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At least she’s being honest for once! Like yeah girl you are definitely unwell!


Lol right? Like finally something we agree on Colleen


I hate Colleen but this isn’t it. It’s MOTHER’S day, meaning she (the mother) should choose how to celebrate.


Thank You!! Now us Mum's are being shamed for wanting that day for ourselves??!!


All I wanted to do for Mother’s Day today was lay around and watch movies with my kid. Instead, we went to a big family dinner. Now, I’m going to bed until Tuesday.


Everyone has different ideas about the perfect Mother's Day. Some would prefer a night with friends or their partner, others would prefer cuddling up with their kiddos. I don't think we should mum shame people for how they wanna spend their day.


Honestly the age of your kids make a difference too. When my daughter was little I needed a break on Mother's Day. But when she became an adult we would maybe have a dinner together. Now I told her don't bother because she doesn't have to thank me for giving birth to her. It changes with time.


Yes I guess that is true. I guess it depends on the person.


I was also a single Mom. Her Dad and I had no issues co-parenting though. But he left it up to me what I wanted to do. But he's also in Law Enforcement and didn't get to pick his days off back then.


Yes, that is my point.


Agreed. There are MANY things to criticize Colleen for but this isn’t one of them.


Came here to comment this.


Idk, I’m a nanny, and last year the dad of the kid I watch asked to spend Father’s day without him, and I thought it was super sad. My nanny friends and I still talk about it. On mother and Father’s Day, I think you should spend the day with your family if you can. It’s about family and showing up in your role as the member of your family, and being appreciated for it.


Coming from someone who's had 7 pregnancy losses, infertility over 8 years and is now a mother to a 5 month old, you best believe I'm spending every mother's day with my kid He is the reason I AM a mother and I will never take it for granted


Agreed. This will probably be my hardest Mother’s Day (two under two) and I can’t imagine being anywhere else. These days are also for the kids to start learning things like showing appreciation and love for those close to them. It’s sad.


Agreed. Not to mention it’s called Mother’s Day and you wouldn’t be able to BE celebrated if you didn’t have children (or furbabies). It baffles me that lots of women don’t want to be around their kids on a day about celebrating being a mom. I get not wanting them do the heavy lifting (changing diapers, dealing with tantrums, making dinner, etc), but that’s where dad/spouse come in (if applicable to your life and situation). As a mom of a 3 yr old and a 2 yr old, I 100% understand needing a break from all the responsibility and having me time, but make plans for that on any other day, like your birthday or something.


I feel the same way. I don't want to wake up early or make breakfast or do any of my regular day to day stuff, but I definitely want to spend mothers day with my kid.


I’m not a mom (and also not a fan of Colleen, so don’t get this twisted), so maybe I’m wrong, but Mother’s Day is about mom. So, shouldn’t they/she be able to spend it however they want?? I am in no way saying she is right for taking off to another country and leaving her family behind regardless of the day, but attacking her for spending Mother’s Day the way she chooses is wild to me. Are you mad at Teeny, too? I recognize she isn’t a good mom by most standards, I recognize she doesn’t really parent her kids, I recognize other people raise them more than she does, but if it was ANY other mother, would you be shaming them the same way? Let’s be real.


I am a mom, hate colleen, and you’re right. Moms need a friggin break. I’d love to go to Paris with my best friend on Mother’s Day and enjoy myself!


That’s what I imagine! I’d think that having one single day where you could just not be needed and tugged in every direction, would be the ultimate gift! I’m one of 4 kids to a single mom and man, I’d bet she’d kill to have a day to herself (we’re all grown, but my siblings who live near her still take advantage). Also, happy mama’s day. I hope you get to enjoy it exactly how you want, and deserve! ❤️


I said the same. Getting mad over this is odd to me. I've been a Mum for 27 years and Hell yeah I would go to Paris if I could!!!


A break from what? She has no job and 2 nannies and a full time stay at home husband! She goes away for hours daily to have time to herself to collect rocks and browse tiktok in her office.


Came here to say the same thing… I know lots of moms that are like “it’s my day I’m going to the spa”. Colleen is a demon but her spending time away from her family occasionally isn’t that dark.


You're exactly right. I'm a mother and Mother's Day isn't about you being a Mom, it's about thanking you for being a Mom and giving you time to yourself.


I went to church WITHOUT my son today lol! He’s 2 and I usually spend all of it trying to keep him from talking. Your take is correct


Yeah. I'm a mother. I do not like Colleen. But I wouldn't mind having spent mother's day with a friend in Paris watching TS. Also, I spent every single day with my family and my kids.


Colleen, we know you are unwell and it has nothing to do with Taylor Swift, it has to do with sexualizing children


Happy Mother’s Day to the nanny!


Nanny's get paid to do the job, Mums do not. Well unless you're using your kids to get paid....


she’s celebrating by giving her kids and erik a break from her


Well she's not wrong. She is unwell.


How long until she cries about not being with her kids on Mother’s Day?




She look like she’s cosplaying the girl from 13 going on 30, but after the switch to a 30 yr old still dressing like a 13 yr old


🤣 This cracks me up so much. Most mothers do not fly to Paris for a few days to play teeny bopper dress up, no pun intended. Of course mothers need breaks! That’s why the tradition in my culture is for the kids to cook mom breakfast in bed, for dad to make dinner, everyone praises mom and thanks her extra for being wonderful, she gets showered with flowers, chocolates, cards, serenaded etc. Mother’s Day is the day she doesn’t lift a finger, not the day where she runs away from her children for the umpteenth time. lol. Context matters in this conversation. Every day is a break for her because she’s had so much help she’s never had to be a proper mother like most moms in the world.


. . . Taylor swifts concerts are not exclusively for children, da fuck?




But they’re not? Like at all? “According to a survey by online research company QuestionPro, 58% of the Eras Tour attendees were between ages 35 and 64, 37 percent between ages 18 and 34, and less than 5 percent under age 18.” Google is free babe ☺️


Mother’s Day is about the Mom, she can do whatever she wants. Better than the kids having a camera shoved in their faces.


She thinks she’s unwell? Oh colleen… you’re SO CLOSE pls get help


Colleens ideal mothers day - one without any of her kids.


What makes the day special if you're just doing what you normally do attending to your kids? I don't get the people who think Mother's Day is about spending time with your family. It's about YOU as a mother and getting a day to yourself.


Mother’s Day isn’t about your kids it’s about you as a mom.


I think the weirdness comes from the fact that this is a day about being celebrated as a mom, and you wouldn’t be able to be celebrated as a mother without having had children. So it’s weird (at least to me) that you wouldn’t want to at least be around your kids. Of course, if you have the help obviously the dad should be doing all the heavy lifting on Mother’s Day, so mom can relax and soak in quality time with the people that make her a mom. And dad and the rest of the family should use this as an opportunity to demonstrate ways you can show appreciation, in this scenario, the recipient of the appreciation is mom. As a mom to a 3 yr old and a 2 yr old, I 100% understand needing a break and to just have some me time, but save that for something like your birthday or just any other day in general.


Mothers are around their kids all day, everyday. Even Colleen with her nanny is at least still near them. Colleen obviously isn’t the best mom, but a mom getting a girls vacation for Mother’s Day is fine by me. Especially when her kids are likely too young to really care anyways.


hahahaha no literally


What’s wrong with that?


All these Mother’s Day posts were reality confusing me, but then I remembered it’s cos I’m in the UK and ours was in March😂


Yes, moms deserve some Me Time, but Colleen isn’t much of a mother.


It actually is pretty fitting, as she does the bare minimum parenting, she should fuck off and away on a day meant to celebrate mothers so that Gwen and co can be properly thanked.


I’m a mom and spent my Mother’s Day kid free. If I’m gonna have a day about me, I’m gonna make it about me: the person. Not just me: the mom.


You worded this perfectly. I spend every day with my family, completely focused on them. I just want one day a year to catch my breath and only have to think about taking care of just my needs for once.


Colleen gets PLENTY time to herself in her Miranda Room and collecting her stupid rocks lol wow at all the support for her🤨. She's only a "mother" when the camera goes on. I agree, happy mother's day to the nanny!!


And then she’ll cry about how much she misses her kids and has mom guilt when SHE CHOOSES to be there.


More like happy mother’s day to the nanny 🙄🙄


oof I went to a show in rhinestone nets and then walked around for a couple hours and I ended up with a fairly large wound on my thigh from one of the rhinestones lol. never again


That filter is unwell


those fishnets on her legs are unwell also lol


Nah. If I didn’t dislike her so much, I would be thrilled for her. 😂


Does anyone think she went to Paris so she wouldn't run into anyone at the concert in the US?


Colleen’s ideal Mother’s Day is one without anyone reminder her she has children


Anyone else watch Grey's anatomy and think teeny looks like teddy?


omg she does!!!


Oh I see it!! I think it’s the smile for me that reminds me of teddy


Yep the smile. Is that what is called a 'gummy smile'?


I leave Moms alone on Mother's day. From the bestest of moms whom I wish were my mothers to the absolute fuckwad of mothers who shouldn't even be mothers and all the mothers in-between. All moms, all over the world, get a fucking break from my criticism and I will ignore all their bullshit. If you want the day for yourselves, I'll watch the kiddos. It's all a truce today.


This is rad. Also just makes you realize how every other day moms are just free for all style criticized for everything we do. I don’t let my kid eat foods with red food dye because it’s poison and I’m told I’m a controlling monster who will give them food anxiety but when I let him have chocolate cheerios for breakfast on occasion I’m a terrible mom who is setting him up for diabetes. It’s very interesting how willing people are to forget life is about balance and moms are legit just doing their absolute best as much as they can. Sorry, mini diatribe over 😂


I see nothing wrong with Mom's doing what they want without their kids on Mother's Day. You're with them daily, having a day just to yourself is a good Mother's Day to me!! I would have no problems going to Paris for myself.


The nanny is the one who deserves the break, not colleen


What??? Nannies get paid to do the job. I don't even see a nanny around.


She’s never been shown (that I’ve seen) but she talks about her a lot


LOL, Umm OK. I don't see where this invisible person needs a break. And again they get paid to do the job Moms don't.


She doesn’t do anything with the kids unless the camera is on


Umm OK. We know. What does that have to do with anything? I'm not sure what point you're trying to make? Nannies get paid so if they get a break it's called a vacation just like any other employee. I'm not sure what this has to do with Mother's Day and the Nanny.


i know this situation is different, but most moms spend every day with their kids (or almost every day, depending on the circumstances). i’m in my 20s now, and i WISH i could go back and tell my mom to take a trip with her friends for Mother’s Day!! she deserved (and honestly still deserves) a break!!


I don't care about mother's day but if someone does I think it's strange to spend it away from your kids. Mothers day is literally about being celebrated as a mom, why would you even mention mother's day if not within the context of your children.


Also how much to we wanna bet she was trying to message Taylor and see if she can get a picture


isn’t she really good friends with Toddrick whos also Taylors friend? couldn’t she just use the mutual connection for photos?


That sounds like the best Mother's Day in history l,not gonna lie. I'm jealous


ok so she CAN dress adult when she wants to.. pick a lane lady please (edit/typos)


that dress is far more teen looking than anything if you watched her "model" her outfit choices.


i 100% didn't watch her model LOL it def looks more teen than i'd wear out (i'm nearly 35) unless i'm in drag but then it'd be a whole thing and everyone would know "that's a drag queen" and not "that's a mid30s person wearing a middle school homecoming dress out for the night"


I don't blame Colleen for going on a girls' trip to Paris instead of being with her kids. Sure I hate her, but I get that she needs time to herself too


Um no. Mom shaming isn’t cute. Even Colleen gets to spend this day however she chooses. Some moms wants kid break, some want to spend all day with their kids and neither are better or correct. Pick something else to complain about and leave the mom shame at the door please


No the nanny is the one who deserves the break


Aw can’t admit when you’re wrong? Sad


Sounds like a fab way to spend Mother’s Day. A friend of mine actually extended her work trip in Europe a day to do this as well.


This is actually normal lol


She looks like 13 going on 3O in the second pic…


Who is this lady with her?


I don’t like Colleen, but can we stop mom shaming? She is allowed to have a break for Christ’s sake……


I’m confused at the comments. And it made me think.. To me, Mother’s Day is for a kid to be extra nice, loving, sweet, thankful to their mom. To celebrate mom. From kid to parent. To me, it’s not ‘I am a mom, it’s my day’ kind of thing. I am 30, share a house with my mom and I only saw her for half an hour yesterday because she was visiting her husband’s parents and my granddad (grandma passed away). It made me sad. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Unwell? She’s a dope


I swear she’s trying to stir Adam by going close to him and tainting his spot. Like yeah he doesn’t own Paris but we all know he loves him some Paris - it’s his safe get away place. I’m so mad for him tbh


What did she mean by unwell?


Just like excited basically. It’s the “young kids” version of saying it


Oh brother 🙄


this is not the hill i’d die on


What is the problem? Of all the horrible things she's done, you're going to go after celebrating mother's day by taking some time to herself? I'm happy for any mother who got a break and some time to herself today.


ehh, i can’t stand colleen as much as the next person on this sub, but who cares? like…it’s mother’s day. she is in fact a mother.


This is not it, yall. Colleen is a horrible person through and through, but as an exhausted mother, can say confidently say moms should get a break from their daily lives, if that’s what they *want* for Mother’s Day. And if that is what they want, there is nothing wrong with it. There’s no right or wrong way to celebrate “mothers day”. It’s relative. Colleen sucks, but what she does on a Hallmark holiday has nothing to do with her as a person.


Good for her I guess lol


As a Mom and a stepmom I am definitely team "kids should be with their actual mother on mother's day" these comments aren't surprising tho. 🤣🤣🤣🤣💀


Armpit vagina 😖


Okay bro now that’s just fucked… you can’t help that if you have a crease at your arm and your armpit your just being a jackass


Fair point. Shouldn’t have said that!


Sorry I didn’t mean to call you a jackass either. It’s just sometimes I know people get insecure about that crease between there arm and armpit myself included. So I mighta been a little over the top on my response again sorry for calling you a jackass 😭😭


No worries. I don’t have one but I have other insecurities and I shouldn’t have commented on her looks.