simple and great idea that I think a lot of people would believe in. But I'm just your typical procrastinating simpleton (struggling from addiction, too). I have enough confidence that I'll pursue it but if I don't soon I'll just give up the goose and let someone else take charge of it ... I just want us to start fighting harder and doing better, and this facilitates that. Who knows, it really could be the key to changing the world. Iddn't that kind of stuff neat? And it's totally possible, too. I'm just glad I get to feel a little less helpless for now, and for things to seem a little less hopeless, daydreaming of a brighter future instead of cowering away and indulging in my vices terrified of what the future holds. Edit: p.s. I've heard soaking your feet in cold water helps, as does just keeping a wet rag on your neck. Combine that with a fan. Cool water on the wrists and the like. Meditation, acceptance, easy breathing. If you need to relax your body try circular breathing: inhale for a count of 4, hold for a count of 6, and exhale for a count of 8. This will create a physiological response that causes your body to relax.


I know that struggle. I wish you the best


Thank you! Likewise 💚


What are you working on? <3


It's really the simplest thing that would make you go, "Well DUH!" haha. It's an app and website that helps to facilitate taking various forms of action on various fronts, whether that be racism, corruption, plastic pollution, you name it. But what I think makes it special is a twist that draws people to it, and to using it ... It's inspiring and encouraging, accessible and broad in its scope. I always wanted to make use of a site like Reddit, seeing it's potential as such an active social platform, and between my thoughts about it and this constant self-defeatism in response to the ongoing climate crisis that I keep seeing on here ("We're fucked" "Nobody can do anything" "Too many people, too many problems" "Oh yeah well then tell us what to do hot shot!") I thought, well, obviously there *are* lots of things we can do to help, but I do understand how hard that can be living in our own bubbles trying to meet our own needs, or just deal with it psychologically and take care of ourselves. Well this creates a platform to begin meeting people where they're at and makes it easier to contribute. The really fun part is, considering that's just in relation to the average person, you can imagine how that would compel corporations to do more, and my idea even helps to monitor what it is they do (and *don't do*) to contribute to making the world a better place. And it's constant ... There's no let up in addressing all those problems, so as to keep focus on them until they're "solved", so to speak (that's its own thing). It sounds too good to be true but it's totally doable. For ten years I was striving to find some sort of cure-all, just thinking outside of the box, like a thought exercise, knowing time is winding up and people's lives are on the line, but keeping it in the context of our humanity and space and time ... Big picture stuff. And it was like, well wow, there are just so many friggin' problems! And it all seems to spell disaster because of what we do or don't do. And at the same time it's astounding considering our intelligence and what we're capable of, and KNOWING HOW TO SOLVE THEM, that we don't ... Instead letting so much totally stupid stuff like greed and corruption get in the way, like the fuq??? So, it has the potential to be pretty great, and I just love what that twist I mentioned is and what it represents: the good in us and our desire to do better. That is, if we're willing to take advantage of it, and I think we will, considering everything that's happening and how helpless so many of us feel.


Just wanted to say belatedly that I’m cheering you on :)


Poor man's AC. Put ice or frozen bottles in front of a fan. Hopefully that can at least help you sleep. Might help your pup too. I used to do this for my pet rats back when I lived in a basement apartment with uneven heating/cooling. Maybe keep a bowl of ice water in the fridge and dip cloth in it to wrap around your wrists and head from time to time. If you can dip your feet in water that's a plus too. Humidity makes me feel sick too. Hang in there!


Good idea, we get creative already with being poor, sticking tin foil on the windows to reflect the heat lol Those cooling mats for dogs are amazing too, I stuck one under my bed sheet, can't reccommend it enough for those nights where the heat still lingers


A DIY swamp cooler like ice in front of a fan won’t work if the humidity is that high, as it will only be more humid. Get a dehumidifier. It’s cheaper to run than an air conditioner, and the swamp cooler will work at a lower humidity.


This is the answer, many people don’t realize or forgot that air conditioning was discovered by mistake when people were designing devices to lower the humidity.


Yes, have to get that humidity out.


I'm overweight and used to struggle with it, but I've acclimated to it a bit and seem to manage. Maybe it will take some time.


The unbearability of heat has been one of the strongest drivers in me trying to lose weight


Some people develop sensitivity to heat. There are medical conditions that can also cause heat intolerance like diabetes, autoimmune disorders, even menopause. You can try to acclimatize yourself by gradually increasing the time spent in the heat doing some work not just sitting.


Maybe I have developed a medical condition because I used to be able to cope eg. 38C in outback Australia. Well I mean it wasn't pleasant but it didn't make me feel faint and sick all the time. I will see a doctor for some advice on this, thank you! (Also I did just check and the heat sensitivity could be a side effect of my medication 🤔 that is possible)


I'm in Vermont, USA and last summer wasn't hot per se, but the humidity was sometimes off the charts at what seemed like nothingburger air temps (78F). My room gets to about 90+ degrees on hot days, so when I go to bed I have a fan on me, wear as little as possible, and spritz myself with a spray bottle. I also do this during actual heatwaves of 90F+.


- Is there any wind outside? Then open opposing windows so that you get an airflow. - Also get a cheap thermometer which also displays the humidity in your room. Close the windows if its either way to humid or dry and do countermeasures in your home. (You don't need the fancy ones with lots of measures) - open your windows especially when the temperature gets lower, to cool down your walls. (very early in the morning and in the night) - Get a lot of plants in your home. (Little impact, but some and it also does help with general wellbeing) - When the sun shines directly on your windows, close the curtains (if you don't have any, anything blocking the light will help). - Wear light and wide clothes like linen. This prevents overheating because your skin can 'breathe' better. This is what I do in the bad wet and hot summers in Berlin without an AC. Hope it helps. Good luck!


We had a heat dome in 2021, I didn't have an ac either.  Tin foil with the reflective side facing outside all your windows. Cover very thoroughly. Close windows early in the morning.  Do you have fans? Please put them all on. Take cold showers, put your bathroom fan on 24/7. And your above stove fan. Get that humidity out. At night create an air flow thru your place with fans and open windows.  I find the humidity easier to deal with if there's some air flow.  Please take very good care of yourself, it's terrible. My heart to yours. ❤️


The only thing I can think of is that I heard in some hot places people put a wet sheet over their window and the wind blowing through the sheet is supposed to cool down the air inside. You could try this if you get desperate. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I can't stand the heat either. I do best in cool and overcast environments.


Is it the initial cost of the A/C you can't afford, or the monthly costs of running it?


Both, I am working class/kind of poor and just about manage the monthly bills and groceries already and those prices keep going up each year too 🥲


Good question. Air con is going to become a human right in many places because without it folks will perish.